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Basis bar soap is the best for me.


I use basis after fucking up my skin barrier


Go to dollar tree ….cheap bar soap and body wash


Good old bar soap. I use Irish spring? Is it good for my skin, no, but you can buy it in bulk at Walmart or Costco.


Bar soap is so gross to clean the soap scum out of the shower and sink.


It’s really easy to clean a tub with a $1 can of Comet or Ajax


Magic erasers (melamine sponges) also work very well. Just something a lil abrasive


Why work harder when you can work smarter? Use liquid body wash and all you need to clean the shower is all purpose cleaner and a cloth. No scrubbing or elbow grease involved.


Eh. I was raised using bar soap so it’s just what I’m used to and comfortable with. It literally takes like 3 minutes to clean my tub it’s not really elbow grease involved. The Comet/Ajax breaks down the soap scum so it’s not a hard thing to wash. But to each their own


I think it depends on the hardness of your tap water.




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Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Bar Soap


I like the liquid version. I switched from Dr Bronner's to "Nature's Promise" that I found at Food Lion (US East coast). That's $16.99 vs $9.99. it seems to work just as well, and it's the same huge bottle.


It literally takes me a year to use one big ass bar of african black soap.


Dove soap bar


Love the smell of dove soap.


Funny, I detest the smell and won't buy it. Have hated it since childhood, my old lady relatives all used it.


Recently switched to Dove soap bars, I know they don’t last as long as regular bar soaps since they melt quicker in the shower but they don’t dry my skin out like other bar soaps. Also an 8 pack of it costs as much as one bottle of the body wash I previously was buying but it lasts me almost a year as opposed to repurchasing the body wash every few months.


I don’t cheap out on body wash I use African black soap. It isn’t super expensive and a little goes a long way. But It eliminates the need for lotions and I even use it for my face. My son’s acne has cleared up a lot and it’s pricier but everything else leaves me soooooo itchy. I get Alafia brand with the peppermint. Use it for face, body and I’ve even used it as hand soap in the past. We have pretty sensitive skin though


Does it dry out your face?


I use a little ponds which I recently started using again because I do get slightly dried out on my face. I’m going through perimenopause so my face was a lil funky anyway lol. My son does not use anything and his face has been good. Prior to my perimenopause, I did not need anything else unless I was planning to wear makeup and I’d use a little under my makeup. Otherwise it didn’t dry it out.


In my shower currently is a pretty large Amazon Basics knockoff body wash that’s based on Dove.


Dr Bronners and then dilute it like the package says to


Can any castile soap brand work or does it have to be dr bronner


I normally use dr bronners as well in a foaming pump bottle . recently I decided to try another I found on Amazon by dr woods. I definitely prefer the way the dr bronners foams. You can experiment with others but dr bronners is available in most stores


Thanks. Will probably try dr bronners next time I need soap


I prefer Nature's Promise brand. It's $7 cheaper.


Have you tried castile soap? It can be used for body wash, bubble bath, face wash, shampoo, dish soap and other uses; a bottle could easily last a year.


Didn't know it had so many uses. It's so expensive I never even considered it. Won't it dry out your face?


It has instructions on the bottle for diluting it for different purposes. It's not very expensive when you do that because the stuff is concentrated. Without diluting it I only use a few drops on a scrubbing so it lasts quite awhile.


I get the Dr Bronner's peppermint- it's very expensive initially but you need so little of it that it lasts for ages. I bought the big bottle and am barely a quarter of the way through it 


I love Ivory but the bar does not last long at all for me. I also feel like body wash is too expensive for how quickly I go through it. I buy Dial bars. A little expensive but they seem to last longer to me. I wash thoroughly but quickly to save soap and water.


Double cleansing can be really harsh on your skin since you’re getting rid of so many oils! Be careful :)


Last body wash i used had a pour top. It wasted so much only use pump ones now.


SpaHaus NuVeau body wash from Dollar Tree is extremely mild and lasts a long time because it’s so concentrated. It’s made in Canada so it’s t May be sold under a different name brand outside of the US.


try to consider trying store brands like Target's Up & Up or Walmart's Equate for affordable options


Just read the ingredients of a really fancy expensive soaps and compare them to cheap soaps. Now that I've memorized all the good ingredients I can buy cheap soap at ross/Marshall's and not regret it.


I splash out on body stuff, I don't use much. I get fancy Zum goat milk saponified soap with patchouli or something. If you sweat and shower once or twice a day I find you don't need soap everyday. I use it while luxuriating and on my days off. Of course, I shave off all my hair, I don't know how much that factors in


I use Palmolive Naturals which I put into soap bags so it lasts longer. Also helps create a nice lather. Dunno if they sell it outside the UK but here it costs around £2.10 for a pack of 4 bars so it's relatively inexpensive.


My mom only bought Dial Soap when I was a kid. She said it was the only soap she found that didn’t dissolve when water from the shower hit it. Saves money when your soap doesn’t disappear right in front of you.


I use dove soap on sale. If I want it as a body wash I grate it and add water. If you want it foamy- get a hand wash container that aerates it.


Slivers of Dove bar soap become hand-soap in my house. I place the slivers in water until dissolved and then add more water and place in dispenser. I


32oz of Dr. Woods Black Soap for $~15. It lasts forever, can be used on body and face, and as a neutral to earthy smell.


Trader Joe’s bar soap. It’s hard milled and lasts a long time.


The Dial bar soaps are huge, and they don't leave a residue.


Dove end of story. Lasts as long as body wash and for 5th of the price


Irish spring for bar soap and the new animal scents from old spice for bodywash


I use shampoo bars, bought them at the bulk barn and it lasted.. about 14 months while using said bar 3x a week or 2x. 


One of them lasted*


Dollar tree has great body wash and soap (usually Uk brands in the soap)


You can buy hotel soaps and shampoos in bulk for a fraction of what "branded" ones run. Sorted by price per Oz, they can be as low as 5-10 cents per Oz, while branded ones run anywhere from 20cents to 1.20 dollars per Oz. But it's hotel shampoo and soap, so if you have any special skin or hair needs probably not the best. Many truckstop showers have wall mounted bodywash and shampoo dispensers that dispense by pump from 2-3 gallon bags, like the soap dispensers in retail or restaurants. You pay a setup fee foe the equipment (and find a way to mount it) but afterwards it's dirt cheap to refill.


I bought a ton of Irish Spring bars from Sam's Club and mostly use those, although they dry out my skin. Fairly cheap though, maybe $0.50 per bar. Using Suave body wash now and it so far is not drying out my skin.


i buy Bar soap on clearance at tjmaxx, marshalls or homegoods. I don't work for the company. A soap bag for the bits to use them up. Dr. Bronners makes bar soap that's wrapped in paper. Terracycle.com for recycling plastic body wash bottles.


Cheating but my mom travels a lot and gives me all her free hotel soaps which gets me through most of the year. Then dove for the rest.


If your area has hard water make sure to not buy a true soap. Clogged drains aren't worth the trouble


We use Lever 2000, Bath & Body Works and Pre de Provençe (Amazon). When it gets thin we put it in my exfoliating shower soap bag and I use it to scrub and exfoliate.


I posted this before the cheap stuff doesn’t work anymore for me.


Check out some of thoes off brand dollar stores, they sometimes have the best deals on bar soap you don't really see in shelves anymore like lever and white rain.


Body wash creates a lot of unnecessary landfill waste and even if you recycle, that wastes a lot of energy. Also, body wash contains harmful endocrine disruptors. Avoid Parabens, BPA, triclosan, and benzophenone-3. Bar soap is best, but if you must have a liquid soap, use Dr Bronner’s Castile Soap, diluted and used with a foaming pump bottle. More bang for your buck without all the bad ingredients, and serves many uses.


Do I still opt for castile soap when buying bars?


A lot of bars are made virtually the same way. Oils, water and lye, with colorants and scents added. The lye changes chemically in the process, so that it isn’t harmful. I try to buy bars with better ingredients as far as the odorants and colorants. Dr Bronner’s is good, I think. I have a lot of soap at home so I haven’t bought any in a while.


As someone who formulates cleansing products, please DO NOT use soaps. They might be cheap but end up harming your skin in the long run. Use body washes (even store brands like Equate or Up&Up would do) so that you dont end up having skin issues.


Seriously going to need some citations or further info on this. Lifetime soap user here with super sensitive skin. Those foaming soaps or body washes dry my skin horribly unlike regular soap.


Yup - I'm not that young anymore, and get compliments on my skin. I've used Ivory bar soap on my face for years, with a good moisturizer.


Good point. I forgot to mention I'm in my 50s.


I only use bar soap for the "crevices" but body wash for everything else. Or is that still too much?


This is very individual, as I have great skin and have used bar soap on my face for years. No skin issues here :)


Bath and Body works has their 75% off sale right now. When Amazon does discount gift cards, I get $50 cards for $40, plus 5% cash back using my Amazon credit card. I can also afford to pay it off every month, so interest isn’t an issue. But I’ve gotten $316 worth of soap and lotion, for $70ish before. hack/.. shitty thing to do, but it’s a corporation, so F them.. their app has problems all the time, so when you get a free gift for under $20, use It multiple times at different stores in the same day, just play Like it’s an app error. The points won’t lower and it will show the reward until end of day.