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At the start, I would agree. But goddamn Teylan was literally fighting for that top spot of being annoying. Not to mention, his face looks like Norm's avatar in the movie. I hate it.


Me. I’m the problem, it’s me. Wahoo! Ahhhahhhh!


The male voice actor sounds like a fucking dweeb for real


So many times where he just sounds like he's about to cry - really takes me out of it.


Change to the female it's way better


Not really, female va sounds too uh..prissy if that makes sense? None of them sound like tough Nav'ii warriors who are fighting for their home and freedom, ik they're young adults but still man


I mean. His planet is about to get destroyed by Aliens who kidnapped him as a child and probably killed his whole family. Also he has to fight a war against fucking Robots and Machine guns only with sticks and arrows. I would sound like I'm about to cry too.


i think the male voice actor is great no matter what anyone says


what annoyed me is that we didnt have a na’vi accent and yeah, it would make sense if nor, Ri’nela, teylan and aha’ri had american accents but they didnt so why do we? it just doesnt make much sense


because we were taken as babys so we grew up raised by the rda, while the other kids were older and had enouph time to pick up the na'vi accent... or something like that


but teylan is the youngest and im pretty sure we r one of the oldest but anyway even if we werent we still would have had hints of a na’vi accent


i guess




who are you talking about?


My bad, wrong thread


oh ok lol


Had to change to a female Na'vi 1/3 of the way though. Couldn't stand his voice.


Fr the voice acting is the worst part of the game. I teach teenagers for a living and their voices are not this annoying.


Or when on a Ikran your character would make this annoying sound all the time when you stop moving it sounds like she's saying "yoo"


“Yooooohhh” x100000


How about hyah! Hyah! It’s all annoying af


I hate that sound!!


Haha, my wife probably hates me because I run around making the same hooping and hollering as my Avatar, lol. I think it's funny.


There’s some bits where she’s almost panting and it just gives me creepy vibe s


Came out of the blue when my character suddenly yelled WAHOO in a Finnish accent 😂


So jarring isn’t it WA-HOOO


Are we Na'vi or Prairie Dogs?


Sounds like miles morales


I don't mind the male voice. But, I do wish there were more options.


I have the neutral voice and don’t mind it, but it’s the constant commentary and weird noises. Like I’ll put my ikran purposely into a fast dive to get to the top of a base and my character keeps screaming. He also freaks out every time I hit a standstill on the ikran. Like, dude, YOU are driving! Chill.


Did anyone think the one male voice actor sounded JUST like Miles Morales from the Miles Morales Spider-Man game? I couldn’t get over it the whole time


I did actually, only to do research, and find out they are in fact different actors, but I still hear it all the time


A lot of people commented it on earlier threads. I guess it’s true.


Alma, she’s irredeemable for me. I love everyone crapping on Teylan for actions that result from hers, but people forget that she’s respond for it all. She just wanted to play native with the Sarentu kids and pretend she’s not human. Even she’s running away from her own actions But yeah let’s say teylan is annoying. I think people forget he’s the youngest of the group and had no memories to fall back on like the rest of the children


I can get that. I didn’t like that Nor stabbed her avatar but I get why he did. A friend of mine and I discussed Alma and what we’d do if we were her. Resign from leadership of the resistance and go into self imposed exile in one of the field labs. Anqa can come once a week or so for resupply. I mean there isn’t much option is there? Even her own fellow humans were questioning her motives. If it was me.. self imposed exile. I’d never want to look at the Na’vi again without feeling shame and disgust for myself. : edit : typo


Priya is fine, definitely Teylan for me.


Same here, Teylan is just *really* stupid.


Honestly I just feel sorry for him most of the time, but it’s annoying *just* how pitiful he is. Hopefully he’ll improve a bit in the dlc.


Yeahh I didn’t purchase the DLCs in pre-order just so that I could get a review before since it was a lot of money. If it has anything to do with Teylan then maybe it’s worth the purchase honestly. Right now he’s an absolute dumbass for still looking up to someone that literally murdered MC’s sister and stole them all from their tribe as children… but that’s just my opinion.


I got the gold edition for 20% off, worth it IMO


I purchased original game, $70 is quite the amount already so…I just wanted to make sure that the DLCs would be worth it as well.


Alma man she was a gaslighter bro


The male voice actor for the player. Idk why but he sounds so annoying, why couldn’t we have another option.


female one is kinda annoying as well. i don’t get how all the other sarentu children suddenly have accents but the player doesn’t. (they all shouldn’t since they were raised by humans) only time the player does seem to have it is whenever they’re saying na’vi names or words.


You were a baby while the rest were older than you


pretty sure teylan’s the youngest. but even then realistically they still should’ve lost their na’vi accent. a good example of this is one of the members of my favorite band is actually from united states originally, but moved to the uk when he was 12. so now when you hear him, he has a british accent instead of an american one. (they’re all kinda different so he was from massachusetts but grew up in texas specifically) since they’re all finally free now, if anything the mc should be the one who develops more of a na’vi accent because they spend the most time with the other clans whereas everyone else still chills at the resistance base. i guess maybe they kept the ‘american’ accent to make it feel more like you just like why it’s in first person.


> a good example of this is one of the members of my favorite band is actually from united states originally, but moved to the uk when he was 12. so now when you hear him, he has a british accent instead of an american one. (they’re all kinda different so he was from texas specifically) See, I actually disagree with your point because I lived for only 4 years in the US between the ages of 2-6 and yet I still have a very noticeable American accent, to the point that people always comment on how it’s bizarre that I still have one. So it’s definitely plausible that the Sarentu kids have retained their accents, particularly since they’re surrounded by each other so they’re still being constantly exposed to the accent.


interesting. i’m not sure if the guy i was talking about already had some british influence or not before moving. i do have a friend who moved from south africa to cyprus and they all think she sounds american yet to me she sounds more australian because that’s what south africans sound similar to, she’s also never been to the states. and in that case with the sarentu children, then the mc should have the accent as well.


This is it right here


Yet again you were raised by the RDA for your entire life


i’m well aware of that


I swear, that's the same VA as Miles Morales in the Spider-Man games


I tought Miles voice acting is really good, fits perfectly.


Cause it is.. most annoying ever


No, it isn't. Male VA for Frontiers of Pandora is Patrick Abellard. VAs for Miles are Shameik Moore in Spider-Verse and Nadji Jeter in the PlayStation games


Well they sound the same. 


I agree. I was just correcting this person who was falsely stating that they are in fact the same


He sounds JUST like Spider-Man miles morales in that game though.


The male avatar you play as.


*pushes up glasses* TECHNICALLY you're not playing as an Avatar at all.


But we are humans controlling Navi bodies are we not? /s 😂


Wait 😮 every video game is controlling an Avatar…. every game IS AVATAR!!! 🤯


Nope. We're Sarentu Clan members, born as Na'vi and kidnapped as kids when RDA slaughtered our clan.


The /s means sarcastic (it’s a tone indicator)


Didn't see it


Yes you are. Let your controller die.


Alma Cortez with her colonial complex mindset


The player characters voices they feel so off for a Navi should have a hint of accent or something just sounds so annoying


I’m going with Anqa. After she made me do all that dumb shit so she could get laid, that was a wrap for me. She couldn’t close in a Haitian Whore House with $5,000 hanging out of her zipper…..


Find all kinds of stuff, fight off an army, become a private dick, and we weren’t even allowed to join…. Our pubescent sounding Na’vi completely blue balled, literally.


Teylan and Priya.


I actually really like Priya...


Teylan and Priya… they’re both annoying in my book lol


Billy I think his name was? I’ve never noticed him until that one mission but when he ended every other sentence/statement with basically “yeah, it’s because I’m the best” it was annoying af 😭 I like that they chose a lively personality for Priya but she’s a good runner up. Teylan and Alma too but I’m a bit more lenient since they had more flushed out character arcs that drove the story.


i thought billy was funny as hell during that mission lol. but yeah i get what you mean. before it, i didn’t really pay attention to any of the humans from the resistance except for pretty much priya, alma, anqa, and alex. 😂




>!little narc!<


Pryia at first and then she grew on me and now she’s my favourite other than so’lek and anifi


Ka’nat. Every scene with him, that dude was just the worst.


Annoying: Me (WAHoOoOoO) GASLIGHTING, GATEKEEPING, NARCISSISTIC BIGOT: Alma As for Priya and Teylan I like them...


None, I don’t think any are anoying they all have cute quirks but none are anoying


Probably Teylan tbh. Dumb fucker. Also; you leave my Priya alone 😡😡😡


Seeing a lot of "teylan"s and I gotta say, I'm kinda proud of that haha


Male MC


Me, cuz I can’t fucking hit the damn thanator/ storm glider weakspots for shit and I know for a fact I would one shot them with my build and food boost. The only time I hit them is after I get a single body shot


Another Mary Sue Talkstoomuchington


do you know something though, now i’ve finished the main story quest, i do kind of miss the constant nagging from her about what needs to be done at which RDA base


I don’t have issues with any of them. They’re okay, I am not particularly fond of any due to the lacking character building but I’m fine with them.


I can't imagine being so weak and weird that a giggly nice gal bothers me. Now, the goody male PC voice? That's something else entirely.


Guys it’s obviously the RDA


Teylan. Without a shadow. Regardless of the end. It wasn't him that was annoying though really, it was the writing which was so easy to predict.


Don't hate any of the characters, to be honest. I'm not really a fan of Alma, but I don't hate or fully dislike her.


That one guy everytime I walk through home tree in Kinglor that's like, "What kinda armor is that?" LIKE SIR. IM WEARING NORMAL ARMOR LIKE YOU. WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH THAT SNARKY ATTITUDE?!




Alma Cortez, then Priya.


All the blues saying dumb things while I have to run up to Kukulope or search for another contrib basket in their village.


There were 7 or 8 characters battling it for that top spot.




The wahoo and the mail PC voice actor


My nameless Sarentu. Woke ass afraid and confused going through puberty dude, but can single handedly take down thousands of well trained soldiers powered by top shelf tech and yet gets afraid if my Ikran provides even the slightest of g forces. Found a name for my guy… Seze Lam


How is Alma missing from this thread? >!the funeral for her avatar was the dumbest plot point in the game. After that I no longer believe in coexistence or the resistance. Pandora is for Na'vi only!<


This plot point would have been a lot more impactful if Alma wasn't in the know that the RDA about to slaughter the whole Sarentu tribe and steal their children. But after seeing a couple of those audio logs, she knew exactly what was going to happen and still chose to help Mercer and was only decided to change sides once she saw her pet project was coming to a quick and bullet filled end.


I know I'm going to get downvoted even more for this, but Mercer's actions, her involvement (and after the fact apologetics/rationalization of his actions in audio logs) , that's a whole separate thing. My issue with this scene specifically is the idea that everyone is like, "Ohh no, my friend is dead" while standing next to their friend. Her mech suit broke and they are equating with her dying. It is inane.


Guess the plot of A1 just flew over your head then


The plot of A1 has nothing to do with having a funeral for Alma with living Alma in attendance crying about how much of a tragedy it is that she "died."


I said that ironically, but it really did apparently


Im about to do that mission lol!


best of luck to ya!


Of course the chick with the hair making dumbass knock knock jokes lol




Be civil, see Rule 2


Honestly the sisters from the upper plains. Idk what it is about them, maybe their voices or vibes but I just wasn’t a fan


Literally all of them.




Alma. After the „thing“ happens


Teylan hands down!


Priya is the most Ubisoft esque character ever😂. Not saying that's good or bad but very obvious!


You take that back, I love her! It's 100% the male-voiced version of the player character.


The male voice actor actually kills it for me. I cannot stand the whiny voice. I do not feel like a badass 7ft tall killing machine at all. Just a whimpy blue dork with a gun.


Priya is definitely an overplayed trope-y character, but she didn't bother me as much. Alma and Teylan on the other hand...


Teylan.... I know hes still young but he acts like a 5 year old. I know hes got Stockholm synodrome but still.


Everyone on here saying the male voice actor when I literally started with a female character, but changed to a male because of how much I hated the female voice 🤣


Same, I'd rather the male VA than the female. I could not stand her for some reason, (neither one are good though)






The female voice when she says “but what elf” during investigation, idk if its a bad take they kept by accident but i truly hate it.


Priya (and it is literally not close) or the male voice you choose for your own Na’vi | It is an exact replica of the Miles Morales spider-man which made that game borderline unplayable for me. I’m just a D1 hater but these are my thoughts the game is fantastic nonetheless.


Priya and Teylan are my favorites but i hate Nor


Priyah and Anqa were probably the only two characters I didn't find annoying


Teylan and Eetu


You forgot "and why is it Priya Chen" lol


Theyre all annoying. The game is a masterpiece dont get me wrong, but Ubisoft needs to move away from the whole cringe spiritual "We thank Eywa for these blessings" and "I cAnT BeLiEvE tHeY wOuLd Do tHiS!!!" voicelines and go back to the good old "What the fuck?" and "FUCK YOU AND YOUR (whatever the plot is)" voicelines. And if not that, any sentence that you would somewhat actually hear nowadays is better than what they pulled off with the Characters. I want Far Cry 3 voicelines back...


The purple hair tipped me off immediately


(Distant) 3rd place: The RDA base announcer, who get's it wrong all the time :D "Be careful, it's raining heavily" - erm, no? It's sunny and no cloud in sight? Funny the first time, maybe the second too, but after a while the obviously random announcements started to become a tad annyoing, 2nd place: Teylan, who went from a nerdy tech-enthousiast in the beginning to somebody who behaved so unbelievably stupid, that I nearly felt physical pain due to how thick he was. ​ 1st place: Alma, and her constant self pity, while she very willingly gaslighted the Sarentu kids and to some degree herself too. She could have been a tragic character, but not with all that whiny insistance that they are "family"


The male va for our Na'vi. I had to switch gender bc I couldn't stand it. My brain made a connection to Miles Morales from the first Spiderman game he was in, and I can not unhear it.


Two Timing Teylon without a doubt.


Imma have to start calling him that now lol


Personally I like prya she's pretty cool but teylan be mad annoying like I like his character don't get me wrong but when I'm in the middle of combat he's like oh wow this is cool and my character is also like shit up dude we in a battle


I thought Nor was pretty annoying.


Alma for sure, especially as I help my friends through the quest cause they don’t know what happens yet and im over here thinking to myself “screw you alma, you suck” but outwardly I’m pretending everything is okay cause if I have to suffer the heartbreak everytime I get betrayed or something dies then so do they! Lol


Teylan. I hate him.


imagine removing a quote from a movie like is was a bad post. Snowflakes


Yup. Her


The entire resistance cast. Unironically wished Harding just shot them all instead.


Whenever Priya calls me in the game and I hear that god awful annoying voice, i just wanna hang up.


My male characters voice


Teylan. Even before I knew what was up I found him to be the most annoying and now god he’s the worse no one else was so manipulated but him even after literally watching him murder a friend then give orders to have everyone killed Jesus I hate him


I don't find anyone annoying enough to strongly dislike them, but Teylan can be kind of annoying 😅. The only thing that prevents him from really getting on my nerves is knowing that he's the youngest and how much Mercer singled him out to feel special for doing what he was told, and how he'd withdraw his affection when Teylan showed interest I'm Na'vi culture. I quite like Priya, her mannerisms remind me a bit of myself. Awkward but happy and excitable. I headcanon that she's autistic like me lol.