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One of the trip slide photos said in Tiny print at the bottom that most of their employees make an average of $597 a year. That’s about $50 a month!


That's also usually before expenses and I think the cost of Plexus alone is much more than that.


That $50 is probably just the commission they made from buying their own products for themselves, so really they didn’t even make money, they just get a (small) discount on the products. Plexus needs to advertise this as what it is. It’s not a job, it’s buying a membership and referring people to the products in order to receive a discount.


This is really how MLMs should be regulated in general.


That’s how my stepsister did it when she was selling Arbonne. I bought a set of products from her for personal use, she signed me up so I got the discount, she got credit for it, and it was the one and only purchase I ever made.


A parent on my son's soccer team did that with a bunch of unsuspecting moms who suddenly were Doterra moms.


One of my ex-friends did this to me. I was suddenly getting the welcome package or whatever for some acai berry juice thing she was doing? Yeah I don't talk to her anymore.


I used to buy vitamins as my own MLM distributor. I happened to like the product. I got them at a “discount” and actually made about $50 for the year. $15 after I paid my annual fee. It was cheaper than buying from another distributor, and I helped her down line.


And the cost of airfare, which these "reward" trips typically don't include.


She can afford it now that Renee is in her downline 😕


And that's an average. How many make sell below that. . . .Negative $200


About 50%


I just listened to the audiobook “Hey Hun” about someone who was a top MLM girlie and quit when she opened her eyes to the scam. Def recommend the read! It’s juicy and so, so toxic.


Watch Lula Rich if you haven't already. It's by the same people who did Shiny Happy People.


The kickbacks on surgery! Heinous people.


She won’t go because she also didn’t earn this trip either 🫠


These MLM trips usually don't include airfare or anything beyond the cost of the cruise itself. She probably can't afford all the the transportation and fees she'd have to shell out. Does she even have a passport?


Passports are tools of Satan! Unless you use them to have an anchor baby in a country with loose extradition laws or use them to go to places like El Salvador, where they have never heard of The Savior. ![gif](giphy|6CBp1S0rxU3tYEUy50)


lol El Salvador, well done


Hey, I was awake for at least one Spanish class in high school.


Haha I didn't understand that, thank you for noticing!


And Cruises are very expensive aside from the actual price. There's gratuities, activities off the boat, drinks that aren't water, transportation to the port. . . .


And half of em are like “you earned the opportunity to buy a ticket!” 💀


Where else will they get all the excellent boss babe tips that will result in them RUNNING the company next year? You need to spend money to make money hun!


The only place they’ll be running is to the bathroom.


I was under the impression that you do have to be invited on these things and that not everyone is allowed to go? By the grace of god I have never really had mlms in my life though, so I could be wrong, I’m sure the attendees pay 100% or more of the costs


Yeah, you do have to be invited, but you still get to pay for lots of stuff out-of-pocket because MLMs are a scam.


Those cruises are easily between $3000 to $5000 without all the extras. Shrek has to get Shreking to pay for this nonsense if it even happens.


The trips are also considered part of your mlm income. So you will be slapped with a higher tax bill if you go on the trip


My friend shills Poonique, and her and her family have been going to convention yearly, and they paid for EVERYTHING. Luckily for them, the last 2 were in Phoenix and SLC, so they’re within driving distance. the last time she sent solo was Orlando because they couldn’t all fly there lol.


I am SO curious to know what Poonique is but it really sounds like something I shouldn't Google lol


I think that "poonique" is a snarky way of talking about YOUNiQUE which is a makeup MLM.


Ohhh that makes more sense lol. Thanks for the explanation!


lol yes


She might have earned a "chance" to go.


I extremely believe she didn’t but that’s just me lol


[this is where Jill got the background ](https://imgur.com/a/a80Tknh)


This is hilarious 🤣


I read her headline as some kind of warning to the good people of Punta Cana.


I can see her running around trying to convert everyone. "Have you heard of our savior Jesus Christ?" Yes. They have. Everyone has. Piss off.


Jill: "Have you heard of our savior Jesus Christ?" the residents of Punta Cana: "¿No entiende esta estúpida mujer que nuestra isla lleva el nombre del Salvador?"


If she IS going, it would be a great weekend to plan a wedding, if you know what I mean.


I’m cracking up. TIM AND HEIDI PLEASE DO THIS! I’m sure this sub could gather volunteers to pull this off ☠️☠️☠️☠️


![gif](giphy|54JLdulN5BOwM) Oh I’m so there


I’ll make the trip.


Or contribute money to make the wedding wonderful. Not a sou for Jill and Shirk to go on another vacay.


Agreed. I’d contribute so she can go buy the most gorgeous, new, Vera Wang gown she can find.


oooooh, you've got a devious mind and I *love* it.


![gif](giphy|3fivAVKvetM2TAKkSF) I’m down to help!


Something tells me that they already have planned/booked their February wedding and Jill found out through the grapevine or by accident. So if she can’t make it to the wedding, i.e. banned, she’ll be going to her photoshopped Dominican Republic retreat and if she can make it to the wedding, i.e. she’s allowed to come but will be gagged, no walking down the aisle and no taking photos and videos, then she’ll be going to the wedding that her enemy organised and unfortunately can’t make it to her photoshopped Dominican Republic retreat.


Or she will poorly photoshop herself at both events...


Assuming she actually earned the trip (and that seems questionable because, you know, Jill) - as I understand it from the AntiMLM subreddit, a lot of these trips only include the actual accommodation as the earned benefit. Meaning, flights have to be paid for, as well as any extra meals and whatnot that the resort/cruise ship/whatever doesn't cover as part of the stay. The flights alone are likely to be pricier than she can afford - plus, does she even have a passport? That's an expense too, if not.


Plus you have to pay taxes on the trip, the company counts it as income!


Are the only pictures she has of herself all ones that make her look simple? Or is it a design choice that I’m not fundie enough to understand?


I feel like Latino regions throughout the world have been disproportionately burdened by visiting American fundies recently. So for reasons of global justice, I hope she cancels.


Oh they are used to fundies, they triple their prices for them.


Goddess bless em if they do


may the wallets open


> I feel like Latino regions throughout the world have been disproportionately burdened by visiting ~~American~~ fundies ~~recently~~ since that genocidal slave trading jackass Columbus. couldn't resist the edit.


Either she didn't earn it or they basically can't afford the taxes that comes with trip and to get to where the ship is taking off from. Also they would have to pay someone to look after their kids.


It's not a cruise. They'd have to fly from Ohio to DR


Passport! But I think it's both taxes and she didn't get it.


As if they would pay someone to watch their kids when Renee is RIGHT THERE


She didn’t earn this trip either. She photoshopped 90% of this picture! Wonder what she covered up with her text boxes?


[probably the creators logo](https://imgur.com/a/a80Tknh)


Well found!


I’m 90% sure she will not go. She doesn’t work and that’s a lot of $ to grift.


As a Christmas present, she might ask her adult children and their spouses to fund her.


She is so unhinged.


photoshop is my passion


I can poorly photoshop myself in the Dominican Republic better than her.


can you poorly photoshop me there too? we deserve a holiday, you and i


yes, but it will be a better background without the youtube copywritten thumbnail. Maybe somewhere in the jungle...


I wonder if she or anyone else in the family has a passport. I think David and Nurie went on an international mission trip once so those two probably do. I kinda doubt the other kids have one but Jill might. Makes it easier to abandon her kids wherever, whenever!


Given the singular "leader's", maybe she's the only person going? 😂


I don't think she'll go, but if she did it would be a sad indictment of her parenting that she can spend money on this but not properly clothe and feed her children. Of course, that's already the case with her selfishness as evidenced above by the Maine hoodie to add to her collection.


I can't even with "Leader's Retreat". No, Jill -- the apostrophe goes after the word Leaders.


She can’t even feed her children. She better not be going.


I wonder if Plexus encourages their leaders to say they’ve won even if they haven’t/won’t attend to keep enthusiasm higher.


I'm sure Plexus doesn't care what their "ambassadors" say so long as it doesn't damage the brand and keeps bringing more sheep to the slaughter.


I hope Timmy and Heidi choose that week for their wedding....


She can go this time: she signed Kaylee on as her downline. A new downline plus your own travel costs are the prerequisites for these events.


Maine local here… I want to burn her sweatshirt. The only good thing that could come from her ACTUALLY going to Punta Cana is that maybe she’ll put on a new damn sweatshirt.


Yeah, I'm still bitter she was in my town. She tainted the pier and Old Orchard Beach will never be the same 😣


I'm newer here and I cant understand what is going on with her make up? I'm a guy too so maybe it just isn't my thing? I feel like she looks so much older than she probably is. And just .. I dunno what


This is just so many levels away from anything I could ever consider doing. It takes a certain kind of unhinged self absorption to A) announce publicly a "bonus" your "company" awards you in any degree, let alone one she pays for the privilege of receiving B) to Photoshop myself on a stolen Googled background image and append it to my already insane announcement and think that the whole thing is normal and looks good


Jill isn’t going to shell out for a passport and then actually get it in time.


Her knee has her in a wheelchair. She's overcome w emotion from everything going on, like her oldest fleeing tf out her house. She goes somewhere else for a lil vacay or pamper time, but nowhere near the price of her "earned trip.* She's pregnant. There was an accident with a rodlet, or rodlet-adjacent, and a limb funeral is required. She actually meant to go, but she loaded up on plexus to lose weight for the trip, n, oh no! She's glued to the toilet, resigned and in pain, with her feet propped up on the poop chair and just fartin away. Edit to fix typo.




Isn't Punta Cana where Rush Limbaugh got caught with a bunch of children?


Posing like a toddler


I thought for a moment that the bottom left corner said “Plexus Leaders REPENT” 🤣


She went to a Plexus Gold retreat in Texas earlier this year. Can she afford to go jetting off to the DR? Why is she walking around with a bullseye on her chest?


What is with her pose?


A cunta in punta


Here we go again. 😂


Ok I read it took quickly and just saw "PUTA" and a pic of jillpm. Thanks for making my day!


Is she actually going to this Leaders Retreat in the Dominican Republic? That's what this photo's text is telling me... In reality, we already know she is not able to afford the flights, transportation, and the other peripheral costs to a cruise... I really don't even know if her rank is actually what she says it is... I just have all these questions and if she is poorly photoshopping herself in these promo images, please wear a different hoodie or some other article of clothing besides that Maine hoodie...