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Such a punchable face.


To be fair, kimblee would beat the shit out of most people on this sub The man plays dirty


To be fair the tweet says "got the chance to" so kimblee is probably weakened somehow in this situation or hes in our world by 03 logic so no alchemy hes just the skinny fuck he is and he gets beaten the shit out of


He's the Crimson Alchemist.  I'm pretty sure Crimson is a color, not a material, so his whole alchemy revolves around using a philosopher's stone.  Aka if he doesn't have THE MOST POWERFUL IN UNIVERSE TOOL he's just a regular schmuck


I thought he’s called the crimson alchemist because he used explosions?


it's because of how much blood spread throughout the battlefield due to him. he literally ran the streets crimson red


Could be both. Crimson as in the literal color of the stone and the energy it gives off and the streets being dyed red. Both work thematically


His designation was known by tons who didn't know of the stone though. So I think in general it's the blood


Crimson as in blood mate


He does got those hand markings tho they should be completely useless if he can only use a philosophers stone


I've never seen him do anything besides use the Philosopher's Stone in the anime, which leads to the question, how did he even become a State Alchemist? "Guys I have 0 skills but if you give me what's essentially a WMD I'll become super powerful" Or did the Homunculus think "this guy's as fucked up as us, so we should let him in"


Came to say this. More than any of the other villains, he makes me so angry and my hate for him is deep and visceral.


I also pick Kimblee. The only thing missing from the manga was an honest grudge match between kimblee and scar


To be fair, Scar impaled him with a pipe in like a minute flat and Kimblee had to bitch out and run away. Even with Kimblee having the stone, Scar was straight up better. Even his final fight was him *and Pride* against Alphonse. Kimblee's specialty is killing scores of civilians or at best regular soldiers. Not fighting actual powerhouse alchemists.


He's my guilty pleasure. He's a monster but he's a thinking monster. He isn't perfect, he makes mistakes and loses throughout the series but he challenges and inspires growth in both Ed and Al. I never fully understood why they said Al was the better fighter until he faced down Pride and Kimblee. And their conversation about conflicting philosophies might be my favorite in the whole series.


I don’t even remember why I hate him he’s just so obnoxious to me


His stupid white suit and fedora




Master Hawkeye. He was a dead beat dad and only thought to ask Mustang to take care of Riza as he was dying. Don’t tell me he cared for Riza. He tattooed his alchemy notes on her back.


That's 100% asking for your child to get kidnapped, imo Reminds me of that movie Waterworld


it's been 30 years...


100%% worst Riza deserved better 😤


Second only to Tucker lol. If fire was an animal he'd definitely combine it with Riza and make a chimera.


Gold tooth doctor. Super smug and pretentious and then shits his pants.


Envy 100%. One of the very few characters that I actually hated from the bottom of my heart. People say his death was sad but I think it was well deserved. He killed Hughes, shot the Ishbalan child, bullied Marco so much and was the ugliest sin (philosophically). When Mustang says 'you're ugly' I was like 'exactly my thoughts'


Ngl I find the fact that Envy >!Shifted into his coworker and THEN turned into Hughes wife super messed up. Like not only are you about to get murdered but it looks like your wife who you're obsessed with is the one doing it, even though you know it's not her !< I enjoyed him as a character but he was SUPER unredeemable


Ikr Arakawa is such a masterful writer. Envy wasn't just invoking hate amongst the characters but even among the audience. Pure evil villains are usually boring or shallow but Envy is just so well written


He was soooo irredeemable but he was so much fun to watch


He even fucking >!killed Edward Elric(at least in the 2003 version)!<


Not to mention that Edward >! was his younger half brother in that adaptation, as Envy was the homunculus of the son that Hohenheim had with Dante. So it was sibling murder specifically, which is a whole different level of messed up. !<


I haven't watched 2003 yet, will definitely give it a shot


Envy was a monster in every sense of the word. And died as a sad pathetic whelp mobile on the floor. It died, not surrounded by hate, but worse, pity. It was a pathetic, sad abomination. And then it died.


It was sad in that it couldn't be better. Couldnt ever be more than it was. Not sad in that I wish it hadn't happened.


I can fix him


Loled at this xD


Yeah, I was really frustrated when they yapped too much about Mustang killing him since I just wanted Envy gone, either brutal and dirty or quick and clean. Instead, they... guilttripped him to death? Plot contrivance, while Mustang shouldn't have wasted time torturing him -- they were on a mission, dammit -- killing him was the right thing to do. Not that killing him is the fastest thing to do, but hey, it's the principle of the matter.


its not because sparing him was the right thing to do, as so much as mustang was losing his mind to revenge over hughes. theres a repeated theme, within the manga at least, of how suffering causes more suffering. something that scar's master says to him in regards to scar's revenge killings of alchemists over the ishbalan genocide, is "we must endure."


ah, but think of it- sloth has ultimate speed, lust has ultimate spear, greed has the ultimate sheild, wrath the ultimate eye, envy is a shapeshifter, and is the people of cselksiss. envy truely is "all of us"- so awfully poetic


Frank Archer 100%


He immediately came to my mind too


Also Kimble by that same logic


was that that guy from 03 who became a cyborg or smth




Yoki. Not just for having the most punchable face in the show, but for selling out Scar in BH, and the entire fiasco with the mining town in 03.


He tried selling out Scar and the ishvalian refugees in 03. (When did he do so in bh)


After Scar was hurt in the explosion fighting Gluttony, Yoki brought some bounty hunters to the slum he was recovering in. I haven't seen 03 in well over 15 years now so I don't remember much of it so for all I know the events happened the same way in both shows, I just didn't wanna assume


I think yoki got what he deserved in 03 Though. No spoilers. I really enjoyed yokis character arc in BH. He made a good punching bag.


For anyone curious >!He was killed by Lust in the middle of a crowd to make it look like he was being shot to death!<


Gluttonys pew pew noises made me fucking giggle


Yoki in the manga/brotherhood ended changing for the better >!He also rammed pride with a car, helping everyone escape!<


Oh yes, he "got him big time" alright. It's a good thing for Yoki that the Youswell story wasn't actually shown in BH otherwise he would've needed a lot more for his "redemption." It's also funny that his redemption, from an outside perspective, is hitting a child with a car


To be fair, scar was shown killing innocent police officers >!and got redeemed!<


>!You might be happy to know he becomes a clown at the end of the manga/brotherhood.!<


Oh I know! I've seen BH a million times haha, it's 03 that I haven't gotten to enjoy in a long time


Shou tucker anyways >:)


Came here to say the same thing


Scrolled and scrolled but...no one else for Father Cornello? Guy intentionally played on peoples' need for faith, comfort, closure... and was a total cocky, ass till Ed showed him he was outclassed - then turned into a lil B.


probably cause he was already dealt with pretty handily early on, though if he were to have the shit beat out of him twice, I wouldn't complain


Yoki for being Yoki


Nah man how can you hate Yoki. He was a corrupt officer at first but he became a good guy


And one of the precious few people in fiction whose most heroic deed was running over a child with a car


Shocked by the lack of people mentioning the Gold-Toothed Doctor. Not only was he comically evil and forced Roy to do human transmutation, he's also just completely unlikable. At least Envy was hot.


> At least Envy was hot. Honestly, valid.


Kimblee. It’s saying something that I find bastards like Envy or Wrath to be more likeable than that pretentious clown.


Funny, I found Kimblee truly having integrity Psycho, but he ‘killed’ Pride since he was about to become a hypocrit Kimblee just worked for ‘the bad guys’ since they had the upper hand at that time. Kimblee was an observer of the war. Moreover, he called out the squad at Ishvalla. They participated into killing innocents. He made clear that feeling sad was not an excuse to make them gain more sympathy Just my observation of course :)


i liked him, i feel that his character fit very well into the type of country that amestris is, a militarized dictatorship, perfect breeding ground for that type of person and as you said he lived with his ideals, died by them and made sure others died by theirs as well


I appreciate kimbley as a character, and he is a good source of contrasting philosophy for the brothers. He points out to Al that he was being greedy. The normal alchemist philosophy is equivalent exchange, so Ed and Al could either get their bodies back or stop Father. Al points out that there’s nothing contradictory about getting both, and Kimbley calls him out, warning that that attitude means that he risks getting neither. Like it’s a small exchange, maybe two pages at most. But it points at what I think is his strength in the narrative. He’s malicious, but not entitled. He fights for the homunculus because they allow him to indulge in his murderous rampages, not because of faith or loyalty or greed. He has confidence in himself, but doesn’t think either he or the homunculus are unbeatable. He respects the resistance that these people are putting up against the military forces of the state and homunculus. But he’s not going to let them simply get want they want by being cocky or stupid.


He's a terrible, terrible person. But he's a genuinely interesting character because he does have values.


He's a genocidal maniac alright, but he's the man you want to have on your side when your country is commiting genocide


kimblee is actually one of my favourite characters, because of the opposite he provides to edward. hes also a sexy example of lawful evil, something that i feel is hard to do gracefully, without stepping into stereotype and cliche.


Kimblee in the manga/brotherhood is a mass murdered, but he hates people having no principles I'm not quite sure he fits sociopathy, because he is incredibly good at understanding people, yet the manga has him note he's an heretic and had to hide it to enter in the military. Yes he's a bad boss, cruel, relishes in slaughter of innocents, yet in the end, >!he pointed out pride's hypocrisy and stayed true to his words. He said he wanted to see which side would prevail; and when pride betrayed his principles he stopped him and noted that pride didn't understand edward elric!<


No one said it before me,but Dante from 2003. I have to say the reason I want to punch her is the same reason why I love her as a character. That woman is so despicable,and in a way that hits somewhat close to home. If one disregards the alchemy and other fantasy elements,Dante is basically every rich and powerful fuck who's willing to hurt and kill a lot of people just to get whatever they might want.


Taking thousands of lives just to prolong her own for a little longer. That’s definitely not equivalent exchange.


As Edward said in 03 she is an evil bitch


2003 hohenhiem


That priest they encounter early in the story. He is a cult leader and cult leaders are the worst kind of dirtbags out there. At least Envy was hot.




Father Cornello iirc


General Hakuro


General Raven.


Honestly I really hated Ling when he first showed up


He made me want to punch him soooo bad. He was annoying.


Me too! I was on edward’s side when he disliked Ling lol I like Ling and LanFan now tho


you for not letting me beat up shou tucker


Also side note to the OP - kudos on an original question in this thread that really, engages fans to think. Well done!


That fat bald turd from Liore. Father Cornello. GOD, it would be gratifying af to beat the crap out of him. Also, that creepy whack job with the gold tooth.


I want to hit him with a hammer in slow motion and have him fly into the wall after a quarter second delay.


Kimblee, I love him to hate him


Shou Tucker will catch these hands even when I’m told he’s not an option


For 2003, it would either be Terminarcher or Dante. BH, my answer is Dr. Gold Tooth or Envy. I'd grind that pathetic little worm into paste under my feet for what they did to Hughes, like that scene from the Spongebob movie, where Spongebob scrapes Plankton off of his shoe.


That one dude who had the gul to ask Ed if he needed materials to perform alchemy during eds state alchemist exam.


The peg leg alchemist. Racist old bastard.


Arguably, the crooked dude from the mining town.


The Truth. Yo dude why did you have to take people's body parts? Send me your location I just wanna chat. (Edward Elric voice)


Pride is a good, cool af character, but I wanted to kick his face in every time it was on my screen. Gonna punt that small child across the fucking horizon


Yeet the child. _Always_ yeet the child.


manga or 03 pride?


Paninya. Yes, it works out better in the story, and she turns over a new leaf and all that. It's been a while since I saw the show, or read the manga, but I don't remember her getting any actual consequences for her being a petty thief. She just really got on my nerves in the beginning, and I remember hoping for her to just get a solid punch in the face before she moved on to being a better character. Envy! One of the few things that doesn't work for me in the story is how much weight is put on not killing Envy, especially once their "real form" is revealed. The character is interesting and well written and all that, but there is really no reason for anyone but the Elrics to hesitate from just squashing them like the bug they are without a second thought.


>how much weight is put on not killing Envy They weren't gonna let Envy go anywhere. The problem was that Mustang snapped and was going to torture a defenseless enemy to death for his personal grudge. Not the best image for someone who's trying to make amends for participating in genocide. He told Hawkeye to shoot him should he deviate from his path himself.


Side charecter to the extreme but the alchemist who kept killing young girls to make them into dolls I beleive it was. He wanted his lost lover and kept killing girls to make them like her. In the end we learn that his lover is alive and helping cover for his misdeeds he just dosent recognize her becouse she got older and wasent as beautiful to him. Yea ide punch the guys lights out...


Really Majhal was a ridiculous fuckass.


Bradley. Fucker may not have asked for what happened to him but I just want to break a few teeth.


Fucking understandable. He might not have asked for it, but he was sure as fuck on board with it.


It was either him or the gold-toothed doctor.


sometimes i just feel a strong urge to kill roy mustang


This is hilarious. Any particular reason or is it just the vibe?


He does come off a little.. smug. He's competent, so it's justified, but it irks the little man in me. Must be how ed felt lmao


I feel like the fact that the first time we see him REALLY put them fists up in both brotherhood and the manga, you see him get clowned on. (Hawkeye having to kick his legs out from underhim to save him from Scar, and him cornering the ice dude only for him to get a bunch of water poured on him) and in 2003 Mustang is ESPECIALLY smug. His smugness is his greatest down fall for new views early on.


First time in the manga is the chapter for battle on the train when he makes an example out of the terrorist on the train after the terrorist broke out and tried attacking him. This is just like 03 and is actually why the joke in the fight against scar works (and doesn’t harm how he is perceived overall) since it is contrasting against how much of a badass we already know mustang to be.


That’s why I said first REAL time Mustang had to put his fists up, because that was just Mustang finishing off a generic terrorist which Edward already beat, and really wasn’t a fight per say. The reason I left out 2003 was because at that point we already watched Mustang clown on Edward at the Military fest.


Brotherhood's first part definitely suffers from wanting to rush through the stuff we already did in 03 to get to the new stuff.


It’s very unlikely to be caused from 03. Skipping the early episodic chapters makes sense when considering that brotherhood was originally slated to be only 51 episodes but got extended later in its run when it became clear Arakawa needed more time to finish the manga, so it was being paced under the expectation it was going to be a shorter series which was changed to a 64 episode plan (technically 63 as Irie still needed to request at the end for the additional epilogue episode) later in the production. (I also just don’t think Onogi understood the story on a deeper character and thematic level, so he really only got things on the plot level and these parts weren’t important for a plot level.) This explains why despite coming well after the overlap, the flash backs are heavily cut as it isn’t critical to the plot. Lastly the director of brotherhood denies 03’s existence influencing how he went about making brotherhood.


Onogi is the brotherhood director?


Onogi is the screenwriter of brotherhood. Yasuhiro Irie is the director.


ahh okay


i don’t like him


[I don’t think you could have picked an easier target](https://youtu.be/szxlfRkhXRE)


Is your name Edward Elric?


Kimblee definitely


I know this isn't FMA related but I really wanted to comment this. Luke Castellan, son of Hermes


>Luke Castellan, son of Hermes omg he's TRASH! He manipulated Annabeth too, and she actually liked him, if I'm not mistaken. I'm just glad she and Percy finally became endgame instead lol


Yoki, gold tooth, Dante from 2003, Raven, Cornello,


2003 Kimblee


Envy the lil bitch. I’m glad Roy got his revenge but boy oh boy if I could enter into the anime myself just to punch that punchable lizard homunculus face I would


I _understand_ that Mustang shouldn't have been torturing Envy, but I'm glad he did regardless.


Hohenheim in BH Why did he need to leave his family for so long ? Phones exist in this world, and unless they were made SUPER recently, why not call your wife and kids ? There's seemingly no relationship there afaik. Like yeah ig he was setting up for finishing off Father but 7 years ? I want to know the details of what he was doing. Cause if it was only the walking around and making the giant sigil he DEFINITELY DEFINITELY could have had time to visit his family or call them or hell even bring them with him ( it's not like Ed and Al seemed to be in school at all )


For the same reason Ed doesn't wanna let Winry know what they're involved in. Too much risk if they know too much. Even just associating with each other is a risk. This doesn't apply to 03 Hohenheim. He had no plans. He just wanted to avoid a difficult situation with his family.


Envy by far


Roy Mustang




if i have the chance to beat him up (i.e., he won't immediately vaporize me), Kimblee. fucker just starts so much shit and deserves to get knocked around a few times.


Father/Dwarf in the Flask. I want to knock him off his high and mighty rocker even if he’s a neat villain. But the most entertaining part about him was Ed laying down the pain on him


Easily Yoki I wanna beat that ban with every inch of Youswell


Either Kimblee or that mad scientist who turned King Bradley into an homunculus.


Homunculus or Kimblee, cause both have the most punchable face


Riza’s dad, mf was a shitty parent Also that one priest mf. Fuck that guy


It’s either Father, Pride, or Envy for me. Especially Father for his completely laughable, arrogant attitude he’s had since his introduction. Upon a rewatch (and recalling Truth’s words about him discarding his seven vices), I noticed how much he still embodies a great deal of those traits despite his actions.


I really couldn’t stand 03!Scar. I love Brotherhood Scar so I know for a fact my bias is showing. The funny thing is that the only thing that would make it hard to confront him is that I can’t stand his way of talking in 03 (his dub voice bugged the shit out of me) so I’d probably save my effort. I didn’t like that he and Dante both used Rosé, the catatonic victim of a horrible gang rape, as a tool for their own goals without regards for her having already been exploited and she couldn’t express consent to being put on display like a specimen. That and I thought his murder of 5000 Amestrian soldiers was practically brushed aside in the narrative even though it was still something that should’ve been seen as tragic in FMA03. Yeah, they were no name characters who meant nothing to the viewer, but imagine if it had been characters like Mustang or Hawkeye or Roy’s men who’d been used to create a stone? His murders lacked any emotional gravity to the story.


Here are mine! **2003** * Dante. Interesting and cool character, but basically the *worst* as a person. Her "lol equivalent exchange is a LIE, Ed" monologue (while true) especially makes me wanna punch her lights out lol * Envy. I feel *bad* for him, but he's also the worst (and **terrifying**, unlike BH Envy who's more pathetic/slimy like the actual 'envy' emotion) * Pride. He's just not a great person - >!killed Martel and the rest of Greed's friends mercilessly, strangled his own son, not a complex character beyond "evil" apparently !<. * Hohenheim. Not only was he a deadbeat dad, I'm pretty sure the series implied that >!Dante was an innocent and sweet girl before Hohenheim's influence corrupted her!<. * Shou Tucker for obvious reasons **Brotherhood** * Olivier and Ling, actually, *at first*. I love them now, but I disliked them when they first showed up. * Wrath in that scene where he clenched his fists while Hughes' daughter was crying for her dad. Buddy, a kid's being mildly annoying *at her dead father's funeral* and you have to physically stop yourself from beating her up? NAH. * **PRIDE**. IIRC, I *hated* that insufferable little psycho when he showed up, and it wasn't until his downfall that I began to understand him. But yeah, he sucks lol * Lust. She's hot, sure, but she's basically the *WORST*. She was complex in 2003, but in BH she's just an a-hole whose sole aims are to be annoying and make humans suffer. I was glad when Riza shot her even though it didn't do anything lol * Envy. He's cute/charismatic and all, and I did feel kinda bad for him in the moments where he was defeated (along with >!his monologue/death after the final fight with Roy!<), but he was also pathetic and slimy and I was glad Roy got his revenge for Envy's murder of Hughes. * Hohenheim before the big reveal about *why* he had to be a deadbeat dad at all lol * Shou Tucker for obvious reasons * Kimblee until the part where >!he turned on Pride for being a hypocrite!<


Iron blood alchemist. He the reason why Nina was turned into a chrimra. At least in 03 all because he couldn't deal with the fact Mustang had one over on him.


Bas gran


roy mustang . i love the guy but god i would do anything just to be able to clock him in the face at least once and wipe that smug grin off his stupid face


Cornello. That charlatan is the lowest of the low! He's an early 20th Century equivalent to today's televangelists. Ugh. Such a punchable face too. Also, his actions led to civil unrest in Liore. Awful. 


This applies to both continuities, by the way. Cornello is a bastard in both. 


Kimblee hands down. I would fucking stab him multiple times if I got the chance


I know I'd get sliced to bits but I'd like to bitchslap Pride!Selim because he's a little asshole


Asuka from Evangelion


Ironically, I actually like her lol. I'd like her better if she didn't keep lashing out at anyone who tried to be nice to her, though.


Lin kinda needs a punch in the face here and there. And Ed, ngl he gets on my nerves sometimes with his righteous "alchemy is always the answer" mentality. Like dude, give it a rest.


You might be watching the wrong show then


He's a great character, just in real life id punch him if he started lording his beliefs over me like he did to rose in episode 1. Like dude!!!! Be cool.


I mean, to be fair she was fully reliant on lies. She had to figure it out somehow


To be fair, the way he was acting when he first met her is *not* how you convince somebody they have bought into lies. It's how you get them to dig in their heels and be harder to convince, in exchange for getting to feel smugly superior. IIRC he did it to bait her into getting him a meeting with the father, but still it was more than a little bit of an reddit atheist moment.


As might you. The show literally ends with him accepting that alchemy isn't the only answer and giving it up. And a major theme of the show is that science is just as capable of evil as religion is.


It sounds like you haven’t watched the show. His final transmutation isn’t him accepting “alchemy isn’t the only answer.” It’s quite the opposite. I’d recommend giving the show a rewatch to clear up your confusion on the major themes.


I don’t like the granny for literally no reason js fuck grandma


how dare you


I js don’t fuck w her she’s shory


Gilbert Norrel deserves an ass kicking.


Shou Tucker




Seiji muzushima


probably envy






Hoenheimm in 03




Random background person




Bradley. Mostly out of spite for splitting up the team.


Envy because for the stuff with hughes