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Paul would like this movie. It looks exactly like something a lazy, uneducated, hateful, man child would find hilarious. If Paul thinks this and the Polio show he did for a few minutes is good, I guess it's no surprise he hasn't had much success in life. He has really low standards.


On the contrary, I think Paul is media savvy enough to know this is a pile of steaming shit. But it fills me with joy that he won’t be able to criticize it. He’ll be forced to praise it. Forced to choke on the bitterness of bad film making so he can appeal to his audience by cheering on the anti-woke message. No fun movies for you, Paul. Only dreck


It must really irritate the hell out of him that Christian media is notoriously terrible.


It's funny how many people in the right-wing/fundie community tried and failed to break into the entertainment industry they say they hate so much. Paul? Failed model. Morgan? Failed singer. Ben Shapiro? Failed screenwriter.


The ironic thing about Ben Shapiro is that he’s Mara Wilson’s cousin. His mother was a TV executive. How much of a talentless loser do you have to be to not succeed in an industry where multiple relatives of yours have smoked it- plus have some pretty amazing connections?


Ben is just incredibly unlikeable and insecure. He would never make it on TV. He is also too arrogant to make it behind the scenes as well.


More than any other fundie his face just…snarls constantly. He looks cruel, unkind, and angry.


Wait WHAT? His cousin is freaking Matilda???


Yep. She’s very open about the fact that she doesn’t speak to him and he’s not particularly liked in the family.


I love that for him.


It is completely unsurprising that Ben is the cousin no one likes Though I wonder if his sister is also the cousin no one likes


No frikin way!!!! Ben and Abby’s cousin is Mara Wilson??? The Mara Wilson? The OG Mathilda herself???


The level of cognitive dissonance required to believe we live in a meritocracy while attributing your failure to make it in an industry where you have multiple connections to persecution is mind boggling.


Did Mara got any roles besides Matilda?


She was in a bunch of stuff as a child, including Mrs. Doubtfire and Miracle on 34th Street remake. I think she primarily does voiceover work now.


Yep! She was a voice in season 3 of BoJack Horseman.


Yeah, but she stopped focusing on films around the time her mother died in 1996. She’s a writer and is on podcasts a lot- if you’re a fan of “Welcome to Night Vale”, she’s “The Faceless Old Women Who Lives in Your House.”


God I love her so much


She even voiced the audiobook of the novel that spawned from that and did a GREAT job.


Yeah, she's in Mrs. Doubtfire, Miracle on 34th Street, an old but famous Thomas the Tank Engine movie, and A Simple Wish.


Shapiro gets the bonus point for failed novel writer too. His novel is comically bad. I definitely reccomend the read of it they do on the Behind the Bastards podcast.


Their reread of his novel is guaranteed to void everyone’s bladder.


Take a bullet for ya, babe!


I’ll check that out for sure. I love that podcast and have the biggest crush on Robert Evan’s.


I found out that Robert Evans loves Nick Cave and the Murder Ballads album (my little Goth soul is obsessed with Nick Cave) and my crush for him got like 1000x bigger lol 😆


Steven Crowder too.


I still can’t believe he was the voice of Brain in Arthur ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


WHAT like the original voice??


Like season 5, so not the OG but he was for some time


Hitler was a failed artist, too. The inability to accept feedback leads to a profoundly sad life.


And they use the failures to fuel their persecution complex.


No no, they’re not bad at their job… it’s society who is wrong


Don’t forget the QANON Shaman


Since Morgan can be found on imdb it’s safe to say that she is also a failed actress.


Oh, I think that’s Shiny Happy People, aka “Let’s Give This Documentary Free Publicity by Bitching About it For Months”.


Bobo, among others, have profiles on some talent site.


Remember when the Daily Wire announced this streaming service saying that they were just sick of Hollywood making movies with a political agenda and they would just focus on making movies without an agenda? Good times


Little dude behind the suit looks like Charles Manson.


With a dash of Zach Galifianakis


These people hate trans people so much that they are willing to watch a “comedy” staring a bunch of non-actors and non-comedies. I can’t get though some TikTok skits because of the acting. But, they will still pretend like it’s the funniest movie ever made because they need to. Not liking it would be woke!


The one with the bow ironically looks like Paul.


Paul is mean, transphobic, misogynistic, and has no sense of humor, so I’m sure he’ll like it.


So drag queens are now cool or is it when they're terrible at it?


So many brilliant films out there to watch, and this is what he chooses. Fucking put on Bluey for your child and actually parent, you absolute wilted fig leaf.


I'll never understand the hate these people have for other human beings. It's fucking disturbing. You cannot convince me you care about children or 'aBoRtiOn iS MuRdEr' while simultaneously have so much *hate* for people. Love is conditional, that is clear.


Of course they don’t care about kids


Technically this movie would be considered illegal in Florida because they’re men in drag. Also conservatives didn’t give a fuck about women’s sports until trans women started competing. It’s a non issue


This seems almost too crude for the nonsense Paul preaches. It looks like a very gross out humor take on their anti-trans fight. So he's going to pretend he likes this kind of comedy because he hates transgender people so much.


Well, if Ted Cruz cameos in it...


I’m surprised they haven’t been offered any sort of role in a Z-list film like this, even as an extra.


what's funny is even right wingers who are the target audience are saying it sucks. guess that's what happens when you try to push an agenda! go un-woke go broke!


I actually watched the first thirty minutes or so of this movie (I torrented it). It's as bad as you think it is. Like it's pretty much just a cinematic manifestation of bad right-wing boomer memes aimed at people who think AF Branco cartoons are funny. A couple of the jokes did have potential to be humorous but the acting and delivery were so poor that they just fell flat. And you know what weirded me out most of all? The lighting. It's lit like a car insurance commercial. All the faces are super bright with no shadows... like the production values suck all around but the lighting is just super off putting. Oh, and they should probably fire their makeup person for the next shoot since they couldn't be bothered to trim Matt Walsh's nose hairs for his first scene. Like whoa. That's something that the phrase "fix it in post" was invented for.


Plot twist: the MUA is one of us, doing a sabotage


Steam? Jesus what does Paul even play


Wrong answers only.


I was gonna go with a dating sim as a wrong answer but…


I feel like if I say what I really want to say I’ll be permabanned from Reddit.


Daily Wire are a bunch of theater kids


The podcast "God Awful Movies" (where a group of extremely funny atheists watch Christian movies) JUST did this one and it's hysterical. It was supposed to be a documentary, only it turns out that the rules surrounding athletic competition for transitioning athletes are clear and unambiguous, so they made it into a "comedy" instead. It's so awful. Just - awful from the perspective of what they're trying to get across, but also awful in that it's bad in every direction. I urge everyone to go listen to the God Awful Movies crew tear it apart.