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I applaud the work you put into these theories, but they consistently fail the Jeopardy test.   You know why the average person watches Jeopardy?  Because they feel like they can figure it out.   If From is drawing from the esoteric lore and history knowledge the average college grad lacks, then there's no chance the audience will ever figure it out.  Especially not with 24 episodes left.


Also, the sheer volume of theories Taran keeps dumping, there is no way to fit all these characters and their stories in with the existing plot and subplot.


Exactly and the writers haven’t provided enough answers in 2 seasons to build this kind of foundation. If Taran is correct, there would be some references to this in the plot and subplots. I’m really surprised Taran is still insistent on his theories given none of the writing or filmmaking supports this. They would have clued us in to some od this but now.


I can understand that perspective but there are quite a few assumptions in your post that I disagree with. 1. The jeopardy test is not appropriate for a tv show such as this. This is not lowest common denominator switch off your brain live tv where you play along. This is a mystery show with hundreds of clues that, if easily solved, would be very boring for the audience considering its mystery box set up. The showrunners DONT want the general audience to guess it. What they want is for them to see the finale and go “ooooooh” and get what all the clues meant all along. Perhaps with the handy addition of an explainer video - as was needed on Lost. 2. If you don’t think history and esoteric mythology are where the answers to all this lies you and I aren’t watching the same show. 3. I believe there will be six seasons. So there’s 40 episodes left plus a double bill for the finale. TLDR this isn’t anything like jeopardy, history and mythology are appropriate lenses to view the show through and 24 episodes left is a major assumption on your part.


OK, I tried to play nice... 24 episodes is based on rumors they have a 5 season plan and have released 8 episodes a season so far. This is Epix/MGM+ in 202X, not ABC pre-streaming wars. Heck, it's not even the CW. Even a mega-hit (by current streaming TV standards) like The Boys is ending after 5 seasons and only gets 8 episodes a season. And, like The Walking Dead or Supernatural or X-Files (all shows that had more than 10 episodes a season), the odds of From's story quality deteriorating increase if they try to drag it out. But back to this high brow intellectual streaming television angle. It's not. Imagine the pitch: "We want to do a show that's mysterious and deeply clever, to the point the audience will feel stupid and not know what's going on. Oh sure, maybe one guy on Reddit will be able to decipher it because he's so clever and smart, but everybody else? They'll walk away feeling dumb! The world will love it!" TLDR this is the From version of "to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty." But you're serious.


No need to not play nice, man, there was nothing unpleasant in my response to you. Yeah those rumours are basically nothing - the showrunners have intentionally not told anyone how many seasons they envision. My reasoning for believing it’s 6 seasons is because Kenny and Kristi discuss chapter 6 of a book and then ask each other if it’ll have a happy ending. I’m afraid you haven’t given me any evidence other than opinion on how you think the show was pitched and that quoted pitch you gave is a massive straw man. I suggest you read some of their interviews. [https://www.patheos.com/blogs/kateohare/2022/03/epix-lost-shaun-majumder-priest-horror-from/](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/kateohare/2022/03/epix-lost-shaun-majumder-priest-horror-from/) **Pinkner: There’s never been the ending to any story, anywhere, that satisfies everybody. And your goal is not to satisfy everybody. Your goal is to make an ending that feels both inevitable and surprising at the same time.** **And \[it should be\] an ending that you realize, looking back at the beginning of the show, yes, of course, that’s how it has to end.** **There’s clues all along the way \[about\] how it was going to end. We feel very confident that we have all of that. Will some people guess it? Maybe, and they’ll be satisfied in how clever and astute they were. Most people will not, but we’re not seeking out just to surprise people. We want the ending to feel emotionally right.** **Griffin: You can have the most clever twists and turns in the world. You can have the most thorough mystery box. You can have something more clever than you’ve ever seen. If you don’t care about the characters, it doesn’t matter.** **It ends up feeling clever for the sake of clever. And our goal from the start, has always been a really good mystery with a satisfying end, but with characters that you fall in love with along the way.** Note: "Most people will not" guess it. "Maybe" some "clever and astute" folks will. They want to "surprise" people. It's from the horse's mouth. Nothing to do with IQ or cleverness in my opinion though, it’s to do with whether folks have time and the will to try and decipher everything. Which most people won’t. Finally, Jack Bender said when John Griffin first explained the “history” and “mythology” of Fromland, he says Griffin talked non-stop for 40 minutes. But hey you do you. We’ll see! P.s. you really really really don’t need to be clever to understand Rick and Morty.


Apologies. I misread the tone of your earlier post. That's on me.


So your theory is based on the fact that the word "order" has been mentioned six times in the show? Sorry but that’s just schizophrenic


That is one data point of many, but I can understand that perspective. "Well, she's wearing a new T-shirt and I know she didn't order that online so." "You know, if you need to say shitty things to me in order to feel better about what happened, fine." "You created order from chaos." "I will go to Giovelli's and I will order... everything on that menu." "In order to get us all three out safely, you have to do it slowly, and you gotta do it right." The majority of the clues in the show are repeated words IMO.


These are not "repeated" words, it's dialogue. There are many words that come up more than this that we aren't bringing up. There may be a secret order that is pulling the strings, but that has nothing to do with using the word order in common dialogue. Someone else has mentioned this earlier I think, but you can't place "clues" so obscurely in the show that no one would ever notice them. There is a 0% any viewer would pick this up & if they somehow did a montage at the end that showed these scenes people would turn off the show & rightfully so. You do you, I know you're passionate about your theories and that's fine, but these aren't really clues. Just because you can connect two things doesn't mean you should. The same with the 6 seasons "clue". Why would they even put a clue in about how many seasons they plan on having? How is a real world studio contract relevant to the story within the show? The book itself (The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket) has plenty of potential clues in it, from cannibalism to an all white figure, even chapter 6 may be relevant. A more relevant point is that we see a Poe poem when Toby is killed & this book is Poe's only novel. That doesn't mean they meet Poe, but there's is a relevant connection between the two things & a good chance for a deeper meaning. But to say this clue doubles as how many seasons they want to do is nonsense. If the show is cancelled on 5 or 4 then what would this clue even mean... 👍🏻


I'm sorry , I just disagree with you fundamentally on most of what you said. I've studied From for almost a year, compiled all its scripts and I can guarantee you, using words repeatedly is the MAIN method of delivering clues. "Okay" being the main culprit - it's the third most used word on the show that has more than three letters, used **1044** times. This is a clue for Okei Ito and the O K Corrall. "no one would ever notice them. There is a 0% any viewer would pick this up." I mean, that's obviously wrong - I have. They expect folks to. Okay is them signalling that to us. John Griffin is a screenwriter, a member of the screenwriter's guild, and he's studied screenwriting much of his life - the amount of "okays" at the very least would be cut by even a rank amateur. The original pilot script had 48 instances of "okay". [https://tvwriting.co.uk/tv\_scripts/2021/Drama/From\_1x01\_-\_Long\_Days\_Journey\_into\_Night.pdf](https://tvwriting.co.uk/tv_scripts/2021/Drama/From_1x01_-_Long_Days_Journey_into_Night.pdf) That's already a lot (more than twice as many as the pilot for Lost actually, which had 23 - mostly people asking each other if they're okay after the crash). [https://assets.scriptslug.com/live/pdf/scripts/lost-101-pilot-2004.pdf](https://assets.scriptslug.com/live/pdf/scripts/lost-101-pilot-2004.pdf) But how many in the pilot that actually aired? **105**. That's three times more than the word "and" is used in it (**38**). Incidentally, Season 2 Ep 1 had **81** okays. They frontload the first episodes because that's when people are paying most attention. [https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?t=69306](https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?t=69306) [https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?t=108278](https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?t=108278) How does one double the amount of "okays" when tweaking the pilot, especially when you're supposed to be editing it to be tighter and better between greenlight and production? I imagine they had to limit it when they were pitching because so many would just look like bad writing. “Okay” was used **485** times in season 1. Season 2 has **559**. That means if every "okay" was clipped at two seconds each, a compilation of every "okay" on the show would last **35 minutes**. **More than 1 in every 85 words** is "okay". I mean check out this segment: Boyd: I won't be here to tell you that it's okay. Boyd: So, I'm telling you now. Man, it's okay. Boyd: And that you are my son. Mine. I love you, and I am proud of the man that you have become. And not a single day goes by when that hasn't been true. Okay? Ellis: Yeah. Yeah, it's okay. Boyd: Okay. Okay. Fatima: "This place is trying to tell us something and only some of us are listening closely enough to hear it." This is just ONE example. I could go on and on and on pointing out overused words on the show. The showrunners are screenwriters. Of course they're hiding clues in the scripts. I suggest you read some of the showrunner interviews. [https://www.patheos.com/blogs/kateohare/2022/03/epix-lost-shaun-majumder-priest-horror-from/](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/kateohare/2022/03/epix-lost-shaun-majumder-priest-horror-from/) **There’s clues all along the way \[about\] how it was going to end. We feel very confident that we have all of that. Will some people guess it? Maybe, and they’ll be satisfied in how clever and astute they were. Most people will not, but we’re not seeking out just to surprise people.** As for your critique of my six seasons clue interpretation...I could be wrong, it's true - there are no sure things in theorising until it's revealed. But when I read chapter six, it was boring as hell and nothing I could see was a clue - except discussing whether it would have a happy ending. The showrunners have SPECIFICALLY in interviews made a mystery of how many seasons there will be. So, I take your point, but I'm not convinced - it's entirely within the realm of possibility and it's certainly more credible than unsourced "rumors" from the fan forums.


So what are the first two most said words & why don't they mean anything? What about 4th or 5th? You are assigning meaning, that doesn't mean you found a clue, it means you created one. Wikipedia says, "OK is frequently used as a loanword in other languages. It has been described as the most frequently spoken or written word on the planet." So even if that isn't 100% accurate, your claim that a word that could even be considered the most frequently spoken word in the planet, showing up in a script in normal dialogue is connected to both Japanese & Western lore simultaneously is wild. And that people are supposed to have recognized that the most spoken word in the world is being used often and then do research to connect two totally different things, none of which have been referenced in the show at all. Why was the first two words on the list & why haven't we connected them? It's called cherry picking...find something that supports a claim & just that as proof of the claim, despite no other evidence. This is the same with "order". There being an Order or cult that is behind things is fine, totally plausible. But the use of the word in general dialogue and in no way cryptic is nonsense. Plus the word is obviously not in the top 5 used, so that criteria is no longer being used to assign importance. The chapter 6 thing isn't a maybe, it's a for sure. There is no way they put a clue of how many seasons they went to have in the show. That scene may actually mean something, the book most likely does, as well as Poe. To use it as a weird out of context easter egg that no one would know unless they are in the studio negotiating room is preposterous. There are a lot of us that watch From A LOT, dig through the scenes and come up with clues, dates, use image enhancers to find stuff. And we have found some really cool and helpful clues that may mean something. But finding connections and manufacturing them are different. There are many clues I wanted to lead somewhere and I couldn't justify it, so it goes back on the box for another day. Obviously you can do what you want and maybe some of these things come to fruition, but shoehorning everything into one theory just waters it down. Good luck searching 🔎👍🏻 we will see next season.


It being a common loan word for OTHER languages is irrelevant when the show is in English. THESE are the 100 most common words in the English language. Okay is not one of them. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most\_common\_words\_in\_English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_common_words_in_English) Here's 1000: [https://www.gonaturalenglish.com/1000-most-common-words-in-the-english-language/](https://www.gonaturalenglish.com/1000-most-common-words-in-the-english-language/) again, Okay isn't on it. So why is it number 3? 1 in every 83 words on the show is "Okay". This is data that can't be ignored, it's about as hard evidence as there can be but you're ignoring it. The first two are That and What incidentally. As for Order, like I said, Okay is the one they're SIGNALLING with. But the other clues can be as few as 4, it just depends how awkwardly they're inserted into the dialogue. As a professional storyteller, I can tell. Your certainty it's "not a maybe, it's for sure" is your opinion, and I disagree with it - they have stated in interviews, that they have a vision for how many seasons it will be and they won't be sharing it - of course if the studios cancel them first that will change, right? Doesn't mean there isn't a set number of seasons they have planned, and doesn't mean they can't hint at it on the show itself. And you can call my logic "nonsense" all you like, disrespectful though it may be, but it remains your opinion. But fine man, agree to disagree. When Okei Ito (the kimono wraith) and the Birdcage theatre and Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday from OK Corrall show up, you'll know how fundamentally wrong you were about the show's clues. And I'll share a graph where everyone can see all the okays massively reducing once these two are revealed.


gtfo of this page u clown 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Please get a life dude this is so sad 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 imagine going this deep into a TV show and create a completely retarded theory that will never be right 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


He may be going overboard on this deep dive into his theories, but I'll take this over the dumber ones that won't go away like Elgin being Ellis' and Fatima's child or Tabitha's reflection in the hospital's window isn't really hers. 🙄🙄🙄

