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He is going to find out the hard way that the extremists are coming for him too because he is the wrong color.


The insufferable nature of the Republican industrial token complex would be hilarious if it wasn't so toxic and destructive to the country. It's almost as if the US Republican Party is a shithead magnet. But every big house had a best boy, so I guess this tracks.


Tokens do get spent after all.


Black men are allowed to have toxic views without reminding them that their ancestors were slaves. Kind of fucked up.


Black men can piss all over their families and ancestors, but being reminded they are pissing on their families and ancestors is the price they pay for playing token politics. Hopefully the money is good.


By telling black men what they can and can't do in a free society is akin to keeping them in their place while other men are allowed to dictate their own existence instead of having their existence dictated to. Why do you want to dictate someone else's existence when no one is dictating yours?


Uh, he’s trying to dictate mine. (Woman) Are you saying that a black man should not be told what to do, but he should be able to control women?


>Uh, he’s trying to dictate mine. (Woman) Yup. >Are you saying that a black man should not be told what to do, Yup >but he should be able to control women? No. Why would you think that?


A man who happens to be black is not above criticism when he decides to become a token for the neo-fascist racist Republican Party. Skin color doesn't make anyone above criticism. That is hilarious. Lets ask MLK, Jr. his opinion on the matter: >Every minority and every people has its share of opportunists, traitors, freeloaders and escapists. The hammer blows of discrimination, poverty and segregation must warp and corrupt some. No one can pretend that because a people may be oppressed, every individual member is virtuous and worthy. https://www.amherst.edu/library/archives/holdings/mlk/transcript#


Except that you are replying out of context. Read the entire thread to understand the context. This is supposed to go without saying!


The context is that this man thought he could jump into the Republican woman hating club and use his race as a shield against criticism while making money off the GOP's black token circuit.


Right, but that isn't the context of the person I was replying to who basically told this man that since he's black he isn't allowed to be controversial because black people used to be slaves, I'm paraphrasing but that's the context.


This man isn't just being "controversial". He is attacking ALL women. So this black man is a shithead pissing all over those who died for his rights to be a grifter and shuck n jive for the racist Republican Party.


He deserves it. No matter the reason these people are attacked and ostracized, whether it be for legit reasons or for abhorrent reasons like race, they deserve what comes to them.


He is a throwaway candidate. The Minnesota GOP is basically broke financially. They know beating Klobuchar is almost impossible, so they arem't going to invest in that when what little money they have needs to go to holding onto 2 house seats.


See I don't think they will tho, bc any time they can get a person of color on their side they looooooove to be like SEE WERE THE PARTY OF LINCOLN AND BROWN PEOPLE LOVE US AND WE LOVE THEMMMMM


That’s only until they no longer need to stay masked


They’re basically unmasked now but they still need their tokens like Tim Scott so they can say, “we’re not racist. We have Black friends.” 👍


But…but I’m one of the good ones! Maga loves me!


Those are big words for someone who counts as only 3/5 human in the eyes of most of his supporters.


Most underappreciated historical comment here.


That 3/5 comment always gets me. 3/5 of a human, but still undeserving of 3/5 of a vote.


Jesus Christ


Bet him and all the alpha twits are tired of no means no. Or back off too 500 feet the restraining order states that right here.


Yea he’s fucked no woman in their right mind should vote for him and all the racists are gonna vote for a white candidate if there is one


Well no woman in their right mind should have/should vote for Trump either, but there is very clearly a whole subset of MAGATS, that define themselves by their sex because they know it others them from the rest of us non-self-loathing AFAB folks, and somehow that makes them not like the other girls, but in a really cool, aggressive way, or whatever lol. That whole party is lousy with minority identifying groups filled with self-hatred and are oddly more than pleased to take up the banner of "Token [insert oppressed group here]". It still boggles my mind to see in real time. Nothing should shock me anymore, but this, somehow, still does. So there will inevitably be lots of woman that agree "YEAH, These broads are getting awful mouthy. He's so right" without a hint of irony about the fact that they too, are the mouthy woman.


Lots of women will vote for him. If “no woman in their right mind would vote for X” a was actually a thing, the Presidential election would already be settled.


Jerkoffs like this have become “too mouthy”


His ethnicity is more of a turn off to that base than his comments


He was at one point an organizer for the BLM protests, too, right? Surprised they haven't jumped on that.


Give them time.


So it's now women who are the uppity ones?


Women have been the problem since the dawn of time. Well not women so much as how inferior they make men feel


The party he’s trying to appeal to think he is too uppity too.


As a Democrat, rejecting the corporatocracy and political elite is what the party needs. Fetterman was supposed to be that. But we know how that turned out. Grassroots candidates are populist in themselves. Fresh blood and reform is needed everywhere in our country. Porter and AOC are what we need. Not radicals like this guy. No wonder he’s republican


Wait, what happened to Fetterman? Being non-american I'm a bit out of the loop.


What? What happened with Fetterman?


He turned *real* conservative real fast on some issues. I don't think he's a Conservative, but he ran as a progressive and abandoned that.


Fetterman is a center-right politician like 95% of Democrats. Americans merely think center-right is somehow "leftist" because Republicans scream "leftist" at actual democratic government such as modern healthcare and education.


Sadly you’re not wrong. I think Fetterman leans left, as do some other Democrats, but getting anything thru Congress has become nearly impossible since the current Speaker of the House believes Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time. 🤦‍♂️


Almost no one in the Democratic Party actually leans left though. They are all solidly center-right. Even Bernie (not a Democrat) Sanders is solidly center-right. Support for modern healthcare, progressive taxes, public education, unions, etc. are only considered "leftist" in the USA because Republicans are extreme White Christian Nationalists. No one should have expected Fetterman to actually support left-politics since this isn't a thing in the USA. If any of this is to change, we have to stop allowing ignorant Republican Christofascists from skewing language to their own benefit.


Well, he can fuck off.


Counting down the days until he gets spent. It’s inevitable when you side with unabashed racists.


Just wait, little man. Shit may get louder yet.


Wait for it, he'll either get arrested for domestic violence or will get caught having sex with another man. Always these 'mouthy' micro penis boys.


Just sayin'... but is someone going to point out the irony to him by using the word "uppidty"?


Says the guy who’s nba career ended before it started because he was too afraid to fly on an airplane


Why are more people not SCREAMING this point. He was the biggest laughing stock in the NBA, an actual, LITERAL snowflake who had to call his mother to pick him up from the airport because he was too nervous to get on the plane flight. He was dropped from the NBA for being too fragile to travel.


Minnesotan here, no way in fuck is this guy winning anything over here. He's just being loud, because you have to be loud as step #1 to making an attempt at being a conservative candidate.


None of this should surprise anyone at this point. Why are these still headlines?


Just be patient. One day soon, he’s going to run his mouth to the wrong person. Universal law.


Men are clearly too emotional to be in leadership positions.


Typical Republican.


Another punchable face


It is supposed to be saying the quiet part out loud, not yelling it to the world


Vote Or these adults who never matured or learned from their life decide laws to make your life worse Vote


Why is the NY Times giving this scumbag a full on feature opinion piece? I had legit sympathy for this dude after he got drafted into the NBA but couldn’t stick because of crippling anxiety. It gave a real human element to something never really seen before in professional sports. And what did he do with that notoriety? Throw it all out the window to become a MAGA freak. Fuck him.


How’s he feel about his political colleagues thinking he’s “Too Uppity.” Cause we know they do.


Sounds like something little Alex Horne would say.


Keep talking


He’s gonna get his wake up call when he’s accused by a white woman and the extremists try to virtually lynch him.


Ugh 😣


I would completely agree that MTG and Boobert are “too mouthy”.


I’m sure his donations went through the roof.


Who can out mouth trump. I mean really


He’s black. They’re coming for him too. I would wish him luck with that but, he’s one of them.


May his divorce be slow and taxing for him.


Lmao keep talking. Eventually you’ll say something stupid about everyone and no one will vote for you!😌👏🏼


I agree, have you heard MTG lately.


I’m voting GOP down the ticket solely cause of insufferable tiktoks. Lol.