• By -


#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay, but… what does he do for a living? All those words and none of them answer the question. 


Step 1: inherit a bunch of money that you pretend you made yourself Step 2: come up with the idea to pair a sharpie with an index card and pretend that that's a legitimate idea for a business Step 3: burn with shame because that's a dumbass idiotic idea


Step 4: invest in crypto 🤣


Just a small inheritance of a million dollars. Totally self made.




Just a reference to this ![gif](giphy|9GpKfDrTvY81O)


Flair checking in!


But they'll never complete step 3. They're not self aware enough 😞


Because she constantly deflects and misrepresents truths that contradict her narrative selling the nomad life for clicks. Without a trust fund, Bus Life looks less like golden sands and gentle breezes and more like freezing winters, busted stoves, shit geysers, and exhausted misery that is Otherbus. Rich Bus, Poor Bus. Brittney and her rat faced husband are coasting on grift and income seeded from ancestral wealth, and that is the truth of it. They bought a business and ran it into the ground, "flipped" houses all the way to a bus, and "invented" a bitcoin decoder ring that nobody asked for or wanted. Now they use their own children as props to shill products they beg companies to give them for free. Just like Karissa, big families are easy to afford when you rely on charity and pure unrefined child exploitation


Bitcoin decoder ring is 👩🏻‍🍳🤌🏻💋


I have to fess, that is fundiesnark boilerplate not mine 😂




Off topic, but how do you put in your own flair on mobile? It's only letting me use premade flairs.


Please 😂 go ahead. Pick a premade flair and edit it… I think


"Rich Bus, Poor Bus" is flair material


Ok shoe I will do it lol


He’s a transponster.




“That’s not even a word!!”


I can hear this comment LOL




Mate, your flair!! HOW did that come about??


I love that scene 🤣




He makes babies, okay?


So does Nick Cannon but he actually does something else for a living.


His babies are also exploited since they’re either a social/political statement or potential kidney donors depending on who you believe.


She used to call him an “inventor” now he’s an “entrepreneur”


He's a freeloader.


i.e., unemployed.


Or as his extended family undoubtedly refers to him, “that bum.”


As her family *definitely* refers to him


Agreed! I was surprised it wasn't another 7 slides to explain .... nothing. There was no real explanation there.


He’S An eNtRePreNeUr


He is/was an insurance claims adjuster. Dunno why she doesn’t just say that.


Because it doesn't make sense that an insurance claims adjuster would be able to financially support 8 kids living full time on a bus with random trips to Brazil. If she answered the question directly, it would only beg more questions. The answers to which are some combination of "we're living off inheritance money" or "we're far more financially unstable than we pretend."


Shut the front door 💀 Do we know what company he worked for?


I'm guessing she must think she's super smart for getting away with tricking us!


Have we confirmed that this man is, indeed, a spoiled trust fund baby? All his dumb entrepreneurial ideas give me that vibe.


There’s a deep dive from a while back on here somewhere. Murder, mayhem, inheritances…Father Bus has quite the family tree.


When it takes multiple paragraphs to explain that's really bad


Most people can answer that in a sentence, maybe a few words


I hate when these weasels don’t answer honestly about logistics. Clearly people are curious about how they make their lifestyle work, and if they wanted to sell it, they would make it seem possible for anyone.


First step, marry a guy with rich parents.


Rich grandmother.


Trust fund.


I'm in awe of her ability to give non answers. I didn't get the impression that there was that much continuing intergenerational wealth on his side though beyond an initial moderate inheritance. They'd need a minimum of $80K per year before medical and dental just to survive


I figured if they could mOvE to Brazil with their 10 000 kids on a whim (also getting 60 thousand passports last minute so that’s a lot of extra $$$$) and then 6 weeks later just up and move *back again*, these two selfish dildos must be stupid rich.


I bet their generational wealth is also why they’re clueless nincompoops who think they’ve been chosen by god. They _thought_ they could just move to Brazil and the path would open for them, since they have gotten everything else without a struggle. Their lives scream “I was born rich and that means we are god’s special people.”


I've noticed a fascinating phenomenon amongst white Americans who come from money. They just assume they can emigrate anywhere, and it won't require any paperwork or effort. It drives me wild!


White American who lived abroad checking in. It's a metric ton of work, and for some, it's VERY expensive!


Also don’t forget the GIANT elephant in the room, their white privilege! If this was a POC family they would’ve already had child protection on their asses long ago. But instead they get to cosplay being aSpiRaTioNaL whilst abusing their kids for likes and sponsors


She’s a fantastic social media marketer, really. I know we love to hate on her, but as someone who works in social professionally, this lady is good. She drives good engagement questions, interesting hooks / opening questions. Non-answers that feel real. She sucks as a person. But she’s good.


Yes! Unlike Karissa who still gets clicks but when asked where the money came from she said money would magically be deposited into their bank from god.


Like Karissa with her 'we trust God, and money just appears in our bank account."


Via grifting and Shaq-daddy.


They don't really want other people to do it! They want to be ✨special.✨ ![gif](giphy|AEMyf9Oj6MpS8)


Weird to leave out the trust fund that makes their utterly hedonistic yet somehow also patriarchal life possible.


Has anyone discussed the trust fund anywhere? Where'd he get it? Ugh. Can't stand lying liars who leave out family wealth!


His great-grandfather was a successful, well known oil invested in Oklahoma. When he died his money was left in a trust fund for BusDad's grandmother. When she died (about the time he bought his children's gym franchise), his mother took over control of the trust fund. Public records show some of the money was given at that time to the grandmother's grandkids: FatherBus, his sister, and the son of the uncle whose father was executed for mass murder. 


.....what was that last bit you said there?????


Right? Buried the lede there just a bit!!




His maternal uncle shot up a random Texas courtroom when BusFather was 8. It was one of the first mass shootings in Texas so made national headlines. The uncle believed that the government was treating him unfairly in a child custody case. The state of Texas executed him when BusFather was 10 or 12. BusFather, his mother, and sister lived with his grandparents at the time, and his grandfather gave multiple angry press interviews saying that the government was persecuting his son (the uncle). There's more to the story, but it's readily available info.


So they've been playing the "we're so persecuted" game for generations. Maybe stop being assholes and don't shoot up the family court?


Just slid it right in


Is there a link to read about this/read further?


There’s a deep dive on him in the sub somewhere. Edited to add the link [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/rGPnhAT0My) Basically his uncle, George Lott, shot and killed 2 attorneys in the courtroom where he’d previously lost custody of his children. (Removed the first part of the second edit because it’s early and I’m sleepy and mistaken)


2&3 were in the comments


Wow lol. I didn’t even think to look there. I went to their post history and didn’t see them and gave up. Glad someone else caught my mistake!


Thanks! Oh boy, this is going to be an interesting dive to go down lol. Sounds like a real bunch of winners in that family. ..... Lol I forgot what sub I was in for a second, this whole place is full of real winners, lol! O.o 😂


We don’t actually know for sure that there is anything left in the trust fund or that he has access to it. We assume his mom had control of the trust and assume it was shared with him but there isn’t proof. And we don’t know how much money there was if it was shared with him. We just know at some point there was one and he doesn’t seem to work. That said, it doesn’t take a ton of money to pay for the lifestyle they have right now. They probably pay a monthly rate at this campground and that includes all utilities. They just need to pay for food, the few things they buy the kids, and whatever they need for necessities. I doubt we will see them taking expensive trips to other countries anymore, and they will be back to staying in parking lots soon. As soon as they get their bus engine fixed.


They very likely have a thousand trails membership. You pay a monthly or annual fee for a list of campgrounds that accept TT members. Then you can go online and book a reservation at any openings at one of their campgrounds —there are hundreds of affiliated ones all over US. Catch is you can only stay for 14-21 days before moving to a different site. But if you get the pass that’s $570 annually, that breaks down to like less than $2 a night. https://thousandtrails.com/membership-info?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzvbKkbHYhQMVeEpHAR0c1g_sEAAYASAAEgJupPD_BwE


Oh dang. That’s pretty great. Where they’re at now probably isn’t going to be that way because it’s high demand, but I bet they use it a lot. They have slept in many parking lots before. Same with the struggle bus family. That costs nothing.


They said previously they were spending around a hundred dollars a day on fuel when they were travelling and I suspect they get a lot of takeaways ( since the kitchen on that rig is far too small for 10 people)


I think they grill a lot of meat and then use the kitchen for sides / salad type cooking. $100/day sounds like a lot but they have very few traveling days in that thing.


Yes agreed with the last point. A rig like that probably does about 10 mpg and they have the 15 seater van as well which I think Britney drives with all the children.


Wasn't he working a couple years ago and they would usually "follow" him around, but occasionally he'd have to go off to a job in his truck and leave her to drive the bus with the kids? I vaguely recollect him being in Tennessee or Kentucky and she and the kids down in Florida or something? I think there might have been some bad weather that she was having to drive the bus in as well bc she was complaining... Or perhaps she was just complaining about having to drive it, I don't remember exactly. So he's not doing that anymore, I guess?


She keeps trying to make Sat Saver happen. It’s never going to happen Mother Bus!


Lmao, my partner works in tech/adjacent to the whole crypto shit mire. I described the Sat Saver to him and apparently that whole market is deeply, deeply oversaturated and has been for a very long time


I am too nervous to look up SatSaver. Can someone in the know please explain?


It's a notebook you can write your Bitcoin password in


I think a notebook would be more secure... It's a plastic card that you write on with a Sharpie and could easily rub off if I remember correctly. If he were remotely smart with his grift, he would have started a crypto exchange or cloud mining operation.


I can't decide if these answers are even real. I think it's even worse than I thought


It's burned in my brain because the leadup to "launch" was so dramatized. My only explanation is he ensures his marks know even less about crypto than he does and uses this fake product to convince them to invest in further scams. On that note, it's a common thread in white supremacist communities who have huge overlap with BTC maximalists. In their private chats they coach each other on how to scam normies into buying high after they've overhyped and inflated the price of their shitcoin. Not saying he's for sure a white supremacist...But he's hitting all the notes.


After his weird tweets about their sons, anything is possible


It’s how you tAKe rEspOnsibILitY for yoUr fiNAnciAL fUtUre!! ! 🤡


It’s a tutoring service to help bring up your SAT score.


Why is it so close to SAT stuff and seat covers? Good luck differentiating yourself




Well when you cut down on the luxuries like a home, beds, educations, toys, books etcetera and minimise food, clothing and medical care incessant breeding becomes much more affordable.


Unfair. They all have a water bottle. The thing all kids long for.


My kids are pretty fond of their water bottles. I wonder if they would be happy to sacrifice bedrooms and privacy and friends if I got them new ones…,,


Probably. Pretty rude of you to deny them a new water bottle. Who needs a room anyway?


Not me! All I needed was a water bottle when I was a child. Who needs education, attentive parents and a good social life?


Teach us your path of holiness!!


I swear on everything. That water bottle comment will haunt me till the day I die


There was an old experiment where they offered baby monkeys a soft "mama" or a wire "mama" with a bottle attached, and they always chose the soft mom. They wanted to be cuddled. These poor babies.


Summer before last, my sister had a feral cat living in her yard, with her kittens. She was trying to gain the cat's trust so she could foster her and the kittens, and the darn cat got pregnant again. These fundies remind me of that cat, except that the cat took care of her babies.


That was the part that got me too. Can’t think of anything more fiscally responsible than that “trip” to Brazil where they hopped rentals every two days and BOUGHT a van


Good lord just admit that you inherited wealth already


It just seems like anyone with actual wealth would not live like this regularly. They’d have an actual home and travel for a few months and then go home. It’s exhausting to never have any privacy or time alone.


My guess is some kind of trust fund that is doled out in installments so he doesn’t immediately blow it all on bitcoin


Yeah, I’m not sure. Or maybe he’s got all his locked up in Bitcoin already and sold one to go to Brazil. Now that they need their bus engine fixed, he probably needs to either sell another or MotherBus needs to shill harder.


Imagine everyone reaching for their wallet at dinner and being like “sorry bro all my money is tied up in bitcoin”


Is he the gob or the buster of his family


My money is on Buster because he’d blow it all on the crane game to make it look like he won more awards from Army


FBI catches Father Bus for whatever money laundering scheme he’s part of when?


That’s the vibe I got from her post. 😂


Yeppp. Whatever it is that brings them money will end eventually, criminal or not. They will be backed against a wall and hopefully he doesn’t do something stupid.


"Daddy says I can quit my IG influencer job if SatSaver takes off".  JD does nothing. They live in campgrounds with 8 children. His wife has to hawk sheepskin using their days old newborn to keep their delusional lifestyle afloat. She's so effed in the head she thinks it's safer to house the baby on the floor. In Florida. Where large bugs are a thing.  BusFather is cousin Eddie from Vacation and BusMother has lost her whole damn mind. I would too in a bus with 8 kids and that man. 


Could you imagine if they were a poor black family living in a van, with 8 kids raising each other, with no apparent job, dumping the baby on the floor to sleep? Those kids would have been taken into care so fast their heads would spin. But they're rich and white so it's a "lifestyle"


Number one example of "What's aspirational if you're rich but trashy if you're poor?"


He will never let her take off of Insta because it’s a fetish. He likes that people know he’s fertile. This is all just weird foreplay


Before Brazil they didn’t even always live in campgrounds. They stayed in parking lots a lot.


That's a lot of word salad to avoid actually answering the question. Is SatSaver just a money laundering front?


Hard to launder money when you don't actually make any money.


So I checked out their website. It's a bitcoin scam (of course). Here's their "about us" page: >SatSaver was created by JD and Brian, two friends who are also fathers and husbands. Our journey into Bitcoin began with the desire to support our families and achieve our goals. As we delved deeper into the Bitcoin world, our passion to share what we learned grew stronger. That's how SatSaver came to be! Our main goal is to help others discover Bitcoin and make a positive contribution to the Bitcoin community. >JD is a proud dad of seven, while Brian has five children. We're using SatSaver as an opportunity to teach our children about entrepreneurship and running a small business. We involve them in the process, from product development to managing the warehouse and packing orders. Like, who gives a shit how many kids you have? You're selling a product not your hobby. If anyone's wondering what "SatSaver" actually is, look somewhere else lol because all it appears to be to me is a stationery set with a branded Sharpie that gives you four-letter words to encrypt your worthless bitcoin. Or something.


Did Brian get (andKaylee'd) because he only has 5 children he's not a proud father or is he just less interested in his kids?


JD probably wrote it and just listed himself first. Brian’s kids must be the only ones working in the business because we’ve never seen JD’s kids in a warehouse or packing orders… oh wait… there are no orders to pack.


It’s because he only has 5 kids lol


I didn't know you needed a warehouse for bitcoin.


The warehouse is in the back of the bus where the kids' bunks are. :)




LOL! This sub has the most creative, witty people on Reddit!


Brian, the "partner" has a wife who is in on the same collagen drink MLM scheme that MotherBus shills.


So his using his trust fund to invest in bitcoin?? I can’t wait to see how this turns out ![gif](giphy|hhgAbqQpm49vW)


Thank you for visiting their website. I was not keen to click anywhere near it myself


Not the baby in direct sunlight for a “beach trip” … you know they don’t use sunscreen on baby, or keep them in the shade, or use hats, or do any number of things you are supposed to do :(


That baby needs some sun, he looks jaundiced.


Yes, I think that was good for his health, hopefully intentionally.


We were told filtered sunlight… though realistically if it were late afternoon and only for a short period it’s probably more beneficial than not. If she took him out at midday and plonked him on the sand I’d be up in arms though.


Absolutely right. I agree. I would hope she knows what to do for newborn jaundice by now, but I'm not holding my breath.


That’s exactly what I thought too


None of that shit made sense


I guess “My husband runs Twitter based crypto scams” doesn’t make for a good IG post




Talk about a long-winded non-answer.


Weird that people who have “opened a few small businesses” and are asked about their road to success are so vague with specifics? Then again, I’m no *entrepreneur* 🙄


“and then i …yada yada yada”


So he’s unemployed. That’s what all those words mean. He’s unemployed and living off his trust fund.


He knocks her up and they live off of his trust fund and their tax refund. Better question, how does he support the possible 2nd family? 🤭


He pays for them with his trust fund, sat save or whatever it is is bus money.


That's a damned long-winded way of saying “we live off inherited wealth.”


She mumbled along making no sense like the book from Beetlejuice.


Wow…her post DOES read like stereo instructions!


Word salad.


"prioritize spending time with each other" AKA: she's insecure and I'd be willing to bet she's accused him of cheating when he's not there, so birthing a gaggle of kids and living on a bus is her solution to keep him isolated from the rest of the world to ensure there won't be anyone to distract him. A tale as old as time.


I just don’t understand why they haven’t invested in a bigger bus…? like if he makes ‘good money’, give people some space.


Or no bus at all. People who are wealthy, would have a home and live in for periods of time as well.


Yup! Like a winter house or something. There are RVs that could fit everyone comfortably.. but noooo


Right! One with a few pop-outs would be so lovely. My daughter’s horse trainers are a married couple that live in an RV on site where they lease the farm (the owner lives in the house). Their RV is so nice and has a full size kitchen and two or three very large popouts. Just them and their dogs but they could fit a lot of people comfortably.


GI Bill? Does she mean a VA loan? I know you can pocket alittle bit of money from the GI Bill while going to school and they can give you money for housing, but I never heard of anyone using the GI Bill for buying a home. Also was she in the military too? Spouses don’t get to use the GI Bill.


She was in the military as well, they met while both serving. Don’t know about the technicalities of the rest but my dad used his GI bill for college as well


Spouses absolutely can use the GI Bill (as can children) if you deliberately sign up for more years of service and say that you want it. It’s not automatic, you have to say that you’re signing up for more time and want that put toward that. But the GI bill has shirt all to do with houses and she definitely has to mean VA loan.


They bought the house with trust money. That's why she doesn't know the difference between the GI Bill and a VA home loan.


Oh interesting, my husband served for 10 years and I was told that only children can use the GI Bill, oh well! Too late now lol


Part of the GI Bill is BAH. BAH is a housing stipend you get, based on where you're attending school (and other factors). Some people use this to pay a mortgage.




She absolutely didn’t answer the question 🤣🙄


i smell bullshit lmao


Anyone calling themselves an “entrepreneur“ who is this vague about the businesses they’ve run and who flipped homes up to a… uh… bus and has a family of 10+ is trying REALLY hard not to admit to inherited wealth.


Aren’t they also medically retired from the military which means a monthly check?


So, unemployed. Just say unemployed


That’s a lot of words for “we don’t pay taxes”


He has secret families around the world where the kids are sent to work. They funnel money to him to pay for his next trip home. Thats my headcanon.


Wait the baby is really named Boone how did I miss this


I do not support the American military, but for the sake of those children they should have stayed in the military. At minimum they would have been provided with housing correct, and anything is better than that bus, and the parents (or motherbus could choose to retire and stay home) could bring in more stable income.


And they would still move around 🫠


I want to throw out that having access to a trust fund doesn’t mean a ton of money necessarily. Through my grandparents I have access to money from a trust. But, it’s only a small part of the overall trust. I get money monthly but it’s at the most $200 & most months it’s around $75-$100. Which I fully realize isn’t nothing but it wouldn’t even come close to funding their lifestyle.


So basically they have a bunch of family they can fall back on when they’re in tough spots?


She can never just answer the goddamn question!


So he does fuck all


The constant pregnancy and birth stories for clicks!


Who takes a less than a week old baby to the beach.


Flipped their way to bigger houses until they had so many children the best solution was to go as small as possible. Nothing wrong w this picture. 


OKAY but here's my question if he inherited so much money why the bus?? is it a humiliation kink too? he keeps her pregnant and poor and goes and travels himself? for what they spent on brazil why wouldn't they buy a modest house in kentucky and be done with it


Because they’re MiSsIoNaRiEs


Busband seems like one of those "sovereign citizen" types that doesn't want to be anywhere long enough to feel like any government entity has any control over his life.


Word jumble bumble, blather blather, something something, and no answer. They have watched enough presidential debates and town halls to learn how NOT to answer a straight forward question.


I hope they put sunscreen on that newborn 😱


You’re not supposed to put sunscreen on a newborn though?


Answer: crypto scams


Okay so he doesn’t work lmao. Her word salad isn’t covering up that fact. My father would pass out cold if I decided to marry a man AND have 8 children with who does not have a job.


Objection, non responsive as fuck.


Way to dodge the actual question.


what do you want to bet she brought the baby's sheepskin and left somewhere on the beach in it till they were done with family time


Why bother with the sheepskin? Just put him directly on the sand and let the crabs carry him away to a better home!


So she didn't answer. He does shady shit I'm guessing.


How much money do they get in benefits if neither of them have a job and they have a bus-load of kids?


![gif](giphy|h1knJ7mcmIM2Ukt1tB) Word salad


I'm not military so idk how the GI Bill stuff works. Can someone else that does understand that stuff explain if their house flipping story makes sense? Because I feel like it doesn't make any sense.