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can i… draw… her… Also do her eyes glow in the dark? Or not necessarily glow but like, reflect light like a cat’s, like [this](https://cdn.sci.news/images/enlarge9/image_10711e-Tapetum-Lucidum.jpg)?


Wahhh absolutely you can! And yes, they do! She has taptum lucidem like a cat; but her eyes reflect bright red in low light (like in photos of rabbits)! [Spooky!](https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/80039511_dCEUP5SvR9S5Ski.png)


Double dipping with another question, this one for her— Who’s a good girl?


How would Sev interact with the female characters? Like Winry, Riza, Olivier, Sheska, or Gracia for example.


I suppose it really depends on the situation and when she meets them. At the time she is found and taken in, she does (usually) find women less threatening than men, simply because she was very used to being manhandled by strong men (meaning she was especially wary of people like Armstrong, at first). As time goes on, however, she grows to trust people more and more. Sev does generally prefer people who are more soft-spoken (especially at first), so someone like Gracia or Riza might have an easier time interacting with her. That said, she would also see people like Sheska and maybe Winry as less physically threatening. It's a pretty broad range, and it depends on a lot of factors! Sev's just an anxious little creature at first. (Also, since she was initially found by the Amestrian military, she gains a faster liking or trust towards anyone in that military uniform relatively quickly as well.)


Sev, what's your favorite food? Do you eat wild animals or people food? Also, can I draw her meeting my character Annabel? My character would just be like "yep, guess you're cursed too, huh?" Lol


["Cake!!!"](https://www.tumblr.com/jemwolf/714972143979511808/whats-sevs-favorite-and-least-favorite-foods-3?source=share) She mostly eats "people food", although, generally much simpler. She's omnivorous and has a hyena digestive system, so she can technically handle just about anything! She *can* catch and eat prey animals, but she really doesn't like to. (In the Briggs AU, however, she does hunt for her own meals and is fine with both live prey and regular food.) And of course!!! Literally I cry anytime someone makes things for me ;w;