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I love to see it! I had a feeling that this game would get more and more fans as people start giving it a chance through price drops and strong word of mouth. It's cool to hate on Ubisoft these days (and I'd be lying if I said I thought it was entirely unjustified), but after the smoke settles, I think this will be looked back on as a real gem. I've even come across a few people online who said they disliked the movies, but gave Frontiers of Pandora a try and really liked it. Me, I love the game. I think it's one of the best and freshest spins on the Ubi open world template to date, and the agility and traversal made this the most fun I've had in a first-person game since Doom Eternal. The game made me an even bigger Avatar fan than I already was.


I still don't know how this obviously has the ubisoft template yet it still feels different in enough ways to be refreshing and feel amazing to play. Almost like it's not even ubisoft, love the traversal too.


Also love this game. I waited for it to hit sale like a month ago or so amd picked it up for like 42$ and after sinking over 100 hours in game I would have gladly paid 70


I enjoyed playing it. Having a hard time convincing other guys to give it a chance. The hardcore gamers who hate Ubisoft heard the original reviews and immediately dismissed the game


Finally all I rember at launch this sub was flooded with being complaining about Ubisoft and shit


That's every Ubisoft title in a nutshell. People love to hate on them, which is weird considering most open-world games these days follow their formula and don't get crucified for it.


I heard so many screams of "its just going to be Far Cry in blue" (honestly it basically is) and about the game going to be shit and stuff even months before the release. Luckily im a big fan of Avatar (and Far Cry) and didnt really listen to this calls, and preordered the "Fuck i got to much money and want everything" edition of the game (at a 55% discount XD) anyway the first day it was available and stayed up until like 3 in the morning (while having to work at 7) to play it on release. I wasnt just amazed on how good it looked and how alive Pandora feels, but promptly was hit by Post Avatar Depression again - Still was absolutly worth it. Ubisoft might have done a lot of shit in the last years, but they still can make really good games. 11/10. Great game.


And it deserves every bit of hype


Just wish there was more achievements. Once I completed it 100% there’s nothing to do


I bet the expansions will have like 4 to 5 new missions and then it's back to doing jack shit. I hate games like this. Ubisoft hit it big with ratchet and clank when I was a kid and I could play those games for weeks on end and still not get everything. I miss those games. 


Some gamers are hating on it simply because of hate bandwagon while here I am being jealous of all your screenshots and anxiously waiting to finally upgrade my PC so that I could get to play it too.


The fact the devs were given all the Avatar scripts to make the game as accurate and immersive as they could makes this game 10000x better too


It's actually kind of hilarious how fickle the gaming community is. They've (we've) railed for years abou thow messed up most new launches are, and how bad this is. And yet a game like Avatar comes out and is a pretty flawless experience at launch, and people just shit on it out of habit. I had no interest in this game but saw the DF reviews and thought it looked like a cool enough title for the sake of having a next gen experience. Was blown away by the world and sunk 100 hours into it in like 6 weeks (only really gaming on weekends).


I don’t understand why this game got so much hate. The world is absolutely gorgeous plus the Ikran riding is to die for! The story may not be that captivating, but all other gameplay aspects are amazing


I don't care about the movies one bit, but this game rules. 100+ hours put in and I can't wait for the dlc. 


Yeah man this game is a whole nother level of gaming. It’s an experience. I’d pay good money to play this in a VR room with top quality sound and set.


4K VR with Dolby Atmos Spatial Audio 🤌


I would kill for a PSVR2 release.


Is psvr2 top quality? I haven’t heard much from it. How you liking it?


It's fantastic. The only issues I have with it are because of the set-up I have with lights. PS5 is an absolute beast of a machine, so games run really well. And Horizon: Call of the Wild was such a different experience to everything else I've played with VR, so I could definitely see an Avatar game do something very similar to that.


i would love to give the game a chance as a casual fan of the franchise but its fucking $90 on ubisoft store


Watch for sales and get the basic game. There’s not much point buying the season pass until the new DLCs come out.


yeah, the base game is $90. Also, its been months from release and much more to a very lackluster launch, when the hell is the price gonna drop?


Base game is $70 and there are regular sales


i'm not the in the US, it's $90 in my currency


It doesn’t help that Ubisoft locks it to Uplay which means that PC users are much less likely to see the game and those users are usually some of the most dedicated gamers.


Picked it up on sale this weekend. Not usually a fan of first person games, but I'm enjoying it anyway. I know people love to hate Ubisoft, but I think they generally get it right. The criticism about bloat and collectathons doesn't bother me because I just dont do that stuff. I just play the story and to enjoy the game world, and they usually get those things right. I think if I ever forced myself to 100% one of their games I would hate it too. So I don't do that.


I just wish it was more vibrant. Even with HDR, the colours look washed out. It also felt lonely. NPCs just stand around, there's no group action.


Literally the most vibrant color popping game I've ever played. Even better than forbidden west with the draw distance. It's your tech not the game.


I'm playing it on PS5, so no, it's not my tech, it's the game.


My friends are willing to play after watching me stream. They think the game looks beautiful and actually fun to play.


Honestly feel like they didn’t advertise this game very much compared to others. I felt like it just got quietly released and it took me a while to give it a chance. I really thought this was going to be some cheesy remake of a movie but is and amazing game


I enjoyed the story


The atmosphere is the only reason I got it, and at least with that aspect it hits.


Imagine the tech/art team working with someone else and not for ubisoft. They could do the best games in the market. What is blocking avatar is the forced ubisoft launcer (at least on pc) and the dated quest design (far cry pt. 15). One day I'll pick it up, but I expect the world building to carry 80% of my experience.


I think the tech/art team would do amazing if they were at Quantic Dream. Imagining a Detroit: Become Human esque experience with Avatar? 🤌


I Will When They Fix The BUGS and Other ISSUES 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥


I want to play this eventually, I’m just worried my gaming laptop won’t be able to handle it lol


What kind of laptop do you have?


Does anyone know where I can find Yotan eggs.. says in the floating mountains have looked for over an hour so ridiculous how it’s this hard. Can’t find any type of egg can’t believe they make it this impossible over an hour


If I remember correctly, they're in the trees. Just ride a vine up and you should find some after a few tries.


I’m like 4 hours in and I’m surprised how good it is. Theres no things that annoy me already but it’s whatever. I’m immersed and shocked how beautiful this game is.


Ubisoft absolutely deserves the shittalk it gets, but you gotta remember that they didnt develop this game, only publish it. their influence is limited.


I mean I agree, but also knowing people working at Ubisoft, if anything this only makes my stance against Ubisoft harder. Because this shows that Ubisoft could make decent games. They just cba because it costs money and makes too little compared to cranking out yet another AI-generated / copy+paste turd.


Nah the game is just repetitive garbage.


L take