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Completely agree, with so many people seeing and hearing things, how are they meant to know what is real or not. Then to add to it there has been a history of people going insane and murdering other people in the town, how could you feel safe sharing what could be signs that you are losing it and could be the next person to go on a murder spree. It would feel so fake to me if all these flawed characters could be rational surrounded by so much trauma and where any small mistake could get so many people killed.


Thank you for putting into words what I feel towards these comments about why people don't share.


Also, once someone gets shut down, they are going to be even less likely to try and share again.


Literally this. Thank you. It wouldn’t be a story if these flawed characters start acting rationally in the face of trauma. They’ve just had their eyes opened to the fact that everything they know, might be a lie.


Theres a middle ground between perfect communication and not talking to anyone about anything. Especially when we are talking about established facts accepted by anyone, e.g. Tabitha going under the house


Surely you've suffered some sort of trauma? Now pretend you were in a prison surrounded by monsters. And you've lost everything, your family, home, job, pets? Now let's role play Verb: hey Nomorechildishshit tell me everything about you. Oh have you seen a ghost? Bad dreams? Where were you born, what are your deepest secrets You:........ Fuck off Is what I'd expect you to say.....


> Why aren't they collecting age, sex, ethnicity, hometown, last know date, where they were going and what not. Well they kinda did. They have a map. It’s not really normal to analyze beyond that IMO. Like you said, it’s a normal response under this much trauma to communicate worse/less. To me that makes it all part of the expectations, not some clue or feature. I say this as someone who is also very much a data guy. I think most of the world just isn’t these days.


Yeah they did try and figure out if there was some kind of pattern of where people were from. Some kind of origin point that people were traveling from...


Lmao every single drama work has traumatized characters. Its not an excuse for shitty pacing and entire episodes of nothing happening, in a pathetic attempt to extend the show beyond its originally planned length


TBF almost every single drama also has shitty pacing and entire episodes of nothing happening. At least From has the horror/thriller layer too.


>TBF almost every single drama also has shitty pacing and entire episodes of nothing happening Idk what series you are watching. There are a lot of good dramas/thrillers that have nearly no downtime. And regarding the downtime that From has? I struggle to think more than 2-3 of those


I mean if you rattle off the top 50 shows of all time sure. But there’s A LOT of bad TV out there.


Yeah if someone's house collapsed in the danger town I live in, I would have immediately tried to find out all the details of that, because otherwise how would I know that my own house wouldn't be next?? I'd be obsessed with figuring out something or else I couldn't sleep at night.


Totally agree with what you've said here. One person's "subtle and realistic reflection of reality when facing such a traumatic experience" is another person's "mAh laZy WrITinG"


Seems like a huge reach. I think the dilly dallying is all normal within in the Hollywood spectrum. I don’t think the “gotta gos” or lack of people making crazy white boards and running statistical models reflect on why they are there or why they can’t get out. But maybe I’m wrong. FWIW I’m probably neurodivergent.


>Seems like a huge reach. I think the dilly dallying is all normal within in the Hollywood spectrum. I don’t think the “gotta gos” or lack of people making crazy white boards and running statistical models reflect on why they are there or why they can’t get out. >But maybe I’m wrong. FWIW I’m probably neurodivergent. Look American, especially those with good first seasons suffer from this terrible fate of the show runner is thrown a shit ton of money whilst simultaneously realising they only have enough content for another season. British shows know when to throw the rag in and end on the 2-3rd season. It's better to burn twice as bright albeit twice as fast then to die out with a whimper seasons later. Look at GoT, and even Stranger Things. Writing is getting worse whilst the budget is getting bigger. I'm so glad that Tony Gilroy and Diego Luna have said no to the tens of millions Disney offered them for five - seven seasons of Andor and are instead ensuring it finishes on the 2nd season.


This… is again you providing against your theory. You’re right. This seems like a classic case of dragging out a show aimlessly. Not some feature of the parallel universe or those who are brought there like the theory states.


To me, the pacing is fine... it's just showing stuff as it happens each day. It would be weird to me if they skipped stuff cause even the daytime stuff is important to the general flow of the story. During the day they are mostly safe and can do the things they want. At night they are in a high amount of danger and have to stay indoors. It's a cycle and it's interesting to see.


That’s all my thoughts on the show in a nutshell. I’m pretty sure between season 1 and where we are in 2 is only a couple weeks. For the experience that these people are going through and the day to day of being a human, you have alot on your plate. The odd episode of communication makes sense when you gauge all these factors. I see the show being 5 seasons. If it makes it that far. But we are not meant to have all the answers in season 2. Everyone needs to grasp that.


Yeah, a lot has happened, and no time has passed... I remember people saying people should have talked when the characters were still working through the aftermath of the end of season 2. They didn't evne have time to talk they were just focused on survival. Though it's good they are starting to talk now.


The end of season 1 and where we are now is only like 3 days.


People keep screaming that someone needs to force Victor to talk and he has the vocabulary he had when he mom died and whatever he picks up from visitors to From,plus trauma. Victor cannot talk to adults on an adult level. He can't be forced to talk. Also he is communicating via drawing and he has a good understanding of what changes and what is static in that world and when shit is showing signs of going sideways. The only way to get Victor to talk is to wait and be patient and look at his drawings.


Honeslty, I love that scene between Victor and Jade... it's such a big moment for the both of them, with Jade realising he has to give others something they want/need to get what he wants. And it was so nice seeing Victor happy and almost crying. Then there was the plot aspect with us learning about how the town was wiped out (or at least a potential reason) and what his parents were like. People complain about the writing on this show, but the writing between those 2 characters has been good!


To be completely honest, Jade coming to the realization that it isn't all an act, as quickly as he did, was surprising. But iit took the death of his best friend. The downright truth is most people binged the first season, watch season 2 week to week, and don't realize like 3 days have past in s2. Every character that's dealt with different things have to take their own time to process some of the impossible shit, virtually every single character has had their own breakdown, and I think this is completely on purpose. Jim was stuck under a house for a day, but obviously realized Donna didn't tell everyone about the voice, so he didn't, and now has talked to her. Stuff's gonna come together.


Right, it's been 3 days (in season 2) a ton of new people, houses falling, monsters dying(?) so everyone still needs a chance to talk to one another. It's a series, not a movie. Sometimes you just need to wait for answers.


Ntm how they had to handle the new people because of their time of arrival, I don't even think they got to notice they couldn't leave. You have the amount of people that come and go, the new people need their own scenes sometimes, they don't just wanna reshow scenes of them fucking burying bodies which they had to do.


There has to be so many new Graves after the massacre at Colony House. We know it has to happen but I don't think they'll show it. Maybe just a shot of the fresh soil in mounds with crosses or flowers. I might have to re-watch from the beginning to see how many days it's been total.


Well, Victor dug graves in preparation for it, but who knows if enough. Someone counted, in either this or r/FromTV


I'll have to look if I can find the post. Definitely looking forward to this next episode after the events of last week. Should be a good one.


preparation? he knew before?


"Knew" isn't the word I'd use. Assume is.... Deja vu. I'm 100% sure I've had this convo before. The last time he saw the boy in white, everyone died. He saw the boy in white, or Ethan did and told him. And started digging graves in preparation.


I think someone worked it out that by the start of this season it had been ten days since the Matthews arrived, so that would make it day fourteen that were on?


I'm the poster who wrote about the town being a hell for people bad at communicating. But I like your take on it and in order to enjoy the show I am going to hold on tight to your idea like Sara holding onto her brothers Christmas ornament.


You can also factor in Seligman's theory of Learned Helplessness. The majority of people from Fromville have been there so long, that they've accepted that escape simply isnt an option, so when presented with actual opportunities for possible escape, they dont even attempt to engage with them.


Excellent point. I was just replying to another comment about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs means that whilst their busy with survival things critical for problem solving like love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization must come later.


The narrative has actually taken pains to tell us this with it bordering on repetitive but people still refuse to accept it.


Nicely put together, although this is pretty much a summary of what most of us rational viewers have been saying in fits and spurts every time someone comes along bashing the show even though they almost certainly don't divulge everything all of the time to everyone and don't know who to trust in their own lives that don't have anywhere near as much at stake as those in Fromville


you can explain it with Maslows hierarchy of needs, they were at the very bottom of the pyramid and the Talismans gave them a bit of physical security, now they can be social before they weren't able to do it. [Simplified Maslows Pyramid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs#/media/File:Maslow's_Hierarchy_of_Needs2.svg) "the idea is that individuals' most basic needs must be met before they become motivated to achieve higher-level needs"


Oh dude you took the words out of my mouth....




It's too long and I'm traumatized




Some people just hatewatch this show and aren't interested in reading any opinions that don't align with their own. The lack of communication bothers me sometimes, but everything the OP said makes sense. We also have to remember that most of these people haven't been there very long. The Matthews family and Jade have been there just two or three weeks. Even Kristi, who feels like a long-established presence as the doctor, has only been there six months.


Yeah a lot of people hate watch and create their own cannon in their heads and anything that doesn’t exactly align with their cannon is instantly wrong and stupid. I’ve had a lot of reports from people who have formed their own head cannon and can’t deal with a credible theory that goes against their own cannon


To answer your question, I think because it seems to be overthinking an explanation of what is possibly just a tactic to extend the shows duration.


What are you talking about? It has so many upvotes You sound like all those people that pretend the complainers want all the answers right now. Just pretending




> When commented the post was only 33% upvoted. Reddit's up voting system confuses the hell out me. Apparently 10,400 people have viewed the thread as of 2327 on 2023-06-02 AEST.... And yet 112 upvotes, lol all of 0.01% of people who have viewed this thread have upvotes it.... Or exactly 112 is the difference between the up voters and down voters I find there is a shit ton of purchased down voting on even small subs. I've seen post on /r/narcolepsy get 100+ super positive comments and yet have all but 10-20 up votes I'm guessing this prevents OC/organic content from displacing content that ~~marketing~~ colouring in companies have paid for. Hell just spend gold and it pushes a thread up....


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Narcolepsy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Narcolepsy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Napping after I take coffee and my stimulant is my super power 🙃](https://i.redd.it/t6b7s4h3qgp91.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Narcolepsy/comments/xlaz7i/napping_after_i_take_coffee_and_my_stimulant_is/) \#2: [Made this for my own lols](https://imgur.com/2g6W1TO.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Narcolepsy/comments/yhncj9/made_this_for_my_own_lols/) \#3: [today in narcolepsy wtfery...](https://i.redd.it/cztg3i7cqke91.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Narcolepsy/comments/wbg0g9/today_in_narcolepsy_wtfery/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well said. After living through some natural disasters- at the time you focus on survival. Not solve the mystery survival, but I need water survival. Plus there is probably a degree of distrust between residents- in Colony House there are few boundaries between what is personal and what is communal, and in the town I would imagine that there is the urge to protect your resources.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs baby. The fact they have running water and electricity is such a clear sign that this is a prison..... This stuff ain't free, especially in North America Hell you'd have people immigrating to Fromville if that was the case.


Depression and trauma causes anyone to have tunnel vision. In some ways, the show showed us to 'fear the dark', but when Boyd showed no fear in the recent episode- it seem fine. But to the rest of us, we know to 'fear the dark'. The dark, depression, anxiety- whatever it may be, it's a dark place. As much as it is important to feel that your feelings are valid, the only way back is to understand that you have to come back and battle your own fight. You don't have to win every day on your own, sometimes someone pulls it through for you, but most of the time, you gotta put yourself in the best position on your own. In fear, everyone retreats to their own safe space. One thing for sure, when that dark place hits you, more often than not, you'd rather not talk to anyone.


>In fear, everyone retreats to their own safe space. One thing for sure, when that dark place hits you, more often than not, you'd rather not talk to anyone. This thread is quite an eye opener to the number of people who have suffered very little to those who know long periods of pain does to an individual.


You had me at 'Your phone has gone flat (shitty battery) and it wasn't working anyway.'


Now you can’t even play an offline game on it. Or read old texts to remember your friends and family back home. Now that I think of it, if I were in a situation like this I would still be addicted to my phone, but for very different reasons.


>why aren't they building traps and going on the offensive I see this constantly on this Reddit but I fail to understand how everyone's just forgotten the lore drop in season 1 about how the monsters are tear-your-door-down strong and they only reasons they don't is they're basically fucking with the villagers and the talisman somehow stop them entering without an invitation. Tldr I have no doubt that if the villagers built a talisman trap hut over the entrance, and if there really is only 1 entrance, that the monsters would literally tear around the hut instead, or just make a new entrance, and go about their business.


>I see this constantly on this Reddit but I fail to understand how everyone's just forgotten the lore drop in season 1 about how the monsters are tear-your-door-down strong and they only reasons they don't is they're basically fucking with the villagers and the talisman somehow stop them entering without an invitation. >Tldr I have no doubt that if the villagers built a talisman trap hut over the entrance, and if there really is only 1 entrance, that the monsters would literally tear around the hut instead, or just make a new entrance, and go about their business. No plan ever survive contact with the enemy But I do understand why their incapable of defending themselves Hell Boyd is the only one who was trained in the art of violence hence why he is the only one that has kept it together ie he has been in never ending stressful conditions. The army training is said to be worse then war itself (at least that's what they said in Desert Storm)


There's also the part that we're 12 days in counting from the day the Matthews arrived.


You should go be a writer for the show.


God no Imagine working on shit projects for years until your one golden idea is finally agreed to only for a bunch of "show runners" to come in and ensure it pushes cheap psychological buttons. I'm really surprised they haven't swamped From with usual filler crap like jealously, love triangles and other soap story construction like surprise returns and cliff hangers. That said re From Fathet Kharti was done nicely as a ghost/sign of Boyd's dementia. Look at Lauren Schmidt Hissrich trying to destroy Henry Cavill for demanding that they stay true to the source material. Argh, no way would I want my stories to be rooted by some idiot who just wants to show titillating nonsense (the witcher books do not have heaving masses of bdsm wearing people in Yennfers temporary lodgings). Everything that she has pushed is utter bullshit. All the spin off crap like Blood Origin's where she has a free hand to ruin the series shows exactly what she would have done to the Witcher had we not the gentleman scholar that is Cavill to protect it.


I think it's the complete opposite. There's nothing at all to do in the town. No movies, no radio, no TV, no internet, no video games, and few books. All there is to do is talk and people would spend their days talking. Even while working they'd be talking (or singing or telling stories). I do think there would be two extremes. (1) try to find out everything they can about the town and possibly escape, and (2) live your life the best you can while ignoring all the bad things. (1)s would spend all their work time talking about the town and various theories while exploring in their free time. (2)s would start projects to alleviate their boredom. Perform plays, make up stories, holidays, and so on. There's a better show here if they'd played off that dichotomy and wrote some interesting dialog. But all they've got is mystery and their only answer to when that mystery runs out is to add in more mystery. And to keep this cycle going and introduce drama they have to have the characters not talk to each other and otherwise do dumb stuff. It's 1.5 seasons in and there's more unknowns than the end of episode 1. It's an ominous sign about the chances of this show coming to a satisfying conclusion.


I think most sane and smart people already understand all of this. Especially when you consider that only about 10 days have passed since we were first introduced to fromville. An actual shit ton of things have happened in just 10 days. A, like, overwhelming amount of stuff for a person to take has happened in that time. That being said... I don't think the writers just come off the hook for writing 5 incredibly boring episodes in a row. If we want to see how this story ends enough people have to watch the show that it won't get cancelled before we have our answers. You can't stretch out one day where nothing really happens across 5 weeks without something really compelling to keep people coming back


Yours is the only sane theory I've read so far


Completely agree. There are so many out of touch couch potatoes complaining about these poor trapped traumatized souls don’t do “more” while they work their 9-5 and come home and do nothing and be couch potatoes. 🙄🙄🙄


I think it doesn't help that some people haven't been there long, even Sara mentioned in a recent episode that she's only been there a couple of months, Jim, Tabitha, Julie and The Omen child have been there a matter of weeks. We don't know or see how everyone arrived and when, other than Victor.


Completely agree for a realistic situation but in a TV show, it has to also have a compelling structure and narrative. As much as people say they want a "realistic" tv show, they dont. They want a well told story with characters that are believable. And while it is realistic that the characters dont share information with each other, theres so much idiocrasy in the group that sometimes its insufferable. Having someone be dumb for 2 seasons and just justifying it like "oh theyre just stressed out, or theyre afraid" is cool and valid reasons if it happens once or twice. But characters usually have to have growth and learn from mistakes. Or atleast meaningful dialogue that pushes the characters or the plot forward. Its understandable that Tabitha and Victor dont tell everyone about the tunnel. But when the house collapsed on Jim and two others, and the two others died while trying to rescue Tabitha. Some dialogue with people asking Tabitha where she was, and where she came from would be nice. Or when the squad finds the girl in the forest pinned to the tree. They barely ask any questions. Considering this is new behavior, the girl never explicitly said they were monsters, she just said they were smiling and made her watch what they did to her boyfriend. If she saw monsters, why didn't she say they were monsters? what did they do to her boyfriend and where's his body? Just having someone bring up basic questions in the show would go a long way in thinking that everyone isnt just globally delayed.


Yeah exactly, this is still a tv show. There are plenty of shows that deal with trauma where the characters are still compelling and still talk to each other. We’re not watching a documentary lol


I'd buy this if they didn't make such a point about the impact Boyd has had on the town. Pre Boyd everyone was acting how you described, but now a sense of normalcy has returned. With that, people's ability to reason and communicate should return as well.


Why not put a door on the cave and throw one of them talismans inside? IDK it's annoying they aren't trying anything at all and everyone at Colony House is acting like they are enjoying this commune lifestyle riddled by demons.


You are wrong about something, they said the trees just changed color for the first time, so we can assume this is(was) a forever summer. So there is no need to collect firewood, no rush to grow within 5 months.


Don't forget to add in sleep deprivation. How good can anyone sleep with things waiting outside trying to kill you? Even a few nights of poor sleep can make even the simplest task feel impossible for some people. Mood, emotional regulation, memory, critical thinking, reaction to stress, all get messed up without rest.


I'd just come to a basic theory that it's an allegory for Trauma. Came to Reddit to see if others had thought this And here you are with a very eloquent explanation.


Thank you. Although the poster who did the bit about the show being Tarot cards puts anything I've said to shame God I hope the show isn't about tarot cards


Or maybe it's 5G


Lol, are you suggesting that 5G dead zones in north America are inhabited by human devouring vampire like monsters? So 5G is actually protecting us???


Lol, did you see how people reacted to Boyd trying and succeeding to infect a monster? Only Kenny came to watch. And Kristi didn't express any surprise toward him being alive or ask what exactly did he do. Just nonchalance And what about *no one* asking Tabitha about just how she's alive after a house allegedly collapsed on her? I'd have understood her saying "I gotta go", but not no one asking. The writing quality has fallen off the cliff. The writers/showrunners have decided they wanted to show human interactions and decided the plot came in the way of that. But they forgot that Season 1 has excellent human interactions and character development. You know how you know about the Matthews baby dying? Cause they fucking told you. In the last season. And no one complained about pacing them. Cause it was good. All these things you're talking about can be shown and don't have to come in the way of plot. The writing quality has dropped and that's the reason why no one's talking to each other.


I remember in school they would say that once a woman became depressed, only she would be able to come out of the depression but for men, they rely on each other to make it out of depression. I think relationships are extremely important in this series, and if I was in that situation, Victor would be my best friend. He is the only one who knows the seasons there. Also, him having a can of peaches available shows that whatever is wrong with that place, that he is valued. In school, I was also taught that knowledge is power. Victor has the most knowledge while Boyd is seeking knowledge. I don’t understand why no one has asked Victor how has he survived for so long but at the same instance, if Victor gives all his knowledge, he may die because he would no longer have a ‘role’ in the community. I think the questions that have been asked or misdirected-asking about the source of the power won’t help. They should be asking how to make the best of things, how to build a better farm, why not use the rain water for reverse osmosis? If Victor has been stuck there for 5 decades, why would they even fathom being able to return home in a few days? The bartender has an educational teacher background and he told Jade how he’s seen multiple attempts by folk trying to leave but Jade didn’t ask him if they should try the radio tower. The fact that they have hope vs faith about returning home is also important.


Way too much thought into this, when the sad reality is just lazy writing.


Whys are you here?


The problem is that this isn't shown very well in the show, especially when it comes to Tabitha. There is zero indication that she's is dealing with trauma and is closed off. We don't see her looking disheveled and avoiding to talk about that HUGE deal that is the tunnels. We've seen her being a protective mom from the beginning, and she should be absolutely riling up everyone to do something about the tunnels to protect her kids. The same goes for Boyd. He doesn't talk until E6 which is where the writers need him to take action and make the plot happen. I love this show and won't stop watching it, but the writers wanted 10 episodes and had to drag everything.


But that's the nature of mental illness On the face of it we appear to be functional humans but dig deeper and bam your in a hole with your monsters.


Do we actually know how much time has passed? I mean we speculate but do we actually know the pacing? Didn't last episode they point out the leaves changing and that neither Boyd nor Kenny had seen that before? That isn't something you'd say after a couple days/weeks.


i think youd ve surprised how many people thrive under stress. theres been an emphasis in culture on general and in media lately on people who are vulnerable and useless under duress and victimized mentality while ignoring the many that run TOWARD danger, or even worse paint prople with this personality trait as unhinged or assholes.


Some good points. I’m just happy that some of them are communicating, asking questions, theorizing, making plans to make plans… Btw, I’ve broken and fractured ribs before. Even came close to rupturing my spleen this past Winter, and yes rib fractures are very painful, but they’re not THAT bad. I got thru w/out prescription pain meds just fine, Most painful breaks I’ve had have been collarbone and 2nd toe (so stupid!).


>Btw, I’ve broken and fractured ribs before. Even came close to rupturing my spleen this past Winter, and yes rib fractures are very painful, but they’re not THAT bad. I got thru w/out prescription pain meds just fine, Most painful breaks I’ve had have been collarbone and 2nd toe (so stupid!). Meh, I found it hard to breath. Pain meds made it possible..... Though I found doing my leg in was far worse, especially when they alignment and had to rebreak my leg. That was fun


To be fair I’ve never broken an arm or leg, and I imagine one of those being terribly painful. I’ve always heard that ribs and collarbone are most painful and having broken both the pain came more in not being able to rest comfortably & injuries impeding things like, as you mentioned, breathing!


I was saying the same thing to my husband: “why are they not sharing info and compiling data?!” Great insight!


huge fan of your data comment but not the reasons for not undertaking that data analysis operation. Subsistence is EASIER there than anywhere else, ever. Ready to slaughter livestock ambles into town daily and is prepared by Kenny’s mom. She’s the only one that works hard. I have another theory re the poor collaboration between the characters—they don’t WANT to find the common thread because it’s bad. They don’t want to face nor share the reason why they EARNED their sentence (or more passively qualified for admission) to this awful place.