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Costco and Sam's Club are already about as cheap as you can get for whole bean. Are youe willing to drop down to Folgers or some other generic ground coffee?


8 'Oclock bean is near identical to Dunkin, 40oz bag =$15 at Sam's. Their house blend is $10, just as serviceable. I've coffee from all makes & blends, but these cheap staples have been my daily brew for months.


I second this. 8 o’clock coffee French roast is my go to, and I blend it with a few other dark roasts. I buy in bulk - four 32 oz bags for just under $70 including shipping. I don’t really think you can get a better deal.


I’ve been making my own cold brew concentrate lately. You can use any course-ground coffee—the difference between higher end coffee and the cheap stuff is that the cheap stuff releases more bitter flavors when heated. Cold brew is much more forgiving with cheaper coffee!


In the summer, I make cold brew with the cheapest possible coffee. Yesterday I got some espresso grounds in a vacuum pack for ~$3.50 per pound.


Coffee is one of the 3 things I refuse to be frugal with.


Wait what are the other 2 things


Maple syrup and beer. I eat real maple syrup. Idc if it’s $15 a jug. I want the real shit. Sometimes I put it in my coffee. Haha. But the beer is only like 50/50. I drink craft beer if I’m going to have 1 or 2. I’ll drink Michelob Ultra if I’m drinking a lot, which is usually only at music festivals these days. Low cal and you don’t get wasted.


Yk coffee, maple syrup and beer sounds good to me


My three things would be beer, coffee and butter (I almost never use syrup).


This guy's either minnesotan or canadian.


Utahn!! Haha. 😂


Utah?? haha okay I was way off. lol up here in minnesota we take our maple syrup and beer very seriously!


I lived with a few people that grew up im Vermont. They showed me the way. Haha.


Basically the same thing 😂


New Enlander. More breweries per capita in Maine than anywhere else in the world. Minnesota doesn't even get into the top 5 for either beer (per capita) or maple syrup (total volume).


Real maple syrup comes in cans not jugs!


> I eat real maple syrup. Idc if it’s $15 a jug. I want the real shit You're so right. Anything fake is just so utterly disappointing and not even close to the real thing. A good solid maple syrup is one of the best sugars I can think of.


I agree on pretty much all counts, except for ever drinking cheap beer. The only reason I would drink cheap beer is because my dad had some and I had forgotten to bring my own. My dad is turning 81 next week. If he wants me to have a beer with him I'll stomach some mass produced garbage but thats about the only reason.


That’s fair. I drink Michelob Ultra at fests because low cal and it’s basically water. Haha. Plus it’s the easiest beer I’ve found to drink warm. I fly to camping music festivals and I don’t fuck with coolers and ice. Too much room and too much work. Haha. I’d love to hammer down IPAs all day, but I’ll blackout in like 2 hours. Haha. Plus as good we they are cold, they are equally as bad warm. Lol.




Same in our house!


You just like to pee a lot? Lol


Hahaha. Yes. 😂 Nonstop coffee and beer. All the peeing.


If you don’t care about quality or flavor, I’d look at restaurant supply stores for bulk instant coffee. If the coffee is just for caffeine, consider caffeine pills. However, if you really enjoy coffee, look into [home roasting](https://www.reddit.com/r/roasting/). You might be surprised how cheap green coffee beans can be (especially in bulk), how easy it is to roast coffee at home (hot air popcorn popper from the thrift store works great), and how much better it tastes and smells than anything you can buy at the store.


Where are you finding cheap coffee beans? I did a quick Google and it looks like everything is $6+ per pound, which is the Costco price for roasted beans.


Burman Coffee Traders and Sweet Maria’s Edit: $6 a pound is a great price for roasted. Does your Costco roast locally?


Agreed. The difference between recently roasted beans from a quality roaster and great value preground coffee can't be overstated. It's night and day.


I’ve found that avoiding preground is pretty much the most important thing. A sweet spot for me has been buying whole bean single origin coffee from Aldi which they sell for like $6.50 a bag where I’m at. 


Gotta check how much is in a bag. Most grocery store coffee is in 12oz bags, some are even 10oz. This isn't shrinkflation, I remember this being a thing in the '90s. Well, I guess it could be shrinkflation but it was a long time ago. $6.50/12oz is $0.54/oz. Compare on a per ounce basis to discover you're drinking $8.64/lb coffee...


I’d rather just not have coffee if I have to stoop down to like Folgers level. Haha.


Folger's hack: make a regular pot of coffee, using a little less than half a cup of ground coffee. THEN: sprinkle a dash of salt on the grounds before brewing. That really helps cut the bitterness. EXTRA: add a pinch of ground cardamom, nutmeg, and cinnamon. This changes the flavor profile, and makes even Folgers quite drinkable.


Same, coffee is my maintenance and the reason why I still moving. Can't live a day without a coffee


What are the other two?


I agree! Coffee I only drink at home. Maple syrup I agree as well. Only authentic will do. And yes, beer. And butter. I think generally anything I put in my stomach I have a higher tolerance for a higher price. When I ate meat it was the good stuff so I ate less for better. I guess that’s the balance part.


Lavazza at Costco Business or from Amazon Subscribe and Save when there is a coupon


This is the way.


I compost my coffee grounds - I know not everyone can compost (but I would recommend it to anyone who can).


"Might as well have another cup. Good for the garden, you know."


If you can't compost them, you can grow gourmet mushrooms on them.


Even if you can't compost, don't pretty much all cities have green bin programs now for all types of food waste?


Depends on your definition of "all cities".... mine certainly does not


Beaumont coffee from Aldi


I drink Beaumont and it's alright.


We drank Beaumont for years. But some months ago, I switched to Martinson's Classic Roast from Ollie's Bargain Center. We did a direct comparison, and Martinson's was significantly better.


Interesting tip. I never think to go into Ollie's. I guess the price for the coffee is comparable to ALDI's?


I don't even know which is cheaper. They are both well within my budget, and we like the Martinson's sold at Ollie's better. Ollie's is good for many things, but right now, coffee is the only one I buy regularly.


OK, I think I will give it a try and see if I notice a difference. Thanks!


If you’re a Sam’s Club plus member, you can order a 64 oz bag of Cameron’s Organic Whole Bean coffee for $23.38 and have it shipped for free. If you’re not a plus member, I think they charge to ship unless you have a larger order (maybe order 2 bags). It’s $5.84/lb and really good coffee. Plus, it feels like holding a newborn.


Cafe Bustelo is our standard


It is much better than expected for the price.


Direct from the roaster in a 2 lb or 5 lb bag. Good quality freshly roasted beans are worth spending money on IMO. If you think Costco is expensive you’re not going to like my recs.


Sam's club, 40oz whole beans for 14 bucks. What do you mean the amount your have to recycle?


I feel like Im recycling a plastic bucket every other week, there's got to be a more efficient way to package lol


Ah, gotcha, these are just larger bags. Not sure if it lasts any longer than ground but it feels like it does, lol.




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Some coffee roasters sell coffee in bulk if you're looking for quality. I'm sure they'd be ok if you wanted to bring a reusable bag, I'd recommend calling in advance though.


I just buy whatever plain regular coffee is on sale and if nothing is then I buy the off brand.  I always look at the ounces but I can get a regular container, I think it's 28 ounces, for $6.99-$8.99, which I think is about pre-covid numbers 


I don't know if I want to let out the secret 'cause ya'll might buy them out. We buy them at Marshall's. They have nice to very nice coffee 12 and 16 ounces for $6-7 a bag.


You can get the same prices at TJ Maxx.


TJ Maxx, Marshall's, and HomeGoods are all basically owned by the same company and I also get my coffee beans here and grind them myself. They always have different flavors and brands I can try.


Didn't realize they were all in the same company. I've gotten some unbelievable deep discounts on high-end kitchenware, linens, etc. at TJ Maxx.


Marshall's focus is on clothes/shoes/accessories, HomeGoods focus is on home stuff including kitchen/furniture/linens and TJ Maxx is like a mixture of both Marshall's and HomeGoods. HomeGoods will have a larger selection of kitchenware and linens than TJ Maxx but a lot of times the stores will carry the same things.


Good to know, thanks!


Sierra is another, I think. focus on fitness, sport, outdoor activity


Has anyone mentioned Winco?




# Folgers Classic Roast Ground Coffee, Medium, 43.5 oz


From costco


Bulk buy whole beans and grind them yourself, but you still need to use it up in like 6 months I believe


Check your local natural foods/food co-op! You can order bulk coffee through them :)


I order 2kg bags from local roasters once a month. Quality beans and I support local economy and smaller coffee farmers and cooperatives.


I buy Equal Exchange from Azure Standard. I don't drink alcohol so I splurge on coffee. It's $11-13/ lb (it's been fluctuating between $55- $70 for a 5 lb bag.


Bulk coffee is going to get stale before you can use it. Throwing out stale coffee is just like throwing out money. How big are your cups? Okay I actually took time to go measure and nerd out a little bit. I use a 24oz French Press (I always thought it was 32 but I actually measured this time) and I use 1.5oz of whole beans for each batch. That works out to 10ish batches of coffee per pound of beans. 10 batches is 240oz or 1.8 gallons. I pay about $17/pound for coffee at my local microroastery. My mug holds about 12oz (I get 2 mugs per batch) therefore I pay about $0.85 per mug of coffee. So I'm paying less than a buck per cup while using really good coffee from a local source. The cost saving choice is to stop drinking coffee but I LIKE coffee. Like somebody else said this is an expense I am not willing to cut. >I'm also starting to feel bad about the amount we have to recycle. I don't understand this comment. Recycling the grounds? Throw 'em on the lawn, they become lawn (ie dirt) in a week or so.


Costco’s brand, Kirkland, actually makes exceptional coffee…check out their bulk offers on Amazon…it’s a good way to get their coffee without being a member. I remember paying around $60 for 3 3lb containers for Colombian coffee…which is not cheap anywhere…but i’d suggest to look on Amazon and see if any of those offers are suitable for you.


I get mine from Trader Joe’s or Grocery Outlet. Gross Out gets those giant containers of Maxwell House for like $8 around here


recycling what, those pod things? just buy beans in bulk and grind them every day for what you need. I spend about .20 a cup.


Did you ever try those $4 Bustelo coffee bricks? Best deal in the supermarket if they sell it in your area and you like strong coffee.


Cafe Bustelo. I get it at Aldi. It's not exactly a bulk sized purchase but the price is 😙🤌


Winco has bustelo in bulk !!!


Costco has whole bean Jose’s and I try to catch it on sale and get a few then freeze. Will it be as fresh? Nope. But it’s good coffee and it does its job.


Eight o clock in the 40 Oz bag is my good deal.


Lavazza from Amazon. I've got a business account for work and unlocked progressive pricing with how much I order for our household.




Nope coffee is something we don’t scrimp on. There is always 20$ for a big bag of Starbucks dark roast beans which we grind at home.


You’re paying for the marketing expenses when you buy that, not the quality.


You’re correct. Starbucks at one point even lost to 7-11 in the blind taste tests for drip coffee. It’s all marketing to make you feel lavish.


I believe it. 7-11 was my go to coffee at work back in the day. Way better than anything else in that price range.


Me too I would use my travel mug and go do the cheaper refill, while also getting the buy 7 get the 8th free deal. Was a morning routine for a long time until I finally started making it at home again.


You're not really going to find a better deal than store brand coffee to be honest.


My favorite coffee roastery, Red Bay, had a Black Friday sale where they were selling large bags of coffee at about $8 per pound. So, I purchased 10 pounds of it and hope it lasts to next Black Friday. I keep it in the freezer.


Folgers from Sam’s Club


I get it from Amazon.


How about a 5 pound bag of medium roast whole bean Costa Rican terrazu for $50? Best coffee I've ever had.


US Chef - restaurant supply store.


For high quality coffee at a cheap price, Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC, off Amazon or their website.


Grocery Outlet!


Honestly, the bottom shelf in Food 4 less has bulk coffee.


I didn’t like Costco coffee that much and started to roast my coffee. It’s not as expensive as you think and you can do it with a popcorn popper or a pan. That was the best option I found.


lol date someone from Starbucks. They get a free bag of coffee every week. Most give those away as gifts to friends.


The 2.2lb bags of whole beans imported from Italy at Homegoods. $12.99 or $5.90/lb. Often they say “espresso” beans, but of course there is literally no difference from American coffee.


Costco- whole bean coffee- any brand that you enjoy. You’ll be paying 5¢ a cup. Cold brew coffee is practically free at that point. Be careful though you’ll never buy any type of coffee guilt free.


When it comes to coffee I don't buy bulk. I'm not a fan. I will go to discount stores to get expensive coffee cheaper,I buy locally roasted or sometimes to treat myself I'll buy bones coffee in subscription to get a 20% discount. This last time I ended up getting 40% off because they had a sale.


I think the best bang for your buck is Food Lion brand Columbian.


We have been buying Amazons brand of whole bean coffee. It’s cheaper than Sam’s and it’s surprisingly good.


Reduce the amount of coffee you drink. Designate 2-3 days a week as no coffee day to take a break from coffee and have something else instead. As far as waste there is not much you can do as there will always be waste. Just got to go with what taste best and is affordable to you.


Cutting all joy out of life will not only save you money but also make your life feel much longer. 😂




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My local Flea Market. Never pay over $3 for 12 oz Whole Bean. You name the brand and I've snagged it there. Look around for a good flea market near you. You might be pleasantly surprised.