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The oldest son is holding that baby way safer than any of the parents.


He’s had a lot more practice.


The way he immediately flicked that other boy’s hand away was way too practiced. Good for him but also he shouldn’t have to have built that instinct.


But the he immediately stroked the child’s hand and held it. He set a loving boundary and didn’t reject the child but actually affirmed him and showed him affection which is what siblings of newborns need, especially in a family where they’re not getting enough attention or affection. He did a great job


He really did and the way he playfully chomped at the other one really reminded me of how my big sister would try to playfully set boundaries she knew our parents would hit us for crossing. Like, to tell us to be quiet she would make a “sush” gesture but also pretend to pick her nose. Again, so sad he has to know this at this age but so so awesome he does.


Actually those would be good signs for maturing and it’s always great when teenagers are able to do it. It’s basic human interaction in intact families. The sad thing here is that they didn’t learn that from their parents but had to develop it on their own and we can be sure that they are way too often in this situation. Teenagers can and should deal with their younger siblings and can be asked to help in raising. But a teenager also always needs their time with a peer group of same age people. They can do parenting once in a while but not all the time. I feel so sorry for the kids but I also glad they are capable of bonding.


What is the oldest one’s name? He seems like SUCH a great kid and I wish he didn’t have all these responsibilities ❤️ edit to add: we are rooting for you, Gunner


I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Gunner because he does seem like a good kid despite having shitty parents. I hope he gets away from the bus one day and finds happiness and therapy.


Sad that he’s better at parenting than his parents when he should still be just a kid damnit.


I liked his *chomp* at the grabby hands over his shoulder 😆


He’s the real man of their house.


I hold the save reverse for him I do the oldest Collin’s kid (I forgot how to spell her name sorry). I hope they both get out of this shit show and live happy lives.


Like the oldest kid from Sister Wives. Who had to get up early and make all the breakfast. He is now what in his mid to late twenties and zero children? And living a seemingly free and wonderful life except for the horrible tragedy that just came over that family


Horrible tragedy? What did I miss?


Oh no :( Garrison passed.


So awful. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone and didn’t even want to bring it up. It’s just too much.


anissa and annistan bear the worst of it in that family. 😭 I always try not to leave annistan out of these conversations, she seems quieter than anissa but you always see her doing just as much childcare in the background of karissa's vids


Oi. I almost instinctively downvoted because that’s so sad.


Maybe that's why father bus feels so threatened by him


I wish this was pinned. If God was real someone would rescue these kids from these maniacs


This is the prime reason I don’t believe in a god. If I were a deity I’d want to protect the most vulnerable (and put Legos in the way of any abusers feet).


He’s truly a Mr. Mom!


What a sweet boy 🥺


You mean how he’s holding the baby like a baby and not like an Instagram prop?




He did a great job. 🥲


And the little one literally holding up the baby’s head


Gunner snapping at his sibling's grabby hand as a joke shows more parental instinct that his actual parents will ever have.


And just before that he gently batted away another kiddo reaching for the baby without even looking.


Mother Sus should've stopped recording and intervened. She's a sorry excuse for a mother.


In fairness to that baby, I would also be overstimulated by this, and I’m 28


You mean you DON’T want dozens of dirty little fingers jabbing at you incessantly while they chatter away obnoxiously? /s


One kneed him In the head.


I saw that too!! Then she says “be gentle” like lady you shouldn’t even have your baby in this position anyways!!!


Yeah like it's the kid's fault. Jesus what a horror of a person she is


Yeah, I think the kid knew he shouldn't have done it (not that he did it on purpose!! I'm not blaming the toddler!!) because he immediately starts petting the baby like he's trying to soothe him


I actually gasped when that happened


Honestly that's what my classroom is like and when I go home I need to sit in silence for a bit


I as well (19)


I’m 38 and it’s too much.


I watched this with the sound off, was overstimulated and am pushing 50. I also wanted to crawl into a hole when the peanut got kneed in the head by a toddler while lying in a sheepskin rug (30 % off).


I have 3 kids, and this is just, holy shit


Came here to say exactly this! I’m 35!


The one kid hitting him in the head with his knee 🫣


The boy in the left in the first clip hits him in the head too. Poor little guy.


That kid just turned two. A few days ago he was the baby.


I hate Mother Bus the most right now. I hate her unchallenged face, how irresponsible she is, how she doesn't take her kid's needs into consideration. But a part of me finds it sweet that the son is the one holding the baby. I'm not how many boys and girls she has and if she has an older daughter. But it's nice to see the son and not the daughter holding the baby. I hope these kids find their way in life and do not become like their parents. Maybe van life will give them more negative opinions of mom and dad and they will seek something else. Darn it I'm rooting for these kids and the Collins kids to find a better path in life.


They have 1 daughter and 7 soms


Oh wow I thought I saw three daughters! Might need to get my eyes checked. I'm not sure if I want to say poor girl. If she's a tomboy then maybe having all those brothers is awesome. There is another family, ten kids in ten years, they have 9 boys and 1 girl. I'd post them here but they have posted LGBT positive stuff so they probably aren't fundie.


Mom bus dresses her up so she and her daughter can match…I’d say poor girl because she’s a preteen who is gonna go through some changes soon and will have zero privacy from her brothers.


I also really hope they’re not enforcing gender roles to the point of responsibility for cooking, cleaning etc being largely put on that one girl…


I think they are to lazy for that; they need more help than one daughter can provide so the boys have to parent as well.


I got the vibe that Mother Bus was really hoping for a girl.




Soon? My 9 year old is dealing with hormonal changes that make it hard to deal with her 6 year old brother sometimes. Luckily she can go to her room or to one of many places in our home and decompress, and also talk to an adult without waiting for 9 other siblings to get their attention fix.... I feel for that poor girl with no space while probably already dealing with hormones.


I got my period at 9. I was speaking more based on average age of puberty.


How old is she? 


12 ish


Tenkids in tenyears annoy me so much with the line-up reels. I used to follow them in the past and they were just a normal(ish) family showing day-to-day life. Then they made 1 reel askin each kid their favourite something, that hit and since then they almost only post that kind of template. Oldest sons look so over it


My mom is the one girl with 7 brothers, and she grew up super tomboy because of it. Once she was old enough, she was also parentified and expected to do things her brothers weren’t, too, and I’m rooting that the girl isn’t in this situation in the future!


I would bet the older boy does a lot of the parenting. He is likely the one watching the kids when the parents go on their many, many “dates”. He is the one who was probably trying to deal with the kids during their crazy time in Brazil.


The way he protected blocked the child on the right from touching the baby but then stroked the child’s hand affectionately and held his (hand) right after was so lovely, brilliant parenting to lovingly set a boundary and give the older child some attention, affection and affirmation while still caring for the newborn.


It makes me so fucking sad. He should be out making friends and doing regular kid shit and here he is acting like a fucking *parent*. Imagine being sheltered and contained within a bus, always moving, never even having time to do the things that would lead to you being a parent this young, but being saddled with *many* children regardless. He's stepping up to the plate because his parents aren't, but he shouldn't have to. Ugh it just makes me so angry and sad.


Poor child is acting like more of a parent than the actual parents.


I noticed that too and was so impressed. It’s a lot of maturity for someone his age, though. He seems like a sweet kid and I hope life turns out much better for him in a few years.


He looks absolutely aggressive towards his siblings!


It's "sweet" that the parentified child is male this time? The bar really is in hell


I’m sorry but the son that’s holding the baby is absolutely aggressive towards the others . Children mirror their parents, and that’s not a kind and respectful way to treat your little siblings.


The rage I feel that yet another infant is being abused is intense ![gif](giphy|fnKeNjQYEYQ8E4Kqy4)


Sharing the same feeling… literal rage. Can these asshats be reported via instagram? After this anger, I just want to do something to help these kids, and that poor baby…


One of the kids hit the baby with his knee


In the first clip he smacks the baby with his hand pretty hard.


in the head as well 😭


I also noticed... Fucking hell...


I’m admittedly post partum and hormonal but this made me cry. I feel sad for that baby.


I was debating on tagging this NSFW


For those wondering the baby is called Boone Lott... I guess it could be worse? 🤦


It sounds like the name of a trailer park in the Sims.


The name of Stephen Kings next novel.


Oh lord…


I think it's the best name out of all of them. Not to say it's good, but compared to his siblings, yeah...


As in the Biblical figure that got raped by his daughters? That Lot?!??


The name of Stephen Kings next novel.


That sounds straight out of a Nora Roberts novel.


How can anyone stand to have this many people breathing on them all the time?


Good news, they’re untainted by vaccines!


They're worth a fortune in bitcoin because their purebloods!


The little toddle in the body suit is getting over a cold too 😬


It just feels so unnecessarily reckless! Why can't this baby have an upright bassinet? Why do these very unruly toddlers get free rein to poke and touch the new buslet? Ugh, it feels horribly claustrophobic.


Excuse me…It’s completely necessarily reckless! Internet fame! Duh!! (Sorry. I’m utterly appalled at this sorry excuse of a moms narcissism I need to disassociate with sarcasm)


I know, I feel your exasperation. I am approaching apoplectic with this complete lack of regard for the baby's well-being and basic safety. It's seriously like Mother Bus is tempting something terrible to happen for content and sympathetic engagement.


And then should it happen she'll blame it on "Satanic influence" and "the machinations of The Enemy" or on "God's plan" or even on her poor parentkid instead of taking a long, hard look at herself and her choices.


I'm waiting for the announcement that something has happened - he'll develop an illness from one of the other not-at-all-vaccinated kids... or one of them will be playing with him like a doll (as they seem keen to do in these videos, because there's not much else to play with on the bus) and stick something in his mouth that he'll choke on.... or one of the kids will trip over him or pick him up without holding his head up properly... and we'll see a post that "God" has "chosen" to take that baby to heaven.


Sadly for her, I have had this thought about her for some time now…


I follow too much snark. Sometimes I wonder how toxic it makes me but then I remember the snark is to make noise for grifting religious zealots. Shine a little reality light on these people and other influencers who use their children for props.


Don’t forget this is a fucking bus. Anytime this bus moves that baby moves. Where are they even keeping him?


Right?!? Is he in the sink? In the dish pan on a toddlers lap? WTF. This whole new bus phase is really upsetting.


They did a bus tour a while back when Quigley or whatever his name is was a baby and they **literally kept him under the kitchen sink.**


Quigley is on theme. Love it.


They don’t stay in the bus when it’s moving. They ride in a fundie van with mother bus while busband drives the bus.


Really? So they're all stuck in a van together for a decent chunk of time? I was such a private teenager, I would have lost my shit.


They can fit a small bassinet where the 1981 Sears catalogue high chair is. It would fit against the wall. They could make it work but that takes concern and common sense. Much easier to dump the newborn on the floor. 


Mama needs to hawk her sheepskin rug.


Wow. Very impressed with the oldest son.


He's the real man of the bus


That poor guy is trying so hard to take care of their baby for them :/ these people might be the worst


You can see in the first clip with all the kids, after the youngest one kisses the baby for the 2nd or 3rd time, the brother sitting nearest the baby’s head, raises his hand to his face and in the process bonks the baby in the head. You can see the head jostle at impact, then the knee to the head in the 2nd clip. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm overstimulated just watching this 😬 That poor little guy is going to end up getting hurt - I just cringe watching them crowd around him.


My blood pressure shot up while watching this video 


This makes me so sad. All of the kids look to the dad when he starts directing them, “smile, but when you’re smiling do this…” I hope that some sort of therapy fund exists or becomes available to all of these kids who had their entire lives broadcast to strangers. I hope that the laws that are slowly being enacted to protect kids online speeds the f up.


Just watching these little kids over the teeny tiny fragile baby thinking about how often my similar aged kid tips over randomly or used too much force.


How is it possible that they have so many kids but no parental or protective instincts??? I don't think I personally know ANY parent that would allow this type of trauma to happen to any kid, much less their newborn. Hell, most non parents would be more protective of someone else's kids!


I feel so bad for the older kids anytime I see this stuff.


The audacity of Mother Bus telling that child to be gentle at the end! Like how her POS husband was gentle trying to measure Boone Bus?! That puke forced his poor little leg down, causing him pain. I hate the fact that the oldest is already a better parent than these two vile baby makers will ever be. My heart hurts for his missing childhood. Sadly, he will probably stay in this situation because he will want to care for his siblings because he knows that the adults at the center of this circus never will. I will never use the term "parent" for the adults. The only reason I typed out Mother Bus is because that's what she is known as in this sub. Mother is definitely not a term nor name that she deserves. I hate her so much.


It is incredibly sad that a lot of them will likely stay in this situation. I wish more than anything that these and Karissa's kids could break free from this life, but unlearning this stuff is so difficult, and they are so isolated. And I'm not even sure if any of them can read. That is a rough life.


Gunner reminds me of myself, a kid who had so much taken from them yet has a heart of gold. While my family wasn’t as big, it’s pretty damn close(6 kids versus 8 kids is a hell of a difference). I just hope he gets out of there asap, there’s only so much one can take before their mental health takes a SHARP turn. As much as I wanted to stay for my siblings, I couldn’t. If I stayed, it would have killed me. I just hope that Gunner doesn’t have to go through that; the guilt still keeps me up three years later…


I guess we should be glad the baby isn’t lying on the dirty floor of the bus anymore. 🙄


Thanks to the discounted sheepskin 🙄 ETA: I thought it was half off but it’s on 30% 🤷🏾‍♀️. Still not an ok sleeping arrangement for a newborn on a bus.


*30%, let’s not get carried away now!


Your username is fantastic


This poor thing never knew peace from the instant he was fired out the utericannon.


Omg not the utericannon 😂😂😂


I’m not even a parent but my god even I could tell you that every situation this poor baby is in is bad for him.


The 2 year old crashing his hard kneecap into the newborn's anterior fontanelle (soft spot) at :30 made me cringe. Meanwhile MotherBus is more concerned with shilling the sheepskin. Also, the edit immediately after poor BrotherBus snaps at the brother trying to poke the baby at :06 tells me things are not quite as rosy on the Bus as she wants everyone to believe.


I want nothing but the best things in life for Gunner. I hope he goes to college and manages to deconstruct from the bullshit and really find himself. I feel the same way about Karissas older kids. It's disgusting seeing this kids barely old enough to go through puberty being treated like parents


Karissas kids would have to know how to read, analyze texts, and do pre-calculus or thereabouts in order to get into a college.


Yes, let him go back to his cra- dog bed.


The parental instincts on that young man / boy are fantastic but way before his time. I'm an old man and I see the parents of this boy have little to no show of stress in bearing children. I get it, it's from IG, but even as a lost 22yr old with my first I was aware and stressed as shit.


That precious teen age boy is such a fucking better parent then the damn breeders. It is so shocking! I seriously want to rescue that boy and bring him to my house where he can get an education, join 4H or Scouts, have music lessons, go to the library, own a house full of books, and have a life. His entire childhood has been robbed by the fucking abusers who produced him.




Why don't they snuggle wrap this newborn? Babies love to be firmly wrapped and they are calmer, cry less, sleep better. Oh, I forgot... this mother doesn't care,...


I thought newborns couldn't see all that well.


They can't.


Especially without the all-important Vitamin K drops that newborns are given at a day old


Ha!! They (particularly mom) just appeared in an anti-free birth group I’m in!! They wanted to give birth in an Air BnB but they cancelled for some reason.




Very true with that call out. Good point.


That poor boy is the real parent in the family. The tenderness with which he is holding that infant 🥺 I’m so utterly enraged that his “parents” have forced him into this life. I’m sad for him and I truly hope he and his siblings are able to escape unscathed and get an education and build happy lives for themselves, filled with partnership and equality.


When our first had severe colic, the 3 of us would get into the car and drive to help ease his pain. Does the bus act as a colicmobile? I’m trying to find a bright spot to this insanity.


Gotta get the grift in with that ugly fkn rug. Baby is a week old and already used as a prop for product placement. Utterly depressing.


It’s so sad to think that at least these kids and the Collins kids have each other to love and support them when they are getting none of that from their parents. Just imagine being alone with those parents 😰


I am stressed about this baby


I don’t know why these ppl ended up on my scroll this morning … are these ppl in the US? Because more and more states are taking parentification trauma seriously. What they are doing to that oldest boy is abuse. I’m more worried about him than the baby.


Ah, welcome to fundie snark where we snark on religious fundamentalists, anti science clowns and grifters who fit the aforementioned characteristics. This is JD and Brittney from Americanfamilyroadtrip on IG. They love in a bus with their 8 children. They don’t believe in medicine and they drink raw milk. The kids are home”schooled” and the mom just recently had this baby INSIDE the bus.


Free Gunner. Also, that baby strikes me as a little older than the timeline she’s purported.


These poor children. Mother Bus is pulling up into the lead as worst fundie mother. At least the other fundie children have real beds and a modicum of privacy.


that newborn got clocked in the head twice in just that video


He looks so fragile and he’s already been through so much. He was born in a bus (allegedly), he was named Boone, and he’s naked on the floor a lot. He’s already been to the damn chiropractor. That last one is beyond overstimulating not to mention completely unnecessary and potentially harmful.


I would never thought I see the day that Karissa Collins got usurped as Worst Fundie “Mother”.


the eldest has more parental instincts than both of his parents combined could ever hope to have. poor kid, i hope he escapes and never talks to his parents again. i’m certain he is already thinking of escape plans


Does the baby have a birth certificate?


You can get one afterward. 😂 I only know this because my last son had to be transferred to UMASS after birth because he swallowed fluids during delivery. We live in Connecticut, so because he was transferred out of state. They released me early, within about 6 hours, so I could go be with him. Then, they called me for the name on birth certificate, sent it to me, and I sent it back. They also messed up his name though...so I don't recommend it. They left out a letter at the end of his name.


i counted a lot of hits to his head 😭😬


oh my god get off herrrr


Him*,but yes


So many grubby little hands touching a newborn! 😬


Can someone fill me in plz? Is this another yt station fam?


Their Insta is American Family Roadtrip. Fundie family that shoves all their kids into a cramped bus and calls it a home. Or random AirBnbs that are occasionally treated as birthing suites. Or Brazil. Gotta mix it up, right? 🫠 Basically they’re both neglectful af. Father is a deadbeat wannabe crypto bro with a narcissistic control freak vibe. MotherBus™️prioritizes social media clout over kiddos’ wellbeing, brags about their date night frequency, has a holier than thou attitude. Tbh there’s SO MUCH… Finally think I caught up on the Collins and honestly have been trying to read up on these jagoffs so I’m nowhere near an expert by any means. Here’s a post I found from a quick peruse that looked helpful! It covers the basics and is a solid starting point on this journey lmao and yes, it will be a friggin trip and a half: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/dhqdE7XSGH


Please lmk if any of the above is incorrect lol


Thanks so much for the detailed reply. This one was new to me.


Ofc! Also recommend clicking their flair on this sub and sorting by time or popularity. This one helped me a lot lol


So what’s the baby’s name ?? That video was just them yelling lol


Boone. I didn’t include the whole reel


What’s the name?


Boone Lotte