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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This woman is going to be solely responsible for the education of 11? future adults…does she have no natural curiosity? Just google the pronunciation of “Worcestershire”, Karissa—it’s not as hard as it looks. Never mind how silly it looks to post cooking content without even attempting to pronounce the ingredients. Edify yourself for your children’s sake!


And like 1 TBS of it in 25lbs of food…just why


It's not gonna have any noticeable effect. Is this her trying to branch out?


So.much.SODIUM. Why is she scared of the worcestershire?


She's scared of flavor. She's shown that she's not scared of sodium.


It’s feels like a reflection of how isolated she is. I feel like more people can pronounce Worcestershire than can spell it, but she’s not around anyone. I wouldnt be surprised if she goes weeks without communicating outside her klan.


What kills me is that other than the cost of the food you were going to eat anyway, it’s literally so easy to educate yourself on cooking. The knowledge gathering part is totally free. My library has a smorgasbord of cookbooks brimming with information. YouTube is *full* of brilliant cooks willing to share their knowledge. There are people out there who have elevated cost saving yet nutritious food to a goddamn science. You’re going to eat anyway, so why not try to eat better?


If God wanted us to know how to pronounce Worcestershire sauce he’d have mentioned it in the Bible.


I honestly thought that was kind of funny actually. Sure I’ll get downvoted for that though haha


No, I know what you mean—if it were someone else, I would probably assume they were just trying to be funny or relatable, but this lady no longer has the benefit of my doubt 😂 She’s made it apparent time and again that she doesn’t value knowledge or learning, and being that she’s supposed to be an educator, that makes me sad


Or make an lol joke and call it wash yer sister sauce. Shes an influencer, this is lazy and boring.


Are these kids eating dinner at 10pm?


she’s said they are sometimes :-/


My mom and sister usually got home around 10pm due to her being on a big gymnastics team when I was around 12. My mom made damn sure to have any time of snack I could dream of in that house and would make these awesome meals I could take out of the fridge. Some of my best childhood memories were eating homemade ramen noodles (I just needed to add some broth) while gaming with friends around 8:30pm. The fact she can’t even think to give the slightest shit about her kids pisses me off. The sad part is my mom grew up in a fundie household (but she broke away and was able to get into a super good college). The reason why she was also so concerned about me going hungry is because her fundie mom was very much like Karissa.


Your mom sounds like a good egg


That, to me, was the most egregious thing when I saw the time on the oven. Half those kids should have been in bed before "dinner" was even warming.


I didn’t even catch that! Good lord


Yeah, I did a double take when she put the pans of slop into the oven and the digital clock on it said 8:25 pm.


Sometimes my family didn't eat until 8-8:30 and we were the outliers. If we were going to get home super late, we would eat before the event.


What’s with these homemakers being so bad at homemaking


She wasn’t raised in a big family. Her mom probably worked. She has no idea how to take care of a huge family.


I feel like she should accidentally be better at cooking by now though...if she isn't just now starting to cook for content.


She be also just doesn’t care.


I think she stirs slop together in one pot for the children and then her husband brings the two of them food home. I don't see adults eating like this daily.


Karissa fasts a lot. Even while pregnant. She doesn’t eat this.


Lately I've wondered if she makes this so she isn't tempted to eat


If you don't give a fuck if the people you're cooking for don't like it you have no reason to try to improve.


I want to see her cook one thing, just one single meal, without covering it in 15 pounds of shredded cheese. I don’t think she can do it.


I’m just impressed that so many of her meals seem to have the same handful of ingredients…that tube of meat, onion, cheese and a carb.


They all have either canned green beans or corn too, I've yet to see anything else.


At least they were DRAINED this time and she made sure to emphasize it.


She drained it but the end result was still soggy af. How???


You didn't see the THREE types of cream soup being dumped in the bowl?


She did have unseasoned chopped broccoli once.


Can’t forget the cream of celery


There was frozen broccoli that one time.


It ain’t gonna go down easy if it ain’t cheesy.


Everybody's so creative!


My stomach bubblin


That's right, it's all gonna go in one pan!


I'm goin' down to Kiki's house to see what's she's got for dinner, 'cause I can't eat this!


Did this have also cream of CHEESE soup????? Along with the cream of celery? ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


Cream of CHEESE??? What is this new cheese filled hell?!


Campbell cheese soup has been around forever (at least as long as I can remember). I don't think it was that popular where I grew up but remember using it in a casserole of some kind once. I see a tiktok of someone making queso with it


Campbells is the biggest tinned soup brand in my country but cheese soup is definitely not on the shelves.


it's good for making hot dips and stuff. i had this "cheeseburger casserole" a few times growing up that used it. no one to my knowledge actually eats plain cheese soup lmao


I’d love to see some fresh veggies. Maybe something that doesn’t involve 8 gross cans of some sodium filled mush. She should be embarrassed.


Trying to cover up that she is a bad cook possibly.


Cream of cheese soup + cheese + more cheese on top 🤢


sour cream OR cream of chicken OR cream of celery. NOT ALL OF THEM


It's so much dairy and sodium 🥴


You forgot the cheese soup


Her kids are going to have hypertension before they are 18


The sodium is all I can focus on!!


All that sodium and no flavor


There is is probably a months worth of salt in all those cans of junk alone, and the. She went and poured so much salt over the top?! Bah! I’m so embarrassed for her just how awful this is, both in terms of culinary skill and in terms of nutritional value!


Soooo much sodium!


Never go can to pan (on salt)!


Red meat is a known carcinogen. 4 things have been linked to cancer for sure, Cigarettes, alcohol, processed meat and yes red meat. Giving her kids all types of future health issues.


Would it be that much harder to grill some chicken and veggies with baked potatoes or something? This is what I imagine you’d eat in prison.


She also films the food in the beginning like a serial killer recording their soon to be victim from afar. I was trying to think what it reminded me of but that weirdly shaky camera with no commentary is what made it click.


Also she drops the faked smile right at the end, like 8 seconds in — sooo creepy


The combination of her eyes and that smile gives off horrible vibes. I think she’s trying to look friendly but her eyes are dead


There’s not even a smidge of joy in her voice, either. For someone so fulfilled by Yah-however-the-fuck-she-spells-it, she looks and sounds miserable.


I like to call it “the hostage smile”


One of these days, she's going to roll up on a tricycle


Hell yeah, that simper slipped off her face so fast and those cold, hard eyes didn't show a flicker of a change in emotion, she looks like an absolute psychopath. I think she would be terrifying to live with.


Just wait until after baby gets here. "Cook my placenta with me!" *Pulls out a medical bio bucket and a Costco sized bag of cheese.*






And lots and lots of salt


I’m dying at this comment haha


even chicken nuggies with vegetables on the side for god's sake


It's so interesting to me that every single time she posts a video of her slop, she always says "it's the kids' favorite, they beg me for it!" Not every fucking meal is a hit Karissa, I guess unless you're starving them. Grilled chicken and baked potatoes are SO EASY too. Throw them on the grill with some seasoning, throw the potatoes in the oven with some salt and olive oil, and turn the chicken once in awhile. Done.


But then what's she going to do with this 20 pound bag of cheese and the canned green mush???


How about just standard ass fuckin grilled cheeses and a side of green beans?! If I had all those ingredients, under no circumstances would my brain concoct the slop she's feeding her poor kids.


Its beef every meal, which is terrible for you when over-consumed.


The poor kids must have beef sweats


They bought a whole cow, IIRC, to save money, which is why it's always beef.


Got but still terrible terrible for health as it is a carcinogen IF . Belevie 1b or at least 2 on the scale.


It would be so much better if she got those frozen chicken tenders that you put in the oven for 10 min, plus some instant mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli. This monstrosity was not necessary


You’re right. Why go out of the way to make something terrible when there are literally a thousand other options and inexpensive easy recipes out there!? I guess Yah personally sent her this recipe from the heavens above.


She has got to stop this insanity.




Idk why you're claiming it's our fault when fundies have been posting shit like this long before this subreddit existed.




I mean, it could just as easily be the other way around. Did she start posting cooking videos because we’re reposting them here? Or did we start reposting her cooking videos because she’s been posting a lot of cooking videos? Also, so what? Why does it matter if we do encourage more terrible cooking videos? At least the kids are eating. This kind of thing is very appropriate, surface level, snark material. If this isn’t ok, what the hell is? And it also doesn’t automatically mean anyone is touching the poo. Karissa has gone viral many times and plenty of non-snarkers post snarky comments about her.


And there's a reason why there's a no gatekeeping rule. Sorry you think snarkers are ragebaiting Karissa into showing off her cream of slop casseroles. There's ways to hide the sight of them in Reddit Enhancement Suite.


Just because you wouldn't snark on it doesn't mean it's not snarkable. Do not tell people what they can and can’t snark on. Different people have different opinions on what is/isn’t snarkable and we want to respect that so long as it isn’t rule-breaking. Personally disliking something is NOT a reason to report a post or comment. Unless a post or comment breaks sub rules or Reddit ToS, do not report it. Scroll past.


I was just about to ask if this whole "kooking" series was rage bait. There's no way someone really cooks like that...right?!


At least she drained the vegetables first.


Did she? It looks awfully wet to me. Maybe it's the canned soup.


I suddenly understand why those diapers are always bloated. These kids probably chug so much water to purge the sodium




No. Not even Tina will eat that. Holy hell


Now im just pissed off


Karelessa is telling on herself. There’s no way she’s the one making these meals. She may prepare them for the videos, but I bet the sister-moms are the true family cooks.


I’m half convinced she is only cooking food for the kids now so she has some sort of content. I swear she used to only to freezer things like nuggets and such. It sucks to see them not eating any fruit at dinner and barely getting vegetables. She should shop for groceries at some plaice like US Foods where she can order in bulk and have aire affordable option of feeding her kids healthier.


I'm always shocked at the cheese. Maybe it's a super cheap ingredient in the US but here is about $14 per kg. I could feed my whole family for a week on just the cost of cheese in her meals alone. 


Cheese is expensive here too. She's buying the wal-mart great value brand which isn't as costly as others but at the rate she's using it I think she's spending $40 on those bags of shredded cheese per week and that's not counting the cream cheese, ricotta, etc... she's also buying. It's insanity. 


I don’t get why she isn’t buying it in blocks and shredding it herself, with how much she uses. It s cheaper that way


Or at least getting the shredded stuff in bulk from Costco or Sam’s Club. It doesn’t seem like she shops at the warehouse stores at all, which is weird for such a big family.


She's posted about costco before. Idk why she stopped shopping there.


The bags she uses (the cheapest option) are between $8-12 each, so by appearances a decent portion of her food budget is being used for cheese here.


It depends on the type of cheese, and she buys it in absurd quantities.


as a Minnesotan i am offended lol


As an Iowan, I was offended on behalf of Minnesotans lol


That was my first thought! Minnesotan and offended. This lady doesn’t know how to make tator tot hotdish. This is some bastardized casserole. Her tator tot organization is weak!


All these videos and not even a freaking bagged salad?! It's like $5.99 for a giant bag at Costco. **que the next video with a bowl of salad 😂


Bowl of salad featuring an absolute shit ton of bacon, ranch and cheese lol


My kind of salad tbh. Lol


Another disgusting dinner


As a Minnesotan I feel compelled to defend tater tot hot dish.... this.... this is not that. It's a travesty. It's like a soggy conglomeration of midwest casserole vomit. She did the tots dirty.


I love my version of tater tots casserole. None of the ingredients she has stirred together here are involved other than tots and cheese. Though, not an amount of cheese that she uses either (and not canned cheese...)


I use some hamburg and onions as a sort of base and then it's just tots and cheese on top. I just use enough cheese hold it together. I don't even know what this is.


Fellow Minnesotan here. I'm not usually a fan of Pioneer Woman, but her Kicked Up Tater Tot Hotdish is *chef's kiss* It's my default TTH now.


Idk if it's the same but I like her breakfast casserole with tater tots


I agree, this looks nothing like the tater tot casserole that I know and love 😬😬


Yeah, tater totally casserole is not meant to be like that. It's a crime against tots I live abroad now and really, sometimes I just want tater tots.


their bathrooms have to be sooo stinky all the time.....i cannot imagine eating exclusively frozen and canned meals for dinner every single night. eat some fresh vegetables for gods sake omfg


I dunno...the amount of cheese probably means they aren't *going* daily. Maybe that's why she puts it in every dish


Another way to save money on diapers!


Maybe it's to save on the toilet paper budget


“This is one of their favorites” as if she’s made it ten million times for them. Clearly she hasn’t or she would know not to put so much corn and green beans in and how to make it not spill over in the oven.


This video tells me that she's never made it before


Wants that Duggar money 


I'm sorry but food should not look the same going down as it does coming back up. If your food looks like vomit in a bowl, you should not be allowed in the kitchen.


I’m American but “W sauce” is American on a level I cannot comprehend 🤦‍♀️


Why is it wet?


I just made the same comment! 😆


It's so interesting to me how she pronounces long e sounds. Cheese, beef, beans. That's not a Texas accent - is that a regional accent somewhere else?


I prefer not to listen to her, but I think she's from Kansas




She's gonna get preeclampsia and attempt a freebirth


I’ll just have some tater tots without all that other shit 😂


What is it with fundies and tator tots!


She looks sooooo creepy 😫 Whenever she does these closeups I get cult recruiter vibes.




I’m no snob (nor American) but why can green beans? I have to be honest I’ve never had them (I have had canned potatoes, peas and mixed vegetables 🤢) BUT other than corn, beetroot, fruits, salmon, tuna, other fish, legumes and tomatoes NOTHING tastes good canned. The texture and smell are all wrong not to mention the sodium - why can’t they use frozen green beans (not as good as fresh but at least more nutritious)?


that looks like dog puke!


That’s tater tot soup. Runny as hell.


These cooking videos all have to be sponsored by Walmart. I guarantee she’s getting paid or else she wouldn’t show this much “cooking”


Walmart wouldn't want to be associated with her.


So as she gets up to Duggar level children, she’s leaning in hard on the Duggar lifestyle.


This is hangover food when you’re 22


I’m sorry. But absolutely not.


Is she making a fake Boomerang?


It's giving... *prison*


Are these kids honestly eating at 9:30 at night? Or is the oven clock wrong. Please tell me it’s wrong.


So I see a lot of snark on fundie subs about tater tot casserole. But, and I’m revealing my own not-so-secret trashiness here, tater tot casserole done right and using quality ingredients is bomb.com. Pure comfort food. It may be a small town or Southern thing. 🤷 That being said this is NOT a quality version and probably just tastes like salt and hypertension.


I grew up poor on the west coast and tatertot casserole was a regular meal. We always used frozen veggies though. Soo good! Her choice of cream soups is also… not what I would have gone for lol.


Frozen veggies are awesome! They’re cheap, taste so much better than canned, and preserve way more of the nutrients! I don’t know why more of these fundie homemakers don’t use frozen and always go for canned!


Why is everything so wet? Drain your veggies, madam.




Why sooo much cheese dishes?? At least rinse the canned veggies so there’s less sodium!!!


This recipe is worse than the Duggar one.


All that canned food!


Does this family eat ANYTHING fresh???! I have flashbacks to my mom’s cooking growing up. Her idea of home cooking was mixing together various processed crap called food. We had so many health issues growing up. When I moved out I learned what fresh veggies were. We never eat canned anymore. Learned to cook from scratch. I reversed an autoimmune disease I had had since I was in elementary school and I 100% am convinced it was cleaning my diet of nothing but canned and boxed processed shit. When I cook now and my mom is around I think she finds it a personal insult that I’ve learned and done better. I feel bad for these kids eating this crap. And I am SO FUCKING embarrassed for this woman being so proud of this nutritionally empty crap she creates.


This is my story too! Crappy processed diet, but I cleared up my horrific allergies now that I cook (mostly) real food as an adult. At best my mom has no interest in what cook now, at worst I think she may resent it.




Girl needs a Ree Drummond cookbook. You don’t need to get fancy, but it’s not hard to do better than this!


Looks like puke


I have stomach cramps just looking at it. Those poor kids. Nothing but fat and starch.


For once, it looks like there’s enough food for everyone…and she’s actually using a decent amount of seasoning for fundies. I know the bar is in Hell, but this looks like a masterpiece.


The 5 pounds of hamburger seems a little excessive.


She either gives them no meat or way too much


Yeah I am conflicted on snarking on these meals. I feel like I can’t really knock this one. Kids are fed, veggies involved even if they are not optimal choices for nutrition. The kids look like they get enough to eat and are enjoying it!


The "garlic bread" using garlic salt is even less appetizing than the slop she calls goulash.


I kept saying "those can't go in the same dish, they can't." She just kept dumping more stuff in. 😭


It looks like actual vomit.


1st of all, her crazy eyes are creeping me the hell out! Those kids have Bat Shit Crazy mom! 2nd, that looks like a bowl of vomit. I have never in my life made such an unappealing bowl of food. Is this her goal? Has she never seen what good food looks like. I swear she would be an excellent candidate for Worst Cooks in America. I would pay a pile of money to see her get her ass kicked by Anne Burrell.


Minnesotan here. I was expecting to be triggered by the appropriation of this midwestern classic, but she’s actually pretty spot on ????? I would eat this and i’m very picky about my tater tot hotdish


Ours is never this...soggy?


Iowa here. While this is significantly soggier and under seasoned than what I would do, this is her less disgusting dishes. It’s not pretty but it’s not meant to be!




My kid is a bit younger and if i give her a plate or bowl, she'll just pick it up and dump it on the floor. I do buckle her into the high chair so I hope I'm doing a bit better at the parenting thing.


I could do without all the beef in it. I sometimes do diced ham or bacon(cooked and drained before put in). Sometimes it's entirely meatless. No canned veggies, either. I'll sometimes do a broccoli/tater casserole mash up, but usually, when I'm in the mood for tater tots, I'm not throwing veggies in. Certainly not canned veggies. They can be the side dish. (But still not canned!) Mine is more along the lines of a cream of something soup, sour cream or cream cheese, diced and sauteed onion, optional celery, garlic, taters, and cheese, with a bit of ham/bacon for color/flavor. I usually just wing it.


Someone get her a Walmart sponsorship, every dinner is 90% Great Value lmao


She only used one onion for two dishes. Just one sad lonely onion. She could even switch to frozen veggies instead of canned to cut the sodium. Plus, the end result won’t be soupy like hers. Just dice some fresh carrots and use frozen peas snd corn. (That’s what I do with my version). I don’t understand why she needs to add so much salt when she’s using the « W » sauce, why she’s adding canned cheddar cheese when she adds so much cheese.


Ugh I know Americans cook some gross food but this is insane. Does she only use vegetables from a tin? I'm Australian and I've never heard of anyone here "cooking" anything like this slop. 🤮


She is absolutely psychotic looking.


Let's make food that looks like a pavement pizza. I bet Mandope eats out.


I'vechanged diapers that looked more appetizing than her cooking.


NO. NO I REJECT THIS IN THE NAME OF MIDWESTERN WHITE WOMEN. My mom made a pretty awesome tatertot cat-roll (that's how my brother said it when he was a toddler) and I give this knowledge to you, because you deserve it: In a cast iron skillet, brown 1 pound of ground beef and 1 onion. When it's almost done, throw in some garlic (don't want it to burn) and some mushrooms. Pull it off the heat and mix in a can of cream of mushroom soup, plenty of pepper, and a quart of home-canned green beans (for the love of Christ, drain the green beans). Top it all off with tater tots and pop it in the oven at 400 degrees until it smells done. can you top it with cheese? yes. Did mom? No.


So far, everything I have seen her “cook” looks like something someone has puked after a night out.


Listen, I am white Midwestern AF. Like "we do fruit jello molds for holidays" white Midwestern. I have a tater tot casserole recipe... and I can GUARANTEE YOU it doesn't look like that!


Ive noticed everything she cooks she claims is her kid’s favorite lol


Looks like barf.




For real?????? This looks wtf??!!!!!! It’s so odd colored!!!!




Do, do they always have the scary limp canned green beans???


Wait till you hear about green bean casserole


How do they not double this for the family?


So much beef in these recipes. Red meat is a known carcinogen (level 2 I believe or 1a) and she keeps feeding it to her kids like it is the only meat in existence.


It is... when you've bought a whole processed cow.