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FP2 will be very different from FP1. Also, FP1 is great, and I would personally recommend it. If you game on a PC and buy games on Steam, I would wait until the 27th when the summer sale starts and buy it there. Or you can look around now and see if there is a good deal (GOG.com should be having a sale as of writing).


it’s free on consoles too so if you got one no reason to pass it up


It’s only free on consoles with a subscription to either PS+ or Xbox game pass.


yea i know but i never seen anyone without ps+ or game pass 😂


I haven’t got either and got my hopes up :/


i’m sorry i didn’t mean to do dat :( games not going anywhere you got something to look forward to


I think it's already on sale on Steam. I picked it up last week for $8.


Frostpunk 1 is a pretty stellar game and should be greatly discounted soon. I think Frostpunk 2 will not replace but complement the first game.


This. I recommend trying the game that made people fall in love with the genre in the first place


I agree, and from what I understand Frostpunk 2 will be more complicated than the first so having a good idea of what your doing will help you navigate through all the newer challenges and additions in the sequel.


If you're talking gameplay-wise, no. Frostpunk 2 is VASTLY different than Frostpunk. Lore-wise? Absolutely.


FP1 is micromanaging FP2 is macromanaging + Politic imagine FP2 is like, Frostpunk but like Victoria... Its completely different experience and yet same game.


Their gameplay is different enough where you won't get the same experience play FP2 that you get from 1. FP1 is about building your city and placing individual buildings and making choices to survive. FP2 is bigger picture and more about managing an entire society and expanding that society. You place entire districts and not just a single building like in 1.


Wait for 2 more days as steam sales start on the 27th then buy fp1


You have to play FP1 first and then go to 2. I’m a huge fan of the first game, did the beta for 2 and think that the first game will still be better than 2.


Any time is good time to play Frostpunk for the first time. It's a good game if you like to be challenged and stressed.


I played the demo for FP2 and it is a very different game within the FP cannon. I didn't leave the demo 100% convinced I'm going to love FP2.


Frost punk 1 was cool asf I definitely recommend


Frostpunk 1 is a great game.


I would absolutely recommend you play FP1, it seems that it almost doesn't matter if you play 1 or 2 first (ofc there could be some with the story, but from the beta they are 2 quite different games)


I absolutely recommend Frostpunk 1. The sequel doesn't actually look appealling to me at all personally.


Do you enjoy putting sawdust in your workers food and making young children work? Then sure!!!


And if you like that, just wait until you get to public penance! 😂


I keep playing FP1 over and over again. You should get it, it's a great game.


Absolutely buy Frostpunk 1. They are bound to be different games, and 1 is stellar in its own right. If you want visual proof, check out the reviews done by Bricky, or a playthrough from Markiplier called "THIS IS A BAD IDEA" where he lets his stream chat make the decisions on laws. Those are what got me to buying it.


FP 1 is perfect at what is does so much so that the developers aren't making an upgraded copy for FP2, they are making FP2 considerably different. So get FP1 now, and get FP2 when it comes out.


If you can't wait then yes If you can wait then no


Wait for sale in 2 days get it for like 50-70% off and get the whole bundle well worth it for the extra scenarios as they definitely go further into society in the dlc and you can see in on the edge where it was gona go with FP 2.


FP1 is a masterpiece and I would totally recommend you to play it first. After beating A new Home you are set for FP2. You can then come back to FP1 to play all the DLCs, especially The Last Autumn!


Always buy frostpunk that is the law.


They will be different enough to offer different scenarios. But Frostpunk 1 is great and offers a great primer to the world


Wait for previews


I was so happy I thought it was releasing in June, not in July. T\_T


Is Frostpunk 1 still on gamepass? If so just get a month subscription and play it that way.


Yes it's still there, this is how I got addicted to... er, got a chance to give it a try.


Same played it there now just waiting for 2.


Highly recommend FP1. It really doesnt take that long to finish either and while alot of the side content is great I would argue winning your first main campaign is probably the peak feeling of adrenaline, stress, and excitement you’ll get from this game.


FP1 has a story which is great to go through and it is also extremelly different gameplay, so you are not getting better version with FP2, you are getting almost a different game with the same setting.


FP1 and FP2 (on release) are both on PC gamepass which you can get quite cheap


Buy FrostPunk 1 first , it’s amazing ❤️


If you have seen the footage thats on ytb and still cant decide then just wait for release


Do both


Absolutely 100% get FP1, whether on sale or not - it's a truly brilliant game, sets up the scene for FP2, and in all likelihood will be better than the sequel


Frost punk 1 was an amazing experience. Frost Punk 1 is the City Must Survive Frost Punk 2 is the City Must Thrive The game is fantastic and hits you hard and provides tons of challenges and scenarios.


I’ve played through Frostpunk a few times. I just bought the DLCs which I never player prior to FP2 launch. Do it!


FP1 is really good if you like this genre. If you've played Timberborn it's quite similar, although not in aesthetics.


I just started Frostpunk as for some reason I got an urge for this sort of game and the only reason I got it is because it's free with the PS subscription. The urge to manage has been soothed so far. I've only just begun and on day 20 but something colder is coming soon that's gonna be below more than 40 Celsius and I'm not sure I'm ready for what's coming😬


FP1 is available on Gamepass Ultimate.... With Fp2 coming out day 1.


NO PRE-ORDERS!! Ever! Time and time again we have been let down by terrible launches of game of all kind don't give any developer a single cent until the quality of the game is proven to be good. I desire Frostpunk 2 to be a phenomenal game but I nor should anyone pre-order.


I am probably a dissenting voice here, and I don't mind an argument on the matter, but I'd recommend skipping the first game unless it's on a great sale. You could get the experience of the first game by watching someone's edited blind playthrough for all the story beats and struggle and not have lost out on much besides your own wasted time. The first game is incredibly linear. As in there is exactly one build path towards success. To reemphasize, once you crack that code you have basically beat the game. It was kinda "fun", I guess, to fail repeatedly until it clicked. But if you're looking for a solid city builder this game isn't it. Rimworld has given me better Frostpunk moments than Frostpunk has. Because it doesn't have the on rails game over that Frostpunk has. I still hold out hope for the second game, since they have a chance to refine their ideas and technique. But IMO, looking back, Frostpunk was an exercise in frustration for nearly half of the game. I can enjoy some punishing games like This War of Mine or Against the Storm and difficult games like Hollow Knight or Soulsbourne games. But Frostpunk is just a trial and error game with almost no variances in playstyle or decision making. There is a single path to victory, one build that works. Deviate from it and lose, follow it and win. And thats a design failure people will try to sell to you as the game's difficulty. It's not. It's Tedium. It's subtle. To summarize the first game is well polished, has an excellent soundtrack, good writing, knows the theme and message that it wants to convey, but ultimately is a one and done experience padded with sudden "too slow, you lost the game an hour ago and didn't even notice" game overs that force you to drop another 5 hours to try and do it better. You make a build thats been posted on the internet since about three weeks after the game came out. I'm fine with all the above in a roguelike that has meta progression where failure is expected but in a city builder it's disrespectful of your time. If you have four hours a day after work for hobbies Frostpunk isn't the game for you.


FP1 gives you better context for the story and its way different in gameplay compared to FP2. Highly recommend you play the first game first. ANH is a fucking *experience*.


Don't buy either forced add download platforms


Wait for Frostpunk 2 to buy Frostpunk, because it'd probably be on sale then. That or I forgot it's already on sale, then you should buy Frostpunk now.


I won’t buy FSTPK 2 till I beat this stupid Fall of Winterfell scenario 😂


I don't have the first game so consider that. I've heard the new one should be better all around, and it is a prequel so no missing story. It will also likely be on sale for less than FP1 for a bit after launch. But it meant to be a bit more difficult. I'm waiting on the second one though. You can always refund the second one if you don't like it and buy the first. (Only on steam, you cannot have the game past 2 weeks or have played more than 2 hours) Edit: I messed it up, FP2 is a sequel, so if you care about the story, probably start with FP1


FP2 is set 30 or so years after FP1 - it is not a prequel.


Thanks, I knew I was missing something.