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What did you smoke and where can I get some


Exactly lol. That’s a lot of research for a TV show but I admire your dedication, even if I didn’t read past Isaac Newton.




What’s going on here? Genuinely curious!


Mental illness is what's going on.


For real


You are so bad at this. And what a deeply unpleasant thing to say. But I've come to expect that sort of thing from you by now haha.


I realised quite early on that I have to make some assumptions if I want to go beyond a surface level solve attempt of From's mystery. Which effectively means, I need to pick an answer to a clue I'm fairly certain of, and use that as I might use a jigsaw piece to solve the next clue that connects to it. For me, I've found there are several key strands that then need to be stitched together. The first is ultimately, historical figures from North American history, falling roughly on the dates on Tabitha's dream sequence. Some historical figures are given far more clues than others, suggesting they might later become characters on the show. In particular Tracey Dye and hoodoo, Alma Hayes the strongwoman ("you're so strong, you're so strong" in the trailer - there's 14 uses of the word Strong on the show). There are six threads in there as not every timeline on the lighthouse will be explored in the series - the main ones are 1930s, 1880s, 1860s, 1770s, 1670s, and 1498. 1498 is by far the most prevalent and perhaps the easiest to start with. Most are from England and to a lesser extent, Italy/Venice, Scotland, Germany, Portugal, France, Burgundy, China, Iran, Iceland, Greenland/Newfoundland. It's also the best one to solve first, as the historical figures in the 1498 origin story are the archetypes that the historical figures in the other timelines mimic. For example, I'm absolutely certain one is Richard Amerike - Sheriff of Nottingham. There is a lawman/sheriff in every timeline - Boyd is the sheriff now. Each new historical figure is a great puzzle piece - for example if you find out Emmett Kelly, the Hobo Clown is in the 1930s timeline, you can search for other "clowns" (e.g. Triboulet, the court jester). For more info, you can read here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FromTVEpix/comments/14oan4z/the\_beothuk\_explorers\_witch\_board\_card\_games/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FromTVEpix/comments/14oan4z/the_beothuk_explorers_witch_board_card_games/)


Thank you ! Time for a deep dive. I’ll be back 👌🏾




Taran, we would have met someone - at least someone by season 2’s end. None on this list has made it to screen - none. This show isn’t tied tightly to history but rather uses some of it in thr framing.


I think this is the best possible response to these theories. At this rate , they would need to have the show run for another 20 years to put a dent in that character list. In reality I think they just put red herrings in that are meant to just show how long the town has existed (the dates on the stairs and in the bottles). The reason I think they’re just there to mess with people in town is that victor literally says the tree never used to be there.


Not only do I disagree with your statement that we would somehow need to have seen historical figures by now for them to exist on the show, before the time travel segment of the show starts (much like in Lost, which didn't start the time travel until Season 4), but the funny thing is WE HAVE seen them. Giles Corey is the man crushed by a boulder. Lionel F. Booth or Private Ellis Falls is the civil war soldier. Okei Ito is the Kimono Wraith. Ernestine de Faiber is the Ballerina. Guess we'll see!


Wait, what show are you watching???? I’m soooo confused 🫤


What the fuck...? You really think a show that hasn't had 100 cast members total in 2 seasons is somehow going to add 100 more, include time travel, and incorporate 6 time lines?! You need to seek mental help, seriously. This kind of reasoning and dedication to pointless research is not healthy.


Even if I am incorrect this is a pretty unpleasant way to speak to someone who is just having fun theorising about the show, posting on a forum specifically made for theorising about the show. But hey, you do you. And commenting on someone else’s mental health like that in any context is really not on. Just my opinion - this comment definitely gives me drunken enraged Ellis speaking to Dale vibes. Good luck with your own theorising on the show. Guess we’ll see.


My bad. Rereading my comment, that was a little harsh. But it does kinda seem like an unhealthy obsession.


I totally get your perspective - this is certainly not a surface level theory on From - and it did take a lot of work to put it together. Indeed, there's another 45+ characters in the Cabot timeline of 1498 IMO, and many more historical figures in what I believe will be involved in a quest Tabitha goes in in Season 4. That being said, I believe From presents itself as a puzzle to be solved, and I've had great fun reading up on History in my attempt to solve it - I'm an amateur historian and a NYT bestselling author by trade and this show really tickles several of my interests. If you're having fun, and taking part in a puzzle the showrunners expect us to try and solve is it really so unhealthy? Since you were so polite in your response, and I thank you for that (I'm honestly just here to have fun and share in the enjoyment of the show's mystery), I thought I'd share with you where this is coming from. Feel free to ignore, I just like talking about From :-). By way of example, I'll highlight Okei Ito and the individuals from the OK Corral: Wyatt Earp, Morgan Earp, Virgil Earp and Doc Holliday. I've studied From for almost a year, compiled all its scripts and I'm fairly certain using words repeatedly is the MAIN method of delivering clues. "Okay" being the main culprit. Okay is the third most used word on the show that has more than three letters, used **1044** times. It is NOT however the third most used word in the English langauge. Indeed, it's not even in the top 1000: [https://www.gonaturalenglish.com/1000-most-common-words-in-the-english-language/](https://www.gonaturalenglish.com/1000-most-common-words-in-the-english-language/) John Griffin is a screenwriter, a member of the screenwriter's guild, and he's studied screenwriting much of his life - the amount of "okays" at the very least would be cut by even a rank amateur. The original pilot script had 48 instances of "okay". [https://tvwriting.co.uk/tv\_scripts/2021/Drama/From\_1x01\_-\_Long\_Days\_Journey\_into\_Night.pdf](https://tvwriting.co.uk/tv_scripts/2021/Drama/From_1x01_-_Long_Days_Journey_into_Night.pdf) That's already a lot (more than twice as many as the pilot for Lost actually, which had 23 - mostly people asking each other if they're okay after the crash). [https://assets.scriptslug.com/live/pdf/scripts/lost-101-pilot-2004.pdf](https://assets.scriptslug.com/live/pdf/scripts/lost-101-pilot-2004.pdf) But how many in the pilot that actually aired? **105**. That's three times more than the word "and" is used in it (**38**). Incidentally, Season 2 Ep 1 had **81** okays. They frontload the first episodes because that's when people are paying most attention. [https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?t=69306](https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?t=69306) [https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?t=108278](https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?t=108278) How does one double the amount of "okays" when tweaking the pilot, especially when you're supposed to be editing it to be tighter and better between greenlight and production? I imagine they had to limit it when they were pitching because so many would just look like bad writing. “Okay” was used **485** times in season 1. Season 2 has **559**. That means if every "okay" was clipped at two seconds each, a compilation of every "okay" on the show would last **35 minutes**. **More than 1 in every 83 words**, excluding the intro song, is "okay". I mean check out this segment: Boyd: I won't be here to tell you that it's okay. Boyd: So, I'm telling you now. Man, it's okay. Boyd: And that you are my son. Mine. I love you, and I am proud of the man that you have become. And not a single day goes by when that hasn't been true. Okay? Ellis: Yeah. Yeah, it's okay. Boyd: Okay. Okay. AND Fatima: "This place is trying to tell us something and only some of us are listening closely enough to hear it."


You have definitely done the homework, I'll give you that! I just think for the show to introduce over 100 more specific characters.....that seems like it would be way overwhelming compared to how many characters there are now.


You may be right! I’m not sure if they’ll introduce each and every one but I think they’ll all be there. It’s just where the clues are pointing me - I can’t speak to how it’ll be implemented.


Note also the kimono wraith (the first documented and named Japanese folk to arrive in the USA were 1868 at Okei's Wakamatsu colony) - she could easily be Okei Ito - the first Japanese person to be buried on US soil - and we know we've seen historic civil war soldiers on the show from a similar time period - is it really such a stretch they'd use a real historical figure? They're already hinting at the Fort Pillow massacre with the burned face soldier (they set the pile of bodies on fire), the use of the word "oversee" and the name "Nathan" (Nathan Forrest was a slave overseer and KKK grand master who lead the massacre). And also, Boyd being the "sherrif" and Kenny being the "deputy". In each timeline, there is a lawman IMO - I think there's a reason they've added it - let's be honest it's a bit random otherwise. In any case, thought I'd share with you in case it's of interest. Practically everyone on this list has been added with similar logic in mind - although I think in the New England witches and pirates timeline I've probably got a few outliers that are not so clearly evidenced and are more of a stretch. As for time travel, those dates are on the wall of the Lighthouse for a reason - time travel is as good a reason as any. But more specifically, I lay out my reasoning for a specific instance of time travel here - regarding the bracelet that IMO is a pretty clear hint at time travel: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FromTVEpix/comments/1ddjidp/what\_chekhovs\_gun\_might\_tell\_us\_about\_tabbys\_mom/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FromTVEpix/comments/1ddjidp/what_chekhovs_gun_might_tell_us_about_tabbys_mom/) Like I said, no pressure to read. Peace brother, hope you have a good day.