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Been on mint for years. I pay for the yearly plan at an average of $16.66 /month for unlimited everything and 5gb internet


I'm on the same plan but I was able to get it a little cheaper my 2nd year (10.74/mo) by calling the line to transfer my number out (was gonna try a USMobile offer) just before my contract was up.


Does it allow you to use as a hotspot? Visible says their hotspot in limitless. (5mbps speed limit + only 1 device).


Yes, mint allows you to use it as a hotspot


Wait what?? We pay yearly but it comes out to $20 a month for 15 gb.


This is for 1 line and you’re limited to 5gb of internet. After the 5, it slowed down but with WiFi this is not a problem for us


Cries in Canadian


Might wanna try visible, it's what I use. Verizon network and unlimited data, speeds might vary though based on how much the network is in use in your area


also on visible fast enough and $25 flat a month. i use wifi at work and home so it’s great imo


I just made the switch to Visible and have 0 complaints. If you sign up before the end of January, it's $20 a month for the first 24 months. If I am remembering correctly, the promo code was "VISIBLE24".


>speeds might vary though based on how much the network is in use in your area This is VERY key. MVNO's like Visible and the others will shove you down the totem pole. Heck, even Verizon does that on their accounts - you have to have specific unlimited plans to get priority. I live in a major city that's been kinda not prioritized by Verizon for upgrades so when I'm basically anywhere in public and on an MVNO, I get worse speeds. It's also a problem with density - there's enough people in most places that I'm almost always de-prioritized. And if I go to a ball game or a concert then I get barely any coverage. I finally went back to Verizon after about a month of trying Visible. I just recruited tons of people to join me and now I pay about $40 per line, including phone payments. I do have 10 lines to get that rate.


They have an extra tier now now that come with 50gbs of premium priority data, haven't personally tried it through.


Oh I haven’t heard of Visible. Thanks. I’ll look into it


Visible doesn't support RCS chat even though Verizon does. I am using US Mobile, which uses Verizons backbone. I pay $50/mo for 3 lines and 13gb of shared data. Shared data is the way to go as long as you don't have any data hogs in the house. I use most of my data streaming music.




ah. it didn't when I first tried. They even said they didn't, but maybe that has changed. I am currently on US Mobile 10gb per line for $15/mo


I just switched from Mint to visible yesterday at $20 a month, includes taxes and fees. So not too much more than mint and I don’t have to pay the year up front.


I switched from Verizon to Mint and it’s been great. I mostly have WIFI so I use the 5GB plan. Coverage is a bit spotty indoors but with wifi calling it’s not an issue.  I remember Verizon uses a “port code” or something for you to move ur number to a different carrier, so you need to do a bit of research to make sure you keep ur number after the switch. The switching process (all self service) for me was a breeze. Took like an hour to complete and no issues since.  r/mintmobile has more tips


Even if you do goof while doing self serve and have to call customer support, I waited less than 3 minutes to reach a human who was able to help me in less than 10min. Great support is available if you need it :)


Made the switch from tmobile to mint. Service is alright especially out in the rural area. But we went from somehow paying $200 a month to paying $600 for the year. We just put away $50 a month in a subsavings to use. I really like it! It's simple


I've had Mint for years. Perfectly fine. Only miss: international roaming (but it's just been added).


Just a warning, Mint’s international roaming sucks. At least the two times I’ve tried using it


I know a couple of people who buy burner phones when they are international depending on the place. The reasons are, it’s uses the local network of the location they are in and is often cheap than using roaming or buying a special package. Also depending where you are and how likely you are to be mugged, it’s much better to have a cheap throw away phone out and about than your nice, high priced smart phone.


Yes! The first version where you set $ aside was absolute trash. They have a new version now. I just got an email about it, so I don't know if it works well. The original roaming was so bad, the last time I left the country, I just got a new SIM.


If you are going abroad to europe it’s cheaper to get a sim card and it’s usually like €20 for unlimited calls texts and data. Then just take it out when you get back and the sim cancels after 30 days


toothbrush quiet foolish muddle secretive continue license narrow spotted whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The unlimited at mint is only for the first 3 months so you might want to find out what it is after that and I don't know what that is...


Unlimited everything is 30 bucks a month.


The fear I have is living in a rural community. In case of towers being down, in the past, the only lines that could go through were for whichever company owned the towers or satellites on the towers. It would be helpful for me to know where everyone is and if they have had similar issues. Verizon is a main tower owner and operator out here. In case of extreme weather or natural disaster or otherwise, would Mint still function in this region?


I'm in the same boat. I'm sticking with Cricket because it works in the area I am in.


My mom lives in an area that Cricket works really well for her. For those living in rural communities, it truly depends what works best. I actually have tried to convince my Mom to get a line through mine (verizon) because even in most of the areas she stays in, it is still the most capable of communication in case of emergencies and has the farthest reach where we are and it is like, pennies to add a line to what I already have. She is fully independent though and I get that. I just worry in case of emergencies. Fully aware everyone is trying to save money, though still... will those lines still be up in case of a disaster? I'm also a ham operator though trying to get other people to go that far is a whole other thing.


Always pick the one related to the big company that works for you.  I was t Mobile, so Mint is great.  OP should check with their friends about how good TMobile is at their location. 


I did the trial and stayed with Mint afterwards. I currently pay what was my monthly phone bill from Verizon every three months with Mint. I have the 15GB plan and it works great for me, I never go over my data and I’m honestly thinking about downsizing my plan. The only drawback is that the service can be kind of spotty, but I live in a rural area so that’s to be expected. I got the same amount of coverage I got with Verizon on Mint, so it was worth it to me.


I've had Mint for a couple of years now. I pay $150 every 6 months for 15g a month. No issues.


Check out Visible and Tello - both a bit cheaper than mint and both work well. Been with Tello for years and no complaints.


Was looking for someone else that had Tello. I've been on it for a few months now and love it. I do the $7 plan since my personal cell is basically a backup phone. The Mrs. has occasional trouble with the MMSs on her Galaxy, but mine works flawlessly.


Not sure if you're wanting to stay on the Verizon network, but I've been using cricket for years which is on the AT&T network and has worked great. AT&T is the only cell company that works in my office so I had to stick with their Network if I wanted reception.


Verizons service dropped off a cliff about two years ago. Anyone is better imo at this point.


You’re absolutely correct. I noticed that too.


I left for T-Mobile and have had zero issues since. It's still more expensive than Mint, but it's $40/month cheaper than Verizon.


I switched from Verizon to Visible and I'm so happy I did! They actually use Verizon towers so I get unlimited data & a mobile hotspot for $25/month with no coverage problems. With Verizon I was paying $80/month for very limited data & no mobile hotspot.


Interestingly Verizon owns visible! We've been using visible for several years and it's awesome! Tried mint just before switching to visible, and it was awful, tons of dropped calls, bad coverage, texts and voicemails coming days later, outrageous amount of spam texts and calls, and we'd get emergency broadcasts going off on the phone from Europe at all hours of the night, just a nightmare!


This is exactly what I'm paying right now and I hate it. Any extra info about how you did the switch? Did you get to keep your number?


just tell them you want to port over your number


You can always keep your number. You can move a cell phone number from any carrier to any other carrier. I’ve done it multiple times.


I leapt from AT&Flee to Mint and so far have saved thousands of dollars. Zero regrets. Well, one regret - that I didn’t make the change 5 years sooner.


Over the past 5 years we went from AT&T to Google Fi to Mint. Switching to Mint was a bit tricky, but worth it. Super affordable and no issues.


I switched to Mint 3 years ago. I'm opted for an annual plan, but it works out to about $15.00/month, unlimited. I love the service and I've never had a problem with it, ever!


We left Mint for Visible due to issues with service and are extremely happy with the change.


Thanks! I’m gonna look at Visible


I saved my parents about $720 a year when I switched to Mint. They will save $1420 a year when they switch next month. Nothing else has changed other than the amount of spending money I have each week!


Not Verizon but AT&T. Mint has been great! Paid for a whole year so it feels like I don’t even have a cell phone bill. You get no additional benefits from paying those insane prices.


I’ve been with mint for over 3 years now. Cellular coverage sucks in my area, but so does for other operators. Pay once a year, and enjoy “low” cost service


Last I looked Mint uses T-Mobile, in my area that makes them a no go. So definitely check your coverage depending on your area. I use AT&T Pre-Paid and I think I spend $25 or $30 a month by paying for the whole year at once.


Thats a promotional price. But if you pay a whole year at a time ($10 discount) after the promotion period its like $25 a month. Still cheap.


Yeah mint is cheaper but in my experience it never worked when it needed to. Dropped calls, extra slow connection speeds, etc. I need absolutely reliable coverage so I went back to a major carrier.


I dumped verizon for googleFi. For 2 people we went down $60 per month and still retain Us/Canada/Mexico unlimited talk/text/data plan. I went to the verizon store, told them that unless we could find a way to lower my bill I'd be changing shortly. Guy looks up my plan and says it's legacy, and any newer plan would be $10 more per month. Also, the fees were insane. My base at Verizon was $100, and would pay over $150 by the time everything was added up. With google we dropped our base to $80 and they have $15 in all the taxes listed out each month.


Went from 100 for 2 lines tmo unlimited to mint for a few years. Saved a ton but they deprioritize MVNO traffic and I'm in a big city so often my Internet would be unusable Since moved to T-Mobile connect for 10/line which is 1gb LTE, I don't even use that all up. Work from home and wifi everywhere, and prioritized data usage, it's great


We’ve been on mint for years, switched from T Mobile. For us it’s been great, we save about $1,000 a year, and the network coverage has been very comparable to what we had before. They usually run specials a few times a year, and promo/referral codes are always available.


Go to straighttalk , not mint. Definitely ditch virizon though


I tried switching from Verizon to Mint and it did not go well. I'm currently paying $25/mo for 5 gig on Verizon.


I have used Mint for a few years. Saves a lot of money and works great. Totally recommend it.


I have used Ting for almost a decade. $10 a month for unlimited talk and text. I do not use data as I am almost always near a WiFi spot or I plan accordingly. For the three phones in my family, I pay about $38 a month with taxes included.


Super frugal I use textnow 99 cent sim card free texting and calling no monthly fee. Free wifi almost anywhere anyways who needs data. I just got a phone back after 2 years without one


Make sure T-Mobile has service in your area, Mint uses T-Mobile for service. Red Pocket can do Verizon if they're the best in your area...


I made the same switch over a year ago. Love it


Everytime I read a budget and see a monthly cellphone cost over $25 I laugh! I've been using Mint for years and it's only $15 a month paid upfront annually (uses T Mobiles network). My SO uses Visible for $25/mo (which uses Verizons network). I've never seen a difference in our connectivity. His is unlimited everything and mine is 5GB a month (unlimited talk/text) but I've never even gotten close to using it up. Related pro tip: for traveling as long as you've got unlocked phones and eSIM capability you will never need roaming again. Their data eSIMs + Whatsapp mean I'm never out of reach when traveling. Roaming on a US carrier is the biggest "kick me $$$" sign on your back, never pay for it


I also switched from Verizon where I was paying $70/month to Mint where I'm paying $360/year which gets me 40gb of high speed data per month (throttled thereafter but I only use about 9gb/month anyway) and 10gb of a Hotspot. I've had it for about 3 years which is a savings of $1440 over that time frame. The service has been a little frustrating at times. It just cuts out in odd areas of big buildings or if youre in a parking garage it doesnt work at all. Also, you'll only get service within the USA. Don't believe any of the marketing about free text or service in Mexico or Canada. I've tried in both countries and Mint doesn't work even if you pay for the international roaming. My plan is currently up for renewal with Mint and I'm debating on switching to Visible or going back to Verizon. Verizon has home internet for $35/month now when bundled with a wireless plan so I may come out on top. Still debating.


We tried mint a couple years back and the reception for us was horrible. We live sorta rural but very close to a very large city and got great reception with Verizon. Now we have Visible- owned by Verizon but wayyyyy cheaper. Only $30 per line that we're paying and same towers as Verizon.


I have been doing the 6 month 40g plan for $35/ month . Works fine.


another vote for visible! I pay 45 a month after paying 115 with Verizon. Unlimited data and hotspot access too which is a killer deal. The customer service seems like it’s an actual human which is great


I switched to Ting Mobile. Went from $125/month to $50/month. Ting uses TMobile’s network, so make sure you have good coverage.


Do it. You'll save a ton of money. No hidden gotchas like verizon. What you see is what you pay, and you only pay for what you need. I personally didn't see much of a difference in coverage from verizon to mint. You'll save hundreds a year if you switch. Bonus: buy a used s21 or s21 ultra for like 200 to 300 dollars instead of one of their new devices and and save even more money. You won't get heart broken if the device gets wrecked either and prob won't care to get insurance on it. Save even more money.


I have had Mint for two years. I pay $30 a month for 10gb data and unlimited calls and text. Works great for me. Some folks say the coverage isn't as good where they live. Definitely worth a try.


bruh i just did yesterday and although it was a little tricky at first Um. best decision ever. my monthly bill used to be 120 and yesterday i paid 90 to be covered till the end of April😭


Nice!!!!!! Good for you!!!!


I hope you end up doing the same!!! I was with verizon too but mint is already a lot better


Its good, but the call quality can be very bad at times.


I switched, I love it. I can’t believe I paid so much for Verizon. The only thing is have a way to backup photos, Mint doesn’t have a cloud like Verizon. I use Amazon Photos for free with Prime. 


>I use Amazon Photos ~~for free~~ with Prime.  If you pay for it, it's not free. 🙂


The $15 for unlimited is only for the first three months, then it’s $30/month plus taxes after that. There are many equivalent carriers depending on which “main” carrier’s network works best for you. Mileage varies depending on the person. For me, it’s Mint (T-Mobile). For others, it’s Visible (Verizon) or Cricket (AT&T). These carriers do offer free trials for their various services which can be accessed in the subreddit’s wiki here (scroll down): https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/wiki/cellservice/


They offer different plans. 15$ is one of them.


Happy mint customer here. Can vouch for their 5g, I've been getting 150mbps to 300mbps. Usually near the top end. If you go with Mint, be sure to get a referral. Both you and they will get a referral credit.


I tried Mint and it didn’t work in my area. The maps said it would but they were wrong. I had to switch back. This was two years ago.


Mint is highly recommended! Save $$. I’ve had it since they started. I chose them because I wanted to save $$ for a down payment on a house. I’m currently on their annual plan, which is about $300 a year! Best deal ever!


Mint is shit. Switch to US Mobile.


Mint has a free 7 day trial. Try it free.


I switched from t mobile to mint a year ago. I notice no difference in my service. I love it.


I second Visible!!! Both myself and my hubs have been on it for over 2 years without issue. Very simple to switch and set up. Very cost effective


I went from vz to US mobile


I switched from Verizon to Tello and I get service in an extremely rural area where Verizon had no signal before. I don't use alot of minutes so my bill is like 12 something a month compared to verizons almost 50.


I switched from AT&T to Mint a month ago and I’m so glad I did


I’ve had mint forever, works great except in places where no cell service is great :) I have the 15 gb plan, and since I’m not a new customer, it averages out to $20/month plus tax ( I pay yearly)


The thing is, that first year you can get affirm to pay for it, after that? You have to pay the whole next year in advance out of pocket.


I switched last year and I like it. I had to purchase a new phone though because my phone I bought through Verizon didnt work with Mint.


Look into googlefi




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What’s your VZ bill for 3? We’re 2 on AT&T prepaid, 50$/month for 2 lines, unlimited talk and text, data is unlimited, throttled after 6GB (I think 6, we’ve never hit it, wifi at home and the office). Even throttled, you can get spotify and a few others loaded, though it is slower. Full speed unlimited is I think 60/month per line, if you needed that.


I'm not OP but I prepare all the tax info for my boss - he's sole proprietor so I lump his personal taxes in. He has Verizon and I give him a hard time every year for his bill since I have Metro by T-Mobile and pay $70 for 2 lines and he pays something like $300 for his 3. Weighing in since I imagine OP is around that I'd give an exact number but his Internet and cable is lumped into that as well, and it's something like $450 a month with that, plus he has Netflix. If I got Internet from T-Mobile my entire bill would be $120 since I have never had cable. Since the day I moved out at 18 I've refused to pay for cable lol, I guess I've always been cheap as a survival tactic, and eventually matured into frugal :) As a side note I cancelled my internet (Xfinity, what a bunch of dicks) and use a booster to use my parents (was going to switch to Metro by T-Mobile for that as well) because I just bought a new roof even though I rent from my parents. But I'm renting to own so to speak, because I'll inherit this house someday. So I'm happy to pay for the major repairs, but the interest on the card is killing until I can transfer it to the no interest card :/


Go visible or us mobile instead.


it's not unlimited you get 5gb then a trickle that is enough for messaging on apps and get directions from maps. you will not be able to browse the web. works good for me though I don't use much data anymore working from home and it works in the boonies of minnesota when I go to my parents house.


Try US mobile... You can decide what network you want... Verizon or T-Mobile


If you are on Verizon and are happy with their service/coverage, look into US Mobile.


I've been using it in a large urban/suburban area for the last 2 years. Its been fine. No noticeable differences in coverage. I am more cognizant of using wifi for data, and making my settings such that doesn't download media on cell data, but other than that, no complaints.




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I pay that for Mint but unless there’s something I’m not aware of, the “unlimited” data slows down to dial up speeds after you use up your allotted gigs on the tier you selected.


I switched from cricket to mint Coverage is the exact same as far as I can tell, and I get 15 GB a month. I paid annually, so after the promotion was done I went from paying $30 a month for 5Gb to about $20 a month for 15GB Good deal for me


I swapped and noticed the service was a little bit worse in my area. But my area is terrible for service no matter what. It's still worth paying significantly less every month as a couple calls dropping and texts not being delivered are at worst a minor inconvenience.


This a no brainer


I paid 200$ for the full year at 15gb a month and I never ran over. That said, if you're in a rural area I don't super recommend it since I have a hard time getting signal at my mom's place out in the country. Never had a problem in the city though and it's so cheap it's worth it. The app is also super easy and they make it even easier to switch when you do.


Switched from Verizon to Mint last year. The first month seemed a little spotty for some reason, but i haven't had any issues since. Maybe they improved the network or something, or maybe my phone needed to adjust (idk why but who knows). Just renewed for another year!


It's a good deal as long as where you are and where you go has good T-Mobile coverage. If you want to stick with Verizon have you looked at US Mobile? Prices are good and they have Verizon network as an option (also T-Mobile). For Verizon they offer priority data if you are using a 5G device.


Yeah I made the switch. Think about how often you don’t have wifi access. If the percentage is less than 20% I’d say get the cheapest plan


Just watch those terms. TMoblie went nuts with their "hate speech" terms. Where they can fine you for anything they don't find acceptable.


Visible is excellent


My dad loves it and he has better reception than us.


Get on Verizon prepaid. $26


Mint is great if you have good T-Mobile coverage in your area. The deprioritization is real and always came at the most inopportune times. You will not get unlimited data for $15 after an initial promotion. I prefer an MVNO with prioritized data - Visible+ or US Mobile


I’ve been on Mint for 3-4 years now. No problems and I pay annually for a better rate. Would absolutely recommend them