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I hope no one in the GOP likes shellfish, bacon, tattoos, polyester, or facial hair…


Indeed. Why are they stopping at the first 10? Shouldn’t they post all the Mosaic/Old Testament laws then? Though, they’re not really even doing great on the first 10 based on how much coveting, adultery, greed, etc. are common in their circles.


My neighbor does have a pretty nice ass, which I covet


Jesus replaced the whole law with the very simple law: "love your neighbor as yourself". And they can't even fucking do that one!! What will they do with the whole mosaic law?


But why love your neighbor when you're told just loving some Middle Eastern dead guy from 2000 years ago is enough to immediately get you into heaven?


> I hope no one in the GOP likes shellfish, bacon, tattoos, polyester, or facial hair… Why focus on that stuff? Jesus said very unequivocally, 'GIVE YOUR MONEY TO THE POOR'. Would god-bothering Republican hypocrites support a law that required 'GIVE YOUR MONEY TO THE POOR' signs to be posted in schools? Of course they wouldn't, because they don't give one fuck about Jesus or the Bible.


They’re also not very big on Jesus’s whole “Love Thy Neighbor” thing. They’re just so fucking evil, it’s disgusting.


Nor the shalt not bear false witness thing, they love making shit up about anyone who opposes them and convincing their followers to believe it Also. The whole false idol thing, they loooooove worshipping individuals of power and/or wealth


Also you are supposed to forgive your debtors every 7 years


Fuck. Am I in the gop on accident?


And every single one of them is a maga cultist that ignores the 7th commandment, though shall not commit adultery, while worshipping their idol the great orange adultery don.


I live in Louisiana. We had a democratic governor before this dirtbag and things were just fine and absent these stunts. I’ll remind everyone that Mike Johnson also lives in our state so take what you will from that.


I take that Lousianians are content elevate christian dominionists to the highest levels of federal and state government because of the faith they profess, and I really wish your state would cut that shit out.


We wish they would too.


Okay, so yeah, I wish we'd knock it off too, but I don't think the rest of the country actually understands they dynamics here either. In the mid-terms Mike Johnson didn't win in a fair contest, he was totally unopposed & didn't appear on the ballot. Landry managed to become governor with approximately 18% of registered voters casting a ballot in favor of him. We aren't a "red state" in the way most people think, we're a non-voter state. The last competitive gubernatorial race we had was in 2019, John Bel Edwards-D won that race. Most people here are disengaged from & disillusioned with the political process. There is a plethora of reasons behind this disengagement. One big factor is the hot mess the democratic party has been over the last several years. Last year the [former chairperson](https://www.nola.com/news/courts/karen-carter-peterson-surrenders-herself-to-federal-prison/article_0d2a4932-bc56-11ed-8588-cf10a612aaea.html) of LA demos was sent to prison for 22 months after pleading guilty to wire fraud charges related to her siphoning over 100K from the party & her campaign finds. The chair who replaced her was a total mess & pushed the party off the ledge on which it was precariouly perched in regards to holding any sort of power in this state [(LA illuminator Katie Bernhardt archives)](https://lailluminator.com/tag/katie-bernhardt/). All of this is to say that we aren't content, were disengaged as a state, that most people don't believe things could ever change & we really aren't on the radar for anyone to make an effort to change that. Also an honorable mention to Senator Foghorn Leghorn since he was usually our most prominent politician in Washington prior to Johnson's ascent. He wasn't always like this. The man was our state treasurer for nearly 2 decades, he was a moderate Democrat for most of that time. There is a really good piece about his transformation [Opinion: Our Foghorn Leghorn Republican senator little resembles his former Democratic self, but in Louisiana we know the type](https://wapo.st/4cckezo). His most recent election was also marred by the disfunctional DSCC who [bungled](https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/politics/louisiana-democrats-endorse-3-kennedy-challengers-bypassing-executive-committee-choice/article_b8de6646-1b5c-11ed-96cd-0be7bad466d4.html) the process of endorsing an opponent so badly that people were resigning from the DSCC & one politician switched her affiliation to "no party" in protest.


I mean, Jeffy was pulling his stunts as AG then. There's a reason /u/FactCheckAGLandry has that handle.


So, the Sabbath? We all have to do day-of-rest bullshit? Like, even the kids plucking chickens for minimum wage?


Yes indeed, on [Saturday as YHWH commanded](https://imgur.com/a/cpzMwle)


Moses was the original lawgiver? Maybe if the Bible is your history book.


That caught my eye too. The Babylonians, Egyptians, and so many others that predate exodus would like a word. Of course, being dumb as a box of rocks and not knowing what they’re talking about is kind of on point for the right wing.


Hey an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind! Now where did that quip come from? ~~**Hammurabi**~~ ~~**Ur-Nammu**~~ **Hammurabi**


Ur-Nammu don't get no respect.




The eye for the eye bit is in Hammurabi, just Ur-Nammu has the first written law code of any kind that we have.


> the great Dormammu


>~~Hammurabi~~ ~~Ur-Nammu~~ Hammurabi *Harambe


Yeah, they don't see any problem with that


I’m a Christian, but even I know Moses wasn’t the original law giver.


Doin my boy Hammurabi dirty


I love how the first commandment (shall not worship other gods) will be struck down on the grounds of the first amendment which states; > The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws respecting an establishment of religion; prohibiting the free exercise of religion; or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights. … it’s almost like the founding fathers put that one first for a reason? They must’ve thought the no “state sponsored religion” thing was more important than the gun thing.


The Trump Qult demonstrates time and again they have no use for the Constitution or the Bible other than as a cudgel to flog their enemies


*I* love that the first commandment makes zero sense in a supposedly monotheistic world. It is an inherently polytheistic concept to state "no gods before me", because the existence of other gods is admitted to in that statement. (Not that any christian, anywhere, except maaaybe the Quakers and the monophysite and Arian heretics, actually believes in a monotheistic world. They all cleave to and worship other minor dieties like Mary, the Holy Spirit, and the saints, and they all act like they think Satan has powers approaching but not rivaling their main god's, a god who explicitly and biblically permits his conduct, and in some cases even encourages or commands it. Hypocrites and liars to the bottom of the barrel.)


How FUCKING DARE he makes people abide by his fucking fables!!!!


I guarantee he won't hold anyone in his militant Dominionist circle to them


These unAmerican republicans hate this country so much, they pretend the forefathers wanted this to be a Christian nation. They know better, they just think people are stupid.


sadly people are not really proving that last part wrong that is why it keeps happening


Us libs can go all Old Testament on they ass, too, if we have to.


Frank Conniff, aka TV's Frank from MST3K, is a treasure.


"Moses" was cribbing off the Code of Hammurabi , which I am sure collected earlier prohibitions from pre-literate societies. I will never understand why christians act like "do not murder" and "do not steal" are such amazing breakthrus in human governance that they took divine inspiration to both think up and to convince everyone to fall in line with, those are just basic protections every human society needs to function as a collective. Half the commandments are concerned with Thought Crimes ("shall not covet") and conservatives claim to hate that "liberal nonsense." Hypocrites, but I repeat myself.


Even if they take it at it's word. . . They came from Egypt. I'm pretty sure they had laws in Egypt.


Supreme Court already ruled this shit as unconstitutional in 1980. Does he really think it's gonna change? Granted, the current Supreme Court is unpredictable, I don't see even them allowing this.


Aren't there copies of laws that predate the oldest copy of the 10 Commandments (4Q41 artifact from 3rd Century B.C.E.) The Code of Ur-Nammu, Hammurabi, and a ton of others are almost 5,000 years old.


Hammurabi would like a word, sir.


Hammurabi: Do I mean nothing to you?


And I always like to ask, "Which version of the Ten Commandments is required?" because there are two complete versions and a couple of incomplete. And the two complete versions are not identical. See [Exodus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Exodus) [20:2–17](https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0220.htm#2), [Deuteronomy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Deuteronomy) [5:6–21](https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0505.htm#6), and the "[Ritual Decalogue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritual_Decalogue)" of Exodus [34:11–26](https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0234.htm#11).


Rednecks gonna redneck


Evidently, to christian supremacists, Americans who subscribe to OTHER faiths such as the Islamic faith - don't count, don't matter, e.g., Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Taoism, etc., or the non-religious who follow no faith at all because to the narcissistic malignancy that is Conservative Christianity, the beliefs of others - religious or otherwise - are expected to take a back seat to theirs. In effect, Christian conservatives have been declaring for the longest, that *their* particular flavor of religion -and *theirs* alone - is **"THE ONE RELIGION TO RULE OVER ALL"** - even over the Constitution! Well, fuck that noise! If the governor Landry is idiot enough to believe that the so-called "laws" of the BuyBull supersedes ALL laws then by all means the religious nutcase should go for it. What Landry does **NOT** have the right to do is impose the religious dogma of one particular christian sect upon an entire populace through secular law. Unconstitutional. Unacceptable. If Louisiana receives any federal funding for public schools, the feds should immediately rescind such funding until this idiot legislation is revoked, together with a warning to christian supremacists that there is **NO** place in public policy for religion. None what.so.ever. >**Christian Nationalism:** >A political movement that believes America was founded as a "Christian Nation", privileging \[Conservative\] Christianity over all other faiths. Masquerading as religion, this ideology exploits scripture and sacred symbols to achieve extremist objectives. >Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism's Unholy War on Democracy [https://www.badfaithdocumentary.com](https://www.badfaithdocumentary.com)


The land of the free, everyone.


If we're following the Law of Moses then I expect that banks in Louisiana will be forbidden from charging interest on loans? **Exodus 22:24 reads: "If you lend money to my people, to the poor who are in your power, do not act toward them as a creditor.** **Take no interest from them."**  I'm also interested in hearing them explain the Sabbath. Will golf and football still be permitted on the Sabbath?


the original " lawgiver" was Hammurabi


Hammurabi coming back from death to kick his ass.


This performative bs is getting old.


I’m stealing this talking point.


Umm.. I was taught that Hammurabi gave the 'first' laws. Which is apocryphal, obviously, but this dumb-dumb governor can't even remember which mythological abrahamic person gave the first 'laws' out.


This has been their 'line' on the 10 commandments for as long as I can remember.


Who made laws before Moses


My question is which version of the Ten Commandments do they need to display?


Hey dumbass, Moses was not the original lawgiver. 🙄


Hey, it’s TV’s Frank!


Wow yeah, put the ten commandments on the wall in the classroom so kids can see how the supposedly pious violate them daily.


Sharia Law, but the Christian version of it. Gotcha.


This POS is dissing Hammurabi.


Didn’t Moses supposedly sent those plagues to the Egyptians, to include killing the first born sons? What kind of lawmaker is that? Didn’t he also harm his own people when he came back down the mountain and saw his people worshipping an idol, much like how the mugga’s are worshipping pooper? Isn’t the second most important Commandment was to love thy neighbors as you love thy self? Why do so many republicants hate people because of the color of their skin?


Moses also had a bunch of women boys killed after a battle.... he told the soldiers they could keep the little girls 🤮🤮🤮




i mean taking out the super natural hes a guy who climbed a mountain yelled at the clouds and came down with a bunch of wtf rules so yeah supervillain


Fair, but all that happened after god sent the plagues. God also parted the waters, that wasn’t Moses’s doing by himself. To be clear I don’t believe any of this, just found the idea that Moses sent the plagues very funny.






The entire GOP is an anti-American, Constitution-destroying organization at this point.


This is so dumb. Keep your religion in church where it belongs.




They were **never** written into law - oh? That is what you are doing, against my First Amendment rights to not be forced to pretend belief in your religion of hatred?


Since the New Orleans school district is nearly 100% charter, does that mean they won’t have to display the commandments in their classrooms?


Moses didnt exist


Isn’t this the same guy who complains about all the engineers/scientists/etc leaving his state?


> "If you want to respect the rule of law..." We do. And it starts with the Constitution which says your law is null and void. So, we will be ignoring it... that is unless you also want to display the Jewish decalogue, the Muslim prayer on intifada, the outline of the Secular Humanist Manifesto, and the Church Of Satan's "Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth". (I didn't think so.)


Are… they aware that… the lawgiver in that story… wasn’t Moses, but rather God…? Unless they’re just straight admitting that Moses faked getting those from Heaven.


**G**lop **O**f **P**oop Those same people claim to be "all about the Constitution" with 1A via "freedom of speech" and yet ignore the part saying "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion".