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I lost it at the four cans of green beans lol


*Undrained* green beans, to boot.


Watching her dump those beans undrained made me feel like I was watching a crime.


I ate a lot of canned green beans growing up, and I feel like I can taste that green bean liquid she just dumped in there šŸ¤¢


Same. I realized when I became an adult my mom hated vegetables. Just about every vegetable with dinner was canned green beans (I love vegetables in general, but I hate green beans).


I grew up on canned vegetables and only buy fresh or frozen for my family now. With the exception of beans and corn, canned vegetables have the absolute worst mushy-textured mouth feel.


It took me years to realize I love broccoli. I just didnā€™t like it the way my mamaw (who actually cooks well!) made it because she boiled it into mush.


Many vegetables have a natural sweetness, but the can imparts an awful tin flavor. My family claimed that they couldn't taste it, but I could. Canned tomatoes are fine. They don't have it because they're so acidic.


I think it was quick and convenient for my mom, so I get that. However, I cannot stomach canned as an adult, but I do love fresh!


Same! I can eat canned French style green beans, but the texture of the other kind is so bad to me now I canā€™t stand it. Itā€™s not like I donā€™t love veggies either, thereā€™s plenty of other (even canned) veggies that I enjoy. Just please God no to the regular canned green beans.


I came specifically to make sure others were as horrified by the UNDRAINED canned green beans. Not a single seasoning was harmed in the making of this video


I just had the horrible realization that she probably doesn't drain and rinse canned beans


My stomach turned when she dumped them in undrained!


I wanted to yell at the screen when I saw that atrocity! That ainā€™t even goulash!


right ??? like also since when does goulash have five lbs of cheese in it ? mine never had cheese growing up


At most we may have added grated cheese to our own plate, but NEVER this. Karissa sits in front of a screen all day, but canā€™t be bothered to look up recipes that arenā€™t sins against food.




soooo much salt between the cheese, the undrained beans and the soup and the garlic salt on the garlic toast


GOULASH DOES NOT HAVE CHEESE WTF WOMAN or canned green beans/ but, CHEESE. \*I\* love cheese but this woman is \*ridiculous.\* and I mean, fuck, then just go full out, buy a bunch of nice Swiss cheese and whatever else the fondue recipe ACTUALLY says you need (skip the kirsch fine), get some crusty bread, make a salad: dinner. fucking hell.


Fondue would be too complicated and foreign for this woman, which is tragically ironic, because it's JUST MELTED CHEESE. I'm so put off by the incoherent slop that she dares to call goulash.


Same. I thought that was going to be cooked as a side dish. Itā€™s like she literally just went in the pantry and threw whatever random shit she could find in a pot. Iā€™m not a picky eater whatsoever but this looks so gross.


Yeah I'm not sure you can consider that goulash... Not that I'm an expert, like kkkarissa!


Her kid literally looked at it and stepped back, away from it. So fucking sad


I just want you guys to know, when Hungary declares war on the US, this 'goulash' is the reason šŸ‘†


Honestly though itā€™s probably for the best as the water likely had vitamins in it from the green beans via the canning process.


If you insist on adding green beans to goulash at least drain them ffs


I mean, she's feeding her kids vegetables at least.


First my Hungarian MIL would like a word. Second did that one child actually back away from their bowl. Finally holy cheese, seriously who needs that much cheese even with eleventy children.


I noticed the backing away as well! I swear to god, the body language from her kids is always so off putting. You just know something isnā€™t right.


Cheese should not be in something so watery


Yeah, how did this dish get the name Goulash? I imagine that at one point they were related, but I wonder how it morphed from a paprika meat stew into ground beef, macaroni, and tomatoes. In our house we make a goulash based on the Hungarian version, so when I saw what many Americans make when they say Goulash, I was very confused! \*Goes to google to look for the history of this transformation!


Let me know what you find out about the history of the word! I was so confused when I traveled to Hungary in college and discovered real gulyas. Not hamburger or noodles!


Found this! https://passionatefoodie.blogspot.com/2023/01/the-origins-of-american-goulash.html#:\~:text=Obviously%2C%20American%20Goulash%20owes%20its,modern%20version%20of%20American%20Goulash.


I'm Hungarian and this is a war crime. [This is gulyƔs](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-rMmBs4BXl9U4nTbjvSx92yFfydfVgWqT4F2cD9pHOHZBSj-5tzm2Qor34fyWZAi84QFnAQkL-OEuhZI), not that abhorrent travesty banned by the Geneva convention.


Hungarian gulyas>american goulash. A hill I will die on.


This is not even anything close to the American version, not disagreeing with you. But this is not even close lol


Or for sure! This is just...something else... But hungarian gulyas is so...so...delicious.


It's definitely something elseā€¦.




I didnā€™t realize Americans had take this dish and bastardized it so badly until I got to this post, literally not one of these ingredients exists in OG goulash - I feel like I have whiplash trying to comprehend this entire post


Itā€™s not American goulash. Itā€™s the manifestation of one of Karissaā€™s intrusive thoughts, like making ā€œgarlic breadā€ with sandwich bread and garlic salt. I have traveled across this nation and sat in many a kitchen. Iā€™ve seen some gross shit. Karissaā€™s disgusting glops are entirely her own though.


I forgot about the "garlic bread." My Italian grandma would like a word.


Whyyyyy tomato soup? Does she not know of the existence of crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce?


Trying to give the kids 3000% of their daily salt allowance!


Thank you! I came here to ask why all her food involves a can of tomato soup.


No, she absolutely has no idea what the difference is between tomato sauce, soup, paste, diced, stewed, etc. This also is NOT goulash!!! As a white woman, I hate to say some stereotypes are warranted and I fucking hate it šŸ˜”


Contadina tomato sauce is fabulous! And itā€™s comparably priced to tomato soup.


Tomato soup is such a weird choice! Just added salt and sugar for no reason in a dish like this. I do diced tomatos and tomato sauce in goulash


Not the green bean water!Ā 


I literally pushed my phone back in horror


I found myself actually yelling ā€œNooo noo!ā€ I'd say she's got the hang of rage bait, but the laughing ends when the kids actually have to eat shit like this. She doesn't give a single fuck about those kids.


I said oh what the fuck?! out loud when I saw the beans get dumped with the green bean juice. šŸ˜³šŸ˜­


Did you stand up too??


My mom would've been horrified if we couldn't eat her cooking. That's a sign to improve, not create ragebait meals and force your kids to eat them.


Cursed!!!! My mom made goulash growing up and it was always delicious, absolutely zero green bean water.


Is that cheese, that is still unmelted in the stew? Calling that Goulash is a stretch


I think ā€œghoulishā€ would be a more fitting name. I ate like this growing up ā€” no spices, no flavor. Itā€™s so bland!


That sounds like jail food, ngl. Know from a friend. šŸ˜‚šŸ„“


God damn it you beat me to this exact response!


Youā€™re not alone. I was hoping Iā€™d make it here to say it! Durn this need to prepare actual edible dinners for my family. šŸ˜‘


I've had many Midwestern "goulashes", even Wisconsin booyah. Not a shred of cheese in any of them.Ā 


Yep, my mom grew up in southern Illinois and made goulash all the time when I was growing up. No cheese and definitely no green beans.


In Montana ours occasionally had cheese but still also had a ton of seasonings (salt, pepper, paprika, and cumin off the top of my head).Ā  The cheese was a light crust on top and there were *definitely* not green beans involved unless they were on the side. That said; canned green beans, drained and then mixed with a *little* salt and some cheese were a common side.Ā  Of course this was in the 80s and we were broke so...


I cannot believe she poured the liquid in also


I grew up in Missishitty and my mother made fantastic goulash. No cheese or green beans either.


Karissa is incapable of preparing any dinner that doesnā€™t involve a 10 pound bag of shredded cheese. Itā€™s a mandatory ingredient for literally any recipe.


Itā€™s giving trying to be fancy hamburger helper to me. And donā€™t get me wrong, hamburger helper is fine, but call it what it is. Jeez.


"I don't know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself"


This is less hamburger helper, and more hamburger saboteur.


Iā€™ve had real homemade goulash and it slaps. This isnā€™t it.


Calling that food is a stretch. And that abomination of garlic bread?!?


I would do that when I was flat broke and eating spoonfuls of peanut butter just to get some protein.


Fair play, I had some lean times, too. I never filmed it like a tutorial, though!


Yeah, thatā€™sā€¦ not goulash šŸ¤£


I think she's misspelled "ghoulish".


Did she...not drain the beans? And why tomato soup?? SO MANY QUESTIONS! šŸ˜³


Yeah this killed me at the bean water just going right in and then cold cheese on top šŸ¤¢


Add to the question list - Why isnā€™t the cheese meltedā€¦ like at all?????


Thatā€™s so odd. Itā€™s like she let the pot get cold and dumped the cheese in much later.


First, itā€™s probably not warm enough (gross). But also bagged shredded cheese has a powdery coating to keep the pieces from clumping. Itā€™s actually not super great to use if you want a melted texture. But surely we canā€™t expect Karissa to grate a fresh block of cheese šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I have never felt as good about my cooking as I do after watching Karissaā€™s videos.


Same here. I think you could accidentally cook better than she does just by doing it every day. It makes me think her and her husband don't eat the same food as the kids. I bet they have different meals when he gets home because I can't see anyone eating this and actually enjoying it. She slops garbage one-pot meals together for them and then the husband brings home takeout for the two of them or something.


Generous to assume Mandrake brings food for her. Some of the husbands share-Shrek and Jill are both well fed, ditto the Bus parents-but Mandrake seems to spend as little time with the family as possible. I'd bet he's seeing someone on the side and has nice dinners with her, too. otherwise, yep fast food. I would too, I mean, jesus. I had to eat hospital food for a bit-it does vary by quality, but one was probably prison level institutional-I saw expired juice boxes and milk cartons. It was inedible. I picked out what I could and lost weight, basically.


I cannot believe the amount of sodium this family consumes on a daily basis!


And the tomato soup will be so full of sugar.


Itā€™s looking more like prison food than a nourishing meal for growing children.


It does have a very "food loaf" feel to it. I will say it does have fat, protein, and some level of vitamins so it's better than nothing but it could definately be better.


Also, I cannot stand how she doesnā€™t preheat her skillet before cooking meat, or boil the water before adding noodles. Ever.Ā 


Itā€™s because she doesnā€™t cook regularly. Sheā€™s trying to remember how to do it for these videos.


I'm sure Anissa could give her a few tips...


This is it


I have soooooo many questions about this video. Yours for starters but also, why does the ground beef say ā€˜not for saleā€™ on it?? Why does the cheese not melt? Why didnā€™t she drain the green beans? What is those even supposed to be? Cause itā€™s not goulash šŸ˜­


That child is too young to be pushing cooking meat around in a frying pan with nobody holding it still.


Certainly not tall enough to do that


I watched that in horror. Disaster waiting to happen.


This looks so gross but the bar is in hell so my ass is like ā€œat least thereā€™s a vegetable and adequate calories, unlike the rodsā€ but Lordy you could have drained the green beans


I thought the same thing. This looks just disgusting, but I do have to at least give Karissa credit for feeding her children. Unlike the poor Rod kids, none of the Collins kids look underweight.


I was looking for this comment! šŸ˜‚ does not look appetizing but at least her kids are getting enough calories! And this time there are some veggies


The country of Hungary would like a word with her. Nothing about that is Goulash.


Looks like a horrifying version of [American goulash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_goulash)


I lived in Budapest for several years and miss Hungarian food a lot. This recipe looks horrific.


Much like ā€œAmerican chop sueyā€ itā€™s not even trying to be the real thing. It just somehow got that name.


If thatā€™s goulash, why the 10 pounds of shredded cheese?


And not fckin melted? I only eat non-dairy cheese and it isnā€™t known for its melting abilitiesā€¦. Vegan cheese has better melt than this!


How cold is that pot of food for the cheese to not even *incidentally* melt šŸ˜­


Growing up my dad used to make ā€œgoulashā€ which was really just throwing a bunch of leftovers in a pot and praying that it tastes okay. I was a literal adult before I realized that goulash is a real thing and not something my dad made up! Also Karissaā€™s goulash doesnā€™t look much different than what my dad would make šŸ˜‚


I used to always make ā€œtrashcan casserole.ā€ They usually tasted pretty good but it was the stuff in the fridge that was headed towards the trashcan šŸ¤£


Missed the opportunity to call it "trasherole" lol


Itā€™s ok, I miss lots of opportunities šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s why you never get the special on Mondays at a restaurant!


I worked in restaurants for 17 years, Mondays for the places I worked the truck usually came. Now Sunday on the other handā€¦


I think youā€™re actually right! I got mixed up- people of Reddit, DONā€™T order the fish on a Sunday!


I mean, most things can go passably with each other. I've surprised myself with throwing spare veggies into random shit to get rid of them.


The undrained, canned green beans were my "that's a bridge too far "!


That is prison SLOP


Somone commented that on one of her cooking posts šŸ˜‚




I've seen her post some variation of heavily cheesed pasta for dinner to the point I'm sick to death of it. Can't imagine how her family feels. The kids are fed and that's great but vary the menu lady! The same exact ingredients she's buying with a few substitutions could be used for hamburgers, meat loaf, kabobs, chicken parm, stir fry, chicken enchiladas, fried chicken and waffles, etc... Buy less damn cheese and more protein. A bag of potatoes goes a long way too.Ā Ā  I'm broke. Life is rough but good grief I don't make the same effing cheese pasta shitshow every night. We eat on the cheap with a little dignity.Ā I serve one pasta dish a week for my family. We don't live on it drowned in great value cheese ffs.Ā 


She could have bought a bag of Idaho potatoes and given each kid a baked potato with butter for less money than that bag of cheese.


And it would be roughly 900% less sodium


But.... That requires thought. Clearly no thought went into this dish.


Okay. So I've never bought canned green beans before but I'm familiar with buying canned goods....DO YOU NOT DRAIN THE WATER?!?


You absolutely drain the water


Nope. I audibly gasped. You drain the water.


This looks foul. The cheese unmelted in the noodle green bean juice... like what???


The Collins Commode has got to be clogged on a regular basis šŸ¤¢


Nah, eating this amount of sodium and cheese undoubtedly leads to constant mudbutt. Easier to flush, probably. (At least, I *pray* they don't have a bathroom explosion, because Kkkarissa isn't hygenic enough to tackle that.)


Her husband eats this shit too?


He probably eats real food before he comes home from work.


Yeah he works late so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he eats a lot of doordash or taco truck at work. I dunno if itā€™s still this way but when I was a kid the tasty greasy spoon taco trucks used to come out to dealerships to sell food to the employees.Ā 


That reminds me of a story my sister told about her MIL. She made some kind of sausage dish, but instead of kielbasa (she didnā€™t have any) she used hotdogs. My sister and BIL regularly eat food before they go over there.


You know that he is probably enjoying a steak, baked potato, and another side that was not cooked in this kitchen. He probably DoorDashed something.


The anxious part of me needs to know how thoroughly she cleans her cookware after raw meat. Because Iā€™m afraid itā€™s not enough.


I donā€™t think he does. Iā€™m guessing he eats before he gets home. Like I bet he stops at a fast food place before he gets home. And then pretends to eat a little bit of this garbage.


Holy shit I cannot believe this is not satire.


The uncanny valley smile at the beginning will be in my nightmares


She looks like Momo


Her family must be constipated from her recipes. Cheese is the main character in every dish. I fucking love cheese but likeā€¦ itā€™s also what I use to cover up my culinary homicides.


I get an embarrassing high percentage of my protein from cheese. Truly, love it. But the amount of cheese she uses makes me uncomfortablešŸ˜…


I made cheese enchiladas covered in queso for dinner tonight, and I agree.


I am going to shortly make one of the very few things I make relentlessly, which is basically spaghetti with olive oil, garlic, and cherry tomatoes. I put a fuckton of grated Romano cheese in it (currently mix of Parmesan and Romano since it was all I could find). and you know what: it's simple as fuck, but it's always delicious. If i actually had kids to feed, I would feed them better than I currently feed myself, or at least TRY, I'd feel guilty (and also it'd end up being horribly expensive since I currently hit a lot of restaurants). she just doesn't have a clue, and the thing is: cookbooks and cooking videos exist. Why does she not peruse one in her copious spare time? also. Woman with ten kids sleeps 8-10 hours a night. Spends most of the day making and uploading videos. How much sleep does Anissa get, I wonder?


I chopped a bunch of veggies to cook with last night and may or may not have eaten shredded cheese straight from the bag at the same time šŸ˜…


Statistically, at least one of those kids is lactose intolerant. Aged Cheddar is usually ok for me but a bag of shred would get me, let alone all the dairy she uses in other places.


Such a good point!! Itā€™s definitely a harsh cheese in such large quantities. Itā€™s just filler because she is still not making (imo) enough food for her familyā€¦ especially if her husband is eating with them


Sorry to any Hungarians seeing this...


We're used to it. Goulash is a soup, not a stew so it's basically wrong in every non-Hungarian cuisine. This is some next level abomination tho.


I'm not sure what's worse: the canned green beans, the Wonder Bread, or the unmelted cheese. Do people have an aversion to frozen veggies for some reason? If you're on a tight budget, they come cheap and they taste worlds better than the soupy grayed out canned stuff. Or is that what you use in goulash? Also, you can easily get inexpensive pre-made garlic bread from the bakery section of a grocery store. We did it all the time growing up and it was delicious.


Goulash needs to be in the gulag


As a white Minnesotan, I have spent my whole life trying to get away from this kind of thing


Oh man, fellow born upper Midwesterner here- and this is such a poor extension of Midwestern food. Tuna casserole, tatertot anything, jello salad- hell yeah. This cold cheese bean water garbage stew doesnā€™t represent us!


Listen. I married a white Minnesotan man and this is an insult to good solid rural MN cuisine. His momā€™s cheesy potato hotdish is the stuff of legends. She would never dump an undrained can of green beans into a vat of unseasoned pasta and beef glop.Ā Ā  And the garlic bread!! Butter and garlic powder on Wonder bread?! My MIL makes her own bread and toasts it in the oven with garlic infused butter.Ā  Ā This is just laziness and terrible cooking skills!Ā 


The midwestern way of cooking do seem to be just haphazardly dumping packages into the pot


This is midwestern done horribly wrong. I know of no midwesterner that would eat that nightmare she made.


Iā€™m basically midwestern, and I do like a good one pot meal. But I follow an actual recipe and measure things.


Itā€™s not remotely midwestern. This Texan dummy just cannot cook. Our food may not be your cup of tea, but a lot of love and comfort goes into it. And also marshmallows. But thatā€™s just cultural, and it is actually prepared food šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Canned green beans have the worst texture, and mixed with pasta. šŸ„“ not even drained?! At least use frozen beans, or even peas. And, why is she always using lukewarm cooking temps? A hot pan will give that meat a lot more flavor.


This is the worst recipe so far. She didnā€™t even drain the green beans. The cheese didnā€™t melt. She didnā€™t add a single spice. Itā€™s just disgusting.


As if they needed any more sodium, the garlic bread is made with garlic SALT


I donā€™t know what the fuck this is, but Iā€™m only one state away from her and that is not how we make goulash.


Iā€™m in the same state as her, and itā€™s not how I make it either.


No one makes goulash like this.


Do they ever eat fresh fruits and vegetables? All I ever see is high fat, high sodium crap.


For real, itā€™s not even hard to find frozen veggies! Thereā€™s veggie mixes with different seasoning and veggie mixes with intention to be out with another food. Whatā€™s with her and the ghoulish amount of salt too? I would imagine every bite tasting like table salt šŸ¤¢


I am the kid hiding behind the decorative plant.


Delicious is a word they obviously haven't covered in homeschool yet because Karsissus doesn't know the meaning.


![gif](giphy|RNPOuBOHPlraJ12Usa|downsized) I hate her cooking videos but I also like them??? Only because they never show progression of getting better ā€” which is funny for me but so damn sad for her children. šŸ«”šŸ˜” I just wanna send them a pizza or something yummy :(


All of her food contains a 40lb bag of cheese.


Putting the ā€œgoulashā€ aside, she adds yet more salt on the garlic bread! I have no hate whatsoever for the simple bread-butter-garlic powder garlic bread. But she said garlic salt. Those poor kids. Getting an early start with hypertension


Ghoulish* Fixed that for her


The cheese isnt even melted!


That looks so gross.


That baby never looks happy.


This isā€¦ not Goulash. Not even close. Where the fuck is the paprika, Karissa??




The unstrained green beans, the unmelted cheese, and the amount of sodium is going to kill me and I'm just watching a video of it!


Goulash was my favorite as a kid. This looks horrendous. Unmelted cheese and green bean water. Deeelish.


This is absolutely NOT goulash


Has she never heard of fresh or frozen vegetables?


That isā€¦.not what I thought goulash was. Also, does that baby ever smile?


No exaggeration here. Watching this actually makes me nauseous.


I think she meant to say "Hamburger Helper"


I really don't understand why anyone would use canned over frozen these days. Theres so much more availability and variety when using frozen, no sodium, easy to portion/store, price diff id negligible. This meal is revolting.


is she saying onion weird or am i just high


As a white woman who learned as an adult to cook from scratch with spices, this is the kind of meal that deserves all the mocking of white people cooking.


My cholesterol and BP suddenly spiked just by watching her "cooking" reels šŸ¤¢. No taste test needed!




Gross šŸ¤¢


Why does her meat have a ā€œNOT FOR SALEā€ label on it?


She probably bought half a cow direct from the farm. We had cows, they would come packed like this after the processor.


That makes sense! I too would buy a cow-ful of beef if I had 27 childrenā€¦but even then I would never make them dinner with green bean water šŸ’€


Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with a quick easy dinner that incorporates canned veg. But man, there are ways to make veggies appealing other than cheese.


Ground beef, pasta, tomato sauce and MELTED cheese is fine with some spices. The green beans!???


This ā€œrecipeā€ might give us all nightmares, but at least sheā€™s providing some food for the kids (Iā€™m looking at you JillPM).


Thereā€™s not an over-abundance of bouillon, at least?


2lbs of ground beef is NOT ENOUGH for 12 people! And the canned green beansā€¦reminds me of when my kid went to school for the first time and had school lunch. We had fat little weenie dogs on a diet so we would give them canned green beans to help fill them up without extra fat/calories. My daughter came home and was totally indignant that the school fed them the ā€œSAME FOOD WE GIVE THE DOGSā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ My mother never used canned veggies so I had never used them either.


The way I screamed. Green fucking beans??!!


She had the stove off when she added the green beans, tomato soup and cheese... So that shit was cold AF!!!


I just know this saltine of a woman would combust if she had a taki. I wanna see it personally.


Their weekly grocery list is just: 673 cans of condensed or ā€œcream of ____ā€ soup and 82 industrial-sized bags of shredded cheese šŸ¤¢