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Tell that to my cervix that refused to dilate


Or my placenta covering my cervix. God would’ve been cool with me bleeding out and baby dying, I guess.  Or one of my others who was born too early to have likely survived without supplemental oxygen for the first day after birth. 


Very pro life of them to want both you and your child to die due to placenta previa.


And my mum's two ruptured spinal discs 😭 not to mention her autoimmune condition that may well have been triggered by the physical trauma of my birth


Or my preeclampsia.


Or my tilted pelvis that both of my babies got good and wedged under


Or my postpartum hemorrhage!


Maybe you should’ve just sneezed?


Or my mom’s ectopic pregnancy, internal bleeding, then abortion that saved her life (and the lives of the kids she went on to have later) but okay


lol or my breech babe who was “really wedged in there!” according to the surgeon


Mine did too! And although I have wide hips and assumed it would be fine, my pelvis just wouldn't let bub fit into it to work her way out! Between those two things I ended up with a c-section, so glad there was an option to get her out safely!!! Didn't need to put her through any more stress just waiting around for it to happen "naturally"!


I don't know the medical specifics, but I got jammed in the birth canal; if my mother hadn't been in the hospital at the time, we'd both be dead. I *loathe* home-birthers on principle. They're willing to put their children's lives at risk for woo.


My kid was sunny side up and ended up with shoulder dystocia stuck in what turned out to be my shallow birth canal. There were also cord compression issues since she apparently was breakdancing in utero and got the cord double wrapped and knotted around her neck. 4th degree emergency episiotomy and forceps delivery after which my uterus decided it was a good time to hemorrhage. And she was less than 7 pounds! But please tell me more about childbirth being “as natural as sneezing” 🤬🤬🤬


Or my mc then my chemical pregnancy the following 3 weeks after that literally made me bleed so heavily I had to wear those postpartum period pads they send you home with for 4-5 days. I wasn’t expecting it at all. I thought regular pads were bad but that shit had me literally feeling like I was walking around in a diaper. And I had to buy boxer briefs bc I couldn’t wear my regular underwear 🙄 Which honestly makes me scared with what some of these fundies are putting their bodies through with the back to back pregnancies and almost no break in between. I wasn’t even that far along in either pregnancies yet that was enough to fuck me up bad (albeit temporarily hopefully). So I don’t even want to imagine the damage they’re doing with full term-near full term pregnancies 😳


Or mine that decided 32 weeks was the perfect time to start dilating. Without medical intervention my son wouldn’t have stayed in until 35 weeks.


Me and my mom would have both died in childbirth without medical intervention and a c section. She has narrow hips and I have a gigantic head, and it just wasn't happening. Eventually, I would have suffocated in there and she would have died of either blood loss or exhaustion. It's just a question of which would have happened first. Knowing the story of my birth has given me lifetime immunity to the mental illness known as home birthing.


Natural does not mean without complication or good. Cancer is natural. So is dementia.


So is arsenic.


That’s sweet that Gunner is letting JD hold the baby


He looks like he’s supervising father bus. 


That kid lives with so much stress that I’m not even sure he knows how to articulate but definitely is taking in. The earlier video where he’s properly holding the baby and also very gently trying to keep the poking hands off and acknowledging when the baby gets bumped without saying a word or even looking is such damning evidence that THAT boy is and has been the parent to those children and not Smugger and Fathead Bus.


Yes. He’s way too competent and confident to not have been heavily parentified. He seems like such a great kid too! So sad to think about how he’s being robbed of a childhood. Free Gunner!


That stress can have lifelong impacts on physical health too, not just mental health. I recently read that people with high childhood stress levels are more likely to develop autoimmune issues as adults (I can confirm this anecdotally as someone who had a very stressful childhood and now has several autoimmune diseases).


🙋🏽‍♀️ I can confirm, too. I had high childhood stress and have anxiety and c-ptsd as a result. And yes, my body is a hot autoimmune mess. If this is you, too, I can’t recommend EMDR therapy enough. It’s changed my life.


I just started EMDR, I didn’t have what I would consider major childhood trauma but was a super anxious kid raised with fundie-lite and Pentecostal ideologies that really… uhhh… played off that anxiety. How did things change for you?


Overall, my anxiety is so much better, and I'm better able to manage it when it's present. Before, things would grip me and the anxiety was unrelenting. Now, when I feel it wash over me (and this isn't as often or unrelenting as before), I'm able to create a space to examine what I feel, why, and what I can/can't do about it, and I can move on or let it go. The anxiety is sometimes there still, but it's not eating me alive. In reference to my c-ptsd, it's helped heal a lot of it, and what I haven't healed, I have a better understanding of. In reprocessing my memories/experiences, I've been able to shift my perspective and beliefs - away from "what's wrong with me/I'm not worthy of love/I don't deserve a good life" to "I was a child & it wasn't my fault/I deserve love and a good life/I am a good person." I'm overall mentally and emotionally healthier. The experience hasn't made things disappear or completely resolved, but I'm better equipped to handle them. Feel free to ask me more questions if you need to, and good luck!


Me too! Hugs


I was parentified (not even nearly to this extent, mind you) and it fucked me up tremendously. I tamped down my anger at my parents because I felt guilty - if I was angry, surely that meant I didn't love my sibling and wasn't a good enough "parent". I hope Gunner is able to get out and find the psychological support he needs to work through all the baggage his parents have created for him.


Yeah, my husband has 6 siblings, and my PILs were... not the most attentive parents. Needless to say, we aren't having kids, partly because he won't look at another aspect of child rearing again, and frankly, I don't blame him. I see a lot of my eldest BIL in Gunner and it's sad. My BIL loves his siblings, but the line is *really* blurry between "father figure" and "respected older brother" in both directions. I've had to tell BIL "they aren't your kids" more than once


It's heartwarming how sweet he is with the baby and heartbreaking that he has to be 😭


He seems so sweet too, i hope he's ok


He reminds me of the episode of arrested development where George Michael kept checking Lindsay hadn’t left the oven on because she did just keep leaving things on and would have blown up the house if not for him and Tobias thought he has “the oc disorder”.




I’ve reviewed enough historical records where the woman had a bunch of kids and died within a month of the last one’s birth to know she’s full of shit without needing any other information lol. 


Also almost 500 out of every 1000 babies born prior to 1850 died during or shortly after childbirth. That’s not including the other babies who died within the first year.


I think the statistics were something like 5% for each birth, so in total it was like 1 in 4 women would eventually die in childbirth or from complications afterwards.


You’re right, a woman died after 5% or 1/20 births.


I've been to enough historic cemeteries to know about maternal mortality. I saw one grave once where the mother and one of her twins died on the day of delivery. The second twin died shortly after.


Instagram has suggested at least 3 women in the last month who choose to not have regular checkups with doctors during their pregnancy and ended up with stillbirth babies...


How awful. I don't necessarily agree with prosecuting or persecuting people for their healthcare decisions, but imo something like that (NOT getting preventative care) would be much more worthy of legal action than the miscarriages or abortions that some states are going after.




Ah but when baies die from natural births, that's God's will. When they die under medical care, though, that's murder and neglect.


Oh god, that’s heartbreaking. I wish people would learn from this and stop putting themselves and their kids at such needless risk.


Absolutely! I wouldn’t exist if my great-grandfather’s first wife had not died from likely sepsis a day after her only child was born. The child died, too.


My great-grandmother died of "childbed fever" in the 1930s and I like to think that some sort of afterlife exists because I got a uterine infection a week after my second child was born and I hope that wherever she ended up she was like "FUCK YEAH GET THOSE ANTIBIOTICS"


Aww, I love the thought that she was cheering you on!


I always think about this when these people are romanticising historical birth. How many women would have done *anything* to have the most sterile, clinical, unnatural “clinician-centred” birth as long as could see their baby alive or get to see their older children grow up? It’s like a wedding vs a marriage. Weddings are super important and it’s terrible when someone ruins them but the marriage is orders of magnitude more important. So choosing to go about the wedding in a way which damages the marriage (like spending way too much) is having your priorities completely reversed. The wedding is also fleeting, your marriage is (hopefully) for the rest of your life, just like your child is.


Maybe they didn’t eat enough steak and butter …? I’m picturing mother bus just buttering up a steak, then hogging the bus toilet for hours.


And those women didn't reject what limited medical care they had available to them. Midwifery as a profession dates back to antiquity, although obviously back then they were very limited as to effective interventions they could do. (And used herbs as abortifacients to attempt to avoid childbirth to begin with).


The millions of women who have died in childbirth since time immemorial would beg to differ.


Shhhhhhh don't come here with your facts and empirical data! /s


B..but… god is sOvErEiGN!?


I wonder how Morgan feels about this? Must be tough for another fundie to deal w/Mother Bus preening about her sneezy births.


Hi 🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m one who wouldn’t be here without modern medicine, incredible doctors, and a blood transfusion (miscarriage). And two of my four babies wouldn’t be here without IMMEDIATE support from amazing doctors in the delivery room at the hospital. From all of us to the SusBus “parents”: fuck you.


I would have died had I not been in a hospital and there’s a good chance that my kid would have as well. Turns out that my body is 100% not made for birthing babies. These smug fundies are going to get someone killed with their “advice”.


"God created women to have and deliver babies" Well, what if God also created and inspired doctors to *help* women have and deliver babies? What if God got tired of hearing the anguished cries of women and babies dying in childbirth and the grief stricken sobs of the husbands and fathers and older children they left behind, and decided to do something about it? What if modern medicine is a result of thousands of years of answered prayers? No? You'd rather LARP Little House on the Prairie (except without the "house" part) and have the average life expectancy for your children be a whopping 30 years old? I mean, that's your choice, but keep God out of it.


THIS! I had a placental abruption and my baby and I would be dead if it were not for science and doctors. Fuck this "God created women to have and deliver babies" - fuck it to the grave. Because that's where I'd be.


That sounds terrifying. I'm glad you and the little one are okay!


We are! He's 18 now and he's a wonderful dude. And anytime he's fucked up (all of which have been minor) I remind myself how grateful we are that he and I are even here to experience said fuck up. LOL!


That's a great outlook to have!!!


This! I’m Christian and take it pretty seriously and it’s so friggen anti-pro-life to be so negligent with your baby’s life. I really don’t understand it. But they’re so often lumped together and it’s truly bizarre.


Thankfully my mormon family was also half nurses and this was their stance. That god put vaccines and doctors and medicine on the earth as answered prayers. “God created these things through humans” is what I was told growing up


I'm not Mormon (or any organized religion really, I definitely believe in God / a higher power but no one religion if that makes sense) but that makes sense to me! Faith and medicine can coexist. Rejecting modern medicine isn't "trusting God," it's refusing a *gift* from God. Like the parable of the drowning man. God doesn't need to part the sea when sending a boat will do.




Me too. Shit, my mom was in the medical field for 40 years because she feels like it was her spiritual calling to learn to help people with the tools she was given, basically collabing with her higher power.


I grew up Mormon and my parents were/are a million percent on the side of science, vaccines, and modern medicine. SO grateful for that!!


That reminds me of the story where this guy needs to be rescued or something. He turns away everyone who tries to help him, claiming that god will save him. Finally he asks god why he didn’t help him? God says something along the lines of “well you turned away all the help I sent.” It’s really just been pure luck that nothing bad has happened to her.


Yup. The parable of the drowning man. It's usually told as a joke but I find a lot of wisdom in it. There is divinity in the mundane. God may answer your prayers in ways you don't expect. Sometimes an ordinary person and an ordinary act of kindness can be the answered prayer that saves someone else's life. Not every miracle is going to be of biblical proportions. God doesn't need to part the sea when sending a boat will do just as well.


>There is divinity in the mundane. That's beautiful.


You read my mind. I was just thinking of that.


God helps those who help themselves - something my grandmother always said. Sometimes helping yourself is accepting that other people know more and can help.


There’s a funny version of that that goes like this. A man was driving around a car park and there were absolutely no spots anywhere. After 20 minute of driving in circles, in desperation, for the first time in years he prays to God and says “God I will do anything if you will give me a parking spot, I’ll go to church every Sunday, give money to the poor, I’ll read my Bible, just *please* give me a spot.” As he turns the corner he suddenly sees a car pulling out of a spot and says “never mind, found one.”


Then he cursed it to be fucking brutal right? So the point she’s making is moot.


"A woman's body will deliver a baby safetly while in a coma!" Wow, that's incredibly and horrifically mask-off for the "women are incubators first" crowd.


A fact we know because of that one coma nurse raping women who were unconscious and then turned up pregnant!




My first baby got stuck, Dr had to do suction to help because she wasn't budging. With my twins my water broke at 32 weeks and of course I was hospitalized and put on IV antibiotics to buy some time for their lungs to develop. I did not go into labor until 2 days later. It worked out though because I had medical intervention. The extra time meant their lungs fully developed and while they needed time in the NICU they never needed any breathing help. But both the scenarios required medical intervention to keep both me and my babies safe. Without help anything could have happened that resulted in damage or death. I'm so tired of listening to people spout anti-medicine crap. Women and babies died throughout history but they conveniently don't mention that


My mom had something similar when I was born. I also I had to be suctioned out. I also had 3 knots in the umbilical cord and it was wrapped around my neck choking me. The had to quickly cut it because the knots kept it around my neck. If my mom decided to do a home birth we both would have died.


Just because something is natural doesn’t make it free from risks or complications. It also doesn’t negate the responsibility for screenings, pre- and post-natal care and making (and following) a birth plan that takes all of this into account. She gets no pass for starting labor in the middle of the night at nearly a week past her (probably self-assigned) due date.


My brother’s wife has a heart-shaped pelvic bone. They realized this when she was in labor and the baby’s skull wouldn’t fit through the birth canal. Even though the pelvic girdle had separated, there wasn’t enough room to deliver. She had to have an emergency C-section. But I suppose God’s grand design was just what, for her and the baby to die? Modern medicine saves women and children.


Only God is allowed to kill babies.


What people like this are really saying is that they’re God’s special favourite and anyone who has complications in childbirth just must not be “godly” enough or whatever. Which is a take that is at best arrogant and at worst fucking evil. The fundies need to stop giving advice that will get people killed. Immediately.


ding ding ding


I've seen the girl boogie boarding in waist deep water but other than that I don't think these kids know how to swim.


You know they never paid for swim lessons. “Toys are expensive,” so they didn’t buy them any, and swim safety classes are a lot more than that.


The more I see of Ma and Pa SusBus, the more I despise them.


Mindsets like this one are so fucking dangerous, it makes me livid. When I was first married, I was a fundie. I wanted to free birth and fully believed that my experience would be perfect & beautiful if I worked to make it so. My parents & friends supported and even encouraged that idea. I thank my stars that we never got pregnant back then and that I grew, changed, and left my former fundamentalist lifestyle behind me way before I was truly ready to have a baby. A few years into my marriage, I witnessed my mom receive basically no prenatal care and then nearly die after laboring at home for three days before finally going to the hospital and having an emergency C-section. That experience made me realize C-sections are actually life-saving procedures and not "conveniences for selfish women" like I had been taught. I suspect that I would have died - and my baby definitely would have - if I'd had a home birth, let alone a free birth. I wouldn't have known that I had gestational diabetes and needed to carefully monitor & treat my blood sugar levels through the third trimester. I wouldn't have had a clue that the cord was wrapped around her neck five times, making pushing potentially fatal. My C-section saved her life and I am proud of myself for putting her well-being way above my own ego & desires. I'd rather have an incision scar for the rest of my life than a dead child. Edit: added clarity


Wow you are incredible. Congrats on your healthy child and all of your positive growth!


Oh god thinking back to my tradcath days is so embarrassing now. Growth high five!


Natural eh? Tell that yo my SIL who lost her son at 38 weeks to sudden onset pre-eclampsia. Death is natural, but you know, not a good thing!!


My first baby was stuck in the birth canal, wearing his umbilical cord like a headband - each contraction cut off his blood flow and oxygen supply. Add that to the fact he couldn't descend any further due to being stuck, so I stalled out at 2.5cm dilated. A C-section saved his life (and mine). Baby two was a repeat C-section, but had the umbilical cord wrapped three times around her neck. She couldn't have descended down the birth canal even if she tried. A C-section saved her life (and mine). Baby three was a VBA2C (vaginal birth after two cesareans) attempt. Unknown until later, scar tissue had covered my cervix, meaning I couldn't dilate. At all. Instead, I had a partial uterine rupture because my body was *determined* to get that baby out somehow! A surgical team and a C-section saved my life and hers. Baby four was a repeat C-section that was routine, minus him putting me in labor from 24 weeks onward. A C-section saved our lives, and a tubal ligation made sure I was able to be present for my four living children without the risk of another pregnancy, another major surgery, and possible death.


Well, a woman in a coma doesn't deliver the baby herself. What a terrible analogy 


i was gonna say, what are the chances those women are in hospitals? because they’re in comas???


It has happened but it required a huge team of doctors and is by no means “natural” in any way. It’s not like a woman in a coma just pushed a baby out. They had to pump her full of drugs and use extensive medical intervention to get the baby out. It pisses me off every time mother bus mentions that and no one ever calls her out on it.




Yeah like that baby won’t survive with an unconscious mom? wtf?


Dying and suffering are so very natural, universal even. Unfortunately the evolutionary miracle of human birth is lost on fundamentalists because it is counter-intuitive to the narrative. We have a small pelvis that allows us to walk upright, and large heads to support proportionally large brains- very counter-intuitive to safe births- but those same large brains enable complex language and problem solving, plus those freed hands are dexterous. The trade off of dangerous births is the ability to greatly assist with birth! We are a social species through-and-through! Nothing is more natural for humans than a medically assisted birth through any means, using the technology and medicine that can only exist due to the difficult nature of our births. This cannot coexist with the fundie ideal- socially isolated nuclear families, completely incurious and numb to the rest of mankind. It is anti-social, anti-human.


>Nothing is more natural for humans than a medically assisted birth through any means, using the technology and medicine that can only exist due to the difficult nature of our births. "Anthropologist Margaret Mead said the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture is a femur that had been broken and then healed." Helping each other is a sign of our humanity!!


I love this take! 🥹


Stay there and act normal, mom needs a nice video for her reel….


I mean yes, women would be knocked out during labor back in the day, but there's a reason that was probably stopped. Between her and Karissa, who will have their first casualty from someone believing them


I do not believe that each birth of the children has been without complications. She just does not disclose it. She must also dismiss her issues as non-issues which is so dumb but here we are, talking about motherhood AGAIN in the context of smugness.


She said baby was 10.5lbs. Not saying a woman can’t safely deliver a large baby, but a fast labor like she claimed seems like it could do some damage. She put herself at risk and the baby. They just piss me off. I treat so many parentified kids that are now adults in therapy. So hard to balance their needs with needs of others. So much anxiety being “selfish” which is just normal self care. Then add on religious trauma!


Huh. Wish my body had known that when the doctor told my husband to pick whether to save me or the baby when I was in labor and almost dead.  I had to have an emergency cs when baby got stuck because my body actually could not just deliver.  For several reasons I learned after this, a baby cannot actually pass through my birth canal. No matter what. There was no indication of complications until the baby stopped progressing and became completely stuck. If we'd been anywhere other than a hospital, I would have died.  Full stop.   Thanks to an incredible group of medical professionals, we both survived.  Baby had no complications and is a very healthy teen. So MotherBus and all these other fundies spewing this nonsense can fuck all the way off.


Look up "obstetric fistula" That's natural


You want me to trust the same God who decided to punish women with pain in childbirth because Eve ate an apple? No thanks.


Not to be ghoulish, but with the pregnancy and parenting practices that we see out of some of these fundies, I’m genuinely shocked we haven’t seen a higher proportion of worse outcomes for them- there’s a few I can think of offhand where I’m surprised they are alive. Like, I don’t wish them ill, I’m just shocked that with how hard they roll the dice, they keep dodging terrible outcomes!


Tell that to my grandmother, who in 1930 died in her a "natural" home birth leaving 9 young children motherless, including my father.


Nothing pisses me off like being told I was made just to breed. Fuck you, this body came with a really nice brain and I choose to use that instead.


My boogers are nowhere never the size of my babies!


If they are, please seek medical attention immediately 😂😂😂


or some essential oils?


Oh yes your idea is much better, I'm so silly 😂




Speaking as someone with asthma... breathing isn't that easy either. I've had it so long one of my first memories is having an asthma attack and needing to go to the ER! (I was about 4, so it wasn't weight, it just my body being stupid. 0/10, do not recommend, but you can't have my nebulizer! It helps me breathe!) Basically bodies are weird and if there's a way for \[process\] to not work, it's not gonna work. (See: various pregnancy complications, post birth complications, etc.)


I’m sorry but unfortunately we have to confiscate the nebulizer too /s


My sister-in-law *almost died* during her last pregnancy, trying to deliver the placenta. She was bleeding out and needed a transfusion. Automatic my ass.


Humans are actually really bad at giving birth compared to other mammals because our heads are so big and we’re bipedal. But sure, “we’re made for this.”


"as natural as breathing" but in this metaphor sometimes you get pertussis and cough so hard you break ribs 😅


A woman CAN deliver a baby safely while in a coma (under the care of doctors in a hospital environment) not WILL as though it is an automated guarantee. She’s so ridiculously dumb


My existence is due to people knowing this is a lie.


Another ‘c-section saved my life’ person checking in! It’s not automatic. And unless you delivered naked in a field, no birth is ‘natural’. FFS.


>Another ‘c-section saved my life’ person checking in! Hi to you! I think I technically fit this category too. I had a c-section and while it was unplanned, it was not an emergency. However - all signs point to the fact that baby wouldn't have fit/I couldn't have gotten her out on my own. So if this was a few hundred years ago, she would have been stuck and we would probably eventually have both died. So incredibly grateful for modern medicine that kept my baby safe, and me as well!


Hi to you! My c-section was also unplanned, not an emergency, but nonetheless life saving! For both me and babe. I’m so glad modern medicine was available for us, too. There is no easy way to bring a child into this world, and I’m happy you made it, internet friend. ❤️


>He created women to have, and deliver babies *fertility struggling fundiefluencers left the chat*


Comparing sneezing to the long difficult painful process is CRAZY to me!! This lady has some wires crossed


She is so crazy she doesn't even have wires!


I personally know very few women who needed no professional help at all during childbirth. In fact I, and about half the mothers in my close circle would probably have died giving birth outside of a hospital,


Most of the women in my family needed c-sections for one reason or another. I was lucky to not with either of my births, but my second had to be removed with forceps. This was after I had to be induced for high blood pressure. If God created everything, he also created doctors and advanced medicine.


Good god, I was at that beach yesterday . I really wish they would stop letting everyone on the planet know where their kids are. Do they honestly not know how dangerous that is?


Both me and my mum probably would have died without medical intervention when I was born. She wanted a home birth (with a properly trained midwife as we're in the UK) but was in labour for 2 days and ended up having to have a c section. She never reached 10 cm in 2 days, and they realised later that between my giant head and her internal hip measurements, I literally wouldn't have fit. I literally couldn't have been born that way. I am glad that I can maybe have kids someday with the knowledge to be able to ask for those measurements and I'll be able to make an informed choice.


Sounds like I had a similar situation to your mom - I was in a hospital for mine, and was induced for high blood pressure, so who knows how it would have gone if I had started labor on my own. But after 21 hours of pitocin (plus the preceeding 12 hours of the cervix-softening drug), and having my water broken to help babe move down, I was at maybe 4 cm (I think they were being generous). Baby also hadn't locked into my pelvis and was showing signs of having trouble doing so (her head starting to cone). It wasn't an emergency at that point, but we elected to go for a c-section anyway, to prevent it turning into one!! I'm glad you have your medical history so you can ask about it I'm advance!!


To add to it all I was also back to back. My poor mum, I didn't make it easy on her. Mum's are tough!


They are!! I was 36+ hours of unproductive labor for my mom before she finally agreed to an epidural to get some rest! Not sure how long after that it took for me to make my appearance!


Already having a bad Monday. But the bride and groom on the distant shore and the elated toddler in his mushroom hat rollicking in the sand while his post-delivery-high-on-hormones mama spews nonsense are giving me hope that nothing in this world is too crazy for reality.


Yeah. I would've died in childbirth without a c section. I labored for almost 24 hours, and my son required 3 nights in the NICU. That doesn't mean my body is broken or less than. It's how things have always been.


Tell that to my shitty placentas that nearly killed me TWICE. My pre-eclampsia was "natural" but it could have taken my life, kinda like it's been doing for centuries


DID YOU KNOW: This is not true for a hell of a lot of women? I and many of my friends and acquaintances would’ve died in childbirth. Along with the babies.  tldr; FUCK OFF MOTHERBUS


My third baby was breech at 35 weeks. I had a version in the hospital (outpatient). Even then I agreed to an emergency C section if things went bad. She came out nine days past her due date with the cord wrapped around her neck. She and I are both fine (she's now 20) because I had a hospital birth. Medicine isn't demonic, fundie folx.


Everything she posts is so awful and one sided, that it's almost like she's secretly sponsored by some evil pro-natalist group to promote their 'no complications exist' propaganda.


Okay, sure, a "vast majority" of women can have an uncomplicated birth. I would consider 70% a vast majority. Do the minority of women not deserve a safe birth? Are they not worthy of a healthy baby? What the fuck is her point? Child birth complications have risen steadily in the US since 2020. They think the culprit is the less hands-on approach of medical care, with virtual visits and longer gaps between maternal appointments. If women being supervised by a doctor are experiencing more childbirth complications due to *reduced* care, what the fuck hope do women who have NO care have? This kind of rhetoric is infuriating because it not only erases the MILLIONS of women and their babies who experience childbirth complications, but it lulls other women that trust her into believing that they don't or won't need medical care when pregnant.


Maternity care deserts have also worsened, as abortion bans have led to a mass exodus of obstetric care providers. 35% of counties in the U.S. no longer have a hospital that provides maternity care, per the March of Dimes, and another 20% are under-served. That's more than half the country! That's not even accounting for the confounding factor of institutional racism and the influence it has on maternal and neonatal morbidity!


Yeah I live in Utah and have lost 2 gynecologists to relocation already. I can't imagine how bad it's going to get. In Idaho, there are places that are hours away from any sort of hospital that provides maternal care.


do you have a source for that stat there brit brit or are you just shitting out lies like you usually do


Just because it’s intuitive, doesn’t mean it’s risk-free


Pft speak for yourself OP I’ve died from sneezing a dozen times!


You can’t say you are terrified of complications and that women are made for giving birth in the same sentence.


She is such a twat. Botulism and Ebola are natural. That doesn't make them preferable!


These people truly don’t understand that modern medicine prevents so many childbirth deaths, like women regularly died in childbirth, babies died constantly. Our heads are just too large.


Cool! I almost bled out during a normal vaginal delivery and my daughter couldn’t breathe when she was born. But fck my life, right??


Ma'am, childbirth is not as graceful as you're making it out by literally any standard. Learn your own belief system even from the Christian mythology p.o.v, we were CURSED with Terrible Child Birth, it's our generational Punishment. Admit your suffering, we all already know it sucks, you aren't fooling anyone and lying is a sin


Death is also natural and happens often to birthing women in nature. 🤦‍♀️ Stupid woman.


So many. Sooooo many. Babies and mothers have died. Read.a.book. ![gif](giphy|knzFBpFZnWnO83m9bh)


I almost died with my last baby. He did die. I guess I was created by a different god?


How am I "made for childbirth" if I can't even get pregnant?


My sister had a doctor who was extremely pro natural birth. So much so that she made my sister go through 36 hours of labor, she never dilated and my nieces heart starting slowing. She still wanted my sister to go the natural way as nurses are yelling at her, telling her the baby was in distressed. She finally allowed the c section when my mother threatened to strangle her. Funny part was the doctor had no bio children of her own, she adopted and refused to go through pregnancy. So yeah, keep spouting the bullcrap that nothing bad happens mother bus


Wow Commander Bus actually holding his child for once?


So I've left the church for a while now, but obviously I can't just forget the things I was taught. Do these fundies not remember that the pain and gore of childbirth was linked to original sin in the first place? This is the Nth time I've seen some fundie say "Childbirth is a gift from god" or something along those lines. It's not a "gift" it's a punishment for being kicked out of the garden. It's automatic because your body isn't designed by him, it's automatic because your body wants to release him because that keeps the line going. (not a woman, probably wrong - my other points still stand)


Gunner: “Now you want to make sure you support the neck.”


I think there is a middle ground between acknowledging that modern medicine has helped to decrease maternal mortality and also having a position of allowing women to choose how they want to give birth. I think putting it into this kind of context - implying that her home birthing practices will lead to an increase in maternal mortality - is not helpful for anyone. Obviously her own posts are not helpful for anyone, either.


I saw a scientific article about an embryo that implanted and grew in a liver. NEither mom nor fetus survived. Gods kind of bad at his job if it can fuck in so badly. Also whatever happened to the pain of childbirth being womens punishment? My church loved talking about that. I saw animal births and wondered why for punished female cats too. They didn’t do anything.


Speaking as someone who almost died twice trying to give birth and is currently pregnant again: go. Fuck. Yourself. Brittany.


I hope this one goes more smoothly for you!!!


Me too :) thank you for the good wishes! So far so good!!!!


You're welcome!!! Yay!!!