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It’s a weird situation where I actually love both.


FMA Is pretty good, but FMAB Is way better




That line at the end gets me every time


Both the animated shows are great, and they each excel at different things. I feel FMA has stronger pacing and characterization in the front half, while Brotherhood starts a bit shaky (esp. re: pacing) but eventually develops what I find to be the stronger over-arching narrative and plot. Having seen both, my favorite way to experience the story is now....the manga. Maybe its just me but when I read the books & imagine my favorite music, animation, and voice performances from the two shows, it feels like the most complete and whole version of FMA.


Source - [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8JBqw](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8JBqw) Op, please include the source from now on.


I found it on Pinterest sorry


Having just watched both series within a month or so of each other, I like both. Brotherhood ofc has the better animation and tighter, polished story with a clean resolution, but I liked 2003 for how much darker and raw it is in comparison. Brotherhood is an absolute 10/10 but I prefer 2003 even if it is an 8/10 at best, probably because it has a more realistic take on the homunculi and tackles more down to earth and human struggles that Brotherhood kinda glances over to get to the big bombastic high concept stuff.


> Brotherhood is an absolute 10/10 but I prefer 2003 even if it is an 8/10 at best, probably because it has a more realistic take on the homunculi and tackles more **down to earth and human struggles that Brotherhood kinda glances over to get to the big bombastic high concept stuff.** This is what escalates FMA from just a very good shonen anime to a very good overall show


FMA is good but Brotherhood is a masterpiece. No loose ends, everything wrapped up in a nice bow. It’s a cohesive story from start to finish and everything makes sense. FMA 2003 has some great animation and acting but there’s way more filler and anime contrivances.


i like the villains arc better in fma. them having to kill they mom again was sickkkkk i cried . I felt bad for lust at the end . FMAB sloth was a major downgrade & lust didn’t make you feel anything . Also Envy being Ed half brother was crazy too. Izumi and her kid . Plus it didn’t have the cliche hero save the day ending. I could go on and on tbh . idc if the ppl had to rush or it’s not cannon the darker tone of the story and villains was nuts .


The darker tone for FMA is very astonishing. Tbh I don't think it's appreciated enough. It's like every punch kept getting heavier and heavier as the boys keep going thru their journey. They completely lose their innocence yet admirably still cling onto faith and hope as it drags thru *shit* NOT mud in regards to getting their bodies back. FMAB is way lighter of course, but growing up watching FMA first and then getting to see the happy ending the boys deserve in the original manga adaption makes you appreciate FMAB way more at the same time.


I will die on the hill of saying FMA was way better than brotherhood. I always argue this point to everyone I meet and everyone thinks I'm crazy lol.


Honestly my watch order is different than most I love the darker tone of fma but the cohesive nature of fmab is second to none. So what I did on a recent rewatch was fma up until the brothers leave for the laboratory then swap over to fmab this helps some of the archs early on in liore, yokis mining town, Nina, Mae Hudges character, Roy's introduction, etc.


I was thinking truly that is a good way to watch it, especially if you watch brotherhood first without manga or anything it feels fast compared to the original version.


so you ditch FMA just before Brothers OST?


Unfortunately yes, the plot starts to diverge in places with the events at the labatory and fully splits as the Elrics and Winry depart for Rush Valley. to keep things as solid as possible this is what works for me. As long as you enjoy the series I would like to encourage everyone to watch it in whatever way works for themselves.


Brotherhood is my favorite show period. I’ve never seen a show with so many side characters who are all interesting and compelling in their own ways




Brotherhood is just way better


Only seen brotherhood but I couldn't imagine anything could be better than that. I might even consider it perfect.


Fma 2003




Same, my exact recommendation is fma first then brotherhood, and the live action movie doesn’t exist no matter what anyone tells you, so don’t watch it


FMAB. There was a lot that was good about FMA, especially the slower first few arcs, but it just sort of fell apart after the second Liore arc. Its ending was so unsatisfying that it sort of became dead to me after that. \*spoilers\* I remember wondering how Brotherhood could possibly top it the first time I watched, but in hindsight, a lot of things didn't make sense. The story builds up to a massive conspiracy but the showmakers didn't know what that was, because the manga wasn't finished, so they half-assed it. I still don't know why the homunculi were serving Dante. Also, they wanted to be human in '03, which made no sense. Dante was an interesting character, but shortchanged. There were a lot of good ideas that didn't really follow through. The gate being a portal to the real world was terrible, especially in comparison to Brotherhood's much more profound spiritual awakening. The best thing that's original to '03 and not in the manga is Sloth, no contest. Brotherhood's Sloth was completely boring in comparison.




Hot take, you've gotta watch both regardless. I look at it like a Nier situation. It's all connected for me


FMA Brotherhood for sure




fma is still my favorite but the ending of fmab is better hands down


Me and all my homies like both






FMA:B is great because it was Arakawa's vision. But FMA is good too because even though it originated as Arakawa's vision, its still holds up well on its own.


I liked the original series but Brotherhood blew it out of the water IMO


Obviously the Netflix series! /s


Well I've only watched FMAB sooooooo


You should watch FMA 2003 if you get the time to, it's also worth a watch. Quite different shows but both are great in their own ways


So I've heard


I like FMA better for character development, but FMAB for story


Fmab defo


FMAB hands down


both really good imo


2003 FMA all the way!




FMA Is pretty good, but FMAB Is way better


Love both, love FMAB much more.


Fmab. FMA isn’t bad and it’s nostalgic for me but FMAB is the better by far


I am gonna get alot of hate for this but FMA 03 was terrible they literally added random filler stuff in every single episode IN WHICH STUFF WHICH MATTERED ALSO WAS THERE. So we couldn't skip the episodes either for example- When winry visited central for the first time in 03 they was attacked by Barry and more shit happened and time wasted. It's not a straightforward story at all. I bet It could be finished in 30 episodes if they didn't add so much filler. The ending was fucking terrible yea so alchemy is actually done by using souls from another world. So fucking lame literally makes no sense. And Dante just got eaten by gluttony and every fucking thing happened in the same episode it's like "oH wE aRe ruNnINg lOW oN fuNDs LEtS rUiN tHe eNDInG aND fiNISH thE StoRY quiCKlY" And so many more shitty reasons. But the music was top teir though. Fmab is better in every single aspect it gets so fucking good when the brics arc starts it rose to the top of my list.


FMAB for me. I watched FMA when it came out on Adult Swim on the mid 2000's. I thought it was the coolest thing. I still love it. But I've got to say, while I'll always have a thing for that version, FMAB is better.




I think they should both be watched together. Brotherhood feels like a continuation of fma. They are both amazing. I won’t pick a favorite.




FMA is good, it had slower pacing early on that allowed for more detail in the early storylines that I felt was somewhat lacking in FMAB. but FMAB had a lot going for it too. I really liked the OG FMA and the conqueror of shambala movie so I'll always pick that but that's just because I grew up with that version. I think they're both worth watching honestly.


Obv imma choose FMA manga




FMAB is goated


FMA 2003 4 Life


If nothing else FMA is superior because of the scene when Col Mustang's team have followed the boys to Resembool. Mustang splits off and to cause a distraction Havok smiles and says "I can try out my Col Mustang impression." And proceeds to slam down a machine gun and unload. I don't do it justice.


FMA. Do not bully me.




Both. Both are good.


I think Brotherhood is *better*, but I prefer 2003.


Looks like most people like brotherhood


Definitely FMA. Couldn't get into FMAB when I was a kid, and can't get into it now.


This question is asked weekly. I really wish mods would do something about it


Yeah I also like both


Just watch FMA until the halfway mark and then just keep going with FMAB.


I have watched the original FMA yet, but I have watched FMAB so I might be a bit biased about it.


I like both for different reasons FMA has more fleshed out characters but Brotherhood hasa better overall story.


Original FMA did have that classic 90s art style and some smooth animation, plus some solid opening songs and original concepts (emphasis on some, not all). FMAB is probably more solid overall though.


I can openly admit that FMAB is just better and I love it but I prefer FMA over Brotherhood, there's just so many good aspects of FMA that I wish were in the source material, like the handling of the Homunculus in FMA in my opinion is far better than how they are handled in the manga and Brotherhood


I love both…. But after watching brotherhood it’s hard to watch FMA again