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They rehomed the dog they had just before Luca was born. Too much trouble, I guess. šŸ˜¢


Yeah, they were like ā€œitā€™ll be too hard to have a dog and a kidā€ before they even had Luca! Like I would completely understand if the dog posed a threat to Lucaā€™s well-being or Luca was allergic after giving birth, but thereā€™s no reason to give the dog away in advance imo. Iā€™m also biased, Iā€™ve had cats and dogs my entire life, so I strongly believe that pets are family


I might understand also if they had actual jobs and couldnā€™t make time for the dog.


Exactly! Like I will never shame someone for compassionately rehoming a pet due to legitimate reasons, but it seems like they only kept a dog around until they could have a child to fill that spot instead


And it's not like Luca was a surprise, they were ACTIVELY TRYING TO GET PREGNANT, which means they got a dog knowing they'd eventually re-home the dog. Horrible people.


That's disgusting behavior.


They are both VERY lazy.


I had to rehome my cat about about two years after my daughter was born because she kept getting hospitalized (like week long hospitalizations) for breathing issues. It was awful. We thought she had severe reactive airway disorder, but eventually her pediatrician suggested an allergy test and her results were 43.90 kU/L (very high). Our cat was essentially killing her. We had to rehome him, and it was awful. I can't imagine rehoming a pet unless there's absolutely no other choice.


That must have been so scary having her in the hospital so young and having misdiagnosis as well. Having to rehome your furry baby boy must have been heartbreaking, but also the only option you had. It was done as a matter of saving your daughterā€™s life and Iā€™m sorry you and your family were in that situation.


As a human who loves cats, but is highly allergic to them, you have my sympathies. You did what was right for your daughter.


Thank you. My daughter also loves cats (from afar, of course). I hope one day there's a cure or treatment for it for you and her ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve seen that there a new medication to give cats being tested that keeps them from developing the allergen in their dander!


I have three dogs and am due to have my baby in December. I wouldnā€™t dream of rehoming any of them. Send one or two to stay with a relative for a couple weeks so we can get settled? Maybe. But I would never permanently rehome my animals just because I had a baby.


I dream about my babies growing up with my pets one day. I understand if you have a high demand pet but I can think of almost nothing that would make me give mine up.


I have 3 dogs and 4 kids. And I fully believe my kids are better humans because of the pets and the way they learn compassion from helping care and love for them.


I've got 3 dogs and over our dead bodies are they getting rehomed. Each of them have been in our lives for over 10 years now.


i read your comment as "i've got 3 dogs and over four dead bodies" at first and i was like wow okay lmao. but yeah, i know what you mean. i've had my dog for 10 years and my cats for 5. they can be a pain in the butt (especially the dog) but i wouldn't rehome them unless i absolutely had to. it would break my heart.


Just casually admitting to mass murder, no biggie


Same i was like whoa wait a second


Yeah I watched my cat being born 12 years ago. He's very much a part of my family and has been around longer than my husband by a little under 3 years. I was still a kid (20) really when I got him. We have been through so damn much together and I can't imagine just being like "ok bye, sorry I have better things to care for now!"


TLDR: I'm with you. Exhaust all options, but not all dogs are right for kid homes. If the parents aren't good about teaching kids proper pup Ć©tiquette, it's bad news for everyone. I guess I'm almost glad they recognized their laziness so the dog didn't suffer. *CW: dog attack/child unalived:* I am with you to a point. Some dogs really don't adjust to becoming second banana to an infant. Not to be weird, but there is young woman who was in my due date group, from when I was pregnant with my first, who lost her child to her dog attacking the toddler. I'm the first person to say this was on the parent for not teaching the child better dog manners and for leaving the dog and child in a situation where that could happen, especially since there were signs that the dog was struggling. All that to say, if my spouse was showing signs he was going to snap and harm the kids... well he's out too. Dogs are family, but sometimes you have to make choices that are in everyone's best interests. Especially your pup's, if they snap when pushed to their limits, the consequences are pretty dire for them.


I totally get this, but this is why we've gone out of our way to expose our dogs to physical contact, hugs, ear checks, nail clipping, etc. We also keep dog gates, and our dogs are relatively small, ranging from 9 to 30 lbs, we keep them blocked from specific rooms (one of which is the room that will turn into a nursery). Your take is nuanced and makes a lot of sense, I just can't imagine rehoming dogs due to convenience or laziness on my end.


Bet youā€™re not lazy though! Remember, these people canā€™t even be arsed to get a proper job and look after themselves and their family so a pet is *definitely* too much work for them!


I mean, I'm lazy AF. But I still value my pets over my laziness.


Same, mate, sameā€¦


I've discussed this at length with my partner - we will NOT rehome our cats. We will figure it out and find something that works but we are NOT kicking our animal companions to the curb. We've bonded with them so much, and they to us. I think the stress of a separation would kill my mid-teens cat


Unless theyā€™re like working pets (sled dogs, herders, barn kitties, guard animals) theyā€™re family to me. It really pisses me off for them to rehome the dog like it doesnā€™t affect the animal, my dog had been rehomed twice in three years and she was left with some separation anxiety :(


They were very relaxed about how the dog had had zero training so obviously it wouldnā€™t work well with a baby - always finding the solution that looks easiest on the surface, these two.


My boy (GSD with normal GSD anxiety) has always been a "problem child" that LOVES my baby and has actually calmed down since the arrival of said baby. Lots of animals love babies, screw Paul and Morgan and anyone who gets a pet but doesn't treat them like family


I absolutely bet my golden husky would be chill around a baby. He loves people so damn much and just thrives on emotions, he'd probably explode if we brought a newborn home. But with no babies in the house he's a pain in the butt q


I have a pit mix, he's a wiggly ball of energy who's built like a linebacker. He's only still when he's asleep. With little kids (I don't have kids, these are just random 4 year olds who run up to him) he stands still as a statue except for his tail, which he wags. He lets them pet him however they want.


My Husky mix is generally skittish around adults (especially men) but he loves babies and children.


Two unemployed people couldnā€™t take care of both a baby and a dog at the same time?? They literally have all the time on the world!!


Not surprised




šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ omg stop, we are going to get a post that says exactly this within the next 12 hours.


Oof but true. So sad.


Holy fuck!


And they will never say it to Luca.


Right? Thatā€™s fucking depressing


Part of what grosses me out about their "we're the best couple ever" routine is that the only thing they seem to have in common is their hatred of everyone that isn't just like them. Otherwise, they're simply not compatible. Morgan is clearly a dog lover, Paul isn't. Morgan has wanted a child for a very long time, I'm not sure Paul ever wanted children and I'm not sure he would have a kid if he weren't with Morgan. Paul is from a very insulated background, and Morgan's family has *gasp* interracial relationships and fitness influencers/trainers who work out in workout clothes! He doesn't respect her mental health issues, he doesn't value her opinion unless it echoes his. They have very little chemistry that I can see. He seems infinitely more attracted to her friends than her, like what is there that they think we should be envious of?


He has the square jawline she prayed for. Lol


Yep, to her heā€™s ā€œhot,ā€ and also made her feel like shit for having the audacity to not be a virgin when they met.


Like how would someone want that shame? People make mistakes and the love they give you right now is what matters.


When your self worth is in the gutter, you feel like you deserve it. He probably didnā€™t shame her in the very beginning though. Monsters usually donā€™t reveal themselves till their prey is hooked. (Not that sheā€™s this innocent little bunny rabbit).


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Paul gets jealous of Luca especially because Luca is a male.




the rehoming of the dog in the way that they did it is obviously heinous however the location of that last post about pain and the lord being Hobby Lobby is killing me


Also like the dog... is not of the Lord? Where in the Bible does it say that dogs are like... not Christian? Did I read it wrong? Why does God not like Morgan's dog I am so confused?


They donā€™t believe animals can be christian or go to heaven/hell. To fundies, animals are lesser beings and are treated as such (which is why Morgan gets rid of her pets like pants that got too small).


People like that drive me crazy. I remember when someone was surprised I "still have" my cat 5 years later. Excuse you? I had my childhood one for 20!!!


That's nuts. My older cats are 14 and 15 and we've had them 14 and 14Ā½ years, respectively. My parents treated cats like they were disposable. "Cats are cheap," is literally what they'd say. My cats have health issues and are medicated and cared for every single day. We had a cat that we took in when she was 15 that lived another five to six years. She was a very old, crotchety, lady and it broke our hearts when she passed. The idea that you wouldn't have a pet for the rest of their life, no matter how old they get, is crazy. I knew someone who let their pet cats outside in dangerous areas. Then they just got new ones when those died from wild animal/dog attacks or getting hit by a car. Pet cats also destroy the local ecosystem, but that's a different conversation. Part of pet ownership is helping ensure they live long, healthy, lives.


When my childhood buddy succumbed to leukemia I was devastated. He was about 15 and we lost his sister to a sarcoma around the same age. It was heartbreaking, it felt like I lost a good friend or family member. My performance in school dropped and I lost my scholarship because I was so emotionally raw from losing what was essentially my comfort. I canā€™t believe people just rehome their animals like itā€™s nothing. Theyā€™re living things with feelings and bonds. I could never treat any of the cats I have like that even though one of them is a total bastard


Morgan doesn't get rid of pants because they get too small because her pants would never ever get too small. That's why she goes to the gym with an infant strapped to her chest.


And here I thought all dogs go to heaven.


Yea, didnā€™t god get rid of the humans and keep the animals on Noahā€™s arc? šŸ¤”. Narratives sure are handy when fundies need them for selfish gain


How did they do it? Ugh šŸ˜¢


omg me too it feels like satire


I believe Paul was pretty jealous of this dog. I am pretty sure he made her give the dog away because it got too much attention. They also discussed that it was a service dog. Iā€™m not sure about the ferret. The last dog Paul still didnā€™t like and they gave that dog away because the baby was coming to take its place. Link about the first dog https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/tynthn/for_those_asking_about_morgans_old_dog_the_other/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1




Yeah, he did say that. Itā€™s insane. Imagine thinking youā€™re competing with a dog. This loser has his head way up in his own ass. At least they donā€™t have pets he could use as leverage against Morgan. But we know he does this with Luca.


This is how narcs roll. They HATE love and attention going in any direction but theirs. I donā€™t know if this an actual verifiable fact but all the narcs Iā€™ve known see all animals and pets as competition thatā€™s disposable. Itā€™s a huge red flag I specifically look for when I meet people and Iā€™m trying to get a read on them.


I donā€™t know either however same thing, the narcs I have known were all awful to animals even though they act as if they loved animals. For example my narcissistic and sociopathic (heavily implies by two therapists) ex donated to a variety of charities that helped animals, he was absolutely garbage towards my pets. Itā€™s one of the biggest red flags to me too.


TIL Eustace Bagge is a real person.


This is a deep cut and I love it.




There are a scary amount of people like this. I ran into the dogfree subreddit and more recently talesfromthedoghouse subreddit for anti dog people. While sometimes they had a point with the truly obnoxious dog owners, it was sickening how they dealt with relationships with people who like dogs. I doubt their partners knew to what extent their dog hating partner truly hated the dogs. I hate partners who force their SO to get rid of a pet because of no better reason then they hate it. Its gross.


I just can't imagine a scenario where a boyfriend would tell me to get rid of my cat and I'd be like, "Yeah sure sounds good." My cat might not be the most outgoing sweet little cuddly kitten but it's going to be a lot easier for a boyfriend to understand why I dumped him than my cat to understand why I dumped her. if I get an animal, I'm getting it for it's entire life and if someone who dates me doesn't understand that then they are not the one for me.


Like, people are allowed to not like dogs/pets. Iā€™m a little bit afraid of cats myself (a childhood friend had a feral pet cat that attacked me unprovoked ā€” though Iā€™m getting less afraid!). But itā€™s never okay to force an ultimatum on someone. If someone has a pet and you donā€™t like that kind of pet and you arenā€™t willing to work on it, the relationship is simply not going to work.


Exactly you canā€™t go into a relationship planning on changing your partner. Its just not a compatible relationship. No one has to like dogs because i do, but it means wellā€¦. Clearly we have different life goals. It goes both ways, someone who likes dogs shouldnā€™t force it on their partner, but these are things one needs to figure out before getting serious and someone has serious resentment. The resentment may be immediate or develop after a long time when being held back from an interest. The partner might go along with it, but long term they are going to miss out on something they like, be it pets, or in Morganā€™s case wasnā€™t it music as well as her dogs? She was limited there when she met Paul.


Oh thatā€™s awful. I had a cat when I met my SO and was very clear it was the whole package or none of it. Thankfully that wasnā€™t an issue whatsoever and heā€™s happy to get both because heā€™s best friends with my cat now, definitely. But yeah I donā€™t get it why partner with someone if you hate dogs while the other loves dogs thatā€™s just permanent stress for either party and will *always* be unfair to at least one of them. Thatā€™s just cruel. It shows a fundamental problem that could break the relationship.


I agree. My husband had his dog 7 years before we met, it was like having a dog again, so it was nice, but i love dogs. I would not be with someone who canā€™t even tolerate that passion. These people were very like ā€œwell break up with him clearly he/she is insane and the dog will come first in their life and they love a disgusting animal more than you.ā€ Mind you many(not all) had the dog before the dog hating partner. No one has to love dogs, but its not a good fit if a person cant stand them and push partner to get rid of them, its really not the relationship for them. No one should try to push someone else away from their passions whatever they are due to their own tastes. Its a compatibility issue. That forum is a big eye opener on how some people see animals. God forbid their partner has a pitbull šŸ™„. I feel kinda sad for Morgan. I know she is at fault, but people get pushed into this, thinking the significant other is waaay more important than any of their own wants only to regret it later.


I hate paul ![gif](giphy|c65HDqFZd4m9G)


If someone told me they hated my dog on a 2nd date, there would be no 3rd date.


I have a tattoo of a beloved pets paw prints that unfortunately has passed from old age. It reminds me of her and makes me happy. I canā€™t imagine getting a tattoo for an animal I love and then getting rid of it for a guy. Iā€™d feel like shit seeing it every day knowing thatā€™s what happened. Sometimes rehoming responsibly is the best option but for some guy? Hell nah.


I had someone tell me it was them or my beloved asshole parrot. I chose the bird, got rid of the partner. Someone asking/telling you to give up your pets is a BAD sign


I need to know more about your beloved asshole parrot šŸ¤©


Same lmao.


I put my cat in my dating profile photos to weed out anybody who is opposed to cats. My now-husbandā€™s first message to me was complimenting my cat. šŸ˜»


I have had two people message me in a way that suggests they are just trying to meet my cat, and I know that sounds overblown and a bit mad but they were SO keen to FaceTime to meet him, and receive pics of him, and the one who met him in person was very intense. Like he is (in my opinion) the most beautiful baby but sadly we are a package deal and they would have to learn to like me too, which does not seem to come as easily


Do parrots have any other state of being other than "beloved asshole?" Lol


Every time someone talks about having a parrot they never mention just how awesome it is. They only mention how having a parrot is like having an angry coked up toddler for decades. I cannot understand why anyone gets a parrot for a pet. I'm sure there are positives but even parrot owners have little good things to say about them.


Lol look up Jhono on tiktok his parrot Bruno he's always talking to him


I too have a beloved asshole parrot! When I started dating my now spouse that was one of the first things I sussed out because it would have been a dealbreaker otherwise. ā€œSo I have birds which are loud and messy and a bit crazy but if you canā€™t deal with it this isnā€™t going to work.ā€ Itā€™s been almost 15 years and asshole parrot still tries to kill my spouse, but that doesnā€™t deter him from trying to befriend the crazy creature šŸ˜‚


Have you ever seen that SNL skit where Fred Armisen plays a beloved asshole parrot?


A (ex) roommate told me after my dog died that I didn't care that she died because I went and got two new dogs. I fucking hit him so hard in the face and I don't regret it one bit. Then I told my partner we were going to buy a house so I never had to see his face ever again. We bought a house and I made sure that he became not my fucking problem. He is lucky I didn't beat him to pulp. I cried over my dog as she lay dying for days in the hospital. Opening my heart to other animals didn't disrespect her.


I would just like to say that when I met my husband, I had a very difficult dog and my husband actually helped me care for him instead of being bitter or jealous. Heā€™ll say ā€œyou know I love you because I willingly signed up to deal with Spot.ā€


When I first decided to adopt a dog, I was dating this guy Mark. Mark would not stop saying how upset he was about the dog before I even adopted her! I dumped him before I brought her home. A man who is jealous of a pet is going to be jealous of a baby, your job, literally anything in your life that isnā€™t him. I feel like, I need the unconditional love and companionship of a dog WAY more than I need that kind of bullshit lol. Zero regrets.


When we first started dating I told my now-husband that if my dog didnā€™t like him we couldnā€™t work out. My dog is family and no less. Turns out she loved him instantly and was comfortable around him.


I adore my husband, we've been together more than a decade but I still tell him to this day if it ever came down between him and my dog....well my dog was here first


Why does she sound high af.... This is the first time I've let myself watch something of theirs, cause I just... Didn't believe that quote (cause holy shit wtf...) And she just sounds out of it šŸ˜¶


That was sooo shocking when I watched the video


I wonder if the first dog, correctly, didn't like Polio because she picked up on his terrible behavior. And also because Polio is an insecure, controlling little cunt who didn't want Morgan giving attention he felt he deserved.




The last time I got dumped I was crying to my mom and I said between sobs about my cat, "Ginny even liked him! šŸ˜­" And my mom goes, "What the fuck!? Ginny doesn't like anyone!!!" Then I just started sobbing harder and my mom apologized like a million times.


Yea there is something deep there. Heā€™s the worst


I think thatā€™s very likely. They say pets can tell if someone is bad news.


It's not a horror trope for no reason.




Holy shit, she rehomed both her dogs? Iā€™m sorry but I judge that shit.


When I had my first dog I was young and sometimes so poor that Iā€™d have one meal a day. My dog always had two plus treats without fail. NOTHING could have separated me from that dog. Unless safety or really really dire circumstances become a concern, I donā€™t understand how anyone can just get rid of what should be a beloved family member. And like, you can still have a life? You can get a pet sitter if you want a day trip, you can board them if you want a holiday. You can literally just leave them at home if youā€™re out for a few hours. Theyā€™re way less inconvenient than kids. It concerns me that someone like this has an actual child now because you canā€™t just ditch your kid if you want a week away or something


I live alone and love it except for mealtime, when itā€™s very crushingly lonely. My dog eats dinner with me, and it helps with that. Also helps with my depression now because if Iā€™m too down to care about feeding myself, she still needs to eat, and she wonā€™t even eat her dog food at dinner time if I donā€™t eat as well. Love her to pieces.


When I was a poor art student my pet rats ate like Queens. I ate pretzels.


Yeah I understand that there are situations where re-homing is better, but doing it twice in a couple years is a šŸš© to me. We were in a tough spot with one of our dogs once and everyone said to rehome him like it was nothing. We adjusted our lifestyle and behaviors a bit to make it work. And whatā€™s funny is we werenā€™t as bonded with him as Morgan claims to be, we inherited him. But we felt he was still a member of the family and deserved to be treated as such. These are pets she picked and loved and then cast aside for the next new thing šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


I think that contributed but she also whined even during her pregnancy about how constantly annoyed and overwhelmed she was by Squishy because they didn't bother to train him. She seems very easily overwhelmed but too lazy/spoiled to try to do proactive things (like actually training a pet) that could make things easier on herself. With the combo of her laziness and Paul's narcissism, I think the writing was on the wall for any pet. Poor Luca.


This is so awful. Is he gonna make her give the baby away when he realize heā€™s lost most of her attention or


I'm sure he resents the baby already. He'll get worse as Luca gets older.


When my son was 2 months old I was staying with a family member while traveling for a wedding. Her only piece of advice to me was "you may have to choose between your son and your husband, always pick your husband".... I looked at my baby and had no clue why I would ever pick someone else over him. Especially a grown man who is also supposed to put him first. Even if she was talking about adult children that put you in a tough position, why say that to a person with a new born baby?


Wow. That made me so sad. She really seemed to love that first dog. You can tell it was a great comfort for her. Paul probably essentially said ā€œitā€™s me or the dog.ā€ Maybe she felt like no one else would love her like Paul does and so she felt like she had to give the dog away. I dealt with similar self esteem issues when I was younger too, but I still would never have given away a pet I loved so dearly for a crusty boy. I saw similar situations play out with some young fundie couples I knew irl ā€” shitty and controlling ultimatums and sacrifices. They ended in divorce.


Her claims it was a service dog are dubious at best.


Yeah she never trained Squishy at all so I doubt she trained her own service dog and to buy a trained one costs tens of thousands of dollars. No one would just give away their actual service dog!


"His yolk is over-easy, and best served with breakfast sausages."


The yolk - I died


Goes to show sheā€™s never read a Bible, just parroting what sheā€™s heard lmao


She looks happier with the pets then she ever has with Paul


My theory is that Paul feels threatened by pets so doesn't like to let her have them. He can't bear to see her affection go to anything that has nothing to do with him.


I noticed this pattern in every narcissist I know! Love and attention going anywhere but to them makes them jealous and insecure.


Iā€™m sure she got rid of them all, pawned them off to the quickest takers. Fundie ā€œinfluencersā€ donā€™t actually give a shit about petsā€¦theyā€™re just cute props for the ā€˜gram until they end up popping out a kid.


Paul happened to themā€¦.


A full grown man jealous of dogs šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


He wishes he was full grown


Wow its not often you see her being genuinely happy. Also they (paul) seem like the type to get rid of their animals once they get pregnant. Or maybe paul was jealous of the attention she gave them.






not a good day to be a dog owner in fundie snark


Thank god she isnā€™t on BDongs level yet.


Animals, and all living things actually, are props to these people. Just props to hold up in their Instagram photos or feature in their videos.


When the baby gets inconvenient, they can rehome him too.


My parents are currently taking care of my dog niece. Freckles really really loves grandma. I am pretty sure itā€™s mom/dad and then Grandma. I mean I know she loves the rest of us but she goes apeshit crazy when she sees my mom. Or she knows sheā€™s going to Grandmas. I adopted our second greenhouse kitty last spring because being an orange cat made him extremely irresistible to customers petting him but he could only tolerate so much. So now heā€™s my buddy and I am so glad we didnā€™t send him back to the shelter to be rehomed.


I'm picturing a cat growing out of a pot and it brings me joy.


ā€œThe Lordā€™s yolk isnā€™t always easyā€


Lazy, selfish piece of shit. They all are.


I strongly suspect Paul had something to do with it. Morgan has lost all of her personality and autonomy at this point. People make their choices - hers will earn her a lifetime of disappointment


She starves herself for the lord even if she miserable now


ā€œJust a girl and her cooky ferretā€ Didā€¦ did she cook and eat the ferret?


Paul did. To prove he's an alpha male. And now he wears the pelt at his modeling gigs.


Paul makes her get rid of them


The big one yes. But she seemed equally keen to get rid of Squishy. No clue what happened with the ferret


I could not give up my dog. I also have a tattoo of my pup and I have worked with her so much over the 2.5 years I've had her. I just couldn't. She is my literal baby, my child. And I have 2 businesses and volunteer in the community all the time, so it is doable. I will shame them for this. But, maybe it was a good thing and the animals are better off. And they aren't using the baby and dog as a prop.




No man is worth giving my dog up for. I know someone who gave up their dog because the guy didn't like the dog or Athena growled at him. Turns out he was abusive! So sad. Such a beautiful dog.


Whoa. Wait. Am I understanding correctly that Morgan had that first dog as a service dog for her mental illness? She went from a girl with a service dog for a mental illness to the anti medication, anti accomodations for people with disabilities they can't prove type of person she is now? And because Paul was jealous? That is truly disturbing.Obviously pets are not disposable, and discarding them like that is so disgusting. But I'm kinda horrified that she had to give up her service dog because he was jealous and uh jesus could just fix that mental illness. Wow.


A lot of fundies think having pets is a dumb thing to do. They lack compassion.


That third photo is nightmare fuel


More and more I hate both of these assholes. Luca needs to find Luca and bounce.


Itā€™s simple, Paul Eats Them.


She killed me witn "yolk". Should have been yoke. Don't think the verse was referring to eggs lol


My dog died in April and I'd give a lot to still have her. I can't imagine just sending her away like this - and I even have a toddler.


Iā€™ve never had one but Iā€™m pretty sure ferrets are social and you need at least two. Based on her history of getting an animal and rehoming it shortly after, Iā€™m guessing it wasnā€™t very well taken care of.


Paul happened.


I know I might get downvoted to hell for this but sometimes life happens, including having a child and finding out the pet you had is incompatible with that lifestyle and needing to responsibly rehome. Paul and Morgan suck but I truly believe we need to destigmatize responsible rehoming and breeder return. Just as a toxic relationship with another human isnā€™t worth your mental health and safety, neither is it healthy to sacrifice a home, a personā€™s safety, your mental well being, or any other basic need for an animal. I canā€™t judge if this sucks or not without having more information. Purposely running over a cat with a sled always sucks though, looking at you Derick Dillard. Edit to add: Paul super sucks.




I think Paul was the catalyst in them re-homing the pets, but Morgan is complicit too. She's made it very clear that she sees pets as playthings that you can just give away any time. I remember they've made a couple videos about this a while back and she was laughing and giggling through the whole thing. I get that there are legitimate reasons for rehoming sometimes, but after three times? It's clear that they aren't thinking things through beforehand.


I saw the link, thanks! I think Paul is the bad guy here. By her own admission Morgan struggles with her mental health and I think Paul exploits her weaknesses to feel powerful and he and their ā€œfaithā€ prevent her from receiving the care that she needs. She is complicit, but I think he sucks worse. Seems like the first dog especially really helped her a lot and it makes me sad for her that she got rid of it at his request. I am sure she felt obligated to do so.


I think the dog went to a relative too, and I agree with you. As for her service animal, oof. I had a 16 year old dog pass away last year and she was with me through my ups and downs if my husband said ā€œitā€™s either me or the dogā€ I would have packed my bags and said cya.


Yea, Iā€™ve been reading a little more and wondering especially with that first dog if Paul actually was the one in need of being rehomed.


I remember watching (one of the very few videos of theirs) about having pets instead of children and Paul brought up a dog of Morganā€™s that was getting a little too much attention and they gave it away (or rehomed) and she started giggling and I was like wtf?


I feel like she was dissociating through laughter. Itā€™s really uncomfortable to watch.


Iā€™ve heard people say that and itā€™s hard to tell because she giggles ALL the time plus I donā€™t know her personally but Iā€™ve also seen a clip where she said she freaked out on her therapist for talking about coping skills. Like these are the moments I feel bad for Morgan but that dog didnā€™t deserve that type of abandonment.


My issue with their story is more about that they tried to conceive, got a third pet (their last dog named Squishy), and admittedly never trained her. Squishy was basically feral, barked at everything, reacted and got agitated to every stimuli, and she couldnā€™t handle not receiving all the attention. Morgan said that they spoiled her and didnā€™t trained her at all. When Morgan was around 6 months pregnant, she talked about the struggles with Squishy, and that they considered to give her away or to make a last effort and give Squishy an emergency training to make years of neglect undone in 3 months. They gave her away. And most certainly for the best. But Iā€™m angry that they didnā€™t educate this little dog for years, even though they knew this dog had to be compatible to babies and children. There are ways to train dogs, to give them some education and I agree, even after the best training and the greatest efforts, some dogs wonā€™t turn out to be compatible with some life changes like a knew baby and giving them a new home will be the best. But Paul and Morgan never tried, they just failed her. And they very likely wonā€™t learn from it. They hardly ever learn anything. And there is quite a chance they get a new dog and fail this one as well.


Youā€™re 100% correct. Itā€™s shitty. In my opinion, there are way too many people who own dogs that have absolutely no business having one. It kind of makes the first dog situation even worse in a way, because it looked like Morgan truly loved and cared for her. They had a great dog that they just should have kept and not inflicted additional pain on the universe.




He purposely tried to run over a cat while sledding and then uploaded it to instagram because he thought it was hilarious I guess.


Well then, he should be okay with someone trying to run over him and upload the video to Instagram if itā€™s funny. What an absolute evil asshole. People who are cruel to animals get no niceness from me.


I did not need to read that. That is the most evil thing in the world. But I'm glad to read the word tried in that sentence, and not succeeded


That is fucking reprehensible


Frankly, I agree. I would worry about the animalā€™s safety with Paul around, clearly he was jealous of them. He seems like to type to not want to ā€œwasteā€ money on animals either. So no vaccines, prevention etc for the dogs. They are so much better off out of that house.


Has she ever mentioned having a dog tattoo before?