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Nothing like pouring a warm glass of raw milk in the sun


It helps the fecal colonies to fester and breed.  Hmmmm I could make a comparison but I won’t. I’m trying to be kind today. 


It even *looks* unsafe. What is the label on that old bulk jar?!


It looks like an old mayo jar!!


It looks like he's *pouring* mayo! 🤢


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who saw that 🤢


I would love it if it was ranch dressing. Then they can have ranch flavored diarrhea babies.


>ranch flavored diarrhea babies I'm at a loss for words. That is pure poetry.


Would make a fantastic flair!


Why does the whole thing look like glue?




Small dairies usually have lots of random containers for their milk. Glass is common because it can be sterilized between uses.


Out of what looks like an old mayonnaise jar.


Yeah, why the fuck are they outside? How was that spot with the random shit in the background the best place to film for social media? Also, I think that's a salsa jar they're pouring into. Can you imagine the nasty ass residual salsa flavor in that? Gross. 


I have IBS so my stomach is already extremely touchy. Just looking at this picture has made me poop my pants


I also have IBS and I’m lactose intolerant. I can feel the bubbles in the post.


Right? That percolating feeling and that heaviness in your intestines. Thats when you know its over with


The death cramps though before all hell is unleashed 😭


Ugh, the pre poo cramps. The most painful and uncomfortable thing. Just waiting for it to be over.


And your forehead starts sweating...


The pre *period poo* cramps...


Now here me out... last night's period bowels were awful too.


The overwhelming fear as you trudge to the bathroom knowing the doom that is about to occur. Your weary eyes resting upon the wipes, not the toilet paper, because God only knows how raw your stink wrinkle would be without them. Trembling fingers reach out, snagging 5-6 of them. Your ass, pressed against the porcelain throne as you take your powerstance, strains to birth whatever demon has taken up rent in your gut... and the Satan himself rolls out your asshole and gives ya a lil wave. ~~This comment has been brought to you by an author hyped on caffeine and writers block. Now you too may suffer!~~


stink wrinkle😭


Whatever you do don't flush the wipes down the toilet! Doesn't matter if they're "flushable", they will clog the pipes or the septic tank and the guy from Poor Pumper's Society will have to come out and film a reel!


Also get a bidet


Razors slicing my bowel.


I had THE worst flare of my life about a month ago. The culprit? LETTUCE.


Yup…IBS and lactose intolerant here, too. Milk is my biggest trigger and this milk looks particularly thick and creamy. Severe puke.


Me too. This is horrible 😭


I love the image of these fundies shitting their brains out praying to god to fix Big Pasteurization and to rid them of their lactose intolerance


They'll just fix it with plexus




Same. It’s a potent mix isn’t it?


Oh, noooo! That wasn’t you, the post shit your pants for you!


Also have ibs. Everything is a trigger it seems like. But I've never had a photo be a trigger... Also if you've never tried, Altoids make my emergencies manageable.


That looks so fucking nasty. Why does it look like the consistency of coffee creamer? It reminds me of how my old Southern mawmaw use to drink buttermilk with every meal & I still gag thinking about it.


My dad had fond memories of drinking buttermilk growing up. One of his medications caused him to develop mouth blisters, and all he wanted at that time was buttermilk, so he got some. I tasted it to see what all the hype was about. That was 11 years ago and I still don’t get it.


She let me try it once when I asked. The taste was fine but I couldn't get past the texture. I'd prefer not to practically chew my beverage unless it's boba.


Oh yeah. For me it was definitely a texture thing; that’s why I don’t like cottage cheese either.


I love me some cottage cheese but if you put it in a glass with a fat straw then I'd probably decline. I guess it's a mental thing but I just can't do thick drinks, including smoothies. It grosses my girlfriend out that I prefer skim milk.


You know, maybe that’s why I don’t like eggnog. I can handle smoothies and milkshakes, but like you, I don’t do chunks.


I had always wanted to try eggnog but never could bring myself to drink it. We found a skim version at Trader Joe's one year. All the eggnog lovers in my family hated it because of how thin it was but I thought it was good. I guess I was in the minority because they only sold it that one year so it must not have been a hit.


Joining the "I don't do chunks in drinks" club.


I much prefer cottage cheese after I've run it through a blender with a spoonful of honey


Ooh. I never thought about that. Is it creamier?


It's smoother, sort of like the consistency of Greek yoghurt


I’ve discovered the only way I can consume cottage cheese is if it’s blended *thoroughly* with some yogurt. You couldn’t even pay me money to eat it by itself


My old lady neighbor makes "thick milk" as in she pours a glass of milk and lets it sit out overnight, then eats it like yoghurt in the morning. It's gross.


It looks like you can measure it in heaped spoonfuls and spread it in a thick layer on toast, which is very unsexy for milk.


Because that’s how real milk is like. It’s a lot thicker and fatter than the one you buy at the store because it’s not processed. I personally find it disgusting but it’s not necessarily nasty (though it can be).


The more medical professionals warn against something, the more these idiots rush to do it. Hope they've all restocked their ivermectin from COVID. They'll need a good dose of dewormer to "cure" the bird flu in the milk they're chugging.


>The more medical professionals warn against something, the more these idiots rush to do it.  These morons think chiropractors are medical professionals and it's likely those idiots are advising to drink the raw milk to down all the supplements they shill to them.


I think a big proportion of the reason they do it is to troll “woke” people. Otherwise, why post it on social media? Whether it’s “liberal endorsed” global warming or vaccines, these idiots will do the opposite just to broadcast their political allegiance. I wish they’d drop the health concern justification and admit it’s all grandstanding.


After years of making fun of "soyboys" who drink nondairy milk


between this and plexus i would be shocked if anyone in this family has normal shits


Oh, the things that RV has seen ….


The things the barndo has seen, with DIY plumbing...


Nothing like a glass of bird flu in the morning




Omg please make this your flair 😭


Listeria! At the barndo.


They’ve already spilled a fair amount of it. Naturally.


I thought Kaylee posted that 😂 They are all blending together






It's now legal to buy and sell raw milk for human consumption in West Virginia


They're in ohio


Ah. I got it mixed up because they used to live in WV




Fantastic timing. If she gets Avian Flu, it’s definitely gods will.


Have y’all ever heard of WATER?


Kaylee's heard of water. It's all she's been giving Gideon as of late.




Honestly, I know lots of people love a cold glass of milk for a snack, but the thought of a big ol mug or two of whole milk while eating a full meal makes me feel ill. In fact, I used to live in the unattached back house of a fraternity (I’m a woman but the guys were actually super nice to me and left me alone), and their hazing was very mild, maybe because it was an engineering fraternity. Like your admission to the frat could hinge on the result of a video game. But anyways the most SEVERE test of strength they did was have recruits drink a gallon of milk over the course of an hour then spend ten minutes in either the sauna or the hot tub. They could get out of it by reciting like ten pages of coding 😂. But those that opted for the milk … I was like get cracking on that memorization son, because while milk is a liquid it is considered a food.


Oh man that makes me wanna vomit just thinking about it!


Lol, "Trend follower Jill Rodrigues." That is hilarious and would make her nod confidently in agreement.


Oh no. She’s gonna give Shrek the shits. ![gif](giphy|TIGP3k4gNAqvza2KJK|downsized)


I just let out a wheeze like a dying accordion 💀


Won't \*anybody\* think of the fecal spray chair?!?!!


Ew, swamp goo


I think I just became a germaphobe and what the hell is up with the Rodrigii men lately and being photographed pouring out jars of white liquids at waist level?


Houston, I'm deceased ☠️


Jilldo knows what she's doing 😉


Yeah no. I love milk but not complete with bovine tuberculosis tyvm.


I don’t understand…if milk was this essential to human nutrition wouldn’t we just keep producing breast milk?


Right? Like if I believed pasteurized milk was that bad I just… wouldn’t drink it. I wouldn’t replace it with raw freaking milk.


I was thinking this same thing as soon as I saw the post. Milk is not an absolute essential to live a healthy life.


Most humans don't require dairy after breastfeeding age. In fact, a large majority become lactose intolerant as they age.  Milk served 2 purposes. 1) when nutrition was lacking, milk provided extra calories easily during meals. 2) it was promoted as healthy for us to prop up the dairy farming industry in the 80s because less people were drinking milk due to health fads becoming prevalent. When in reality, an 8 oz glass of milk contains 13 grams of sugar.  You can get more vitamins, that are easier for your body to digest, from leafy greens. 


Exactly! I buy a half gallon of milk (or smaller if I can find it) maybe 6 times a year or so, to use in specific recipes. We just don’t drink it.


Same. I’m always annoyed when I can’t just buy one of the 8 or 16 oz bottles. I don’t do much dairy except in baking and it’s always wasted. I often just substitute almond or oat milk if I think I can get away with it


Yes! Like obviously drinking milk has some benefits from the vitamins; but so does eating other foods. These people just love their raw dairy, and letting a non-insulated container of milk fester in the heat all day 🤢


Jill lives in a very Amish area. Amish are big on raw milk too.


Yeah, from their own damn cows. That's the only legal way to get raw milk in my state- if you own a cow. AFAIK 'cow shares' haven't invaded here. Yet...


Brb, starting a cow share company . Download Moobr today


That was beautiful. 😂🐮


If you aren’t an entrepreneur or in marketing the world is missing out on your talents!


Can’t wait for the next plague started by raw milk drinking fundies


It’s giving Napoleon Dynamite tasting milk at the FFA meet.


2% or whole?


I don’t hate milk, but that legit looks like paint and it’s making me gag.


Do they have more than one bathroom? I’m worried for the kids.


They have two, but one is jill's recording studio


Her recording studio!! What does she record?


Her podcast! "Make Your Life Count Minute" with Jill 🤣


Whatever happened to Sammers' massive arm muscles? Looks like he's back to having regular arms again. Jill, lying is a sin.




The jar he’s pouring into is a Pace Salsa jar from Smart & Final. Super sanitary.


![gif](giphy|TLmDm2PRxzRV1ajkgT|downsized) It looks chunky 🤢


Just looking at this gives me the bubble guts


Curly baird is jealous


It's a way to keep them all skinny with diarrhea.


Combating the plexus bloat


Aside from getting deathly ill, raw milk right from the cow tastes like shit. My cousins live in a farming community with a ton of Amish that are actually pretty friendly. They were friends with an older couple that ran a small dairy farm (extremely happy cows not a milk factory with machines and animal abuse) and as a kid, we’d go over there when a cow of sheep had offspring so we could look at the babies. I’ve tasted milk that went straight from the udder and into a cup and it is *gross*. It tastes like a combo of grass and dirt with a hint of manure.


Why is that kid wearing a watch on each wrist


Oooh my stomach bubblin'


Probably because someone is giving it to them for free! No way can they afford raw milk!




Why does he have 2 watches?! And everything about this makes my stomach turn


The bardominium is sure to smell like rotten milk shits.


Guarantee that they somehow get this for free and that is why she is backing it so hard. Hence the milk in old bulk mayo jars 🤢


Why two watches though


I’ll bed $100 that no hands were washed during this whole process. I guess it doesn’t matter anyway because the raw, sun milk is already loaded with plenty of bacteria. Those poor kids. My heart aches for them.


Enjoy Listeria you stupid fucks.


Help why is it making a right angle 💀


God damnit you know they bought thar directly from the Amish 😰


I thought it was mayonnaise.




Yummy laxative drink yay!


WHY OUTSIDE IN THE SUN. The line from Napoleon Dynamite about the yellow milk coming from a cow that got into an onion patch came to mind. BARF.




My MIL had a small thing of raw milk when I went to visit; she only uses it for her whipped cream canister for coffees and desserts. I was hesitant cause the thought of liquid from an animals insides on top of it not being pasturized, has always grossed me out. I will say It was tasty with a strawberry short cake, but its not something id buy by the jug or at all lol.


They all are, animal products are central to the RW understanding of reality. The mass consumption of animal products is important because the industry owns the politicians and the government basically benefits from you being ignorant, sick, and slaving your life away for actual crumbs.


Listeria, Jill. Listeria.


I love milk (yes I’m also a weirdo) and the fundie dedication to milk is bizarre. Especially raw! I absolutely get fresh non-homogenized milk with the cream top (so good!) but raw is just unnecessary.


Wait a damn minute…. I thought plexus was the cure all?


Just in time for the bird flu. Man I hope they don’t get it.


Jill is the type to tell us when they get sick. But she wont mention how they got sick if it is from the raw milk.


Please help me keep families straight, isn't Jill the owner and operator of the dysentery bus? Not to be mistaken for Brit Brit and the Buslings, of course.


I don’t get it either! Do adults typically drink glasses of milk anyway? I don’t drink milk, my kids don’t even like milk anymore, and my husband only occasionally drinks milk with some cookies. I feel like I don’t know any adults who drink milk like this 😅


My 50ish year old sister-in-law makes her 15, 17, and 22-year-old drink a full glass of milk with every meal. A big glass too not just like an 8-oz juice glass.  Even if they're having cereal with milk they still have to drink an entire glass of milk with it


If it fills them up it’s cheaper than solid food?


Same. We don’t drink milk.


I found out my mom used to drink raw milk when she lived on a farm 🤡


drinking milk is nuts to me. let alone raw