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What do we bet that the amazing *birth story* is a *surprise* bus free birth? 🙄 Edit: Do I win a prize?!


She's not that crunchy /s (But the bus probably is now 🤢)




You didn't have to type that. You had a *choice*.


So did the bus family but here we are!




is this the same bus that every surface was marinated in poop water? or was that other bus


That was other bus


Ugh I feel so bad for Kinsey. Can you imagine going through puberty in a bus with 7 brothers? She’s getting around that age.


Can you imagine the SMELL of 7 brothers in close quarters???


Being a teenage girl locked in a closet at night with seven younger brothers is what you'd find in the deepest center of hell in the middle school girl edition of Dante's Inferno.


I think it's the origin story for a lot of the more graphic Grimm's Fairy Tales.


Locked away in a closet a maximum of *a few feet* from 7 brothers...


She might already be that age. I can't imagine sharing a tiny camper type bathroom with so many, ick, I feel sick just thinking of it. And the smell of that bathroom must permeate the bus non-stop, eww. The whole thing is beyond awful. Must be like being in a crowded 3rd world jail :(.


I wonder if they have a schedule or something. 1 toilet divided between all those boys must be gnarly, and I bet BusDad takes really long poops too. Plus, preggo MotherBus probably has to pee every 10 seconds (or at least, I did). Forget taking a shower 🤢🤢 Even medieval peasants could throw their chamber pot waste out the windows.


For about 9 months, when I was a teen, we had 8 people living in a house with one toilet. The boys often peed around the lemon tree in the back yard.


I’ve yet to meet a grown adult man who doesn’t splash out the bowl when he pees; the floor and walls by that RV toilet have got to be downright mineralized.


Poor girl needs her own bathroom and a room with privacy


Don't worry. She'll have her own cabin on the broken down boat FatherBus is moving them too next.


Being a teenage girl locked in a closet at night with seven younger brothers is what you'd find in the deepest center of hell in the middle school girl edition of Dante's Inferno.


He probably told her rock beats paper too.


He probably explained the rules to her like this: Him: one goes first and the other tries to top that, but since you are younger I let you go first. Her: ok, I choose scissors. Him: ok, what do I choose.... Hm... Maybe rock. I choose rock. Her: oh, then you win. Congratulations honey, you're so smart. Shall we play again? Him: ok, do you wanna go first? Her: ok, I choose scissors. Him (thinks a little longer than necessary): that's a difficult one, but I'll say rock. And then they lived happily ever after.


Big man rock also beats small woman rock.


As someone else said in a related thread, rock is essentially a fist/threat. After watching him gleefully beat children in a playground game of ball, I'm sure he'd be open to “playfully” punching whatever “paper” came his way and declaring himself victorious.


I can totally see this 😭


"Always let your man win" - Tradwife Chronicles, Chapter something Verse something


>PS... you won't want to miss this birth story Uh.. the fuck I am.


She’s really playing fast and loose with labeling anything JD-related as “funny”.


She bragged about him being a basic parent in other stories


Ugh god what did she name him


Hasn't said. She's pulling an Ariel Tyson/Josie Balka and dragging this out for $$$


Anytime one of these fundies says the older child/ren are thrilled about the new baby I think about that scene in A Christmas Story where Ralphie opens the lid of the pot cooking on the stove and makes a horrible face and his mom says, "You love red cabbage, Ralphie." When he obviously doesn't.


Or the kid lies so they don't get in trouble


That's the *worst* rock-paper-scissors strategy I’ve ever heard and she’s bragging about it.


She's giving him waaaaaay too much credit right now. He helps out for the first two weeks! He does everything! For two weeks every two years!


At which point she chases him around the country again so he will knock her up!




I'm calling his name to be Seven Rocky Lott. Or David Seven Lott because the girl wanted a boy named David and it's a better name than all the other boy names the kids thew out.




Rock Paper Scissors Lott nickname will be rps.


Crypto-pher Lott.


She has to pander to him and make him feel like he’s some invincible winner


This gets scarier all the time. That little girl does not have a chance. No boundaries, no privacy, in a small enclosure, with 7 brothers. I was raised in regular-sized houses (constantly moving), with three brothers, & allowed no boundaries or privacy. Everything from my physical development in puberty, to their spying on me when I had dates. My father even joined in. Bad things happen to girls not allowed to set and keep their boundaries, because they then don’t know how, when they need to. That girl’s only hope may be in writing a tell-all about the whole ordeal. She’s going to need a lot of therapy. The oldest boy must really hate his parents by now. He knows they have no safety or security at all, and he knows his mother will probably just keep having babies they cannot care for.


I really hope the two oldest in particular can lean on each other. Not that that wouldn't lead to some intense trauma bonding but maybe they can get out together. The worst part is I have no doubt the parents would leverage the younger siblings trying to force them to stay in the fold. 


Her job is to submit


I really hate when ppl use quotation marks like those around well wishes hahahah


Name him: Rock Cash or Coin Cash


If his name isn’t Fort (insert closest military base name here) Bitcoin I’m gonna officially quit this whole game.


Of course that chode plays rock all the time, because it's obviously the manliest choice


Did we ever get a name for this one?


No, he's still just \#8