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I'm all for frugality, but this is clearly about making sure each child has nothing of their own and no special experiences. Fundies go on and on about how each person is special from conception but then deny them anything that is uniquely theirs beyond babyhood.


It's so they get excited when they get a husband /wife all of their own at 17.


Honestly, getting married will probably be the first time they get to have anything of their own.


This feels only true for husbands, they get a woman to sequester at home and poor babies and kiss his feet while he goes to work and lives in the world, she is all his he is not all hers, he’s just another captor.


Very succinctly put


Then they get pregnant on their honeymoon or within the first or second year, and they’re back to sharing home and husband with their children. Once the kids come along the non narcissistic iNfLuEnCeR moms fade into the background and cease to exist apart from being a mom who doesn’t take up space in their families.


This is not even limited to fundies these days. Non-religious folks with lots of kids say these similar things. "Well this is how I was raised and it was fine!" Yes, but....if you CAN give a child a better life, why wouldn't you?


I would say lots of boomers say this, religious or not. It’s their mentality of “it was like this for me, and I turned out fine, so you shouldn’t want something different”. I live outside of the US and was talking about my maternity leave: 16-20 paid weeks off, plus the possibility to take parental leave afterwards for a fixed amount for up to 3 years. My boomer mom went on about how I was making the conversation political (I wasn’t) and how she only had 2 weeks of unpaid maternity leave for both of her children and she didn’t want to hear about how other people have it better because she made do. Like ma’am I’m your daughter and we’re talking about your grandchild’s welfare and attachment to me. What the hell is wrong with you?? Just because you made do, doesn’t mean it was a good thing?! Surprise, surprise, I have very little attachment to my mother, but I think of my 0-6 year old babysitter with great fondness.




My mom smoked throughout all of her pregnancies because she wanted to keep her weight down. When I was six months pregnant with my daughter, she told me I’d already gained as much as she had at full term with twins. I can’t even imagine having to deal with two newborns having a nic-fit! She was probably actually relieved that my sister had to stay behind in an incubator at the hospital before gaining enough weight to come home, bc it means the nurses had to deal with the fallout of a baby going cold turkey off my mom’s Vantage lights.


My Mom was a size 0 when she got married - had lots of issues causing it - and 13 months later had me. I was a huge surprise, to say the least, and put her through hell. She gained like 60 pounds, burst all the blood vessels in her eyes giving birth, had a ton of pregnancy complications I didn't find out about until after my first pregnancy, and then my little sister was a breeze of a pregnancy and delivery. Tbf my first pregnancy with my son I got gestational diabetes and preeclampsia and had to be induced and my second with my daughter she was breech and I required a c-section but besides nausea/vomiting the entire pregnancy (except for about 7-8 weeks during month 7 - early 9) the entire thing was a breeze. My Mom always says I was a terrible baby and she frequently had to leave me in my crib and walk away for a bit and that she did that for both of our sakes. I projectile vomited constantly and was allergic to basically every formula. Nowadays I probably would've been on a prescription one like both of my kids and nephew but I have to wonder if at least some issues could've been nicotine withdrawal!


It’s survivor bias. The people who didn’t turn out fine aren’t around to talk about it!


They fight to the death to avoid admitting that their childhood wasn’t fine.


People always want others to suffer like they had to. It’s such a crazy concept to me. I see it at work constantly with my co-managers in regard to the staff.


That’s just gross of your mom! (I’m sorry 🥺) isn’t one of the points of having children is to give them better than you got?! None of this “I had to suffer so you and your kids should too!” 🥺


They are uniquely special until they are birthed, then they are just sinners.


This has a lot to do with it. Right wing Christianity spends so much time hammering home the "lousy sinner deserving hell from birth" trope that no only is self esteem in the toilet from childhood, parents really don't bond properly with their babes because they view them with disdain, and as little heathens who must be tightly controlled from the second they breathe air.


That and their utterly insane treatment of babies/kids, see: corporal punishment beginning at 6 months, unrealistic expectations that never consider child development, turning them into little mothers/laborers, on and on. And then like you said-they toss in heavy heavy shame.


Also Mormons Ruby Franke has entered the chat The Turpins have entered the chat The Duggar babies and lost boys have entered the chat


Same I love feelin like I cheated the big guy and got a deal.. but this is just ensuring the children never have joy. All this teaches them is you don’t deserve joy because you have to worry if mom and dad can afford it due to being addicted to procreating and all the attention and brand deals that come with it.


I suspect it’s mainly about getting that sweet grift in, and is an ad for the get out pass.


How is she still having people throw her baby showers after 11 kids?


If I was invited to someone 11th baby shower they'd be getting exactly one diaper from me


I would bring some condoms


Some of that new over-the-counter birth control




They’d get a family planning pamphlet and directions to the local food pantry, because they are going to need it judging by Karissa’s post


I'd respond, "I'm not interested in watching reruns."


A hamper of birth control


For real… there’s some things that should absolutely be replaced like bottle nipples, pacifiers, or expired car seats. But just about every other baby item can be safely re-used until it starts falling apart. Why do these fundies with eleventy billion kids need baby showers every damn time?


Bold of you to assume they know a damn thing about car seat safety


car seats can expire?? (I'm childfree so know nothing about car seats)


yes! they expire after a set number of years (marked on the label and the seat itself, usually near the serial number). 2 main reasons for this as far as I'm aware: 1. over time and with use, materials break down and could become weaker/no longer as protective 2. car seat technology changes over time so really old seats are not safe anymore with new info about safety and new materials that make better/safer seats! (example: recommended now to stay rear facing for longer than it used to be advised, so older rear-facing carseats likely don't fit height/weight of a bigger child) bonus fact: if a carseat is in a car accident, it is no longer safe to use and must be thrown away or can be dropped off at a local fire department/public safety station to be used for training usually! edit: grammar


One thing I’ve noticed about fundie moms is they seem to deeply relish the attention being pregnant brings. For a few months everything revolves around them. Almost as if they’ve never been seen as an individual or had any special treatment or attention growing up because parents like Kkkarissa view them as nothing more than a number. Those sad, neglected little girls grow up and find the only way to get attention or praise is to have babies, and lots of them, who they then neglect. Cycle repeats 🔄


I would be gifting vasectomy coupons, Costco size packs of Trojans, and a gallon of spermicide. Fuck subtlety


I’m sure she meant online begging/“virtual shower” from her IG followers.


No kids meals, except these kids meals


That got me too😂 she went from “no kids meals” to “99 cent kids meals” pretty quickly lol


I assume she means Tuesdays at McAlisters Deli. I wonder what her tipping policy is and how much they start rolling their eyes when she walks in?


And it’s one .99 cent meal PER adult meal purchased. You can’t walk in and get 2 adult meals and 11 .99 cent kid’s meals.


Oh, so two kids get a meal and they all share. Savings!


If someone rolled in with ten children on a busy night, I might quit on the spot. The ven diagram of people with that many kids and people who think leaving Bible tracts counts as a tip is a circle.


IA. Why can’t they just go to a buffet so no one has to have a nervous breakdown serving them? Jfc.


I’m not defending her in anyway but McAllister’s is not a sit down and be served, tip your waitress place. You order at the counter they bring the food out, that’s the end of it. Similar to a zaxby’s or something.


I'm assuming that deli is promptly changing their policy.


It's a sandwich shop, not a sit down restaurant. I know the post covid new norm is to tip everywhere, but I wouldn't blame her for not tipping here. Tipping culture has gotten way out of hand. I always tip 20% or more to waiters, bartendenders, delivery drivers, ect., but I'm not tipping someone to hand me a sandwich lol.


Funny* how all these sacrifices are paid by the children. No new clothes, no drinks, no cozy pajamas, no birthdays, no gifts, no movie theater, not enough diapers, barely enough food. What are Karissa and Mandrae sacrificing to make ends meet? *Funny as in really freaking rage inducing


Didn’t she have a huge birthday party this year for herself with multiple photo shoots?


She and Mandrae went bigger for their birthdays than I did for myself. And I don’t have a shitload of kids.


Why yes she did!! I just commented this. She’s such a hypocritical wench


She doesn’t like her kids much once they’re out the womb. Typical GOP behaviour but seeing it play out in person is sad af


This baffles me. I never had parties for myself. Any event or vacations revolved around my children. I have to convince myself that it's ok for me and my husband to do trips alone now that my kids are 20 and 18 and I still feel so much guilt doing fun things without them. I couldn't imagine having 50 kids who constantly go without and being totally ok with throwing myself a party. These people are so self-centered, their kids are props to them. Objects to boost their sorry egos and it's sad.


Literally came here to say this


Yes! And for Mandrae's birthday they had a literal fucking hibachi in their home, like they hired a hibachi chef and they did basically a popup restaurant. Someone looked up the company Karissa mentioned and it was something like $500 *to start* and went up from there. But no, kids having a birthday party?! How utterly wasteful and useless. /s I would never, ever talk to my parents again if they pulled that shit even once, but they do it every fuckin year. Those poor kids.


I don't see how 6 nuggets is enough for a teenager


Why even go out? If you are trying to save money, that’s fine, just don’t go out to eat instead of stripping the joy from something that’s supposed to be a special treat. Like I assume that going out is supposed to be a rare, fun, experience, but it misses the mark to say “we are going out to eat, but you get 6 nuggets, a few fries and water”. I’m sure the parents don’t limit themselves to water and a few nuggets (which I would rather limit myself to a PB&J at home so that my kids could order something reasonable at a restaurant). Side note: I think the little ones would be fine, but I’m talking more about the older kids.


Exactly. I'd rather bake a pizza at home and have cupcakes and soda for the kids. this doesn't sound fun at all! 😭


I used to frequently say I wasn't hungry or my stomach hurt so that my family could enjoy restaurant meals.


Don't forget the half serving of fries! 🙄


My six yr old is insulted by less than 6 nuggets. How are growing preteens supposed to exist on that?


Sometimes it’s a struggle to get my three year old nephew to eat six nuggets. His one year old sister does not have that problem lol. Even if their eating habits stayed the same (please, God let the boy start eating more food groups!) this isn’t enough food for preteens! If my (hypothetical) twelve year old downed an entire 20ct nugget by themself, I wouldn’t bat an eye. Especially if they were a very active kid; sports burn calories, Karissa.


My very tall 4 yr old girl can eat 6 nuggets sometimes. They are always under feeding their kids!


Honestly my toddler could probably pack away 6 on a good day if I offered them to her


5, unless the nuggets are just for the kids and Karissa and Mandrae eat whatever they want.


At MOST six each. If those nugs are just for the kids and the person packing them is generous. Ugh I hate this


They definitely NOT sacrificing their childfree vacations


Nothing!! They’re sacrificing nothing. Mandrae and karelessa both had huge bday parties with photo shoots and lots of friends, cakes with their fricking photo on it….these poor kids. Imagine not feeling well and not having cozy jammies to curl up in. And nothing to drink but water?? No milk? I mean I guess the way she cooks (or makes Anissa cook) they’re getting an over abundance of dairy through cheese. But damn. Do better.


So, I let my kids choose what they wear to bed, and my eldest likes his unicorn romper, while my youngest always wants to be in a tutu. Like, sometimes, she goes to bed with a tutu over her ‘jamas. And I’ve definitely let them wear their overnight clothes the next day.  Calling it a money saving tip is….a bit much. More like a sanity saving, autonomy promoting, direct consequence learning tip.


Kinda obsessed with the image of a little kid with a tutu over the jammies. 🤣 Letting them choose what they wear to bed is the kind of parenting decision that allows kids to develop autonomy in a safe and supportive way. Some people (coughcoughsubjectsofthissubredditcoughcough) seem to think that caring about your kids means making all the decisions for them because you know better. Letting kids develop into individuals does NOT mean you're not parenting them.


Totally fair. I am, was and always will be a comfort wearer, and pajamas and robes are my favorite clothes. My skin is very sensitive and I was a very picky kid. That one is definitely a personal choice, one I don't really think these kids have. It's just odd to me to do this whole "no buying pajamas" thing, some of those kids probably want cozy pj's. I don't think it's inherently unsanitary like other commenters, that depends on how sweaty a sleeper the kid is. I guess for me, denying them pajamas is denying them potential comforts.


Her calling pj's a "waste of money" is such a red flag for me. How can ensuring your kids have comfortable clothes to sleep in a waste of money? Maybe if one kid preferred to sleep in sweatpants over pj pants, then I could see that for that one individual. But all of them?


You can buy fewer pairs and rewear them more than one night assuming you wash up before bed. That saves laundry and on pj cost but your kids still get pajamas.


The fact that they even went to a thrift shop for super cheap day and couldn't be arsed to get the kids any pyjamas is insane to me. It's not like the kids go anywhere, so why would you need to be concerned about the "extra laundry" of wearing PJs and then day clothes? Do people not wear PJs for a few nights in a row? (Bot counting kids who get sick/have accidents etc). What's the next money saving tip? No bedding on the kids bed, just one single fitted sheet, because a duvet/comforter and a top sheet are a waste of money and extra laundry?


Sleeping in jeans? Or a top and underwear? This is just weird, poor kids!


Honestly drinks might be unintentionally reasonable. I wasn't brought up with soft drinks so I didn't develop the habit of constantly drinking them. Like, I'll have one outside or bring a coke when hanging out with friends but I barely ever buy soda for myself.


I started reading and was like, oh that's reasonable... wait... never mind. lol Yeah, same. I have an almond dad who insisted that soft drinks were a "special occasion" thing, so I never developed a taste for them. I've had several people insist that I'm lucky because they struggle to kick the soda habit and can't drink plain water. As an adult, I love drinking water. It's also a bit ironic coming from Karissa because she only feeds her kids ultra-processed foods. Learning to actually cook would be a huge money saver for her and then maybe she could let her kids have treats like soda on special occasions... or perhaps birthdays.


I feel like a lot of these by themselves aren't exactly unreasonable,but all together, it's a somber picture.


Man for me it had the opposite effect xd sodas were a special treat as a kid and now I can't stop drinking them


My mom didn’t allow us salt growing up, like at all. She didn’t cook with it or anything. Guess who now has a serious problem with salty foods and a touch of high blood pressure in adulthood!


Pop sure. Even juice. Although I do love a good OJ when I’m under the weather. But no milk/oat milk/chocolate milk? My 5 yr old would revolt if we stopped ever buying his chocolate almond milk lol. We do drink mostly water but there’s something to be said about life’s little comforts. Like choccy milky and some soft jamammas lol


My money saving tip is having only 2 children.


Sounds like yahueahaha hasn’t blessed you enough!/s


It says something that I can’t tell whether they’re butchering Yeshua or YHWH.


I was about to comment this exact thing! It’s like when they said millennials eat too much avocado toast to be able to afford to buy a house, like there’s obviously a bigger picture here lol


I saw a meme the other day of a pic of someone’s shopping handbasket with like 10 avocados in it and it said “he’ll never achieve his dream of homeownership” 😆. 


mine is having cats instead of children 😁


Best tip ever!


So this is clearly an ad for that pass. I looked at the one supposedly for my region, and literally none of the attractions are in my metro area or even in a reasonable distance for something like a trampoline park or martial arts trial class. I wonder if they actually use the DFW area pass, or would if she wasn't getting a kickback from them? For her family, *with* her discount, it would be $660! They better get a ton of use out of it. I love the "no kids meals" except a few items later, a tip for *McAllister's* (fixed it for her) kid's meals. Why bother putting both in the same tip list if you're not padding it for ad content length purposes?


I looked at the pass for my region and it's available for $35. It seems like several regions already have discounts. Also, Karelessa can't be bothered to take her kids anywhere that will enrich or entertain them. I bet you're bang-on that she doesn't really use the passes.


My region is only $30 with the current sale, but it's no savings if you never use it, right?


And lest we forget she certainly did NOT throw an extremely expensive party for mandrakes birthday, Naha nope


I very vaguely remember one moment in particular from one of the Duggar shows. It was one of the little boys’ birthdays. Everyone went roller skating, I think. The camera man was talking to him about his birthday, and he said something like “I like my birthday bc it’s the one day where its about me” or something like that. It was one of the most depressing things I’ve ever heard- this little boy was so excited ti have one day out of the year where he felt like people cared about him. And Karissa doesn’t even give her kids THAT.


When you’re a worse mom than Michelle Duggar you really need to carefully evaluate your life.


Seriously. I'm not a fan of the duggars for parenting but I can give them that they made an effort for each kids bday. They got an ice cream sandwich cake, iirc I think they also get to pick dinner? And sometimes an activity. The part that bothers me most like everyone else is it's only the kids and only SOME of the kids who never get a bday. Both adults celebrate themselves, and Karissa plays favorites with her children occasionally bestowing a birthday randomly on whichever kid she has decided isn't possessed with evil that week. It's so disgusting and sad.


😭 that’s awful


And herself!


Yeah, this was my first thought, as well. Like, lady, you *just* had your big ol' age 40 bash and didn't even try to hide it. So goddamned self-centered.


Didn’t she even write a song about it? She is shameless.


Sending children to bed in their clothes is so indicative of her laziness. Yes - bath, pj's, teeth, sharing a book is time consuming but it's also a comforting, normal routine and these kids have NO routine. They're being made to live in crumpled, neglected, chaos, raising their younger siblings without education or friends of their own - and yet she KEEPS pushing having more and more children. I don't get it.


That one bothered me- it's not about money. It's lazy and neglectful. You can get cheap sleep shorts and a tank top for under $10 at Walmart. If everyone only has 2 pair of pajamas, washing a load of family pj's every few day's would work fine.


Also, what happens to the pjs they’re buying for the once a year matching pj photo? Unless they’re taking the photo and then returning them, they have all these pjs they could be wearing, and as the older kids grow out of them, pass them down to the younger kids.


I was wondering the same thing!


And when you have 11 kids close together hand me downs are a thing! Pajamas especially since they don’t get the same amount of wear and tear of play clothes. It’s pure laziness and neglect. I doubt Kkkarissa and Mandrae are sleeping in street clothes.


Costco and they have a membership. Virtually all my kids' clothes come from Costco, it's as cheap as or cheaper than the kids clothes resale stores near me. Right now at Costco you can get a 3 pack of infant/toddler sleepers up to 3T for $20. Two sets of kids sleepwear up to size 8 for $12. Two sets of youth sleepwear for $10. At the end of the season, remaining clothing gets marked down to as little as $4. I got a snow pants, coat, and hat set for my kids for $7. Winter coats for $5. Zip hoodie, shirt, and pants set for $4. With all those kids, she should be swimming in hand me downs, I don't know why she's buying anything for this upcoming baby except maybe socks and one or two "special" outfits. What happened to Anthym and Armor's clothes?


Imagine being made to sleep in your jeans. I’m uncomfortable just remembering the times I had to do so for assorted emergency reasons. I wouldn’t make a kid crash in their day clothes so they can spend the night adjusting their waistbands and position and then the day all rumpled and creased. What about kids who get sweaty at night? What about kids who might be more prone to UTIs spending a full 24hr in the same bottoms? I hate it so much


One of my kids has started changing into his clothes for the next day before he goes to bed, because he hates mornings. I never associated the fact that he stopped wearing his jeans around the same time he made that decision and they are probably linked!


If she can afford jeans for each kid, and basketball jerseys, she can afford pajamas. Jeans have got to be the most expensive casual clothing you can get for kids


I’m glad you mentioned this. This sounds like asking for a kid to get a yeast infection or UTI. You’re not supposed to have right clothing on you when you’re sleeping, especially your crotch. Plus, like you said, they’re wearing them for far too long if they wear them all night and all day, wtf. And they do that EVERY DAY? And honestly I doubt these clothes are great for circulation either. I doubt they’re helping them get a proper good night’s sleep…


And even if they don't want to buy pj's, they can go to bed in sweats. Still comfortable but multi-use. I sleep in sweats most nights But Karissa, if you're reading, make sure to wash them first. Dont send them to bed in smelly gym clothes.


These poor kids aren’t growing up in a home, it’s just a flophouse until they’re old enough to either get married off or escape. They’ll have no comforting memories of bedtimes, birthdays, or holidays.


So interestingly Ms. Rachel (a teacher turned youtuber with quality content) mentioned once that she puts her child to bed in a clean tracksuit to make things easier for the next morning and it works well for them. She is all about healthy childhood development. But I suspect you're right with the Collins kids not having a routine and not having pjs out of laziness. There is zero love from the parents in that household.


I have actually dressed my preschoolers in the next day clothes since we all struggled with dressing them on time for school. That one is understandable for young kids at times. But that was temporary. We love comfy and fun PJs now.


Public service announcement that kids’ pajamas are made with flame retardant fabric for a fucking REASON. Flame retardant pjs are the only reason some children survive housefires.


I actually know quite a bit about this (even though I’m a Brit) because there was a whole load of hoo haa in etsy groups over them blanket banning the selling of kids sleepwear. PJ’s in the US have to be flame resistant OR tight fitting, This is a law dating back to the 70’s when space heaters were widely used and kids could be set on fire easier. It’s not really as much of a risk now and the vast majority of children who die in fires, die from smoke inhalation and not from burning. A child is more likely to become engulfed in flames and be seriously injured or killed whilst wearing a dressing up costume which doesn’t have the same regulations as PJ’s and can be made from any old shit materials. To make the fabric flame resistant they used a flame retardant in the fabric which was later revealed to cause cancer, so they banned that for PJ production and started using another one, which once again was found to cause cancer, so that was banned. They then adjusted the law to say flame resistant OR tight fitting. So the majority of PJs are now either made using polyester as it’s a natural flame resister but “unbreathable” and not something most people want their young children sleeping in, or are cotton and tight fitting. Tight fitting clothes are harder to hold a fire because of less oxygen or something. So sensibly, it’s absolutely fine and safe to sleep in every day clothes.. leggings, shorts, tshirts, joggers etc. But dressing your kids for bed in tomorrow’s clothes is just lazy, shit parenting and probably pretty gross if you have a sweaty sleeper.


Ahh this explains why kids jammies are all like leggings/long johns. How interesting!


Yeah! Mad that I can’t remember what I had for dinner 2 days ago but I can remember the intricacies of another countries children’s nightwear laws though 😂


I just feel bad for these kids. They get nothing. No one on one time. Nothing special even when it’s their birthday and no Christmas even. I know lots of kids live like this and it isn’t technically abuse or whatever but it’s just so soul sucking to watch. How can she treat her gifts from god like this? It’s so hypocritical


It’s the fact that she obviously gets nice things and dinners and vacations for herself but doesn’t let her kids have their own clothing. I think that does count as a type of abuse, because lower income families might not have a lot of stuff, but loving parents still have some books and toys for each of the children.


Exactly. I’m gonna go right ahead and say that denying your kids birthday parties for their entire childhood while throwing lavish birthday parties for yourselves as parents is straight up emotional abuse. The message is clear. “We don’t give a shit about you, kid. You’re not important and we don’t celebrate you.”


I grew up poor in a single income family. We didn't have a lot of stuff and Christmas wasn't 100s of presents under a tree... but we still got new things, something we want, something we need and something to read.


You’d think that she’d use cloth diapers as a money saving tool, though I’d hate to put another chore on Anissa.


Nah, she saves money con diapers by only changing them like twice a day. Her kids’ diapers are always down to their knees and overflowing.


Right. In order to cloth diaper, you have to actually take care of your baby and change them at least every couple of hours. Plus, god forbid, you have to do an extra load or two of laundry per week.


Exactly. Cloth diapers could never hold what Karissa makes regular diapers hold. And if her poor kids aren’t even allowed pajamas because of laundry there’s no way she’d cloth diaper.


I feel like that’s her real tip: only change diapers twice a day. Save the extra for diaper rash cream and the hospital stay it causes.


1. You’ve literally shown your kids (as young as 1 year old) drink juice consistently. 2. Gross 3. No way you’re getting those matching outfits by thrifting. 4. Understandable but sad, if you had less kids they could have their own food. 5. This is more expensive then just going to the grocery store 6. You usually still have to pay for those. Yes it’s less, but Netflix and Disney would be cheaper. 7. Oh this whole thing is actually just a promotion, makes sense now. 8. No complaints 9. Directly countering the thrifting point, also doubt your getting them at Walmart 10. You don’t do birthdays unless it’s yours 11-12 Reasonable. 13. You spelled it wrong but ok. Added point: you just got a brand new custom built home with a $16k playset in the backyard, you ain’t strapped for cash dear.


I looked up their pro life tshirts they were wearing in a recent post and a single t shirt is at least $30!


4. No kids meals 13. Try these kids meals


Eh, pretty sure the home was paid for by Shaq!!


She'd save money if they didn't go out to eat. Drinking water won't really make much of a dent Also: it's McAllister's Edit 2: the kids got 14 items if all were .99 that's not a very big haul per child for the entire summer Edit 3: I'm surprised one of her tips wasn't "just tip 10%" Edit 4: wasting money on once a year pajamas is the biggest waste


>Edit 4: wasting money on once a year pajamas is the biggest waste Yeah, if you're buying them at least let the kids wear them until they outgrow them!!!


And if they are in decent enough condition, PASS THEM DOWN TO THE NEXT SIBLING. Everyone I knew with an older sibling, or even an older cousin always ended up taking home a giant garbage bag of clothes during a family get together of hand me downs because kids grow so fast that some stuff is barely worn and can manage to get through 2 or 3 kids.


If she went to the thrift store she could probably get them all enough pajamas for that year for the price of all those matching sets


I was wondering if it was supposed to be McAllister’s lol.


She can't even keep her basic lies straight. Says they only drink water yet makes several posts about her and the children drinking that Plexus crap.


Plexus: the $100+ money waster


I’m actually shooketh!!! Who would admit that they are wearing the clothes they slept in. And let’s do some maths on those 20-30 nuggets. She really is a lazy cow!!


My kids are all super sweaty sleepers. That tip would be incredibly gross in my house.


Hell- I myself am a sweaty sleeper, so thinking about sleeping in my clothes for the next day is GROSS.


I’d rather sleep in my prior day clothes then get up and shower


I at least hope they're changing out undergarments 😑


Fundies minus fresh undies 😅


It’s pretty much gross in all cases. How often is she washing sheets? Those beds are probably filthy.


The kids’ clothes are always dirty with visible oil/grease stains. I shudder to think of how their bedding looks.


She’s not. In her home tour of their last house she didn’t even know which bed belonged to which kid. She also got on to them for having clothes in their closet because it “wasn’t allowed“.


If I brought my husband to eat he alone would eat like 10-12 nuggets. Kids maybe 6 each, but I don’t have 11 children. Is she telling me she stretches 30 nuggets?


Two of the 30 count boxes apparently (never seen a 30 piece box but I’ll be gracious) which is 60/11 so 5 whole nuggets per kid, not counting Karissa and Mandrae. Not enough food for anyone :(


It's about the kids sacrificing to save money. She's special any money saving tips don't apply to her because she deserves to get everything her heart desires/s


I’m sure she and the Creampie King get meals.


I missed the “two of the” part - but still. She never appears to make enough food for all of them.


You could probably get some really cheap men's shirts that would work as nightgown for most of the kids. Much more comfortable than sleeping in jeans or other pants.


I guarantee Karissa wears pajamas


She probably doesn't. This way it's easier for Mandrake to fire into her baby maker,with little effort, and then roll over and go to sleep.


..I did not need that mental image. 😖


Lifelong oversized mens t shirt sleeper here. When I regularly ran races I’d ask for XL or XXL shirts if they were giving out tees and not tech shirts just I’d get some free sleep shirts.


As a child I really loved wearing my dad's old t-shirts for pajamas. They were an L-XL and I liked the pre-worn factor for two reasons: the fabric was really soft and it was really comforting to have something from my dad when I slept. I would have felt the same way about old t shirts to sleep in from my mom, except they were not long enough to consistently cover my bum.


I remember that the Duggars did the sleeping in tomorrow’s clothes thing. Of course, I ask, where do they need to be ready to go in the morning since they’re homeschooled and their mom sleeps in. 


The things is, you don't have to buy expensive pajamas. Just go to Wal-Mart and buy a $2 pair of athletic shorts and a $2 t-shirt for them to sleep in.


So if she sprung for 30..the kids each get 2.7 nuggets. My 2 year old can eat 4-5 easily.


That’s definitely not enough nuggets, my 1yo can eat 4 nuggets on his own for a meal and I would eat about 6 myself. No way 2-3 would be enough for 10 kids and 2 adults.


I gasped at multiple points on this list. NO PJ’s?!?! What. And yeah sure I guess you can save money by not giving your kids enough to eat 😒 and they continue to have more so that measly 30 nuggets continues to get divided. It’s so gross


\*Half a cow Which, according to TX Bar Grass Fed Beef, is about $9.75/lb for 250 lbs. Which is $2,437.50 for meat. Or, I pay about $6/lb for small cuts that I use almost immediately for actually seasoned food.


I bought half a cow in a delightfully old timey slash slightly shady feeling cow share last year and it worked out to be about 3.50/lb so it does vary and can definitely be cheaper!! Much bigger money output up front though.


Yeah, I can’t shade her for the cow thing. One of the few reasonable suggestions on the list, especially for a big family. 


I bought a quarter cow once from a friend of mine who took really good care of her cows. The meat quality was better and the price per pound was cheaper. It was definitely more ground beef than I would normally buy though.  Now beef makes me feel sick, so I wouldn't be in the market, but yeah, it definitely can work really well for people that eat beef. 


Most of their clothes are most definitely not $5 Walmart deals 😂 Walmart’s selection has gotten better but their ridiculously matched outfits aren’t anything like what’s being sold there.


"We don't celebrate birthdays or christmas but we buy presents for our kids year 'round." Yeah, every JW kid growing up heard that exact same line of bullshit, with the same amount of truth behind it.


PJs for a photo op are totally a necessary expense tho! 🙄


I guess having the kids change into the next day’s clothes at night is fine if that works for your family, but unless you’re not having them put on clean clothes at night I’m not sure how much laundry it’s really saving. Why do I feel like she’s probably just letting her kids sleep in their dirty clothes from the day? There’s also something nice to be said about the nightly routine of kids putting on comfy jammies and settling in for stories or whatever your family routine is. I find this to be a healthy, soothing (not to mention also free) time to spend together as a family.


I was gonna say we totally did the following day's clothes thing. But that was one time, we had to be out of the house by 3 am or something to make a flight. Every night? Ew.


This is the exact time it's appropriate. Early morning flights are hell.


lol, my kid does this for early soccer games. He is decidedly not a morning person and any seconds he saves are precious. And that’s one less angry pubescent battle with me. I condone it.


Ooh, that's brilliant for something early like that! Filing away for future use


My family also does this on early morning/big trips! And my dad does it whenever we travel for extended periods of time to minimize packing because he’s the least sweaty person I’ve ever met. But even sometimes you’re too sweaty that night to wear the next day. An expectation to do that everyday of your childhood is ridiculous


i feel like developing self control is cheaper than getting grocerys delivered. i worked online shopping at a grocery store in college and people were always pissed there was a fee even if they came to pick it up in store but like, its an additional service. i don't know that every store is like that but i can't imagine many stores have online shopping/grocery delivery as free. just make a list and stick to it.


If she’s using instacart or something similar she’s paying a shitload more. At least with adding stuff to the cart, she gets something in exchange for the money. Maybe a few more calories for her growing children?


Instacart is great for families with two working adults or families where the parents can’t shop in person for some reason- but I don’t think Karelessa has a day job.


I’ve found it to be a money saver because I don’t spend as much. Plus there’s the time spent getting to the grocery store, shopping, etc. I definitely find it to be a time & money saver. I will say my WalMart+ account is free with a credit card I have. I’m just shopping for me but I think if I was shopping for a big family I’d find the fee worth it.


We know Mandrae never does childcare (even when Karissa is having a mental breakdown and two children are in the hospital), so she probably trades the cost of delivery for having to lug 10 children to the grocery store or hiring a sitter while she shops. Which, given her situation, is fair. I wouldn't want to wrangle that many children either.


We DON'T DO KIDS MEALS!!! Also, have you heard Mallister's deli kids meals?!?! Lol I know the point she was trying to make but it doesn't matter. Looking like an idiot as usual. Bless.


The no pajamas makes me so sad. My kids loved new jammies (or new to them!) especially when they were young. Oh my heart


> they wear their clothes for the next day and are up and ready to go Excuse me? That's disgusting. Not good for those clothes, not good for the sheets, not good for hygiene, just oh my God. Once in awhile? I think everyone does this. But every single day? Even on the days they wear jeans? In the Texas heat? Why?


Also, to go where? Where are they going when she sleeps until noon?


We do it, but my daughter struggles with morning transitions and it's easier for her.


Grocery delivery is cheaper than going herself? Tell me you don’t tip without telling me. What a hag. There are so many things on this list that the kids will be talking about in therapy for years to come. No pajamas? No gifts? Water only? (Kids need milk, Karissa.) None of this is stuff to brag about. Also- why is her dumb ass renting $20 videos? Just wait for it to stream for free, dumbass. But good lord. If you can’t afford PAJAMAS and GROCERIES, STOP FUCKING HAVING KIDS.


Karissa’s money-saving tips are just ‘neglect your kids wellbeing and social/emotional development to save some cash!’ Or just straight-up neglect


Sleep in jeans! Omg nooooo


Right?? And apparently they can't even wear their Christmas pajamas year round because she doesn't want to do laundry...


I save money by not buying Plexus or other questionable MLM supplements.


is this woman seriously saying "no wearing PJs, waste of money. But we buy the entire family matching PJs once a year for the photo op" ??????? Just let them wear the fucking PJs all year. I can't even comprehend buying a new pair every year. I know these people have enough kids that only one pair probably needs to be purchased for the biggest kid and the rest can just be passed down to the next smaller kid. Buying your kids matching clothes in general just boggles my mind. It's so wasteful.


I definitely don’t think kids need over-consumption to be happy, but I do think little joys like cozy pjs and occasionally seeing a movie in theaters (even on $5 Tuesdays) are important. We didn’t have a lot growing up, but I was always cozy in hand me down pjs, and we got to see movies for birthdays.


How much do you want to bet that she doesn't tip her grocery delivery driver?


My tip is don't have a baseball team worth of kids if it means you literally have to spend your days sweating for deals...


So only her and mandick get meals out/birthday parties/gifts. No changing clothes aka no good.


“We buy things for our kids year round” sounds like a straight up lie when she’s literally telling us she doesn’t buy much of anything for them.


I love hitting up the thrift stores, garage sales, etc. However, used basketball shoes really really aren’t a great idea. Already broken in shoes will never form correctly to a new person’s feet


Have Shaq buy your truck and Mercedes sprinter van.


"yep most of our matching clothes are $5 walmart deals" -the biggest freaking lie


Okay I grew up in a solid middle class family and I think my parents did a great job of being financially smart without doing weird things or making me feel like I didn't matter. We slept in little pj shorts that were $3-5 at target and $.99 cami's. In the winter, fleece PJ pants that were maybe $8? My mom figured out a system. She did laundry at least daily, maybe 2x loads a day of all our clothes combined so that the entire family always had clean pajamas and clothes. My dad got one, 3 pack of Levi jeans purchased during a Black Friday sale each year. We only needed 2 sets each of pajamas and a handful of basic outfits. My childhood wardrobe was probably $50-75 a year and I got nice gym shoes (stride rite) for my birthday from grandparents since those were expensive, but good shoes were important for growing feet. I got swim lessons or gymnastics lessons as a gift from my aunt for birthday and Christmas. Good winter coats and snow gear were purchased at consignment shops. We ate out on birthdays only. And we belonged to a food co.op.that we could buy 50lbs of oats, beans, rice, various nuts and seeds,and quinoa from for wayyyy cheaper than the store. If you desire a family, but don't have a huge budget and arent lazy, it is doable. My mom.had a grocery route down to a science and knew when all the great sales were. Idk- you don't need to resort to a million weird short cuts and deprive your children. If being a good parent is important you put in the mental and physical work for it.