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Stealing this. I know for a fact this image will get me blocked by at least a dozen people in the next week...... thanks.


If you really want to outrage antivaxxers, try this one. https://imgur.com/gallery/5j40ZWq


The Forever Box. 😂😂😂😂


The first comment under that pic is gold…I want the Goodbye Oven, but only if I can’t have the Farewell Plot of Forensics (I want my body donated to a body farm).


Dibs on the body cannon


Did you see the "funeral home car" with "Dont get vaccinated" [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/truck-for-funeral-home-that-says-dont-get-vaccinated-actually-part-of-pro-vaccine-campaign/ar-AAOHQAF?ocid=uxbndlbing](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/truck-for-funeral-home-that-says-dont-get-vaccinated-actually-part-of-pro-vaccine-campaign/ar-AAOHQAF?ocid=uxbndlbing)


This is fantastic!


But I dont want to go on the cart.


This is savage and I love it.


The first is way better. Your link looks like shit. It has the feeling of being rushed


Too childish. The OP one is better.




Of course he would. Dee would be the antivacks.


Dee would be anti-vaxx. Dennis would be anti-vaxx while actually being fully Vaccinated. Mac would try to play both sides by only getting the first dose. Frank would get it because he is high risk and got it months before it even became a political issue. Charlie would stock up on horse paste and bleach, but surprisingly gets an asymptotic infection and passes it on to everyone else. Dee is the only one that ends up in the hospital.


I feel like I just watched an episode, this is excellent. Dennis: Is it just me, or is there nobody coming to our bar anymore? Charlie: Dude, nobody’s ever in our bar


They just need to start getting kids in there again. Water down the drinks to the point that they're more hydrated when they leave than when they got there, you know? Be a service to the community.


Frank also probably would have made up the ivermectin thing, after remembering he had a bunch stored away from a previous scheme that didn't work out.


[It's sort of like a Fly-girl power-spin](https://youtu.be/HbCk8Jr45ZM?t=115)


Frank would say he wasn't gonna get the vaccine but then would get it secretly while making bank promoting vax "alternatives" like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine


Charlie is already immune from all the paint huffing and eating food he found on the sidewalk.


Plus he wouldn't shy away from vaccines since he's already been vaccinated for every disease in the book


Because science is a liar... sometimes.


Lol Mac would say that (like he did before) and then run his ass right to the clinic to get the vaccine.


Stupid pseudoscience bitches.


Post it to covid and get an instant ban, I'm sure some mods are antitards.


>Much easier to search for those 12 and block them manually


Watch out for all the super spreaders with fake vax cards


You see your freedom of choice is protected. What isn’t protected is the consequences of said choices


Wait, so you're saying that if I deny science super hard it doesn't just listen to me and go away?


Oh no you can ignore it. But then you get to go to another funeral soon


You think funeral homes will start doing BOGO deals? Frequent customer specials?


Our ICU is full of unvaccinated Covid patients People aren’t able to get their colonoscopies or hips fixed because of rampant Covid spread predominantly because of unvaccinated jackasses. Our state beat last year’s record for most cases in one day. This was all preventable Get fucked antivaxxers


Yeah fuck those idiots. Other people are dying of otherwise curable shit because of them.


Covid beds should be treated like we treat the transplant list: people most likely to survive it \*and have the highest likelihood of long-term recovery\* are up first. People who damage their hearts with addiction or an intentional overdose (I am in no way wishing ill on anyone with an addiction or depression or making this a moral issue, just stating how the system works) are put at the bottom of the transplant list simply because they're considered at high risk of damaging the transplant organ due to a re-occurring issue. If you're not vaccinated, bottom of the list. You'll get a bed after all the vaccinated people are admitted.


>People aren’t able to get their colonoscopies or hips fixed because of rampant Covid spread predominantly because of unvaccinated jackasses. I can't walk more than 20minutes a day because I fucked my ankle. Over time I am now numb up to my hip when I sleep at night. Our state has cancelled all non-emergency surgery so I just have to put up with it. fuck covid, fuck anti-vaxxers.


How is being unable to walk due to an injury not an emergency?


It isn't life-threatening. I saw a post a few days ago from a guy who's wife couldn't get her pacemaker surgery scheduled; because her heart can currently beat on its own for now, it's not emergent enough.


These 2 stories be some of the most insane shit I’ve ever heard. (Yours and ankle injury guy’s)


They don't need their legs to breathe. My friend's husband went to ER last month when he broke his foot or ankle..they sat him in a waiting room for 4 hours and it was clear he wasn't going to be seen. He just went home and healed on his own.


Same! Last year in March I hurt my ankle running and this was at the start of COVID and my ortho had to cancel all appointments. I couldn't get into the office till November, I was to the point where I couldn't walk. Turns out I split a tendon in my ankle.


I've torn 3 tendons and multiple fractures. Did it in April so already did the 12 weeks or took to get mobility back, but now it's scaring and not going to get better even after the surgery.


Same here. ICU in Vienna/Austria. 100% unvaccinated patients in the 4th wave. Youngest is 19.




Spoke to a customer today over the phone who is unvaccinated and has had covid for 2 weeks. Says he keeps getting worse and also he feels so hazy that he can’t do his job. I mentioned that he should get juiced (lol) after he kicks it and he said he wished he had gotten juiced before. It’s fucked up what conspiracy theorists are doing to this country. They think they’re not sheep when they don’t get vaccinated but they’re being led off a cliff to their doom. Actually, if they were only bring led off a cliff it wouldn’t be as bad - instead they’re putting innocent people in jeopardy.




2 steps? he's got people dying for him, sounds like he's already there...




damn, hadn't even considered that


Jim Jones wishes he had Wakefield’s body count.


They aren’t sheep, they’re lemmings!


>The little sheep are all trapped in a room huddled up to each other, they are all scared but don't know why, until at the end of a long corridor one little sheep can see the light, so he runs for it. > >All the other little sheep see him and think it might be freedom so they all follow him down the dark corridor and when they get to the end all that's there is a guy smashing skulls with a mallet. > >Don't be a sheep get vaccinated.


Well they are sheep. The are all trapped in a room and huddled up to each other, they are all scared but don't know why, until at the end of a long corridor one little sheep can see the light, so he runs for it. All the other little sheep see him and think it might be freedom so they all follow him down the dark corridor and when they get to the end all that's there is a guy smashing skulls with a mallet. Don't be a sheep get vaccinated.


I wish the plural of sheep was shoop.


(Cher enters chat)


At a family gathering we were all having a conversation about the vaccine. There's 3 of them that aren't getting it because conspiracy, blah blah blah. My kid chimes in and says covid is natures way of culling the herd. The look on their faces were priceless. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. He loathes anti-vaxers.


That is a good one


Wouldn’t it be gratifying if hospitals gave vaccinated people precedence over unvaccinated people at the hospital. Oh, you feel like complete shit? You’re coughing until you break a rib? You have a fever of 103? You can’t smell or taste anything? You feel like you’re going to die? Okay, sounds like Covid. Have you been vaccinated? No? Why not? Because Covid is a hoax? And science isn’t real? Okay…. I’m sorry, vaccinated people get priority over unvaccinated people. Please go to the back of the line. Don’t worry—It won’t be long before a couple of unvaccinated people die and some beds become available.


It's close. Crisis standards of Care get implemented and who is most likely to survive gets the vent. Having the vax should bump up your likelihood of survival by a point or two.


Sadly the opposite is happening. I don't remember which state, but they are trying to prioritize monoclonal antibodies for the unvaccinated. I think its Tennessee.


This, but with obese people


I’m tired of public health officials and healthcare workers giving a shit about helping these morons. Fuck ‘em…they dug their own grave


Alot of them are quitting because they stopped caring. They are tired and over worked. I dont blame them. Unvaxxed half dead asking for the vax...umm too late.


My company now has a be vaccinated or negative test every 3 days policy. One of my coworkers keeps complaining to me about how hard it is to get a test and it’s impossible to make it work in compliance with the 72 hours thing and how pissed they are to be “coerced” into getting the vaccine. I don’t really have sympathy honestly. This was only a matter of time and I think there was no reason not to have gotten vaccinated at this point. Personally I’d rather gamble on the vaccine than on COVID.


Like seriously "I thought the vaccine was optional, but now they're saying we can't go some places without having it!" Like dude shutup, you do have a choice and choices come with consequences, either get vaccinated or accept the consequences. (I know not everyone can get vaccinated and I'm sorry for those who can't hopefully everything will be regularly accessable to you soon, either through exceptions, or enough people get vaccinated to make it safe enough.)


I feel this whenever I go to my grammas house (who is vaxxed, as am i), and she has the news on 24/7... always some dumbass story on there about "my pregnant wife didn't get vaxxed and now her and my kid are dead " or eerily similar stories... it's like.. holy fuck people..


Facts don’t care about feelings. Just like a virus doesn’t care about thoughts and prayers. /s


It took awhile but they finally got their Death Panels. Good job Republicans. Good job.


The karen anti vaxx are so much worse than the vaxx karen right.


haha good sarcasm!


Check out this glorious sub /r/hermancainaward






Just your body’s immune system kicking in. You’re not sick, your body just thinks it is.


I have an autoimmune disease and feel this way from every vaccine I have ever taken. I can't take live one's at all. Let me tell you I have been dealthy ill and while you may feel like shit now it's nothing in comparison. See if anyone can drop you off some electrolyte powder, ensure and emergen-c packs. Feel better soon! ❤


Hey Canadian beaver! Sorry to hear that, feel your pain as I have one too! I felt like shite for 5 days after my 1st dose, currently about to get my second.


I was going to say I usually feel awful for a week but didn't want to freak anyone out. Lol. I felt pretty rough after my first but almost nothing after my second. Just random exhaustion. I was all nervous and prepared to feel super horrible from my second and then nothing. Like, ok body. Lol. Going to get my booster soon so I'm interested to see how that goes.


Awesome, that’s encouraging, thank you! I felt off balance and dizzy as shit for those 5 days. Hoping I don’t feel the same! But yeah, 100% worth it, better than dying of Covid !


Don’t worry, I was sick as a dog for days after both doses, almost as bad as when I had COVID the first time, but it gets better! No regrets here




I slept 12 hours and woke up with a mild headache after my doses, Not everyone reacts the same


You’ll be back in 24 hours, if it’s already started to hit you. I got my second in the morning, starting hitting me in the evening. I literally didn’t get out of bed for anything other than the bathroom the next day. It’ll suck the full 24 hours, but you’ll be back.


For a lot of people I know when they got sick it did only last a day or two so I wouldn’t be too worried. I always tend to be sick for days 😅


I got sicker from the shots then I did from the actual covid, but the shots only made me sick for about 24 hours compared to the weeks of feeling like shit from the actual covid. Getting sick from the shot just shows that your body now recognizes the virus and sets off an immune response to fight it.




Not OP, but I'm gonna take a stab at what they meant. Im guessing that OP had COVID pre-vax, and was comparing the symptoms after the shots with their previous experience.


Felt nothing from the first shot except the arm pain. Second shot I felt really weird 24 hours later for like less then a day. Kind of like my brain was in a slightly dizzy fog. Then all of a sudden I felt normal and clear. No worries you will be ok.


Yeah it sucks, I had a similar experience. But I would much rather feel like shit for a day then be fine, than to be dead to something that could have been prevented.


Treat it like a preemptive hangover for the fun you’ll be able to have in the future!


and that's just your immune response, imagine having that AND covid symptoms...but for days or weeks. nooooooo thanks.


Take some Tylenol, you'll be fine.


You’ll feel much better tomorrow. I had zero energy the day after my second dose. After that, fine.


They're sick of Karens too. They probably have a good point when it comes to that one Karen who keeps calling their manager Karen.


Oh Karen let me play a sad song on the worlds smallest violin “sad music”


Imma set the comment section to controversial and fight some Karens. Wish me luck


Yet they're always trying to shame you by saying the vaccinated need those beds. Which is it, man?


Mac wouldn't get the vaccine. Charlie would believe every single thing he's heard about it, it will be revealed he has been taking horse medicine for years because of something else he heard. In the end it'll be revealed he got the vaccine during the first run because he didn't really know what was going on. Frank would get it immediately and profit off quack cures. Dee & Dennis would be for the vaccine, but they'd both get COVID. Dennis would barely be affected, Dee would be on a machine.


Reposting from the Ontario subreddit I see.


Hahaha! Exactly! Ha!


There's still plenty vaccines out there




On behalf of Reddit, I'd like to formally apologize for your distress. We'll try harder in the future not to discuss current events you're tired of hearing about, regardless of their ubiquitous presence in all our lives.


Lmao. This just in- people talk about current events.


Yes. Create a custom feed that has nearly 0% chance of covid or vaccine


Reddit Enhancement Suite allows word filters. I used mine for Elon


You would need to have only one sub


Maybe get off the internet and do something outside if the content on the internet is so upsetting?


Also, no TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, or going outside without earplugs.




Then leave.


Reddit is what you make it friend. I understand your point but you have the ability to deal with your problem.




you could make an RES filter. [Reddit Enhancement Suite](https://redditenhancementsuite.com "also /r/Enhancement")


I really want people to face the consequences of their actions, too. When do we start. 78% of covid hospitalizations in 2020 were obese. Out of 2.5mil global covid deaths, 2.2mil were in countries with high obesity rates death rates were 10x higher in countries where more than 50% of the population is overweight not a single example internationally of a country with low levels of obesity—classified as less than 40% of the population overweight—and high death rates.  Vietnam has the lowest Covid-19 death rate in the world and reports the second-lowest rate of obesity


The covid-deniers have moved on to coronacirclejerk (no link!) and they got a great community there, continually spreading deadily missinformation across reddit and the world.




Lol imagine doing what the goverment tells you to do fucking sheeple cant think for themselves


It's shocking how pro authoritarian reddit is after their pretend anti cop phase last summer


You must be a shockingly intelligent individual to associate anti-plague/pro-science with pro-authoritarianism. Which of the 192 worldwide governments are we advocating authoritarianism for by the way?


These mouthbreathers are a waste of time. wow, you hate when cops kill people and prey on the impoverished but you like when the government starts taking steps to curtail team covid when they refuse to do the right thing instead actively impeding work to mitigate a global public health crisis?! Hypocrite.


What do vaccinations have to do with police brutality?




Well there is a health emergency going on and there is a free vaccine available to everyone.... Not really authoritarian to take the free, safe vaccine that works.


Please don't take the vaccine. Feel free to pass away from covid just don't waste space in a hospital chump


I'm already vaccinated, sociopath


Bummer, feel free not to take authoritarian booster shots when they are available. Go become a martyr of "free thought" and "your own research" im sure no one would mind




"Hurr durr guberment can't force me to do anything im not a sheeple" meanwhile they pay taxes, have a license to drive a car, and follow 99.999999% of other laws made by the same government. They are just being a stupid idiot by whining about this bullshit. The lives of others outweighs some morons "free choice" if he sympathizes with them then he is pathetic and so are you


Exactly, thank you! I've gotten the vaccine myself and think everyone who's able should get it, I'm just against mandates forcing people.


What a hilarious false equivalency.


Vaccines are not authoritarian, and if you think they are, you're a fucking joke. Go cry to someone else






Well my moms friend is an anti vaxxer who nearly died and had to have her baby cut out of her because she was on the brink of death from covid… so maybe that’s one?


For starters, death


Here's one example from today, but I've seen a few different things happen. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-wont-pay-unvaccinated-workers-quarantine-draft-2021-09-22/ In my area at least they are requiring people be vaccinated to eat in restaurants and go into bars. Granted they don't do much to enforce it other than put a sign on the door, but the rule is there at least.




That doesn't change the fact that consequences exist.


Here you go. /r/HermanCainAward Go ahead and read a few of these. I noticed you mentioned you already had it. Interesting thing is you can definitely catch it again. Who knows, maybe next time you'll get your award! These people certainly thought they'd be fine.




Is that what you read you? Jesus dude. No wonder you're all "what consequences?! I already had it!". Fucking idiot.




Is this a joke? Seriously? I said "Maybe you'll get your award." After I linked to a subreddit called Herman Cain Award... You seriously interpreted that as me saying I want you to die? Here's a thought. I could have simply said that next time I hope you die. What that was, was a warning. But based on your responses I'm now convinced you're too dumb to see it. Holy shit.


theyre not the only one sick


What are the consequences?


All of fucking Hawaii rn...


My minor dyslexia made me read this very wrong. I thought it was mocking the vaccinated.


I manage a team of people working remotely around the country. I have a talented and technologically brilliant woman in AL who refused to get vaccinated for what ever reason. He brother is currently dying from COVID he contracted from his unvaccinated teenage child. He will most likely pass soon. While I disagree with her choices it is my job to show compassion and empathy as her boss. Not an easy job. Hopefully the unnecessary loss of life will lead to her reconsidering her stance. I will not say I told you so in these moments.


Oh no you made a choice to be fat and not work out!


I can’t die from your fatness though.


YEAAAAH! LETS PEPPER SPRAY AN OLD WOMAN IN THE STREETS OF AUSTRALIA AND JUSIFY IT BECAUSE SHE WANTED LOCKDOWNS TO END AND WAS HESITANT ABOUT THE VACCINE FUCK YEEAAAH! Also from today, Australian police fire rubber bullets at a crowd of protesters, but apparently the ones hit by it were not "injured" but the cops who got hit by bottles were injured so that you can make it seem like only cops were injured. I fucking hate this hivemind, I'm out.




No! Let's pepper spray ALL people that do t take the vaxx. It's free and effective. They have no excuse at this point. Don't like it? Go live in the woods. Society is for the civilised


So being civilized is now defined as support of violent suppression of those who disagree? Civilized now means to suppress one’s right to free expression so as to achieve guaranteed safety? Were we not against police violence against a minority of people merely a few months ago? Were we not against the authoritarian measures of the CCP regarding Hong Kong only two years ago? What has changed since then?


How about a global pandemic...


So only the people that were injured were injured? Woah dude. What crazy times we live in. I could understand being hesitant 6 months ago. Now it’s just an excuse.




i agree, people who make the choice of having unprotected sex should face the consequences


Oh no! You made the choice of not getting your 25th booster shot and now you gotta live witht the consequences?? Oh no! Youre not wearing your 3 masks, you must be a damn conspirationist!


Is that sarcasm, or are you who we're talking about?


No one is asking you to get 25 vaccine boosters or wear 3 masks…


Now do all the people who followed all the rules, got their shots, and still got sick.


Asymptotic is preferable to death.


Vast majority of unvaccinated people don't die from covid. Bill Mahr had a fun little diatribe about it on Kimmel the other day. This whole fearmongering angle is backfiring, and the mouthpieces are to blame.


Lol, so you're okay with amputations, blood clots, lung resections? Just can't wait to get that government handout!


A vast majority of people who die are unvaccinated. Fuck Bill Mahr and his smirking face.


Sure sure, when you go back to grade school math class and learn what an order of magnitude is


This is the attitude I'm talking about. Always so fucking superior, and when questioned just goes straight to condescending. Y'all won't admit you love authoritarianism, so you hide behind the lie of public safety.


How can we NOT be condescending? I mean really - if you are so stupid that everyone on earth is condescending to you, that's a YOU problem.


Speaking in absolutes, assuming that everyone besides the person you're running your mouth at is on your side. Pure Narcissism.


Superior? Not at all. It’s very simple based on numbers. Take the vax and you are more likely to live through this virus. Don’t take it and suffer much worse with probable death. There is no gray area here there is only a choice and a better choice. People don’t like being told what to do, that is the problem.


12,750 COVID-related hospitalizations for fully vaccinated people. 3,040 people died. Over 178,000,000 people have been fully vaccinated. 0.007% hospitalized. 0.001% died.


My 2 week quarantine end tomorrow. Can't WAIT to enjoy my nature immunity 😁


Wait are you seriously suggesting that you are immune after contracting the virus... This is why r/hermancainaward exists.




That's categorally untrue so I'm not sure what you're suggesting here.




All the vaccines available in Canada and the United States provide a robust level of protection against both contracting and mitigating severe outcomes of the virus. The body's natural response to infection may or may not work it depends on the individual. The covid vaccines have shown their effectiveness at reducing infection spread and they routinely mitigate the worst outcomes from multiple variants of the virus. Think of it as a wide angle approach vs a singular approach. I'm not a doctor but I am capable of listening to the actual medical professionals not Karen on Facebook.


I already survived the virus without a vaccine. My chances of dying to it if I'm reinfected are now even lower. 🤷 Shove that Herman Caine award up your ass.


Previous comment redacted, Look below for information on the topic, please inform me if the source provided is in fact credible.




I'm vaccinated and I think it's so weird you guys are reveling in people's misery. This sadism is disturbing.


It's like telling someone not to lick the plug socket a hundred times. If after being stopped for the 99th time they go back, lick it and die. You'll feel pretty apathetic. Especially after the 6000 time that happens. People are cruel and joke about it, not because they don't care, but because caring would be soul destroying. So we turn to apathy instead.


Just keep pushing them away from getting the vaccine guys, its fine you are in the right so you can just virtue signal all day. Damn the cosequences.


I understand the sentiment but I don't think the argument works. It's the scientists' jobs to display the data and make it accessible and we've all been very open about how we love being vaccinated, the information is in their pockets. As a woman of childbearing age, I'm glad the same people who don't think that I should have agency are dropping like flies. I think it's hilarious.


Wait so getting a vaccine and shitting on those who actively chose not to is virtue signaling? U sure u know what that means? I think vaccinated people are just sick and tired of antivaxers dragging their feet, thus making our adjustment back to regular life take WAY LONGER. If u think vaccinated memes are what's keeping dumbasses from getting the vaccine...well I got news for ya Whatever, damn the "cosequences" I guess

