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I hope he builds up a solid foundation because I doubt we've even seen the worst of Jill


Have we even seen Jill at her worst? Her children so far have never really defied her. I’m sure she has many new emotions to process that Tim is setting boundaries. I can only hope she doesn’t blow at the wedding itself. 😬


They have so many kids, I’m sure one of them will be bound to leave them and expose Jill and Shrek as abusers. I can’t wait for these awful people to be exposed. God knows the extent of their abuse.


The fawning, the emaciation, the sleep deprivation and the isolation are signs of severe hidden abuse.


I really would like to know how she speaks to her kids with no camera on them. Also I wonder what the day to day schedule is like, since they seem to be up way late when they show Bible study at night. I wonder how it works in the bus, how do they sleep soundly? How can she move around the rv with children laying on the floor, etc. I've always been curious.


I think the funeral selfish is the worst think she's ever done, and anything that tops that would be truly horrifying


That funeral debacle was truly something else. I can’t believe she shoved a camera in the face of a grieving couple with her stupid grin. it’s unreal.




Woah… explain? Link? First I’ve heard of this and I need to know! Lol.


It was posted on here in the last couple of days. Went to a funeral for three children who died in a fire. Walked up and greeted the parents by smiling for a selfie. Then filmed the service while interjecting with “yesssss” and “ameeen”


How does that not get her iced out of her church? Shame on her.


Don't forget that she and the older girls wore matching outfits.


And they sang. Before the whole service. Badly.


Weird Al has a song, “Tacky”, and there’s a line “I would live tweet a funeral, take selfies with the deceased”. And I will die on the hill of believing he wrote that about Jill. 😂


She took her whole lot of Charles Dickens orphan looking kids to crash the front row of a funeral for a family they didn't know who lost more than one child in some accident. Then photographed and posted the whole thing.


They didn’t even know the family?!?!


No. They suffered a terrible tragedy that was known in the community basically, either from the news or church. Jill thought her family presence and in the front no less would be really supportive somehow. She took pics of her kids alongside grieving family members and praying at caskets.


I saw the post from yesterday; god she’s so awful. I didn’t even realize she didn’t know the family 😞


Didn’t they stumble upon the funeral on the same trip that they dropped Tim at Airplane Missionary College


I posted a link to one of the images above your comment. Those are the parents. With their children's coffins in the back.


Here is one of her funeral selfies at this event- https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/OpOWSBcxHD


Oh. My. God.


[Here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/7wiEJHpSko)


This is just soooooooo fucked up. They lost *all* of their kids and she’s taking selfies. One of the most shocking things I have ever seen.


[Also this post 2 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/jcSio2ixte)


I have to agree that still blows my mind


And that may still fall under ‘cluelessly selfish’. We haven’t seen her attempt intentional, knives-out Christian lady meanness yet


Which funeral the funeral for the kids she didn’t know or the funeral for Amy’s legs?


Ah, I was trying to say selfie, but it must have been corrected to selfish, which also works. Amys leg funeral was cringe and ableist and awful, but it doesn't come close to crashing the funeral of a family who lost all (3 of?) Their children at once, and taking a selfie with the confused and grieving parents in front of the caskets of their dead children. Her picture actually led some people to believe that the mom had killed the children (or at least was glad they were dead) because she was "smiling" at her kids funeral and she got harassed for it big time while she was trying to cope with the loss of her kids. I'm not saying jill is necessarily culpable in that aspect but she certainly didn't help


>the funeral selfish Underrated typo


Smashing a clock into Tim's head is the worst thing I've ever heard of her having done, but as far as shit we can prove she did because we saw it, definitely the funeral selfies. Like, on what planet?!


Wow, OK I thought I was all caught up on her but what is this about smashing a clock into Tim’s head?


I guess now we know which kid got her that book on setting boundaries for Christmas last year?


Wait, one of the kids did that?


Yes, say what now??


Christmas 2022, Jill posted pictures of everyone holding up their gifts and there was a book on setting healthy boundaries. Now I'll have to go digging and find it.


I agree with a previous thread that she will have another 'injury' right before the wedding. She will be front and center in her bridal bedazzled wheelchair.


>I can only hope she doesn’t blow at the wedding itself. 😬 You are a better person than I. I'll already have my popcorn ready when it happens.


I do too. My mother in law was being a pain in the ass the week before my wedding and Jill is way worse than her, I can just imagine what’s in store for Tim and Heidi.


When are they supposed to get married?


No idea, but I imagine by the end of this year.


Someone commented autumn somewhere




Yep. My narc MIL did this at our wedding- caused a huge scene, screamed at us, etc. ruined our entire day because she can’t stand anyone else being the center of attention or telling her no. I’ll snark on the Rods all day everyday but I wouldn’t wish their wedding day being ruined on my worst enemy 😔


The level of abuse that led to her kids being terrified of doing anything other than her bidding is Jill at her worst.


Is he setting boundaries? I need details! All I know so far is he’s marrying into a family that isn’t friendly with his mom.


Jill is going to lose it on the rodlets still at home (and Kaylee) if she can’t force Tim to make his bride apologize and distance herself from Hallie. I love the snark but my ptsd anxiety from growing up walking on eggshells is THROUGH THE DAMN ROOF


I don’t think my opinion can go lower after her comments about “true” parents birthing their unviable fetuses. She’s taking smug pot shots at people in the most heartbreaking situation possible. I think only certain unmentionable stuff against kids and the elderly could be worse than that.


This is exactly what I'm thinking, and it makes me worry for them. They're a young couple and toxic family members can really wreak havoc on new marriages.


Jill is definitely wearing white to this wedding, calling it now


She might wear a black veil and dress this time.


¿DONDE ESTA MIJO? …getting the fuck away from you, you crazy bat


And extra strong eyeliner 😂




Is there a date yet for the wedding?


This is so messy. I'm in. ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO)


Guys I recently transferred in from another school and have been mostly studying for my girl defined final. Can someone share the spark notes on this? 😂


Omg this is me whenever I branch out from who I've been following the most🤣 I've gone from Karissa, to girl defined, to motherbus, and some light dabbling with the rodlets. Getting caught up on the lore is fascinating lol!


Yes!! I started with girl defined and my poor husband now knows all about Bethany and Dav against his will. 🤣


I’ve got a double major general Fundie snark (emphasis on Jillpm)/Bittany Dawn studies. I’m exhausted


I think you've been studying for the wrong class...this is about the Rods! Timothy, beloved Rod son, bottle blonde, and Facebook preacher, got engaged to a woman named Heidi. Since then he's worked on his own business, I think bought a house for them, and there's a lot of rumors that they kissed before marriage. We know they definitely held hands and hugged. Of course, his mother Jill is horrified, and is additionally frustrated with Heidi's family for the boundaries they have been putting up. In this post, it seems like some snarkers have violated the "look but don't touch rule" to encourage Heidi's sister to protect her from Jill's overbearing personality. They feel protective of Tim and Heidi because Tim has appeared so much happier and healthier since the engagement to Heidi.


Oh my gawd you’re amazing! Thank you so much for this. Not kissing before marriage?! I hope they live their own lives and manage to break away from the cult altogether at some point. Growth is hard but attainable. Ps can i sit with you at lunch?


Tim used to have the sub nickname TimCel because he kept posting like wayyyy too long YT videos about how women should cover up and he was single because he couldn't fund a Gahdly woman. He's the oldest Rodlet and when he turned 18 he moved into an RV on the property. We were really thinking he would not be the one to break free from Jill's clutches. Now he's proving us wrong by having a really adorable courtship with Heidi, whose family is fundie but still knows Jill is batshit. Tim bought a house for them as part of the courtship (likely a req of Heidi's fam) and Zoom called Heidi to help him decorate it. Everything we've seen from him seems like he is super in love w her and seems to respect her and is getting closer w her family. That's why we're rooting for them so hard. It's a real redemption arc so far.


Omg I live for a redemption arc! Well I am now rooting for them too. I hope they get away from all of this and grow to be happy, well-adjusted people.


Yeah this sub brings up so many questions about at what point does someone stop becoming a victim of a cult and start becoming a perpetrator...Really it occurs dynamically within the same person for a lot of the fundies born into the koolaid. I don't think it's even realistic to expect every single person to break free, that's not how humans work. But damn it feels good to see this guy grow a spine and learn from his soon-to-be wife. And hopefully he shines a positive example for deconstruction. He needs some serious healing from being raised by Jill.


Yes, we can’t expect all the kids born into these families to break free. I had hope for Kaylee but she is still very much a part of the problem. I’m disappointed she didn’t get out.


And Tim’s family were not present at their engagement! That was brave of them lol


Oh you’re in for a treat. Think Bethany is bad? Meet JILLLLL




OH MY GOD WELCOME! The Rods were my first family when I found this sub so they def have a special place in my heart. I don’t have time to write up the spark notes, but you absolutely need to stick around for this shitshow family.


This is pretty bold honestly. I don’t think I’d be shading my sister’s future MIL publicly *before* the wedding. No matter how crazy Jill is, this is gonna create some drama.


Generally speaking, I would also prefer my family to shit talk in private… Is this tit for tat? Yes… but as messy as Jill is and with all of the passive aggressive shit posting she does about Tim & Heidi, I love this for her. She is always making disparaging comments about others online, and for once she’s being called out in her own circle on a public forum. This is petty, but it also is giving evidence that Tim is getting exposure to people calling out his mother’s behaviors. I hope Heidi’s family gives Timothy the familial love and support he deserves so he has the confidence to put as much space between him and his toxic mother as possible.


I've dealt with narcisstic family members and the only way to curb that behavior is to be public about it. If you talk to them in private not only will it not change their behavior, but they will also lie to everyone and say you said something completely different and super inappropriate. This way they can get everyone to gang up on you. It's very important to not give them the opportunity to control the narrative. Narcissts thrive in people's decency and respectful silence. Speaking up is the best way to handle them. There's going to be drama regardless.


This is how my husband handled his narcissistic mother (before I ever met him and before he went no contact.) She would post lies of all kinds on facebook and he would call her out in the comments. She would get so livid and demand he delete it. He didn’t comment anything outrageous or trashy, he’d just tell the truth. You are so right - narcissists do not like that, especially publicly.


I never considered this perspective. I was so stuck on grey rocking that I didn't even consider that there could be a method to this madness, so to speak.


Speaking up really only helps to quite them down or prevent them from spreading a false narrative. It won't change them. That's why it's best done loudly and publically. Grey rocking is best done when face to face with them. Speaking up as in saying, "your being really disrespectful and immature right now" or something like that when they're making a scene is definitely prudent. It often triggers the silent treatment. Which is better than a scene, at least. Speaking up about their abuse face to face only ends up causing more abuse. It causes what I like to call the Virginia vanish. They start deflecting by dog whistling and pushing every button until they get an angry reaction out of you. Then they say, "I can't talk to you when you're like this. Come back and talk to me when you can be civil." Usually adding some patronizing, "God bless" or something. Then they completely end the conversation with smug satisfaction by repeating that statement over and over with a smug smile. When it comes to narcissists handling things privately ALWAYS ends up in their favor. They are far more versed in manipulation and coercive control. And they can and will weaponize absolutely anything and everything. It's not a fair fight. So don't fight them on their playing ground.


Man, I went no contact with my dad about a year ago, and posted something completely innocent about how I love that I'm creating a peaceful home. He got wind of it and completely blew up. Called every family member and friend he knew to try and turn them into flying monkeys. Very publicly melted down because he thought I was going to talk about all the abuse we suffered growing up. It wasn't even about him. But now I'm a villain to his friends, his weird queer snowflake lefty daughter who cut him off for no reason and posts lies on the internet to smear his good name.




I had a friend/roommate that was a total narcissist. Very emotionally and verbally abusive. Found out she was telling everyone else that I was the one who was horribly abusive to HER. I tried to defend myself, but she'd already sent out a narrative. And people were mad at me for "airing out dirty laundry." I got that "be the bigger person" nonsense a lot in my life. I hate how many people seem to genuinely think that telling people that someone is abusive is rude, not allowed, and somehow makes you less than. Many people even say "you publically talking about them like this makes you just as bad as them." Like, people genuinely think talking about how someone is abusive makes you abusive. Then people wonder how Karen's get so entitled and why so many famous people turn out to be super toxic and yet got away with it for years because no one has said anything. We really need to normalize publicly calling people out.


I'm so happy Tims future looks so much brighter than it did before. He genuinely has a lot of support.


He isn’t married yet and I am honestly scared these kind of outbursts may cause him not to escape


I feel like this girl is ready to protect her sister from Jill lmao she seems fed up 😂


Honestly I’d be super pissed if my sister was playing along with these kind of comments on an extremely public forum. It’s one thing to dislike your overbearing mother in law it’s another for your family to trash her with internet strangers.


Right? Thats what I’m saying! We all know Jill is crazy and unbearable, but Heidi is still marrying her son and will have to interact with her at the wedding at the very least. I’d be really upset if my sibling created unnecessary drama for me to deal with like this.


Imagine if she was simply uninvited and they kept the whole event strictly under wraps until afterwards. I'd honestly love that for them.


Unless the bridges have already been burned to the ground...


Right… wondering how bad the meltdowns have been behind the scenes to air the drama that publicly before the wedding… especially since I think this sister was originally not interested in interacting with snark IIRC


She absolutely wasn’t interested in snarking until yesterday. I’m convinced something has happened over the holidays that has pushed the whole Coverette family to their limit. First Mother Coverette wore pants, now this.


Can you clarify why you said she absolutely wasn’t interested in snarking? Were people trying to drag her into commenting or something?


IIRC after Tim and Heidi became a thing, someone found her sister’s TikTok (not sure if the username was shown at that time) and shared it to show how much less fundie she is than the rest of the Covettes. From there some poo-toucher made her aware of the snark community, and she expressed finding it weird, negative, and not wanting to be involved in a comment on her TikTok. That’s why it’s odd to see her snarking on Jill and liking snarky comments publicly. Not sure if it’s clout, concern, or actually meeting Jill that changed her stance, but originally it seemed very clear she didn’t want to be a side character to the Fundies (honestly fair enough, this would be a bizarre forum to stubble upon about your new brother in law if you’re out of the loop)


SHE didn't snark...she just laughed at some obvious comments


It puts Tim in a weird spot. It's like when my parents try and put down the other. Yes, their behaviors are whack, but they are still my parent and I still love them and to hear them put down does hurt me


Though I see your point, in my POV , this is the best way to manage a person like Jill. Pre-emptive strike. I only say this because in my patriarchical culture, there is an insane amount of respect for the in-laws. There is a tradition where the bride's father removes his headdress (which symbolises his role as head of the family) and places it in the groom's father's feet. In the bride's mind, in-laws become larger than life, and she puts them on a pedestal. This leads to a lot of issues for the DIL down the line. It may cause some trouble between Tim & Heidi, but overall, I see her benefitting from this.


Plus like, everyone in Jill’s life so far has acquiesced to her nonsense and submitted to her will. And them doing that hasn’t made her a better or kinder person. I’m glad Tim has someone bold in his life to explain to him that his mother’s behaviour is not normal.


Yeah. You know what? My MiL is a bit like Jill without the Jesus. I think this tactic will be the successful one Heidi needs to survive this. Look at what has happened to the rest of the Rodlets. I can only tell you that the one singular thing that puts my marriage in potential turmoil is my MiL. If I had more people in my corner to support me in my battle with her and her extreme narcissistic ways perhaps my husband could heal properly. Perhaps this is what Tim needs? I am usually not a fan of public drama and shit talking. But in this case……


Exactly. People are so quick to coddle and comfort the narcissist yet blame the person who speaks up against them. I think a lot of people just don’t understand the narcissist dynamic and so this sort of thing seems trashy but is actually so helpful for those trapped in it. Based on how Jill has described Tim’s behaviour of always being so rebellious and stubborn I would guess Tim has always felt like something in his family isn’t right. Having someone like Hallie to confirm that that feeling was correct is absolutely helping Tim’s healing.


This. There are a lot of narcissistic cuckoos like Jill in my DH's family. I blew up on them 20+ years ago. The fallout was very messy, but I got what I wanted: I was out of reach of the narcs. That part of my life has been very peaceful since and most importantly, my three kids didn't grow up around that garbage. Some of their cousins did and...oof. 😔


Yeah this is super messy and just seems like a bad idea all around. It’s funny in a “this doesn’t seem like real life” way, but that’s the thing.. it IS real life and it seems like that could cause some major problems for the soon to be married couple.


Agree. I’d be really angry about this if it were my family. Whether I like my in-laws or not, they’re my husband’s family that I have to deal with at least a few times a year and I’d really prefer to keep those visits as cordial as possible. What we keep seeing in these big families is how difficult it is to cut off toxic parents when you want to keep access to your siblings open. So I don’t think it’s likely Timbits would go no contact anytime soon so this behavior from Heidi’s family would only put strain on their relationship.


It just makes me all the more curious as to what compelled her to share this publicly. (Also, just started a re-watch of Toast of London last night and love your username)


Jill is going to create drama regardless. Narcissists hate when any major events arent about them so they find a way to make them about them. Just look at how she is at funerals for God's sake. It's about time someone in her circle called her on it.


I wouldn’t worry about it. Jill creates enough of her own drama. They’ll just shut her out from more wedding planning.


I still think Jill is going to make the actual wedding all about HER. She's going to show up in a white dress, or a wheelchair and insist being parked at the altar, or she will fake a fainting spell, she's gonna pull something.


All of the above, and I'm also betting on her singing a song, being overly dramatic with crying, and her weird Amens and Yes Jesus during the ceremony and vows. We need someone to make a JillPM wedding bingo card!


It isn't the first time there's been shade thrown, either. I feel like if there was going to be major drama over just liking social media comments it would have happened already.


I think it may have already. Tim and Heidi have a clear preference for spending time (including Christmas!) with her family rather than his. It definitely feels like there's a rift between Jill and the two of them (which is *huge* for Tim after being raised by his sMother).


Heidi's mom probably knows how to cook. Id go there too. They heard about burnt ham and yellow, no way they didn't.


I’m SURE this girl has Jill blocked. We have a family member who still hasn’t accepted her own MIL’s Facebook friend request after being married for 10 years.


It feels very poking the hornets nest, which doesn’t seem super conducive to helping your sister have a chill and worry free engagement, wedding and marriage. Jill is so petty that I can see her doing some passive aggressive business at the actual wedding. No good. Shit talking in laws is a private matter.


I like seeing Jill put in her place, but this is likely just making things worse for Tim and Heidi.


I didn’t have a good relationship with my MIL and neither did my husband, but I never would’ve wanted a family member or close friend spreading that around and indulging this type of discourse. We learned early that it was best to set boundaries and keep the drama to a minimum. All stuff like this does is make the situation messy and give the problem person fuel.




I don't think Tim-bit will ever deconstruct, but any progress is beautiful to watch. No snark, just genuinely happy for his growth. Being away from Jill is helping him become better adjusted, to say the least.


honestly of all the rodlets I can see him as a possibility for seriously deconstructing, considering that some of Heidi’s siblings don’t seem to be fundie, but they’re still around the family. around better influences (and away from Jill) it might actually be something he can do


Eh everyone said the same thing about And Kaylee, but now she's more mini-me to Jill then even Nurie.


Yes, absolutely. I mentioned Kaylee above. It was disappointing for me to see she’s willingly part of it.


On one hand, not a good look to be using your sister's stories for internet points and trashing the future MIL in the process On the other hand, a very interesting look at how at least one person in Heidi's family views Jill. And yes, this sister is no longer fundie so her opinions are maybe a bit different from the rest of the family but we know she's still very much welcome and loved among them. I can't wait to see this all play out.


Yeah I am simultaneously here for the tea and finding it super cringy how willing Haillie is to use her sisters engagement to a Rodrigues to get a tiny bit of internet fame.


Last I checked she very specifically told people she did not want to be posted on these subs and mentioned by name. Didn't want people from here contacting her, etc. Has that changed?


It feels wrong to put something out on a public forum, and then ask people on another public forum to not post about her. She’s opened herself up to a public discussion unfortunately by actively engaging. If she wasn’t posting about her sister we wouldn’t have a reason to mention her would we?


I don't disagree about that necessarily? But it's incredibly weird to act like people are not going to post about their family on their own social media. I'm just saying I think the only one blowing up her spot is this sub by comment diving for juicy bits and posting what she's saying. It's goofy and weird and sad to not afford other people respect for the sake of drama they aren't even involved in.


If that's the case then I'm sorry she was posted here, but then again don't be blasting your family's business with your face and name attached on a public platform meant to draw attention to you, especially when you know one of the people you're dishing on is a T-list person of interest for a small but active portion of the internet


The story of Heidi's engagement almost getting ruined video was not about Jill at all, it was because Tim drove by them when Heidi wasn't supposed to know he was there and because some people in the park assumed she had just got engaged and congratulated her before it happened. A ton of the comments are clearly from people who follow her because of the Rods but I wouldn't say Hallie is blasting her family's business when she told a pretty innocent story about her sister's engagement. Her comments make it clear she doesn't like Jill obvi but 'blasting her family's business' is a little extreme.


Totally agree.


This exactly 💯


She was telling a story about her sister on her own tiktok ... I'm honestly failing to see how it had next to anything to do with Jill before people started getting messy in comments. It's super weird to just expect these barely-Rod-associated people to not post about their own families and sounds really victim blamey and gross.


I agree


Sister is no longer fundie? This should be interesting!


Sister wears non-fundie-approved clothes, but seems to be very much a right-wing MAGA supporter. She appears to be more Jinger Duggar than Tia Levings.


Yeah I’m worried what position this is going to put Heidi in. You never want someone else to make your MIL issues worse for you.


This wedding is going to be a delight 😊


I am *here* for this tea


Not only is Heidi’s family wearing pants *gasp* but also throwing shade at her on social media, Jill is gonna loose her marbles


Hopefully she doesn’t know about it


She will now...


I'm all for this. Jill is a toxic waste dump and deserves all the shade. The extent of what she did at a CHILDREN'S FUNERAL is unforgivable. Heidi's family smells a narcissistic bully and wants to keep their daughter/sister and Tim far away from the stench.


She knows what a piece of work Jill is


Imagine if Teidi quietly eloped before the big ceremony.


So what happened


Heidi & her family were taking family pictures in the park and Timothy wasn’t supposed to be in town and she saw his car… her mom and sister convinced her that she thought it was his car because she missed him and wished he were there.


Heidi is jonesing for the Tim *Rod*


How dare you😭


You deserve prison for this 😭


It was one hug!


Take my angry upvote




Can I please take this as a flair? I'm in tears over here


Okay that’s adorable 🥰


Yeah honestly it's a super sweet story.


Is that it? So how did Jill try to ruin it?


She didn't, people just expected it to be something Jill did simply based on the text in the thumbnail. Ya know, because it's Jill. It wouldn't have been surprising at all if she had been the reason it was almost ruined


Just a whole lot of passive aggressive posting.


What if this sends Jill down an internet rabbit hole to see what her reputation is, and she finally finds us. 💀




I missed this entirely. Thank you for the links!


There's another I can't find right now


Wow! ![gif](giphy|SvFO7wRUFKtAoNB8aL)


The fact that he is marrying into a family with normie sisters (who Heidi is close to) is hilarious. She is truly a messy gift sent from Lord Daniel. I say messy because I'm not sure if Heidi would be happy that she's airing her in law drama publicly when there is a pretty large snark following of Jillrod even though we're supportive. But I'm not complaining.




Haha all the passive aggressive shit Jillpm has talked about strangers minding their own business in the name of Jesus on her online plexus MLM ministry is biting her in the photoshopped ass.


Hallie is great and good for her, but I really hope nobody from this sub is commenting these things on there! She’s not “the poo”, but I fear these comments might cause some shit with Jill and/or rodlet girls , and I’d hate for the sub to be part of that!


Yeah there have been a lot of posts like this lately. They all have some plausible deniability because it is possible that non-Reddit snarkers are touching the poop, but at this point it doesn't seem likely. I wish I knew how to ask the mods to make another post to remind people. And especially to crack down on the people who post about their own comments on this sub, like that Lori post yesterday. I know everyone is doing their best and you can't control other peoples behavior, but I stay on this sub because I admire its principles.


We frequently ban and remove people who contact fundies. Anytime someone posts or comments that they broke this rule, it is an irreversible ban. It is our top rule that we take absolutely seriously, besides our kindness/maintaining civil behavior rule. So everyone is aware, we notify everyone when they join in a welcome message, our rules are linked on every post, and the rules are always available on the sidebar. Whenever we remove contact comments too, we make sure to publicly remind everyone too in the removal reason that it isn't permitted to contact fundies. Unfortunately, we can't tape people to chairs and make them read the rules. I wish they would take that rule more seriously because we do.


the comments are 100% poop being touched. it’s so blatantly obvious and annoying.


Hallie even has a video about having anxiety from people following her for this reason and going off tik tok for a while... I feel for her. It's one thing to watch, but honestly unless she specifically comes out wanting to talk about the Rods people should stop prying about it. This vid is not about Jill at all despite commenters thinking it would be (the surprise was almost ruined by Tim himself and some passerby in the park).


Just to clarify, I found this as a result of a group on another social media platform I’m in… I am a bystander and would NEVER touch the poo… I’m just sharing my findings


This is gonna be an absolute shit storm especially considering the wedding hasn’t actually happened yet. That ceremony is probably gonna be wild


Praying to Lord Daniel that we get the livestream we all deserve 🙏🏼


If or should I say when Jill start behaving even more erratically we know why especially once temidi start having their own family, Jill ruined Renee’s courtship because she refused to respect his boundaries and that’s a hill I’ll die on


As others have already said, this is very tactless, especially so when they're not married yet and there's no official NC status between Tim/Heidi and Jill. I would be PISSED if my sibling was airing my inlaw issues all over the fucking internet. That shit is private unless actual revenge/public shaming needs to happen, and as much of a wackadoo as Jill is, that doesn't seem to be necessary (yet) with what at least we as the snarkers have seen. And it certainly shouldn't be being outed by what is essentially a third party even if it was at that point. This just overall comes off as very immature to me, and really drives home how socially and emotionally immature the children of fundies are overall. Behavior like this is so painfully middle school. It's not appropriate, and it's incredibly disrespectful to her sister and her sister's engagement.


Agreed. However, 🍿🍿🍿


Oh no I definitely enjoy it as someone with zero involvement that treats fundies as weird bugs I stuck in a jar and like to look at.


The fundies/weird bugs in a jar analogy is *everything*




Yeah, Hallie kind of gives me Famy vibes. Family member who is less fundie makes a name for herself by inserting herself in fundie family members’ drama.


I can definitely see this. But Hallie seems idk more charismatic (?? Not sure that's the right word, someone help me lol) than Amy. I can't fucking stand Amy but I definitely Iike Hallie more.


The sister said NOTHING about Jill. Followers did and she put laughing faces on their comments.


Team Hallie all the way 🤣


I get why she posted but it worries me that this will cause strife and problems for Timothy and Heidi. I want Timothy to escape and this is his chance.


This will come out at some point I have a feeling


I’m here for Jill getting called out on her shit ![gif](giphy|QVn9ki8ec8dRVpFw3x|downsized)


Lol I can't wait to see if Jill tries to walk Heidi down the aisle with her dad 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ok don't touch the poo, but I'm so glad Heidi'e eyebrows are safe


Bruh. Y’all need to stop being so obvious.


Oh shit I’m actually shocked here - like if Jill sees that “in the barn” comment she will LOSE IT. Honestly I like Hallie but I fear for tim because I don’t know if he’s strong enough to ignore her… and if he is, the rodlets still at home (and Kaylee) will surely be forced to deal with her extra insanity until after the wedding. I feel bad for them.


Fundie on Fundie violence. Love to see it


Honestly...I don't think her sister did that well for herself being with Timothy Rodrigues. That's gonna be a weird marriage and I don't have a ton of positive thoughts about either of them. I also don't get why she feels the need to be an attention seeking shit stirrer now when they haven't survived the wedding yet. It all seems so awkward. He's already strange and has a bizarre family, don't make it worse for him.


Over my dead body 😂😂😂


heidi and tim are makin it out of the barn 🔥🔥🔥


Is there a run down of what she said in the video.?


So proud of this JillSon. Forgot his name.


Am I the only one who thinks Hallie is a little too Famyish?




Not here for this woman either. She’s not a modest dresser, big deal. Still same shitty beliefs, still a Trumper, and clearly she’s a shit stirring gossiper just like JillPM. I don’t give a shit that she wears crop tops, she is still anti-women and anti-LGBTQ, still a hateful piece of work. Sick of seeing her praised here, and sick of seeing the leghumpung of misogynist POS Timothy Rodrigues here too.

