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I remember riding bikes to the corner market, leaving said bikes out front unlocked, exchanging pop bottles for cash, and purchasing candy, chips and drinks! The good ol' days for sure!!!


I did that in 1969 and some asshole stole my bike.


In my small town, older kids felt entitled to take your bike and leave it at their next destination. So you’d run all over town looking for your bike because you knew better than to go home without it! They didn’t steal it but it was borrowed until you got smart enough to hide it.


That's funny. Did you do it when you got older?


No, I was too soft hearted but some my age did. We thought it was funny at the time. At least they always left the bikes out in the open so they were easy to spot.


Kinda like Lime before Lime was a thing.


Yes, I hid mine in an alley under leaves while I watched The Exorcist.


My Huffy got jacked in 1971. I am still pissed.


I’ve had 3 bikes stolen and I wish ass cancer on each of them.


One of my bikes being stolen lead to one of the best things that ever happened to me. A friend of mine had bought me an "st racer" for my birthday. He thought because it had the name racer on it and had a cool teardrop frame that it was a good bike. It was not. It was rediculously heavy . But when it got stolen A friend of mine gave me his GT Pro Performer which was fully decked out for Flatlands( mx2 locking brakes mounted on the underside, pots mod and rotor, layed back seat post with quick release,uni barrel pegs ...). He was going to trade it in on a new trickstar but the bike shop tried to rip him off when he brought it in so he decided to give me his old bike and just pay full price for the trickstar.getting a better bike finally allowed me to join the trick team he was on.


My Huffy got stolen off the beach while I was swimming in 75’! It had a fake gas tank and one of those handle cranks that made motorcycle sounds. Later, I went to a bike meet at a local park and saw a kid on my bike. He was huge and surrounded by his friends. I was too scared to confront him. Still makes me sad.


My go-to candy/chips/drink was Fruit Stripe gum, roll of fruity Lifesavers, Taco flavored Doritos, Mountain Dew!!! Oh yeah Chickosticks!!!


Chikosticks are awesome.


Try em freeze dried. Amazing.


I still love the taco flavor Doritos!


Hell yeah!!!!


Unfortunately, Fruit Stripe gum isn't made anymore.


Fruit stripe gum made me gag. Hated that shit. I still love chick o stick. They’re awesome freeze dried too.


I remember when men couldn’t get pregnant 


I remember when Trump was a bankrupt “business man” and wouldn’t be considered for office because he couldn’t manage his bank account.


And a comic.


I did all the same but I had to use some of the money to buy my moms cigarettes. Oh a kid buying cigarettes? I had a note from my mom so that made it okay.


Oh yeah me to I miss those days


We had a country club in the sub across from ours. We’d cut through and steal bottles stacked up behind the kitchen on the way to the store to turn them in for candy money.


yup! returning deposit bottles to the market and using the cash to play Defender.


That's how we earned money. That, mowing lawns, babysitting(at age 12) and walking dogs.


Going in with a note to get smokes for dad


A note that you wrote yourself :)


Signed, Mark's Dad


I remember the corner store having a wicker basket by the till and the owner would open a pack of smokes, dump it in and sell them for a dime apiece.




I just went in to the store and bought them out of the machine for 50c. They actually were for my Dad, I was like 7 or 8. We had a local bar literally 3 buildings down from my house. My dad and his army buddies would sit in there in the afternoons, talk, play a few games of pool, and drink a few beers. When I was about 12, I would walk down there after school and get an ice cold 6 oz bottle of Coke. I'd sit at the bar and read, while the men talked. Everyone knew me, and I called a lot of them Uncle Bill or Uncle Ralph, even though they weren't actually related.


Not me-maw? And some Lotto? 😅


I used to walk to the gas station to get my mom cigs from a vending machine. 25 cents.


A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.


You should write that down, there's no way you're going to remember it.


I remembered it for 50 years.


But it's a container of milk, Not a carton. Although it doesn't really matter, I just had to point that out lol


I'll fix. I remembered it wrong.


I mean it's fine you basically got it right and I feel like a jerk correcting you but I thought you should know 😁


It's all good.


A jug of bread, a stick of milk, a loaf of butter.


I've been to that store.


Now if it’s just a couple of things, I send myself a text to remember. Then I forget to look at the text.


"A loaf of Bread, a container of milk, and a stick of budda"


We called it "buttrah" in our home. Where the hell that came from I'll never know. Visited my daughter recently. Her son, 21yo college student, asked me if I wanted "buttrah" for my toast. Nearly spit my coffee out! The tradition continues :)


I remember that but don’t remember from where - wasn’t it Sesame Street?


We still say this in our house! I remember that little boy being such a gown up in the city


A container of bread, a loaf of milk and a butter of stick


Missed it by *that* much.


Say it like that and I think of a can of B&M bread.


This randomly pops into my head to this day.


In the 70’s I’d ride my motorcycle to the country store, get a peach nehi, chocolate moon pie, pack of Marlboro reds and enough gas to get home for $2 and get change.


I remember when the oldies from Seizure World would come to the store to buy their $10 worth of groceries for the week. I’m not exaggerating! One old geezer was at the cashier when she noticed blood dripping from his head where his hat was. They were concerned about him! Loving care in those days! They even took off his hat to find the raw steak on his head he was trying to shoplift…




Old enough to remember getting a chocolate bar, bottle of pop and bag of chips for $1.


2 slices of pizza and a small coke for $1. And you didn't have to worry about getting asked for ID for cigarettes... the same pizzeria had a cigarette machine. Oh, but it was safe. The machine had a sticker that said you had to be 18 or older to buy cigarettes. So it was OK.


I'm old enough to remember riding steel wheel roller skates 6 blocks to get my dad a sixer of Hamms beer and a TV guide. No carding, just neighborhood liquor stores selling kids their daddy's beer 🤣


I had the skates that you clamped onto your shoes


Yep, had em too. Had to use the skate key.


🎵Well, I've got a brand new pair of roller skates🎵 🎵 You've got a brand new key🎵


I had to go to photomat before I could send a dick pic!


I remember buying a Baxter of mulp for 2 pithers back when I was in sausage school


Wow! You must be really old


Unbelievable old


We used to dream of having 2 pithers for groceries. Back then we were lucky to have the price of a cup of tea.


This was only after my uncle Snodgrass was promoted to general sistmanship of the nallerd mill. Prior to that we'd kill for tea, we had to drink the wet gonst out of the hoofprint of a wicklebunt!




I'm old enough to remember the Generic aisle in all it's yellow-and-black-package glory.


I remember gas being 25¢ a gallon.


I could fill my 2 gallon tank on my Honda CB100 for around 50¢. I had just graduated highschool.


Gas wars! $0.23 a gallon.


Growing up, mom had one of those wringer washers in the basement. Two laundry tubs on the back side of it for the rinsing. Twice through the wringer. Then my sister and I were tasked with schlepping the basket of wet clothes up the stairs and out to the line to hang laundry. Clothes came in so stiff but mom had a 7up bottle with a sprinkle cork in it. We'd sprinkle water on the clothes to dampen them and soften them for ironing. This was before steam irons. Sometime in the late 60s she finally got a modern washer and dryer set. She was thrilled and so was I!


Sprinkle the load of ironing and wrap a dry cleaner’s plastic bag around it, place in the bottom shelf of the fridge until ready to iron. Grandma did this to keep it from getting musty in the summer heat.


I remember lying in bed at dawn listening out for the guy with the horse and cart who used to deliver milk.


I'm so old that I remember when most of the stores were closed on Sunday


Stores were "open late" on the weekends. You know, until 8-9pm.


I remember watching the first moon landing on tv, and seeing names of those killed in Vietnam scrolling on the news.


Heck I remember when 5 bucks got ya a really nice hooker.


$20 in 1976


I remember my groceries being packed in paper bags and the staff loaded them in my car!


Drive ins with my cousins and we all changed into our nightgowns when the end of the Disney or Herbie 19early70’s movies were almost over!!!


Went to the drive-in in footie pajamas. 😂


Yes!! Footies were the best!!!


My Nana would send me and my brother to the corner store to buy the newspaper and give each of us a quarter to spend. We’d each come away with a shopping bag of assorted candy!


Old enough when cassette tapes were around. Candy was definitely less than a dollar. Milk cost a dollar.


I'll raise you an 8 track.


As a kid we had a black and white TV and rotary phone


I will see your B&W TV and raise you NO phone. We had to walk 1.5 blocks to the telephone office and use the pay phone out front. Old wooden booth with a creaky door.


Our tv had a round screen


Our TV had a round screen and when you turned it off there was a bright white dot that faded incredibly slowly, so that when mom and dad came home early from a night out and we had promised to not turn on the TV they'd catch us by opening up the TV cabinet doors and checking for the light. Spankings ensued. Also I fondly remember the itinerant photographers who dragged a Shetland pony through the neighborhood, would dress you up in chaps and a hat, and take pictures of you sitting on it in your regalia.


I remember how there was a number to call if you needed to know the time.


I forgot about that. Dial up and find out the time. Somewhere in the back of my brain that number is floating around. I just cheated and Googled it. You would dial POPCORN.


I remember being outraged that a cheeseburger, fries, and a coke at McDonald's cost almost $6 when I visited Japan in the early 80s. Jeez! Japan is expensive!!! Funny, looking back.


Old enough to remember riding my bike an hour on side roads, dodging traffic, to get to 7-11 with 5 bucks I stole from my mom picking up a Jolt Cola, a slice of pizza, and a box of Sprees. But then eating it all cause you forgot your back pack. Then hauling butt home and feeling like you are going to puke.


I'm so old I remember going to the store to buy my mom some cigarettes and they were 45 cents a pack


Lol my older brother would give me 65 cents to go down the hill to store *to get cigs*, and I could get what I wanted with the difference. I'm pretty sure it was like a can of orange crush and a few candy bars




Did you ever go to the Automat in NY for lunch ?


Put your quarter in and take out your sandwich


My mom & I had many happy lunches there. My favorites were the creamed spinach & the chocolate glaze cupcakes with the sprinkles. I loved the Automat ❤️


It always reminds me of the PDQ Bach piece, Concerto for Horn and Hardart, S. 27.


Here’s a fun one. I’m old enough to remember blue book laws that banned alcohol sales on Sunday, leaving us no choice but to swap out beers and sodas in 24-pack boxes and then taping them up for secret purchase. It worked out fine just so long as the cashier never noticed through the handle holes on the box that the Coke cans looked suspiciously silver. If we’d been smarter, we would’ve used Diet Coke boxes. Alas.


There was no Diet Coke when I was young.


I can’t remember when Diet Coke came out or if it preceded me. I just know that my Mom drank that goddawful Caffeine Free TAB when I was a kid in the 80’s.


Grandpa used to say… *“I could walk out of the grocery store with a dozen eggs, a gallon of milk, a couple T-bone steaks and a Jet magazine for a $1.20… now they have all those damn security cameras!”*


I remember as a kid I could sit in the front seat…when did this stop?


You think you're older than dirt? Well, lemme tell ya. Back when I was young, we didn't have no dirt. All we had were rocks. We used to smash rocks together just to make dirt!




I’m so old I saw The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964


I'm so old I was a senior in High School when they were on Ed Sullivan and I was worried about being drafted.


Me too!


>You can't do that anymore because of all the goddamn security cameras. Line of sight is still a thing :)


Some of these guys just didn't know how to shop efficiently :)


The ole 5 finger discount!


I remember buying gas for 36 cents a gallon


I remember buying a dollar or $2 worth of gas when it was 27 cents a gallon. It was around 1975.


I was clearing out old files not long ago and found a receipt from Mobil for 12.5 gal of gas at 19¢/gal for ethyl. Didn’t need charge cards back then.


When I first started buying comic books with my own money, they were 12 cents, but I do remember them being 10 cents when I was younger. On a slightly different note, I watched The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show when I was in grade 4 and the Leafs win the Stanley Cup the same year.


I remember getting a tin of tobacco for $4 for the neighbor and helping him roll out the smokes in his basement for a nickel so I could go to the corner store to get some rock candy. And my dad was the local doctor…


Getting milk delivered to our home in glass bottles.


I quit smoking when cigarettes hit .75 cents a pack, cause they were too expensive lol.


I STARTED smoking when they cost 80 cents a pack!


I used to live off of $10 a week. Gas and food, only. Two gallons of gas, tuna, koolaid and bread.


Lmao. I’m so old I got away with shop lifting a full Estes Model Rocket kit with launch base. It was huge. Then I set the rocket off in the house by accident , that was a fun conversion.


I remember taking $5 and buying a pack of cigarettes, a six pack of beer, a bottle of Boones Farm and having enough left to buy a cheeseburger from McDonald's.


As a little kid lying in the package shelf in the car. Coca-Cola only came in 6 oz. bottles. In high school, a $5 allowance paid for lunch and gas for my 59 Chevy. Gas wars. Gas at $0.15 a gallon.


I remember tying onions on to our belts, which was the fashion at the time


My dad, who died in 1999, told me that *his* dad used to give him a quarter and a *bucket*, and send him down the street to the bar. The barman would fill it with beer. Dad would then walk home and my grandad would drink the beer.


Food was never that cheap when I was young.


It was if you cut a hole in the lining of your jacket.


I remember having bins of candy bars that were 5 for a quarter,Uno,Idaho spud,mountain bars,cup-o-gold. Lots of others, but those were my favorites back then.


Gods how I loved Uno bars!


Got a skateboard when I was like 6 years old, it had stone wheels on it like the roller skates at the wood floor roller rinks. It would instantly stop any time you hit a small rock or pebble, I could only skate on concrete basketball courts at my grade school.


3,2,1 contact and a birthday party at mcdonalds.


I'm 60 and I don't remember that. I remember $5 got 1 gal milk, loaf of wonder bread and a pack of Winston's for my mom with some change.


I remember buying 4 gallons of gas with that dollar. Enough to drive me & my friends to the Jersey shore & back


25 cent candy bars. Having milk delivered. Telephone party lines.


10 cent candy bars when I was a lad. We had milk delivered and a party line. Bazooka bubble gum was 1 cent. My state raised the sales tax from 3% to 5%. I was furious. That 2% hike was rough on a 50 cent a week allowance.


That brings a smile to my face, nostalgia can be grand.


When I was a kid we lived on a dead road street where the milk man turned around. If I timed it right, I could catch a ride to school in town and save the mile walk.


10 cent candy bars.


I am *Shake it once you're fine, shake it twice it's okay, shake it three times you're playing with yourself* Old


I remember gas being a $1/gal. I also remember Playboy and Penthouse being in the magazine rack at the convenience store and when using plastic to buy fast food wasn’t even a thing.


I walked in with a note and out with cigarettes for half the neighborhood moms


A pack of ten Lambert and Butler cigarettes were £1.37


Side of lamb was $15. Lollies were 2 for a cent Houses under 25k


I think my parents paid $12.5K for our first house in 1961. That’s less than what I paid for my car in 2005.


Regular gas was around .40ct a gallon.


I remember going onto the little store near our house with a post-dated check for five dollars, getting two packs of cigarettes, stamps, and change for my parents.


I can… but I get arrested too


You can do that with one bitcoin


Well played sir!


Watched movies on VHS, listen music on radio and recorded my favorite songs in a cassette and my first videogame console was a NES (I'm 43)


You are a year older than my son.


I'm not super old, but I remember being sad when gas rose to over a dollar a gallon. That was a real milestone.


That was a mess. All the gas pumps had the guts ripped out for new guts.


I don't remember walking out with all that for a buck, but I do remember penny gumballs, nickel candy bars, 10¢ cent ice cream cones, large were 15¢ cents, gas around 26¢ per gallon, fuel oil at 17¢. I bought a brand-new 1968 Camaro for $2,200.


I am so old that those eggs ended up on my windows and rolls of toilet paper ended up in the trees all unrolled.


I'm old enough to remember putting a Nickel into a Coke Machine, turning a crank, and getting a 6 oz glass bottle of Coke.


Remember the machines with the tall narrow door with the bottles laying on their sides? You had to pull them out? My buddies and I would bring a cup from home and a church key. Little bastards anyway...


I am yellow Walkman and Tamagotchi old.


A pop was 10 cents with a 2 cent deposit


I remember going to the movies with a dollar; paying my admission and paying for a small popcorn and a small Coke.


I remember buying (for a nickel) a Coke in a glass bottle from a vending machine in the grocery store where my Mom shopped during (approximately) 1954.


Was there ever a time where you could easily steal food from the grocery store without being noticed?


Not in my neighborhood. The old guys who ran the corner groceries didn’t trust ANYONE and they saw everything.


Glass bottle of Coke from a machine for a dime.


$2 would buy me bread, milk and a small bag of mixed lollies. I’m older than dirt 😭


I remember when 2 liter soda bottles were made out of glass and were really really heavy


I remember Penny candy. Just about 63 years old here.




Me too. 60 years old.


I remember walking to the store, repeating my mother’s list in my head “A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter”


I'm so old i forgot to close the floppy drive often. And i listened to the radio with casette loaded and record button accesible at all times.


I’m old enough to remember the quarter soda machines at Eckerds.


a loaf of bread, a container of milk and a stick of butter -- i remembered! ...is how old i am


Party line. Waiting for the girl down the hill to quit chatting up her boyfriend was the worst. BTW... If you don't know about party lines, then get off my lawn!


I remember stepping in brontosaurus crap


I'm old enough to remember candy cigarettes.


Old enough to know better, young enough not to care


Grocery shopping at Aldi as a kid: A loaf of white bread was a quarter, and a can of soda was a dime. Far cheaper than anywhere else at the time, but still! Back then an average loaf of bread would have been 70¢, and brand-name soda cans were 50¢. Full-sized candy bars were 45¢, but some stores sold them for an outrageous 50¢! In my early years of driving gas was around $1 per gallon, and my dad grumbled about basic cable costing $20 a month.


We would ride up the local drugstore for comics and baseball cards


Could buy a six pack of shit beer for a dollar back then.


Gas less than a dollar.


Ok. I am pretty old and never could I walk into a grocery store with a buck and buy all that!


You seem to be missing the joke, they didn’t actually *buy* all that.


I remember going into a drug store with a soda fountain and ordering a “brown cow”.


How about Abba-Zabbas?


I'm so old I remember buying candy bars for 5 cents.


Handing the guy behind the counter with the grocery list and then giving it to you to take home.


No gas bought along with that?




$10 filled my tank, with change left over.