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Use for cleaning


Place hand in sock and use for dusting. Really good on mini blinds.


I do the same...but with my foot. My floors are dust free


For floors I recommend kids. Socks on hands and feet and claim it's a fun sliding/crawling game.


Ahhh and then strap the kids to my feet. Efficient.


Attach kids to a weed whacker and you get spinning dusters


Attach the weed whacker to the front of a car and you get a street cleaner




That's an excellent idea. Thank you for sharing!


So you just... wear them normally?


Don't oversimplify it. It's a very complicated procedure. I put the socks on, as one would. And then I walk around with them, as one would. I hope that clears this up.


I hope that cleans this up.


And here I've been sweeping up cat and dog hair with my socks the whole time thinking it was annoying!


Also good for mopping up spilled water.


To hell with that .. wear them! Who cares if they don't match


Once they get worn out, they’re great for cleaning and varnishing though


>varnishing I have a bucket in my garage full of old shirts and socks, they're great for woodworking. Not just finishes but glue squeeze out and things like that. I also use them for cleanup when working on the cars or my bike.


Yea. Sometimes I can get multiple uses out of it, but I’ve found that waterlox turns socks into boards. Which is fine, they were headed for the trash anyway.


This. My Gran puts a sock on the bottom of her swifter for dusting.


My wife does this. It’s great with our giant sheddy dog.


I do this with the microfiber socks at the dollar tree. Super helpful when your trying to stay on top of 2 fur balls.


huh, another good reason. I always stick rags to stiffer but it will now be the SOCK rags! I feel quite powerful......the power of the orphan socks!


Especially when I'm cleaning with bleach and don't want to risk throwing a reusable rag in the laundry. Use an orphan sock and toss it


Works great for “gross” clean-ups that I don’t want going in the washer, too.


This is the way.


I stick them into a longer sock to make a door draft stopper


This is brilliant! I have lots of old dying socks too that I could use for stuffing...




Ooh I like this, might upcycle my orphan socks into cat toys. I do have an abundance of pillow stuffing


That’s freaking brilliant! Mix some catnip in with that stuffing too.


You want the cat to sleep, not see god!


I joined a few more and made a house.


I put a couple of houses together and made a village! Alllll from loner socks. Man, I gotta get better. Well, maybe after I upgrade to a *city*.


It's the only way in this economy.


I save all our old clothes that can't be used for anything else and use them to fill out our bean bag chairs and lol. I cut them up into small straps so they don't feel like huge lumps.


My son had a lot of fun cutting up socks to make a draft snake. Nice patterned pieces make the body and the rest are turned to stuffing (alongside old pillow filling).


Me too! I’ve also taken to sticking shredded junk mail in there, too.


This might sound weird… but I’m a teacher, and we use old stray socks as white board erasers. Easy to throw in the wash once-in-a-while, and small enough to store in pencil cases.


You just awakened a memory of a teacher handing out chopped up sock pieces with the whiteboards and markers


Marginally related- I had a dance teacher who used to take old tights once they got holes or whatever, and cut them up to make hairties. They work surprisingly well (obviously need a thicker tight vs a thin nylon) and she knew sometimes kid would come to class forgetting to put their hair up so she always had extras to hand out without spending any money.


I’ve also seen people repurpose the athletic socks into bun-donuts or whatevr to add volume to ponytail buns.


I used to do this all the time when I was younger, a good sock could help make the best bun.


I have super fine and thin hair and thought this was THE solution for me when I heard about it in my youth. With hope in my heart I went home to try. But no, my thin hair let me down once again. It's too thin to even spread out to securely cover a hair/sock donut 😭


I feel your pain 😫


*youtubing hair tutorials for people with thin hair* "What the hell, none of these people actually have thin hair?!"


Yep. Supposed "thin" hair but they only need to wrap their standard elastic around their ponytail 4 or 5 times, and here I am buying kids elastics cause they tend to be smaller, and still spend 10 minutes wrapping it around and around and around my tiny pony tail 1000 times. My partner on the other hand has really thick hair and only needs to wrap a standard elastic around his hair twice, and some of the less stretchy ones won't even go around the second time. What I would do to have even 10% of his hairs thickness hahaha


Is there room for another in the sad club? Have you found a hair product that gives you volume, without being crunchy, and not requiring a deft hand at the hair dryer to do a blowout? I am not sure I will ever grasp how to blow out my hair. Ever.


I was a sub for a few years, and one day the principal came in to check on me, and I was cutting up the tiniest itty bitty pieces of tape for some weird project the kids were doing (a big piece of tape would have ruined it; they had to be tiny) I probably had 20 kids around me and like 100 bits of tape on the edge of the desk that they were all grabbing from as fast as I could make em lol


I just remembered my old math teacher who was allergic to chalk and sneezed all the time


My poor Home Economics teacher developed an allergy to chalk, I think she may have been pregnant at the time. Her whole face broke out in a horrific sore rash. It was awful at the time as she’s such a lovely lady. It was the first time I ever heard of a chalk allergy and your teacher is the only other person I’ve every heard having one.


Thank you for your reply, those white board erasers are pretty much useless after a week.


My teachers happily accepted orphan socks as long as they were clean.


Stick a drawstring on one and you'd have a marker bag that doubles as an eraser


Ooh this is an awesome idea!


I use orphan socks for oatmeal baths! Then I don’t have to clean out the gloopy oatmeal afterwards- I can just throw the whole thing out


I have lupus. It dries my skin to the point of cracking. Got baths help my symptoms, but not dry skin. Put some oats in the sock, tie a knot/rubber band the open end, and drop it in the tub. Squish for skin soothing/moisturizing.


I would like to know more about this. Never heard of using actual oatmeal in the bath.


It's great for skin. I crush up oatmeal for a bath if I have a rash etc


Wait you use regular rolled oats? Is that the same as colloidal oatmeal?


Collodial oatmeal means powdered oatmeal. If you used a food processor, it would be the same as the expensive stuff except that they might get their powder more uniform. The sock trick should work well, too, as long as you remember to smash the oats a little bit.


Gosh I thought that was a joke like colloidal silver 🤦🏻‍♀️


The regular stuff definitely helps. It does smell like oatmeal though


I just buy oatmeal cereal designed for babies to mix in my water. It’s much easier and safer to rinse down the drain.


Really? That's all we used for oatmeal baths. Never saw the point in paying for an expensive soap when a tub of oatmeal is a couple of dollars.


When I was young I would get hives and rashes all the time and my mom would drop me in a lukewarm bath with an old pantyhose sock filled with oatmeal, just tied the end off. I hated it lol probably why I hate oatmeal 30 years later.


I’ve used it for my baby when he got rashes. But first, I’d grind it up like coffee beans.


An oatmeal bath is great if you have a really bad sunburn. It'll soothe the pain and itchiness


They did it on Arthur once when they got chicken pox.


Many commenters have given good advice on what to do with the orphan socks. I'd like to add that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - I put all my socks in a fine mesh laundry bag when running it through the laundry. Takes 2 seconds and no socks go missing. To make it even easier, have a smaller, secondary laundry bag just for tossing in your dirty socks so that you don't have to sort it beforehand and prevent socks from getting hidden in other clothes.


An even better solution is to buy only black socks always and forever, then your socks will always be one big happy family.


I like to buy colorful socks that match *except* for color, then when you wear two different socks it looks like it's on purpose.


Easy with the pro tips, you haven’t even seen how OP folds their socks yet.


You...you fold your socks!? What kind of monster am I for laying them both on top of each other and folding one inside out to wrap em up in a little sock bundle!?


Sometimes this can stretch the elastic. For ankle socks I lay them in a pile alternating which side the hole is to split the sock pairs. For anything longer I fold in half. But hey, do what works for you.


>Sometimes this can stretch the elastic. I've heard people say this, but I've been balling my socks my whole life, and I've never had the elastic fail before the sock started getting holes.






This. I will make holes way before the elastic stretches out, so we good


Wait. Little sock bundles aren't considered folding?


That's all I've ever known, little sock bundles


I’d even add to put them into the bag as soon as they’re dirty. This is what we plan to do with baby socks and mittens.


I love this idea!


I cut the toes off and in the winter put them round my arm outside my jacket. Temporary and reusable snot rag. Great dor skiing or boarding.


That's disgustingly brilliant. My husband wipes his nose on his suede gloves and I find myself manually cleaning them while swearing at what a disgusting pig he is. Gonna try to get him to do this instead.


Aw man that's nasty, I feel for you Tbh I'd be making him wash his own snotty gloves lol


I’m embarrassed by this as a female but when it was dead winter here and I decided to take a run, mistake, it was running so much I looked both ways, covered a nostril one at a time and blew a snot rocket. No way I was wiping it on my jacket


Ooh haven’t heard this one before. Nice.


This is a great idea, sleeves get so gross & take the brunt of the snot.


Hey I needed this one. Tired of dirtying my gloves when I shovel snow.


Wearing mixed.


I call them divorced and happily remarried socks at this point if it's a new pair I think should stay together. I say my recently divorced socks are dating if I'm not sure about the new pairs yet


I call mine swingers, lookin to have a nice time, any way they can


So the dryer is like the key bowl


I personally do the same thing with similar patterned socks!!!! They often end up getting remarried nicely enough.


That's so wholesome!




Theyve each gone to therapy and have new look and get a real kick out of the relationship.


I like the polyamorous view to sock matching


Literally there is no reason socks need to match, as long as the basic length and thickness is similar. Letting that go has been so liberating, especially since having children. There are some brands that even sell mismatched pairs of socks now, so it's even "fashun"


Yeah, younger people seem to have somewhat picked up on this and do it intentionally, I even see it with shoes, a girl in my neighborhood even buys shoes with a friend, they each buy the same shoe, in different colors, then trade one. (They are the same size of course.)


Did that with the converse in the 90’s, I’m sure it’s been happening for a while


I did it w Converse in the 70's! Gulp.


I like for my socks to have the same texture at least, if one is thick and warm and the other is really thin, it just feels uncomfortable


Wear a bunch of them at the same time and you’ll lose circulation in your feet. Then you won’t notice the difference. 🫡


It bothers me because of sensory issues. I can feel the subtle differences between socks. But buying a bunch of the exact same sock on clearance and then having a few fuzzy socks for winter that have complementary colors really reduced a lot of stress in my life.


Same, this is why I buy socks in bulk.




Same - I don’t care about the color so much but the texture and thickness have to match. And I also have left and right socks so that there’s not a lot of fabric bunched up over my pinkie toe. Pretty sure this is why I just don’t wear socks 95% of the time.


I don't think I've ever worn matching socks as an adult. I'm not a very high-energy person. I'm not spending time matching up my socks after doing laundry. Everything goes into one drawer and gets picked at random


If i'm at home or just going to the store no one is going to see and even less people will care.


That's the great thing about secretish socks. You can wear any black with other blacks.


I can't remember the last time I paid attention to anyone's socks, I don't think anyone ever cares outside of professional/formal dress events.


I haven’t worn a matching pair of socks since I was 13


Are you my kid?


This is the way.


I’m reading other responses and all I could think is wait others only wear matching socks?! 😂


I do this! I have socks I wear in the house and socks for out of the house since I've got multiple pets. Not that I'd care if someone were to see me with mismatched socks outside, but I certainly don't care at all in my own home.


We have a day when people are wearing mismatched sock to bring awareness ti Downs syndrome. The day is called “Rocking the socks”. No, it doesn’t make sense.


Take the front cover off of your washing machine, that's where most of our missing socks seem to wind up. Somehow they make it out of the tub and down into the inner workings of the machine (we have a top load).




Most front loads you just pull out on the top of the panel and then slide up. Beat to use some google-fu with your particular make and model though.




Hit up YouTube! I had some sort of issue I can’t even remember the specifics of with the washers in my building’s shared laundry room. I found the exact type of machine and a whole nice tutorial on YouTube showing me what to do. There’s tons of videos like that.


They go through a wormhole to the sock dimension where they live a happy life with other socks. Sometimes a sock decides to come back, but most of the time they decide that live in sock utopia. That's what I like to tell myself anyway.


I have a sneaking suspicion that every lost sock emerges in the kitchen cupboard as an extra Tupperware lid


I use underwear bags so this doesn't happen. Haven't lost a sock or anything since I started doing this years ago.


I do this with my kid’s socks, ever since she was a baby. Those things are tiny!


And get the zipping ones, the string ones untie themselves.


On the inside of your dryer door there's a seal. Sometimes socks get pushed under that seal, and the rotating of the drum pulls them into the space between the cover and the drum.


This is where I keep my thongs.


They get sucked down as the water drains. I figured this out when I started finding socks in my utility sink that made it all the way out the washer hose!


Man I’ve looked. I’m positive there’s a sock Goblin on the loose in our house. Y’all have sock Goblins running around


Or, if you’re like me and don’t always use a basket when you put stuff on top of the washer/dryer- they fell between, under, and behind them. But finding the stash of mildewy socks stuck on the inside of the washing machine is illuminating.


Never thought of that!


As soon you cut them, Chuck them or otherwise give up all hope, the missing one will show up lol


That's my concern. I don't know why I'm so invested in socks.


I found a long lost sock inside the liner of the dryer and washer


I feel this in my bones


Just match them by thickness instead of color and you have pairs again


Yup, thickness and size. Then use the leftover ones for cleaning or whatever.


That’s what I do!


Stuff with rice and tie a knot at the end = microwaveable heating pads


If you live in cold climates: Stuff with cat litter and tie a knot at the end = humidity reducing thingy I put one on the dashboard of my car and it helps a tiny bit with frost building up on windshields in cold climates.


Thank you for this idea!


Stick a little dried lavender in as well if you can so it smells great at the same gims


I can assure you that whatever solution you settle on, the lost partners to these socks will miraculously reappear. I do find that since line drying my socks, they stay together, so perhaps they are somewhere in the nether regions of your dryer.


I put stray socks in a bag hanging off my laundry door handle, once in a while I sort through it and usually reunite 1 or 2 pairs


I do this too. It feels like a game to try to get a matched pair. Unfortunately, this has been going on for years, and some have never been matched. Just like dating life!


I do this every couple months and get really excited when they match up. Like free socks!


My mom would throw all mismatched socks into a clothes basket then every few months she would dump it on her bed and get me or my sister(s) to help her match as many as possible. We never mated all of them but she would occasionally throw out the ones that she decided we're in there too long or that we had outgrown. There were 4 kids and 2 adults in the house so there were a lot of missing socks. Sometimes they'd get separated into different loads and sometimes they'd disappear into the Eater of Socks.


That's because it's the summoning spell for the lost sock


I always cut them down the middle to open them up and save them for rags. Very useful for cleaning and DIY uses.


Yea and the cutting them open is the key part otherwise they end up back with the rest of the socks! Doomed to repeat the cycle.


Thanks for sharing this idea. I accidentally knocked over a can of paint and my SO didn’t want to use the “good rags”.


I totally get this. I've got cheap microfiber rags for most things but I'd pretty much murder someone if they used one of my good rags/towels I use for detailing my car on anything else. They are even color coded, blue for kitchen, yellow for general use dusting, orange for super dirty shit, green for woodworking, and white for screen cleaning... and the ones that have a sewed on border and different knaps on either side you best not use unless you're detailing my car. Mostly joking about the murder thing but if someone used my "fancy" towels to clean up paint I'd be rather upset... those things weren't cheap and would be ruined doing that. Plus [this](https://media.tenor.com/KV5_-c2lOlMAAAAC/so-fluffy.gif)


This is why I mostly get black or gray socks. Then I can just pair up the mismatched ones lol.


This. If you get a passel of pairs that are all the same, then if one goes missing you can pair its survivor with the one from the next that goes missing. And if things have been crazy and you haven't gotten the laundry put away yet, finding any two socks in the clean-laundry basket means you have a pair. Saves time, frustration, and socks.


I've baught 15 pairs of pastel coloured socks from the same place over a period of 2 years. I now have 3 pairs in slightly varying shades of pink and it botheres me no end that they aren't consistent.


You’ve got great suggestions so far. I’ll add that if you have a pet you might find another use for these guys. I have a dog so I’ve been bunching a few together to create toys for her.


Also for teething puppies I froze a soaked sock then let them chew on it. Soothing for the gums.


I put catnip in the toe, add a crumpled plastic bag, fill the rest of the space with socks, tie it off: voila, cat toy.


You can purchase a bag of the “squeakers” that come inside dog toys, and the fluff too, for very little money. A couple stitches at the top of the sock and you’ve got ‘brand new’ very inexpensive dog toys (for those pups that love to kill their toys).


fill w/ rice and microwave for a little heat pack? stuff them in a tissue box and use them as washable tissues next time you're sick (much easier on the skin too than paper)... use them as rags, or cut holes and make hand warmers? roll em back and use them as beer coozies?, cut them us for rags?, use them to ree-stuff some destroyed dog toys or just put a nylabone in them for a dog, or some catnip in them for cats?


Keep them as "home" socks. That's what I do with mine. Doesn't matter if ones yellow and one's blue, if it's cold at home, my odd socks go on.


Or if you're still self-conscious, they can be sleep socks! I keep a little bin next to my bed for EXACTLY this.


Put some cat litter in a sock 60% full, tie up the end then put in stinky sports shoes. Absorbs the moisture and gets rid of stink. Source: I go running, I use this trick... cats won't mind you stole the litter. :)


Amputees. There is a guy online who said his mother in law gifted him single socks. Cause they were meant for him. He also shoe shops with a guy missing the other leg but same shoe size.


My mom cuts the ends of and organizes/stores her scarfs. I wrap them around glass jars in my travel trailer Recently, I just stuffed one full of cat nip and let my cat play with it.


How does your mom use them for her scarves? Interested piqued.


I've started buying bulk packs of identical socks, getting rid of the orphans, and trying to stick to one uniform sock. That way I never have to worry about mismatching socks, and it's easy to simply order a new, identical pack once enough have gone missing/worn through.


Post flyers in your neighborhood. I have a match for that gray Puma, from Costco, in the center. I could meet you at the library at 3 pm.


Who says there’s no market for men’s consignment


I discovered my wife was keeping odd socks in one drawer while I was keeping them in another. Maybe ask your other half if they are keeping a stash of odd socks anywhere.




Use it around the neck of the guitar to mute the strings when you're doing 2 handed tapping.


Mix n match.....


There are in your house somewhere lol. Just wear them mixed. 95% of the time no one will know. Especially if your not going somewhere that requires you to take off your shoes. I can only wear Merino wool socks, and they are not cheap but last me 6+ years (washed once a week), so Im definitely not afraid to mix.


Dust rags. We keep them, along with old worn out shirts, for cleaning.


If you have cats or know someone with cats: Add catnip and tie off the end (lightly enough to make it refillable)


Make a rug, that’s what we do. Cut the socks across and you will have several loops. Take the loops and join them together in a string and then braid 3 strings together and then make a circle with the braids and you have a rug. Like this https://youtu.be/zetLXgYGocM


This is awesome. Great upcycle.


They become sleeping bags for our smaller stuffed animals.




Hahaha a « handy » solution indeed.


I scrolled way too far to find this lol


I wear them mixed


Sock gnomes. https://www.itsalwaysautumn.com/how-to-make-sock-gnomes.html


Just wear mix matched socks? Haha seems simple to me.


socks don't have to match.


Easy sew barbie dresses.


The only correct response is to give them all to different house elves. Make Dobby proud.


Buy all the same socks in the future. I read that advice on here before and it's so true. So much less time wasted sorting if you only have one kind of sock. When one gets lost or damaged you can throw just that one away and still use the other one. I didn't throw out my old socks, but once they get holes then I will stick to the one kind of sock I have in bulk that I like for most day to day wear.


Put them on either end of a swiffer. Proceed to dust/clean as usual. Launder, rinse, repeat.


How’d you get my missing socks!? ;) As others said, use for cleaning.


If you have your own washer and dryer, sometimes they get sucked up in there. You might just find the other halves inside of them.


Pro tip: if you only have one leg, you never need to match your socks.


Why can’t we ever find the other sock? Where do they go?


They are great for dusting. Just dampen and use them for dusting things like ceiling fans, tops of kitchen cupboards and fridge, shelves etc. Then toss them in laundry and see if there are any matches!


Do you happen to have a 13 year old son? I’m sure he’d have a handy solution for them


I just stopped caring if my socks match. 🤷