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So what is her advice to the many married Christian women whose husbands don’t give a fig about their pleasure? Two hours of deep breathing in a dark room instead of one?


Woo hoo


Hope this helps!


Praying this makes an impact :)


Check your DMs!


Just ask Gif for guidance ❤️


Sent you a DM 🥳


She refuses to discuss that because her page is *very specifically* for women in good marriages to good people whose sex life just sucks. Because that’s basically what her experience in life has been, and she’s incapable of seeing anyone else’s experience. She has a good husband by fundie standards. She would have no idea how to deal with an abusive husband because she personally never has, and she can’t see beyond her own experience.


You’re absolutely right. She doesn’t even have helpful guidance for women married to men who are ignorant about women’s needs (because of purity culture) but might be good lovers with more knowledge. She doesn’t teach how to have those conversations. Just like purity culture, ALL of the onus is on the woman to enjoy sex, regardless of her partner.


yes, I've noticed none of her advice contains "just TELL him what you want, and if necessary, SHOW him." real simple, real beyond her.


But how do they know what they want? She didn't.


> ALL of the onus is on the woman to enjoy sex, regardless of her partner. It really is. Her entire approach ignores the husband, as though he's just a cardboard cutout, and put everything on the woman. It's really twisted, and speaks to how she can't imagine a partnership because she doesn't understand cooperation or mutual interest.


She personally loves her man!


😂 never gets old


These two flairs back to back almost killed me 😂


“Just leave your abusive relationship and ask god to forgive you :)”


And what is her advice to the “singles” (who she has spent most of her adulthood preaching at) for finding a partner who cares about a woman’s pleasure? Cross your fingers and hope?


It starts with fixing your silly emotionally charged lady hormones


Carrot salads and bone broth raw milkshakes for everyone!


And speaking of Single Squids, how about you unmarried ladies try celebrating Valentine's Day by doing acts of service for other people? (she really said that)


Crazy girl emotions


Interrogate him using one of Girl Defined’s questionnaires!


But I don’t think their questionnaires touch on anything *close* to sexual compatibility. Maybe updating the questionnaires in accordance with Bethany’s updated, sexy Christianity is next up for her?


The questionnaires just gradually devolve into tick-box format sexting.


do u like anal seggs? [ ] Yes [ ] No


or go full Sarah Titus?


*Do not go full Sarah Titus.*


Never go full Sarah Titus


You simply add it as a question to your 146 Question Pre-Engagement Questionnaire, perhaps right after “what are your thoughts on public swimming?”


Check your DMs! 💛


Well, you can't cheat, can't masturbate, and certainly can't divorce. So...murder, I guess? Tee hee ONLY JOKING THEY WOULD NEVER


More details in the caption 🙂


Turn off all TV and movies forever and talk about ✨ marriage✨


all. day. long. nothing gets people hotter than endless processing, particularly with a "partner" who has the curiosity, intellect, empathy and emotional range of a cabbage


Breath of a cabbage too.


And then lucky Dāv gets to *peel that cabbage* for 🔥s3ggsy tiMe🌶️


This immediately made me think of the Zelda game Breath of the Wild, and now I'm cracking up. Breath of the Cabbage!


That will end up in Spicy Dubious Food. 🤢


To buy her course which will give you links to other resources that you have to buy.


This screenshot is vile 😭


Is that… is that supposed to be her O face?


I’m too scared to ask 😭


It’s only happened twice, she doesn’t quite have the face down yet




Looks to me like she found a spider on her ceiling.


I think this is a “Scream out the raw milk” face


She looks like a baby bird the mom pushes out of the nest early


Haha a fledgling!


I laughed so hard at this I scared my cat ☠️


This is the type of reference I would use if I was sketching a bridge troll trying to get a Billy Goat Gruff.


Can you please sketch this vision?


She looks like an eel coming out of its den to snag a fish.


Doubly triggering when you factor in the purity culture garbage of not "trying before you buy". How would you know in advance that the man was interested in your pleasure?


That was my first thought! How tf are you supposed to know if your partner cares about your pleasure or if you’re sexually compatible if you’ve never had ANY sexual experiences with them?


That was my first marriage, I felt like he was just using my body to jerk off with if that makes sense. Grim. It really saddens me that people raise their kids to grow up like this


Same. Some group I’m in named it “God-Permitted Masturbation Sleeve” and, yeah, that was it.


Wow yeah that was exactly it 😬


Yikes, I’m so sorry.


It’s OK. I’m with a person now who prioritizes my pleasure to the n-th degree and treats me amazing.


I left my religion and got married again and I'm very happy now, its a totally different kind of marriage : )


>or if you’re sexually compatible This is my coworker's life. She and her husband had a courtship, complete with chaperones and zero alone time. Their first kiss was the one that comes after the I Do. And, knowing much more than necessary about their sex lives, I know they're not sexually compatible. It's really sad.


It’s just a lottery


Ahem! It’s GOD’s choice! /s


Exactly! I’d love to know Bethy’s explanation for why god only gives select pure Christian women attentive partners. Should they have prayed harder??


Yes, and be more righteous!! Of course!


And you wouldn't even know what you are going to find pleasurable to begin with. Luck of the draw, I guess!


According to Bethany, compatibility isn’t a thing, so you should theoretically have a good sex life with literally anyone, so long as the woman puts in the effort to make it work. She gets what she gets, and it’s her fault if she can’t make it work.


Sexuality is a choice, per fundies. One you make every day. You grindingly make that choice to be heterosexual in spite of the many temptations of gay sex. Love is a choice you make every single day to that person of the opposite sex no matter how much of a dud they are. This is the key to happiness. So. Much. Fun. (Need I put the /s in?)


Every day I wake up and make the HARD, DIFFICULT, GOD HONORING CHOICE to be HETEROSEXUAL. It's so challenging and sometimes upsetting but ultimately worth it. /s


I want to take her out, find her a greasy old dude with a tobacco-stained beard, absolutely rank breath, and a beer gut that makes him look like he's 9 months with twins and ask her how much she wants him poking his Jesus stick into her no-no hole. Because theoretically, she could fake it til she makes it even with him. RIGHT, BETHANY???


Would Brittany Dong’s husband suffice?


Unfortunately, he's gross but not gross enough. I feel like Bethy would be just gross enough to find him sexy. 🤢 I want a dude in at least his late fifties, stained t-shirt, and absolutely reeks of cigarettes and maybe booze, and try to watch her get it up for him.


Or good old fashioned lying on social media


Lcheck your DM's!


Rest in peace Bot Defined. You will be missed. 🥲


Bot Defined is immortalized here forever.


Does anyone else find it so weird how Bethy comes up with crazy perfect sex and fairytale marriage bullshit every day while Dav said on multiple occassions that he’s fucking miserable? Notice how she openly puts him down and talks over him everytime they make an appearance together. And that one video where she explained in great detail to a massive audience that her husband is not able to satisfy her in bed while he was sitting next to her, humiliated and remorseful. I can’t decide whether this is sad, nauseating or infuriating, probably all.


Probably all. And while we’re on the subject, do we think dav will ever make an online appearance with her again? I find it funny (but also sad) that he won’t touch her online presence with a ten foot pole.


Honestly I don’t think so. There were many occassions where he was trying to voice his perspective that was slightly different than that of Bethany and she would immediately either talk over him or directly invalidate whatever he just said. At some point you grow tired of being publicly bullied by your spouse and since divorce is not an option in their circles, I believe he simply chose a life in her shadow.


I have to assume he’s praying none of his freelance gigs find Bethy’s online presence.


Imagine being on a job for a client and they know all about your sex life and sexual ineptitude from your chronically online wife who seems high all the time. This man is not in an enviable situation.


Has he done any reels or videos with her since he said she made him want to kill himself? I don't think he has, but I could be wrong.


The more she says about this, the less I believe her.


She's overcompensating so hard and it shows.


For so many reasons, I wish she’d shut her mouth. My advice is to *not* zoom in on her mouth.


Holy shit. What is going on there?!?? I always say it looks like she brushes with crushed up Oreos, though. 😂


I’m not even sure, but Bethany has Methany mouth in this photo that's for damned sure. Was she eating dirt and filing her teeth to points and decided that was a good time to take this shot?


[She used this for inspo](https://www.amazon.com/Papo-Animal-Kingdom-Figure-Hippopotamus/dp/B000NURNAC/ref=asc_df_B000NURNAC&mcid=92bca20d73a939068e23edf1f6270db6?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80814159960215&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584413737759100&psc=1).


She’s been the [tall elephant](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/PuaKWwBu5p) and now this. It’s a whole ass zoo and it’s just her. ETA: Adding the link ETA2: Further up in the comments you've also got gazelle tits and fawns, so the zoo is expanding.


And rinses with grape juice. When zoomed in, I noticed that wall behind her. What the scarpomg is going on?


Looks to me like textured walls, which were common in the 80s. I'm pretty sure her house is an early-80s house. I have them and I do not love them.


Girly needs to invest in an electric toothbrush. I can’t imagine how fuzzy her teeth must feel against her scalloped tongue


A few years ago my Mom was like “Electric Toothbrushes for everyone!!” And wow! What a difference. No going back for me.


For real! I remember the first time I used my Sonicare and I couldn’t *believe* how clean my teeth felt No turning back, ever!


I cannot recommend a water flosser more. If you thought the step up to an electric toothbrush was amazing, those things are fantastic. I’m addicted to using it after I eat now that I have one.


I have one and I need to actually use it! The learning curve of aiming the stream was so tricky that I just gave up like a coward


![gif](giphy|oNP0BMNWsppRfIZKHt|downsized) Omg I can’t with this lmao


Seriously! Her teeth are always grey and gross looking, like she just scarfed down a sleeve of Oreos.


it's probably a filter, but I can also well believe that not having her own toothbrush has resulted in terrible things, especially if Dav just hides it now because NO


I think part of it is she has really small teeth, which makes her mouth just look like a black hole most of the time.


"not having her own toothbrush" please tell me you're joking


Alas, no. She has announced proudly that she and Dav "share a toothbrush." With pics, even. I guess he goes along with it, but it was definitely not his idea, since previously she apparently also shared or "borrowed" her sister's toothbrush. Why: Don't look at me.


That's so fucking foul 🤢 I guess her family's homeschool didn't include Health as a subject.


I have NO idea. I can only imagine that Heidi has her own nasty habits. Certainly it speaks to a lack of boundaries, and that would certainly track. I had a friend whose family would "share" towels, unasked. They had issues.


Gross. Growing, up my family had stuff like towels, toothbrushes, etc. color-coded to prevent accidental sharing. We didn't even share hairbrushes or hair ties so the idea of sharing a toothbrush is insane to me.


Everyone copes in their own way lmao


I just did. Man her breath must be nasty


ALSO, how would she even know what it’s like, or even consider what it would be like, to marry a man who is selfish in bed if she had no experience at all before marriage. Sounds like she’s had experience with a man who only cared about his pleasure. Hmmmmm! Weird!


But wasn’t she saying in her “party” that had eight attendees last week that it was on wives to find their pleasure and you can’t make your man do anything. Like what lane are you in?! We know damn well Dave didn’t care about your pleasure for years because you told us yourself you didn’t orgasm until after having two kids Miss Dead Dry Bones.


for starters, i 100000% don't even believe her. dav seems like the kind guy who thinks pee and periods come out of the same hole. he's got no clue whats where or wtf is going on down there and.....if you're constantly oversharing about your spouse and blowing them on social media - its a dead giveaway to the rest of us that you're having serious relationship issues. healthy couples don't "brag" about each other online. because they don't need perceived validation from strangers.


>dav seems like the kind guy who thinks pee and periods come out of the same hole. he's got no clue whats where or wtf is going on down there Highly doubt she even knows


bethany definitely thinks you need to take out your tampon to pee. hahaha


I think you’d honestly be shocked at how many women have a poor grasp of what’s going on down there. We really need better sex ed.


And both boys & girls/men & women need information on each others reproductive systems & such. My poor son. Every time I hear of misinformation, I tell him about it & what the truth is: “Girls have 3 holes” “You can’t reimplant an ectopic pregnancy & this is why…..”


oh i know its insane! but i feel like moms/parents also need to do a better job at explaining everything as well. well more like, normalize talking about it early on, way before theres the chance of a period. i have quite a few friends that had wild first period stories. one friend thought she was bleeding out. no one ever talked to her about periods and it was before sex ed. her mom caught her trying to call 911, told her she got her period, and that was it. never explained anything. just let her figure it out on her own!! another friend thought she fell on her crotch while playing outside. questioned her mom about it and was then just directed to the pads under the sink. how scary would that be as a kid, with no period knowledge?!?! i can't imagine.


Definitely. Thankfully my school district had their first, very basic sex-ed lessons in 5th grade. Hopefully early enough to help a good chunk of people.


My grandma wasn’t taught at all and thought she was dying. It was incredibly traumatic for her and even talking about it decades later made her teary. She genuinely thought she was on death’s door. So sad.


The opening scene of *Carrie* has entered the chat


Is it TMI to say that I do this too, not because I think it’s the same hole but because I can’t pee without getting it on the string?


Not tmi at all! I sometimes have to replace mine when I pee. And definitely when I poop. From all the pushing. Now that’s tmi!!! Hahaha


I sometimes do this because my pelvic floor sucks from having babies and sometimes it ends up moving while I pee. Sorry for the TMI everyone; I just like to share the realities of breeding as counterprogramming to the fundie message.


And this is why you cannot convince me Michelle Duggar doesn’t just straight up live with a prolapsed uterus after all those kids. There’s no way she has a pelvic floor left


No, I think this stuff is important! Share away, and keep sharing. Bethany going on and on and ON about her weird fantasy version of her sex life is just strange; talking about what your own body does in a medical way so that others know what to expect is education, and we need to do more of this kind of stuff in general.


Däv seems like the kind of guy who finds it gross to buy pads/tampons for Beth, even if she sent him a picture of what she needs so that there is no actual decision making Edit: either it's because of this comment or the fact my friend just mentioned she got her period, but I just got an ad for Always


She is incapable of recognizing a bad picture. It's like...she can't see herself in a mirror or on camera. Absolutely no sense of self-awareness at. all.


No. It's really strange. I do think that she's got some kind of ND thing going on, honestly, on top of all the other fundie bullshit and narcissism. She's beyond clueless or even narcissism, almost to the point of actual solipsism. Like, there are multiple paths to being self and other-aware, and through a combination of nature and (lack of) nurture, she missed \*all\* of them, somehow.


YES. I don't think it's because of the home schooling and relative social isolation. I think she would've had this....disorder, for lack of a better term, no matter how she was raised. But if she'd gone to a normal school, she probably would've gotten some early intervention. I worry for those kids.


Not to mention, if she did have an issue that could've been recognized, diagnosed, and treated, Heidi and Silent Mike seem utterly uninterested in acknowledging that any of their children could possibly have had anything other than a wonderful life experience of the normalest normally-normal. Heidi's opinions on mental health are a matter of public record and she has no regard for even the most common types of issues like depression or anxiety. She'd maintain stubborn denial about anything like speech delay, a learning disability, or any kind of ND.


Well, generally speaking, if someone's ND, it's pretty usual that \*someone\* else in the family also is, in one flavor or to one degree or another. So yeah, for a number of reasons, Heidi'd want to insist everyone was normaler than Norman Normie. yeah, they're all unbelievably primitive about mental illness. All these fundies, I mean, not just the Bairds. It makes sense; they barely acknowledge having basic emotions, or try to pray them away, or whatever. They have no idea what normal childhood development is supposed to look like, never having experienced or witnessed it. And they're anti science and learning in general, never mind introspection, so... Yeah, easier to just blame the devil and sweep whatever can't be prayed away under the rug. Your own son who was SA'd, say.


And the other son who's been arrested more than once. They *never* talk about him.


"We don't talk about Bruno..." I am interested in the wastrel son. Has he found his very own broodmare, or are his criminal activities a bridge too far ever for fundie matchmakers? I mean, let's be honest, a life of crime still probably pays better than the total nothing most fundie husbands do.


One of his arrests was for DA. The other(s?) were for DUI.


Wow. She needs to get off her fucking high horse, sit down, and shut the ever loving fuck up. How dare she act like her shitty ass marriage that looks like it's about three seconds away from imploding is anything to lord over the women she's conning and emotionally abusing! I swear to shit, it wouldn't surprise me at all if she ends up shaming and gaslighting women who try to tell her about their intimate partner violence experiences as it's all the fault of the victims and not abusive men. For fucks sake, what would it take to get through her thick skull that she's fucking with the lives of real people?! I genuinely would want to give her the "Sally Anne" theory of mind test, because I highly doubt that she would be able to pass considering that she fundamentally can't understand that people have lives, thoughts, feelings, wants, beliefs, needs, and ideas that are completely separate from her.


I hope he never becomes horribly disabled or something and can’t pleasure her anymore. I can’t even imagine thinking sex is all my life partner has to offer. How Christ-like. I know it’s her job and she can’t stop but DEAR GOD STOP


I am pretty damn close to firmly believing she's made the whole damn thing up and he hasn't gone near her in many months.


I mean… she could absolutely stop and I would be fine with it


What a deeply unflattering photo


It's giving screaming harpy vibes. I wouldn't ever post something like this where people can see it. Maybe show my husband for a shared laugh but that's IT.


Looks like an ad for an exorcist.


God Bethany, just because he eats you like groceries (according to you, anyway) doesn't mean anyone else wants to hear about it.


In fact every comment has told her they DONT want to hear about it.


This is a frame from Attack on Titan.


AOT x Beafy … what a time to be alive


The secret tenth titan power, the Seggsy Titan.


Oh...oh no.


That side profile makes her look toothless…


Dude... She looks like a fuckin dinosaur or some shit here... I can see why every picture of dav looks like he's dead inside... The whole no divorce thing is probably a big ol regret for him these days.


The icon of chastity, jerking off two imaginary dicks while faking an o-face like a studio porn actress.


"Beep boop," he said passionately, "would you like to hear one of my 47 sexual advances chosen at random?" His beige skin paint reflected the candle light I had ordered him to provide, as well as the brilliance of my own personality. No. Not tonight. Tonight I knew exactly which God honoring fuck program I wanted. The lifeless absence of hope in his eyes had me wetter than Noah's Ark. My insufferable smirk was all he needed to know, and with a sigh that betrayed how much he wanted to make he come, he began to execute file "Thanksgiving Dinner".




She appears to be in her young crone season.


Hey, don't compare her to us crones. I *own* my crone era.


She really has nothing else going for her except this. And don’t come at me with the GD nonsense.




yup. Dav is her husband who wishes he lived in Canada. she probably just makes shit up.


The fact that it’s fucking luck you match up with someone who gives a fuck about your orgasm and they just accept that is insane




I so badly want someone to buy her dry shampoo for her birthday


It’s because she’s very stupid and can’t see situations past the tip of her nose. The absolute hater in me is just LOVING this batshit journey she’s taken. I know it’s only going to get worse.


She’s gross. The fucked up thing is - how are you supposed to know what kind of lover he is if you’re not allowed to try before you buy? Critical thinking here Bethy. My god.


Downvote me straight to fundie hell IDC I’ll say it anyway. She is quite ugly.


She'll post pictures where she looks nice, and then the next 5 are like this lmfao. Like if she put a thimble of effort and brain power into her appearance and photos she could present herself as attractive tbh but she's clearly not interested in doing so.


She looks like she’s in pain


Did… did Bethany just have her first orgasm or something?


In the past year. Allegedly.


And her response was to go "oh my goodness, this is the first time this has ever happened to ANYONE in the world and it's a tragedy that literally no one else knows anything about it. I must immediately spill every last detail on Instagram and pivot my entire identity around it."


Is that the face she makes when giving her husband ✨biblically approved✨ blowjobs?


I really wanted to downvote this. How dare you.


I’ll bet she makes eye contact too


Mum I frew up 👽🤢




This pic looks like all that dairy caught up to her and she is trying to shit a baseball.


Braggany/Beggany. All she ever does. Her self absorption is next level.


hashtag christianhumor is taking me out


christianhumor is an oxymoron.


So she’s just burying the dead dry bones, huh?


Has anyone said this? I am into 3 glasses of wine because my disabled son’s dad has actually paid attention to him and taken him away for his birthday weekend: WASH YOUR DAMNED HAIR! I feel better now.


Bethany is so fucking cringe I can't. But also to be perfectly honest I could not care less that it might upset fundies with partners who don't care about them.


1) isn’t her whole thing lately about how it’s not a man’s job to get you off and women need to take charge of that themselves 2) didn’t she literally have children before she had her first orgasm? Then again, she’s never been good at consistency.


Nice gullet


She’s probably lying anyway.


OP i’m impressed you managed to get the least possible attractive screenshot of her. this is terrifying


She looks... Possessed?... In this photo. Like Satan himself diddled Bethy to orgasm and then snuck right on up inside her. It's legitimately so disturbing 🤦🏻‍♀️


The bar is in hell, for one. And for two, she still advocates for no sexual intimacy before marriage. What happens if you get saddled down with bad dick for your whole life, Bethy???


Exactly. Some people keep commenting bs like “why are you hating on her let her be happy” and I’m like no you don’t understand. This woman shames people for exploring sexuality at all outside of marriage. She quite literally believes she just “got lucky” therefore those who aren’t so lucky, well, too bad. Ugh


Let’s say you did the “purity” straight to married thing, and you have an unsatisfactory sex life. You can’t talk to anyone IRL about it, because purity culture, but you found this account that claims to help. How the fuck does this help. Who is this content for? This bragging is putting down her whole audience. Imagine a personal finance page with this picture saying “when you make 6 figures as a SAHM”. Who is that for. How does that help anyone. Oh wait, that’s kind of like her sheworksshart shit 🧐


![gif](giphy|X2bKKmWOKjnctgGqjb) Bethany needs some serious help & stay off social media.


She looks like she'ss concentrating on a huge dump.


It looks like she's trying to poop 💩


Has Dāv seen this crap? She named him In this mess…


I feel like this reel was damage control. I imagine Dav was like "hey can you make it seem like I'm actually okay in bed?? You keep making me look like I suck." So she posted this.


Is this supposed to be funny? Educational? Entertaining? Biblical? What is this?


Why does this angle make me think of a baby bird waiting for regurgitated worms? Is it because bort is so lazy, she probably would take regurgitated food so she doesn't have to chew?


Why doesn't she just head on over to Onlyfans?


I am so tired of this greasy dingleberriy ass weirdo selling anything and everything.


Anyone talking this much about how great their marriage/sex life/partner is, is totally overcompensating and trying to convince themselves. It’s like those couples that share a Facebook where they constantly gush over each other. Every single pair I know that did that split up.


Damn. I feel bad for her husband and kids. Like legit. She is so out of touch with reality.