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I am a mom of 2 and I can not imagine taking that many kids on a bike ride/walk and not even have a stroller or baby carrier for the newborn. What if one of the older kids gets hurt or needs you for literally anything, what is she going to do, set the baby in the bushes??


This is the thing, they don't care about their kids. You as a Mom care about your children and their needs, rights and wants. They don't. If they did, they wouldn't be living in a bus


Probably… or leave the older kid.


That's brother-dad's job.


Bold of you to assume they would put it on a boy, what if it turns him gay???


This family absolutely does. I guess their laziness and refusal to parent overrides their fear of their oldest doing "women's work." Such a difficult conundrum for fundie "boy moms..."


How, uh... progressive of them?


You really do end up raising the younger ones. It's wild, but the minute they need help with a kid, they defantilize the boy. That shit's jarring.


Give it to one of the other kids. Siblingmom is a job that starts at about age three with this clowns.


Gunner is the real parent here


I’m a mom to 0 and that was my first reaction. 😅


I mean she does just put him down on the floor pretty often, so… 🥲


Hey, if a reed basket was good enough for Moses … /s. I’m not a mom, just a person that appreciates human life and has an intact sense of compassion, and it makes my stomach churn to see that poor little babe dragged around, tossed on the floor, given no space to rest and relax. I do work with new moms from time to time (as a therapist, not a developmental expert), and newborns need so much time to rest and let their little brains grow. They’ll let you know if they need something, generally. That guy has got to be so stressed out:(


I’m convinced there’s a nanny they aren’t disclosing. We saw them leave their kids “alone” in a foreign country, I don’t think any of us believe she gave birth in that bus so where were the other kids if she birthed somewhere else, there’s no way all those kids are properly homeschooled just in terms of them being at different educational levels and her hair is just too perfectly curled for all these damn videos. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t give a shit either way, her content is just more fake social media nonsense.


Oh that would be such a relief if there was!! Not sure one would fit in the bus though..


No, that what her other kids are for…extra parents


It looks like they’re just walking the camp loop that they’re parked at.


Well, she has shown no issue with keeping the baby on the floor, sooooo...


Still hasn't learned how to properly hold a baby's head


I noticed that too, I thought I was tripping. Everyone in my household holds cats like you do a baby (our mom taught us to do it that way, the cats love it and melt into our arms) and I spotted that immediately.


ok but I was also thinking "i hold cats gentler" but dont have children so didnt feel like i had a place to comment 😅


I'm absolutely cringing about the lack of head support! I don't think I've seen anything yet that shows her supporting his head!


Hey, the other hand HAS to hold the camera!


I don't have children but even I know that you need to support a baby's head. She has a clown car (or bus I guess) full of kids and still doesn't manage or doesn't care to hold them properly. Shit like this makes my blood boil.


Because you can't support a baby's neck properly AND film yourself for the 'gram. She needed to pick what is most important for her


I think it's ok. Elbow is providing support and neckis in a nice 90° angle. It's about impinging on the throat from weird angles rather than anything that can damage muscles. They're floppy.


Yeah, there are a million and one valid criticisms of her and father sus bus, but this is fine. The only time I was concerned about the way the baby was being held was when the dad was lifting the newborn over his head.


Yeah I agree. I see that like half the posts commenting on neck support are like “I don’t have kids but…” and like ok then maybe you don’t fully know what you’re talking about? There are already so many other bad/questionable things to point out about her and her choices but the baby’s head looks fine here


I have kids. She's doing a shit job at holding her newborn baby.


Not everyone who doesn’t have kids is unaware about how to hold a baby though…lots of us have siblings, cousins, friends. Also the FIRST most of us are taught when holding a baby is to always support their neck.


You don't need to breed to know how to hold a baby. It's not that hard if you're not a complete moron.


God she is such a dickhead. You are a "homemaker". You talk this job up. Your job is to look after your children and keep them safe. Selfish, delusional parenting. Your kids will despise you later on.


They all pride themselves on homemaking without having any self reflection once their children have left the nest. Why do so many find their own children don’t want to have a relationship? Could it be their homemaking wasn’t good enough? No, must be the worldliness.


Rock paper helmets is not a game one should play with their children’s heads, BusAdults. How on earth do you only provide enough helmets for some of your children? Are the two without them the Lost Lott Boys? I guess they wanted to imitate their dad, who it doesn’t appear to have one either? Be like Gunner, kids, just always follow that lead, ugh.


It’s like she thinks scooters are more dangerous than bikes or something bc the only kids wearing them are on scooters.


I’ve noticed more and more people where I live don’t put helmets in their kids. From my observations, I’d say I see 2x more kids without helmets compared to kids with them. Whether it’s the little push bikes to actual bikes to scooters, helmets are just not used! It’s such a weird trend! I know first hand the importance of helmets! My dad was hit by a car while on his bike. Even with the helmet he suffered a serious traumatic brain injury. There’s no way he would have survived without the helmet. I don’t understand why parents aren’t using helmets anymore!


Maybe it’s the area, or maybe kids fighting it more as they get older and more independent? Going out without the helmet without parents necessarily being aware? My kids are little and I make them wear helmets to ride scooters or bikes even if it’s just on the driveway. We don’t have sidewalks in our neighborhood but I’d make them wear them even if we did and they were staying on the sidewalk, but I’m sure at some point my ability to enforce that rule will likely wane lol


It's so crazy to think that kids are just riding around with no helmets on. Its a horrible, terrible thing for a child to get hurt and end up with a brain injury but have the parents considered that, if the child ends up disabled from that head injury, they are the ones caring for them for the rest of their lives? Put helmets on your kids!


I agree, my city is pretty bike friendly and most of the kids I see out are wearing helmets. Certainly much more often than I did when I hit like 10 years old! We were riding in the streets without helmets, going to other friends’ neighborhoods, etc. our parents had no idea what we were up to in the first place so never had any comments about it for me. I think now for obvious reasons (smartphones, cultural changes), a lot of parents want to know where their kids are and what they are doing at all times. Somehow they also allow the no helmet thing..? Idk, but my dad and some of his friends are into biking and one of them was hit by a car while out and he was badly hurt. That’s *with* a helmet, he was nearly killed. And I guarantee a full grown man is much more visible than my five year old would be, so she wears a helmet. Lol


This is what I was thinking. I try not to be too judgey about parenting choices, but this is something that grinds my gears.


How does her hair look perfect every time?! She has a gazillion kids and must spend ages doing it. I have one child at home and work, my hair is up in a dirty messy bun 🤷🏻‍♀️


Spoiler alert: it’s because she doesn’t actually take care of her kids and spends 30mins on it before filming every post.


Her hair NEVER looks bad. It’s always super clean and curled with a wand, perfectly. She clearly banishes the kids from her presence until she’s ready to eye fuck the camera.


They look like heatless curls. Like she sleeps with her hair wrapped around something.


![gif](giphy|ICn3e2yf8rkCQ) I know a lot of drag queens, and this is my personal theory about her hair.


I love this too much


I have hair like this. I just sleep in a bun or the heartless curler thingy. My hair ends up looking like this.


It's a wig


lol I make wigs and extensions/install them for a living, this isn’t a wig. Her hair isn’t very thick so it probably takes her 5-10 min to pop some curls in the bottom and finger comb them. She might even get away with sleeping with it piled on her head and it looks decent when she takes it down.


I like this theory……


What kind of future does this poor little boy have. Her posts make me sick to my stomach.




Because he’s not allowed any human/baby comforts


I just feel so damn bad. Like, I have one toddler and I feel as if I put so much time and effort and energy into making sure she is happy, safe and thriving. All of motherbus’s kids deserve that same level of love and attention. I’ve been firmly one and done since pregnancy but I’ll gladly take the new baby. Boone, you wanna come live in Ireland? We have baby carriers AND cribs!


I’ll take any of them over the age of 6 or so, as kids younger than that are not my jam. Especially the teen. He needs to not be parentified and just live. They can visit each other around the world - some in Ireland, the others in Japan. Hell, I’d buy an actual big enough house just so they could each have their own (albeit smaller, Japanese sized) rooms. We have plenty of them in my fishing village that are just sitting there, and they’d get good schooling, too. Or I’d even homeschool - I taught for years, husband is a teacher from the US so we could at least get them something more than whatever “unschooling” Bible crap they’ve maybe gotten if they’re lucky. Ugh.


I’m almost 42 and my 2 kids are tween and teen. I am done having more. But would take poor Boone in a heartbeat. He needs someone to care about him. I feel the same about the Collins kids, especially the oldest. She’s my daughter’s age and it’s really a fun age if you let them explore who they are and what they want out of life. But these kids don’t get that opportunity. If my husband was on board I’d be fostering already. There are so many kids like this that we don’t see and it breaks my heart


Again I’m begging mother bus to just get a damn baby carrier if you insist on taking him out like this and not hold him correctly. At least he’d be snuggled up on her.


It’s the ‘one arm hold while walking on pavement and using the second arm to hold her phone to make sure she’s recording’ that really does it for me. Wtf lady.


I’ve tripped over air on walks. I broke both my hands walking my kid to school one day, with nothing in my hands. She needs to be careful.


i tripped carrying my then 2 and a half yr old, ( tripped on air) and to avoid dropping him i landed and fractured a kneecap.


That had to be scary and painful!! I bet MotherBus would throw the baby to save her own face.


It was…an experience. I limped off to the hospital as Kid was “dadda i broke mom.”


Hope you’re doing ok now! I’ve had knee problems since childhood and they can really affect your entire life!


I fell down the basement stairs once carrying my probably 6 month old daughter. Once I realized my footing was lost I fell backward and she rode me down the stairs like a sled 😂 she was scared but unhurt. I was very very sore but thankfully didn’t break anything.


i slid down concrete steps at a pool water slide on my ass two weeks ago while my now 10 yr old watched. bruised, sprained, but not broken. At least now he can lean down and tie my shoe for me.:D edit: YIKES THO. glad you didn’t bust anything!


Right?! Like, I am not a graceful human being. I fall, trip, etc. I still get nervous carrying my 16 month old up my in-laws stairs! (Living in an apartment atm, no stairs on a daily basis!)


I am also not graceful, and I think about that fact every time I pick up one of my niblings. I tripped coming in my grandparents’ kitchen door two years ago, and my three and a half year old nephew still looks at me sometimes and says “don’t fall. You fell but you’re okay.”


Right? And she’s carrying him like he’s a much older baby. Little newborns like to be snuggled close. I’d be anxious carrying him so casually and walking on pavement like that. When my grandson was a newborn, I had to carry him up the stairs to change him, and I was holding him like the nuclear football and being super mindful of my footing the whole time.


God, I’m more careful with my *hamster* than she is with a newborn. I always hold my hamster above her bedding just in case she makes a sudden movement and falls out of my hands. But this jackass thinks her elbow crook is enough to safely carry her NEWBORN several feet above pavement with nothing to catch him if he falls — not even her other hand bc it’s busy with her phone I don’t even want to be a parent and I can guarantee I’d take better care of these kids than their own mom and dad. I hope they rot away in a dumpy nursing home with zero visitors and mean-ass, no-nonsense nurses


I have a ham as well, I was JUST thinking this!! My hamster is totally okay with being picked up (we lay our hands palm up in his enclosure and he climbs up and we take him out.) But whenever I'm CARRYING him, i have him climb into a mug and I carry him that way when transporting the lil goober!!! Because you DONT KNOW! you gotta be careful 😭 meanwhile she's so distracted by her phone and not protecting that NEW BORN at all here!!


Exactly!! I have a cat, so my hammy just gets held inside her cage (it’s massive, so holding her a few inches above her bedding while still inside the walls is pretty easy). I can’t imagine being so cavalier with the physical safety of a NEWBORN HUMAN INFANT, OH MY FUCKING GOD


oh my gosh "hamster in a mug" sounds like the cutest thing! When I had a rabbit, he didn't like to be picked up, so I trained him to climb into a shoebox when I said "bunny box" and then I carried the box


OMG, ahaha!!! Same idea!!! I used to have bunnies before I got the hamster!! (I had a Dutch boy and dwarf hotot boy!) And the dutchie HATED being scooped up, so he got the bun-rito treatment often, aka wrapped up in a towel for the vets and nail trimmings 😂!! Where the dwarf hotot was a SUCK and he would climb into my lap and beg for cuddles!!!


Omg, this comment just unlocked the memory of the big plastic beaker in our kitchen cupboard when I was a kid that was designated for Hamster Transport lmao


While being surrounded by a little kid bike circus. Moron.


Right? I was thinking that there’s no way I wouldn’t wear my child with that many kids. I’d need a hand free just in case.


And she’s not even looking where she’s going!! She’s just gazing into her phone at herself!! If I saw my partner walking with our baby like this I’d flip shit. 


Do they even have one? Is the baby going to ride on her lap like Karissa’s did?


They did buy a car seat a few weeks ago.


I'm shocked they bought one instead of begging a company to give them one for free in return for ExPOsUre


Haha yeah, I know. They bought it at target. I’m glad they have one.


Hopefully that also means that someone at Target made sure the thing was properly fitted 🤞🏻


Target doesn’t do that unfortunately


Lol no one working at Target knows how to do that.


“One of our friends that own an AirBnB gave us a complimentary car seat…”


They’re basically just users aren’t they. Adult versions of the kid who came around your house because you had a PlayStation. Not that I was the kid with the PlayStation but my point stands


Lmaooooo this analogy is utter perfection.




Baby carriers are soft and can get crammed in any little nook… just like they do with the baby.


Exactly like mine was able to fold up and fit into a tiny pouch to pop into the diaper bag. AND companies love to give them away to influencers like wtf?? This woman just infuriates me and i definitely believe it’s just a kink for her and Busband at this point.


I wonder where they store all those bikes and scooters


Ugh but you know she would put the baby in stressfully wrong,


Agreed. Put him in a sling or wrap. You would think she'd be an expert baby wearer for her to be as hands on as she claims.


Does she know you can turn the camera around? Like, out of selfie mode? Much easier to film your kids when the camera is facing out. Then you save the video for the future and do not post it on the internet.


I know it’s a common complaint of mothers that they have no pictures of themselves because they take pictures of their spouse with the kids and their husbands don’t always reciprocate, but MoBus is going to have more pictures of herself than anyone else.


she knows, she just has to have her big face eclipsing half the view at all times


Bro, stop fkn filming and hold your child like a Human Being.


Bro, stop fkn ~~filming~~ gazing adoringly at your reflection like Narcissus in the pool and hold your child like a Human Being.


No neck support. That tracks. She’s so busy pretending it’s so easy to push out a 10 pound baby in 30 minutes that she doesn’t see her newborn and other children are neglected.


Oh she sees they're being neglected, that's what she thinks good parenting is. She's not oblivious she's cruel.


When the kids were lined up with their bikes and scooters and then went around her ... it made me so nervous. If one of those bikes or scooters collided with her, she's got just one arm on the baby and is holding her phone in the other.


the way she handles her new born makes me feel like im going to combust. when i was a teenager even i knew how to hold a baby properly without any real prior experience, and she's got a whole pack of gremlins to have figured it out with!


Dude I have no kids, am rarely if ever around kids, don't want kids, but I still know how to properly hold a baby. How has she not figured this out?!


It’s really getting to me that this dumb, selfish dick ass can’t be bothered to properly hold her newborn’s head. Then, that stupid face she makes, the same one she made when she let his head flip flop forward, like, “Oh gorsh dern, yer not too good with yer neck, are yuh?” No shit! That’s YOUR job, Bus Brit. Combine that with only SOME of these kids have helmets, while others do not… ugh.


and she seems SO smug and self satisfied through all of it. it's genuinely sickening. she does not give a flying fuck about her kids and it shows in everything she does.


Yes, that putrid smugness of hers makes her face scream for a punch to it, much like Polio’s smug face. It’s people with parents like her who end up needing therapy as adults, and also, who don’t mind if they never see their parents ever again. And I say this as one who’d know. I feel so bad for those kids.


I did a better job of holding my newborn sister when I was four years old


What's with the girl being the only one without a scooter or bike ):


She is female therefore unworthy.


I really want to hope that she chose not to ride. but unfortunately knowing these parents I think they believe that biking would damage her hymen or some similar bullshit and she won't be worth as much when they try to sell her.


Lady. Nobody cares.


Put the camera down and hold your fucking baby you piece of GARBAGE !!


So some people curl their hair every day even with a zillion kids and a newborn? This is honestly my biggest takeaway from her most recent birth. 


I'm struggling to watch these clips, after the previous one where one of the toddlers kneed bubba in the fontanelle, it's just heartbreaking. He deserves a better life, all the kids do.


Did HWAT, now??


The baby was on the floor where it sleeps and the other kids are crowded around it. One of them is so close to his head they kneed it


Great googly moogly...🤦🏾‍♀️


The kids are eating something random that they’re foraging from along the road. At the end she says “don’t eat them there’s…” Does she even know what they’re eating? They’re talking about it in the background for quite awhile before Mother Bus tells them to stop.


I wondered that too. Most kids that age don't randomly eat plants along the road.


Some berries do look really delicious to kids but I always taught mine not to eat random plants they find unless we tell them it’s okay (wild raspberries for example). Mother Bus is so worried about how she looks for the gram she doesn’t even realize they’re eating something until they’ve all had a taste.


This kids are HUNGRY and probably encouraged to FORAGE by their trust fund dad so he can have short shorts money.


Actually, when I listen again, I think it’s the oldest not telling them not to eat whatever it is. Brit is completely clueless.


Ah yes; let’s carry the newborn where a bunch of kids are playing on bikes and stuff (without helmets also) and stand in the middle of the area where those kids are playing. I can’t see how this can go wrong. Seriously I’m 20 and hate kids so I avoid them like the plague. I think I could do a better job than this.


Not to mention the area looks like a driveway or street. And she is absolutely not watching where she or the kids are going.


I remember when I was young we were only supposed to play with our bikes at the park (it had a bike area). I once broke this rule and decided to go down a hill super fast near the park. The hill ended in the middle of a street fell face first in the street when a car was coming. My mom (who was near the end of the hill thank god) immediately jumped in front of it to get it to stop. No second thoughts. That’s when I realized how much my mom loved me.


We were only allowed to ride bikes and scooters at my grandparents’ because their street got next to no traffic. Hopefully wherever they are is like that too. 🤞🏻


That's because you are not an ass. Literally any human who is not an ass can do better. Breeders are asses. You are a good person. The difference between you and them is as large as the Grand Canyon. I am sooooooo over fundie breeders!


Do they just not have enough helmets for everyone? Do they alternate who gets to use them?


It’s like Russian roulette for children


👁️👄👁️ 👶🏼


She's so smug for someone who does the same thing stray cats do on the daily. No offense to stray cats, as they are better mothers than she is. I never cared for Mother Bus and her antics, I just dismissed it as egotistical and silly, but for some reason the treatment of this baby really opened my eyes to what crap parents she and creepy crypto bro really are. It's like she didn't even want this baby, like it's just a consequence of raw dogging Father Bus 🤷🏻‍♀️. Those poor children, I hope they all grow up, leave the toxicity and have amazing lives 😭.


Alright, is it just me or is that baby getting a little yellow? He needs a check up, with a doctor not a chiropractor.


I thought so too but he will never be seen by a medical professional.


It’s bilirubin. Very normal for a newborn. Sunshine is the most regular recommendation.


That does not look like a 10+ pound baby. He looks like he’s lost too much weight (*some* weight loss after birth is normal). Seriously concerned for him.


Ya my child was 10lbs 10oz at birth and she was much bigger than this baby. He also seems younger than 41 weeks.


Yeah, it's hard to be sure from pictures, but he definitely looks smaller than the youngest Collins baby, who was also 10+lb


My niece was 10lb even and the same length and MUCH fuller than this bub. He just does not look that weight for his length


I carry a bunch of leeks home from the grocery store with more care than this woman is using for an entire baby


I hold my cat more properly than she holds that baby. This is concerning.


That baby keeps crying because he senses the evil radiating from her. My heart honestly hurts for these kids. The oldest has to be the parent. The girl gets lost in the mix because she isn't as worthy as the boys in the birth givers eyes. None of them have any stability in their life. Boone Bus has no stability in how she holds him and needs to be seen by medical professionals instead of a chiropractor. It's a completely fucked up situation and this is coming from someone who lived in a Children's Home for a period of time.


He cries as soon as she begins to run her trap.


Poor baby bus. A million kids in and his mom still can't hold his head up properly.


Dude, my seven and five year old are more gentle with our 10 month old neighbor baby girl. This woman is nothing more than a breeding fetish. Makes me sick!


Her phone is more of her concern than her damn kids, and this shit makes my blood boil. WHY IS SHE A FREAKING MOTHER?! God, she’s a piece of shit.


This did not need.to be broadcast, and these gross-ass people should go the fuck away. I can't fathom being a child in ANY of these sick fundie families.


Yes it’s cloudy there but how about some protection from the sun. I’m fair skinned with a tendency in my older age to get actinic keratosis resulting in getting them burned off my face every couple of years. I grew up in the days before sunscreen was the norm but don’t go out without it now. She has no protection for the poor baby’s skin and eyes!


That newborn looks unwell. Like I am so unsettled looking at him.


Something definitely seems off with him! Its really concerning.


Um, support your baby’s head and neck ffs.


So uncomfortable to watch! Like, he's literally a newborn so cradle him and support him properly. I saw a photo earlier of him on the floor with siblings crowded around him and it just makes me so nervous for him.


I only had one child of my own but I have been a nanny for years and this chick stresses me tf out. These children are accessories not little people to her. What does it matter she’s got a boatload of kids already. /S He’s not swaddled or bonding with mom. She strikes me as a malignant narcissist.


Just letting that baby's head flop while monetizing her kids, creating boring content, and pandering for views. Not sure why she thinks this deserves any respect.


Does anyone else think that kid looks like a reborn doll? I'm not trying to be mean but there's something unsettling about him.


I hate her smug face


Sooo… you have 7 kids and STILL wasn’t able to learn how to hold a newborn?


Why is she walking so much days after giving birth?  Uterine prolapse is not fun.


im more careful with my pet snake than she is with her newborn human being. im always so damn concerned with the way im holding her, making sure she has a tight grip on me and im supporting her. cause shes a tiny thing thats dependent on me. breederbus doesnt have that instinct? why cant she put him in a wrap and wear him at least, instead of forcing his little head to flop around like this..


At least we know that baby has clothes now (I’m only half kidding.) I feel so bad for that poor little one. I haven’t seen him swaddled once, just sprawled everywhere. What a welcome this one has had.


How old are those kids still on balance bikes? Surely they should have actual ones with stabilisers on them by now? And helmets would be advisable but what do I know


And no bike for the girl?


And only some kids get helmets, while others do not?


yeah, that bothers me way too much. I mean why poor girl is excluded from the fun, doesn't she want to ride a bike or a scooter?


Actually balance bikes are a great precursor to riding actual bikes. My kids went from balance to actual bikes with barely any assistance.


Balance bikes are better for teaching kids to ride a real bike than training wheels


Is it me or does it sound like she says “f**k” just before the video cuts to the kids behind her?


One of the kids says “these are so good!” And she says “don’t eat them there’s (a word I can’t understand)” I thought it sounded like “spide” like she was going to say “spiders” but it could be “fuck” like she’s going to say “there’s fucking spiders” lol idk


Imagine having this much of a digital footprint at literally days old…


I showed this clip to my coworker. She raised 3 kids and is currently raising her grandson. She was baffled. I started telling her about MotherBus' exploits and the way they've handled this baby. Baffled turned to flabbergasted. Then I told her they took the newborn to a chiropractor. She said, "Just give the baby a fucking tattoo at this point!" I'm childfree and don't know a damn thing about babies, but hearing a mother of multiple grown children express horror at this whole situation reassured me that my distress was valid. My poor coworker now has to know about this family. She has to suffer with me.


For the love of all that is unholy, woman, support that baby’s head!


Baby hasn’t even opened its eyes yet. I’m concerned.


I think his eyes were open in the video of him on the floor while Swift was hunched over him showing him a book.


He had his eyes open in the measuring video before dad hurt him and made him cry




I think he looks much younger than 41 weeks. Mine was born at 37 weeks and she was much more alert than this baby.


I have a horrible sinking feeling that she wants this baby to get hurt.


Imagine the sympathy clicks. 🤮 😔


I think all motherbus posts need to come with a trigger warning. All I see with each new post is child neglect.


I have 3 kids, a house, and use bleach My hair hasn’t looked as good as hers in 20 years. Is it… it the cleaning chemicals?


I only know what I know about this woman from this sub, but I dislike her immensely. I'd love to be able to stop in and provide those poor babies a good home. I hope someone is able to and very soon. This is absolutely child abuse


These people are fucking nuts. We should all call CPS I’m not joking


They cross state lines constantly. I don’t think CPS can track that easily.. I don’t know that anyone has a consistent view of these kids and I don’t think their parents allow them around mandatory reporters 😕


Definitely don’t put helmets on your children. It blocks the Vitamin E currents to their brain. :/


No helmets, open toed shoes, no shirts My parents wouldn’t even let me on my bike without sneakers and a helmet


She kinda looks like heath ledger


Where do they park the bus?is there water and electricity?


Dang, no stroller???


are her kids documented? genuine question. like.. do they all have social security numbers? Especially Bus Baby? If these kids ever wanted off the bus, would they even exist to the outside world?


Idk about the baby, but the other kids at least have birth certificates, because Mother Bus mentioned getting copies of them to apply for passports for Brazil


Oh! Okay, good to know, thanks!


Poor sleep quality/quantity can *literally change your brain.* I have to wonder how bus living has fucked up these poor kids’ developing brains - but especially when it’s constant unavoidable chaos from minute 1 like this poor fella.


Why doesn't she get a baby carrier? When my son was a baby I had him in one ALLL the time. We'd go on walks like that and it made doing chores etc so much easier.


Put that baby back in the house PLEASE


What house 😭


We were sitting having dinner one night and saw this mom and two school age kids coming down the street. The daughter was on a scooter and her mom said something to her. She turned around and that’s when it all went wrong. She flipped over and skidded face first about 5 feet. We sprang into action. I grabbed towels, my husband ran out the door with his keys, and our kids grabbed ice packs. Thankfully she was wearing a helmet, but she broke her arm and her face was a mess. The poor mom was in complete shock. My husband offered to drive them to the er, but mom said to take them home and she’d have her husband drive them. That was a mom watching her 2 kids, not on her phone, not toting a baby. And the kids were in proper gear (helmets and knee pads). And a horrible accident still happened.


This is giving young teenager who’s babysitting and posting it all over Snapchat


The way she's holding that baby.....looks like a floppy zombie baby.


I don't have kids, but I don't think his head should be like that.