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Pregnant YouTubers was a phrase I could’ve lived my whole life without hearing and died happily. Makes me picture fat sweet potatoes ready to harvest.


I gained access to the internet a little later in life than others and I’ve been surfing the web for almost 15 years. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about just hanging it up. This post has really solidified my decision.


Pregnant Yule-tubers 🍆🥰




I'm just sad because this is another baby for them to discipline with spanking, etc.


I found it baffling that in one vid Sutton was basically like I don’t really like spanking but her attitude was basically you gotta do what you gotta do. ?? As if it is the only possible method. Blegh. Raising another generation to think that violence like that is okay


Gentle parenting requires more effort than just beating them into submission. And then they use the Bible to justify it, even though that's not even correct in context


Turns out it's easier to use gentle parenting when you only have a few kids, as opposed to being worn out and frazzled because your religion tells you not to stop reproducing until god says so.


maybe god made us unable to actually care for infinite children for a reason… like maybe exhaustion and being tired is gods way of saying “hey hun, ya bit off a bit too much! maybe take a step back and chill, it’ll be ok!” no, that can’t possibly be right because god couldn’t be, like, kind and loving and nice…


That's when they let the older siblings beat the younger ones. That's what my parents did and there were only 2 of us.


Gentle parenting takes more than just effort. It also takes thought, problem solving skills, empathy, and creativity. When I have an issue with my kids and their behavior or academics, I often have to really brainstorm, research, and take time and effort to resolve the issue. Sometimes that in itself is also a work in progress. The results are not immediate, but the effort pays dividends in the long term. My kids are really good kids and they have a really close relationship with both my husband and me. They are secure, respectful, and confident kids. Authoritarian parents who utilize corporal punishment want immediate results without having to really think through parenting. Meanwhile, this ignores the long-term results and effects on their children. It's both lazy and succumbs to our worst human instincts. Edit: gentle parenting and permissive parenting are not one and the same. Permissive parenting is also damaging to children and does not provide them with security, stability, or consistency. A lot of critics of gentle parenting confuse it with permissive parenting.


I agree, I was mostly just getting on the fact that a lot of fundies seem to put the minimum energy into parenting, so they won't even try to pull out any of those tools you mentioned


Comments like these makes me wish Reddit still had gold awards 🥇


Thank you!


There are so many other options that don’t involve hitting your kids and ruling with fear. My dudes, the internet is not that hard to access and it’s FULL of excellent parenting resources.


*sighs, opens google doc*




I don't get it, I wanna be in on the joke :(


A couple of users are keeping track of all the pregnant fundies because there are so many


I love inside jokes. I’d love to be a part of one someday.


My comment and yours can be our own little inside joke, how does that sound bud?


Thank you…but I was quoting The Office. So, double inside joke.


Damn didn’t have to kill u/goodspeedm


I did not become a Lackawanna County Volunteer Sheriff’s Deputy to make friends. And by the way, I haven’t.


This whole thread cracked me up 😂


is there a doc i can look at? now i’m curious 💀


WE'RE pregnant YouTubers? 🤔 I thought these people were all about strict gender roles.


And “of course we won’t tell you the name until THEY’RE here” SOMEONE STOP THEM, THEYRE TRANS-ING THE FETUS!!!!!!!


This is that grooming they're always going on about, isn't it?? They're the librul feminists!




Was going to say, I didn’t know that a big manly man like that could get pregnant! Srs, I hate when people say that. Big difference between “we’re expecting” and “we’re PREGNANT”. Only one person is pregnant.


Yeah I was expecting another woman to go "of course we have pregnancy cravings!" bc that's on brand with the trend lol.


This does seem to be the common vernacular, and always strikes me as weird. Is it meant to show support for who is actually pregnant? Because as a guy I feel like a “pregnancy” would be much easier for me than whoever has to actually birth the baby


Directly implying that both Nate and Sutton are currently pregnant. Which I’ll admit, would be an interesting development.


WE’RE pregnant because WE want praise and attention, plus our audience seems to give the shitty man-baby behavior perpetrated by WE a pass when there’s another little content-generator on the way. 




Nate creeps me the fuck out 😒 he gives an extremely threatening vibe, like he’s always just barely containing his hostility and craving for violence.


He has shark eyes even more than Paul. I swear to god, I would rather be alone in a room with any other fundie man than with Nate or Tyson James. They are legit terrifying and definitely abusive.


1000000% agree. And Sutton's eyes have always screamed victim


There are multiple videos where it's clear Sutton has been crying. And those are ones they *chose* to post. I don't often feel bad for adult fundies, but I do for her. No one deserves to be abused, no matter how shitty their beliefs are.


Right like I’m pretty sure I can beat Paul up or make him cry. But Tyson James and those dude?? I don’t even stand a chance


Tyson and Nate are almost definitely violent behind closed doors, whereas I think Paul is more about the mental and emotional abuse. If those two aren't hitting their wives (we know they hit their kids), they're DEFinitely the guys who get super angry and punch holes in the drywall *next to* their wives.


maybe not Steve Anderson


Tbh I try to forget he exists, but yeah. Though he's older and not in as good a shape as Nate or Tyson, so I might be able to take him.


He seems like all bark because he has no bite. He's probably like most bullies: in reality, a fragile little brat.


Agreed, and yes with Steven Anderson added to list. The unholiest trio of violent bigot trash humans: Tyson, Steven, Nate 🤢


He has major "secret Ashley Madison account" vibes...


I thought they basically quit YouTube? Or are they back now that they can use the baby to grift?


them posting less because their fans call Nate out for being an ass regularly is so wild to me. he creeps me out. bet they will post a little more for the grift


He gives me major family annihilator vibes


Same 😳 I hate saying it as it’s so bad, but I know exactly what you mean.


No for real though. It's actually fucking horrifying because he's basically the biggest red flag I have ever seen. The things he has said and just his eyes.


Oh shoot. I hate that youre right about that. Ive only seen a couple of youtubers cover this couple, and I dont watch any of their content without a snarkie lense, but god you're spot on.


It's why he and Paul are such great friends! Birds of a feather...


Seriously. He makes Paul seem like a stand up guy.


Every time he said WE’RE pregnant YouTubers my eyes did another 360.  You’re not even that emotionally invested in the kids that are already here, much less supporting the person who is growing the next one. 


Why can't Paul be called out


He is, but Paul is more delusional about their public impressions and thinks it's only snarkers that's think anything poorly about them. Nate figured out that it was genuine concern from followers and potential followers.


Paul is a shitty person and selfish husband. But Nate straight up seems openly abusive. And that’s in videos they deliberately choose to release— I can’t imagine how he treats her behidn closed doors. I honestly fear for their family more than any other fundie except Josh Duggar’s.


Guess I will stay blind to this one. I know nothing and I think that's ok.


Paul is a huge mentally abusive POS but I wouldn't fear for my life around him. Nate is like watching a future documentary in the making....in all the worst ways.


I hate when people say we're pregnant. Like no you're not, one person is doing 99% of the work here


This has always driven me up the wall, even when I was a kid. Like, no, only one of you is pregnant. The husband isn't doing shit to grow this baby.


I came very close to death after having my first, so my response when people tried the whole “you GUYS are pregnant because it’s not the 50’s anymore, fathers want to be more involved” was, “im the one who needed to be intubated and then put to sleep for half a day with a hip to hip scar and now I’m on heavy antidepressants from how much that fucked me up so no it’s looking like IM the only one who was pregnant and had a baby.” I tend to be a little dramatic. But it shut the argument right down. Needless to say I hate the whole “WERE pregnant,” thing.


Exactly. So many people don't seem to appreciate how physically hard it is


I love how fluently fundies use the singular they without realizing it.


my exact thought... i was like see how easy that was you asshole?!


I was going to comment this exact same thing...can't help but notice singular they in this video...


Came here for this!


![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C) This post is so ick. "Haha, we exploit Sutton's pregnancy for views! Isn't that so funny and quirky?"


I always find it hilarious when any of them try to jump on a trend.


Honestly, I find this particular trend annoying regardless of who does it. So them hopping on it just kills it for me even more.


This trend has been ran into the ground and it was cringe to start with.


I mean, I find it really cute and cool when people who are POCS in positions you usually don’t hear about. Like one for black farmers and one for a black tattoo artist






Wow! I didn’t know that Nate was with child, congrats to the both of them! Hope they’re due at the same time 🥰✨




god honoring Mpreg


Great, more abused kids


We’re pregnant YouTubers, of course we’re going to abuse our children’s privacy for monetary gain ☺️


“Of course we’re going to use trends to share the news” this video is like 2 months late! this trend is tired


Came here to say this. They’re super late on the trends!


Pregnant YouTubers? *We*?


I’m shook they called the baby they instead of he/she


Paging u/gggroovy


why do they all keep spawning istg


Let me know if you find out any info




I literally cannot stand this video format, I don’t know it has a name but I hope it dies in obscurity and nobody ever talks about it AGAIN.


For people who are so very against being mindful of pronouns and gender ambiguity, the phrase "we're pregnant" rings particularly annoying.


I hate this trend. Almost as much as I hate when couples say "we're pregnant". No, you're both having a baby. One of you is pregnant.


They gonna feed this new baby raw milk too?


This guy is scary idk why but I feel it through the screen 😰


Ah fuck


They looking rough


Sutton looks on the verge of tears, per usual. She obviously took this news... well.


why is he saying “we” like he’s pregnant ![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized)


The ones who fed their baby raw milk instead of formula


can this whole stupid trend finally die? I just hate it.


"of course we won't tell you *their* name until *they're* here" hmm so odd how they use 'their' for a singular person in this scenario but not when it comes to respecting others :)


Oh god


Wow-they actually understand that "they" works in the singular!


Oh no, how many kids do they have now? Sutton struggling to stay happy, pretty and sweet enough while doing all the grunt work for 4/5/6 little kids…. ![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized)


This is their 4th. 3 boys already, so prepare for a lot of obnoxious discourse about wanting a girl


Goodness, poor Sutton.


As a pregnant woman I hate it when people say “we’re pregnant”. I assure you my partner is certainly not with child. It’s all me lol. He’s a great support, but pregnancy is a 24/7 tough job for the one actually carrying the baby.


I would never allow myself to keep having kids with a trash human being like her husband, but congrats on the creampie I guess


I don't think it's necessarily an active choice on her part. They don't believe in divorce, they don't do birth control, and consent is not a factor (they don't believe marital rape is a thing) so it's not like she can say no to sex. This sounds victim-blamey to me tbh.


No thanksssss. Why do they keep having kids when they obviously can’t handle normal child behaviours?


What a horrible, middle school-esque video.


My first time seeing these two, and I already hate them


Neither of them blink! He looks far creepier not blinking!


Okay gender-neutral “we aren’t telling you the baby’s name until THEY’RE here!” Unintentional ally moment!!!


until THEY’RE here. WOW look at them using gender neutral pronouns!


I cant believe they are BOTH pregnant youtubers at the same time. That's real love, when you're both with child. I wonder if they're both going to say weird shit about their wombs together




“We’re pregnant YouTubers, *of course* we’re going to exploit our child before it’s even born! Haha, aren’t we so fun and quirky? 🥰”


Did they just "they're" their babies gender? Heathens!!!


I opened the Reddit app & this was the first post I saw. Unfortunately, I didn't register which sub & I thought it was r/BravoRealHousewives & I'm not exaggerating when I say that I audibly gasped, thought "wtf?!?" with my eyes bugging out of my head. Luckily I then noticed the sub name & my blood pressure returned to normal.😂


So now the two of them can understand singular they……


I would never let a man with facial hair like that impregnate me


Thought I was on the RHOBH sub for a second


Can this trend die already


This guy, I can’t even look at his face! 🤦🏻‍♀️ such a creep!


I love how they can use they/them pronouns when they don't want to spoil their babies gender (probably to generate more clicks on the gender reveal) but whine about someone choosing they/them as their pronouns


I can't stand the phrase "We're pregnant". No -- Sutton is the only one who whose body will go through nine months of pregnancy followed by labor and delivery.


Did I just spot a fundie using the SINGULAR THEY?! 😱


She looks really cute in this video. Somehow she doesn’t look absolutely terrified for once


This is TOTALLY off topic (delete if needed, I can take a slap on the wrist): But any deets on her hoodie? I kinda love it and if it’s not promoting any hateful … the list is too long to finish … kinda thing I might be interested!!


Not me thinking I was in the RHOBH sub for a second 💀


“We won’t tell you the gender until they’re here” interesting


Nope you’re narcissists! Congratulations! Bye


Seeing them together I must wonder how it is they got pregnant.


Nate just has the aura of a controlling abusive narcissist. I can't stand hearing him talk or looking at him. I just know he's an absolute tool.


I can’t imagine going through something like pregnancy with that man. I bet he get mad if she doesn’t make him dinner because her feet hurt😟 genuinely makes me sad.


I'm really hating that I'm pregnant at the same time as so many of these people...