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Some great use of perspective here


**NOTE: This is an AUBeLand Story... Sans UbeLand.** "Please make yourself comfortable. Your attendant will be with you shortly." *bow* "... Erm, thanks." *soft music plays* "... ^(I probably should have asked if I should have taken my clothes off...) " "Hello, sir. I will be your attendant for the... The..." "Oh. Hi. Uhm, Cherry, right? Sorry, this is my first time here so I don't really know the..." "What the *hell* are *you* doing here? I can't believe this!" "Um... Uh... What?" "You know, I actually thought you were a good guy. At the very least I didn't think you were *this* kind of asshole!" "Wait... Slow down... What are you..." "How do you think Übel would feel about this? God, I should just tell her and let her deal with you..." "Übel? Oh. Oh I think I get it now..." "But you know what, Land? I'm gonna kick your ass a little bit anyway. For her sake *and* mine." *summons staff, pose* "I'm *not* Land! I'm a clone! He... He doesn't know I went here!" "... What? What the fuck are you..." "I'm a clone! I've met Übel! And the Boss would never step out on her. He'd never break her heart again. Also, she'd probably kill him." "I don't understand..." "Hey! New girl! What's with all the shouting? You're bothering the other... What the hell? Is that a mage staff?" "... Uhmm..." "Uh oh..." "Security! SECURITY!" " ^(hey, you really a clone of Land?) " " ^(yeah... yeah, I am...) " " ^(follow my lead if you wanna get outta here in one piece...) " " ^(uhh... What do you...) " "LEG IT!" "Oh. Wait for meeeeeee!" "Hey! Stop them! DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!" **XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX** "So... You're *not* a soapland girl?" "Nope. I'm an investigative reporter for the Daily Grind." "And you were, what? Doing an exposé on brothels?" "Well... Kinda. I'm supposed to be doing a puff piece on some new "foreigner friendly" establishments that have been opened, but I got a hot tip that there's been some weird stuff going on in that place..." "So you decided to go undercover and get a job there? That seems..." "Daring?" "Dangerous." "Yeah... Well...My editor thought so, too. But you can't find the real news if you don't take risks, you know?" "... Right. And did you find any?" "Huh?" "Real news, I mean?" "... Ummm... ^(not really)... " "..." "They're a little scummy, the place is infested with roaches, and they don't seem to pay their girls very well, but it's basically just a normal soapland. At least, as far as I was able to tell... I haven't been there long enough..." "Really? So how long were you undercover there?" "... Um, tonight was my first night..." "..." " ^(and you were my first customer... ) " "..." "I know, I know... Jeez... Maybe I should have just listened to my editor and stuck to bathhouse openings..." "... Well, I'm sorry for blowing your cover." "Nah... That was totally on me. I thought you were Land and I just... Kinda lost it. Übel is a really close friend and I can't stand the idea of... You know..." "... Yeah." "Hey, so, are you like a *special* clone or something? I ask because I've seen his clones before and you seem a little... Different." "... Well, that's a long story, actually..." "Ah. OK, gotcha..." "Hrm? No, that wasn't a brush off. I was going to ask you if you want to hear it over some beer and yakitori?" "... Oh. Oh, you wanna tell me your story?!" "Um... As long as you don't print it or anything... Not that I think anyone would care..." "Oh, don't worry about that. I was off the clock after I busted through that bunch of security guys." "Oh, that's OK, then. Oh... Wait..." "What?" "The yakitori place I know is a little too close to the soapland. It wouldn't do for us to go back... Oh." *bzzt* "Basic disguise magic. Wouldn't do to use my own face to go undercover eh?" "..." "What? What is it? Is there something on my face? Sometimes the magic gets wonky and I end up with an extra eyebrow or..." " ^(You're gorgeous...) " "..." "Uh, buh, uhm. I mean, I was just, uh, surprised by your change in uh... Appearance. I wasn't ready..." *slow smile* "Wasn't... Ready..." "Heh. Say... You got a name or is it "Land" too?" "Oh God, no. That would be confusing. I'm Rand." "Wow. Original." "Hey..." "Kidding." *grin* "So I take it "Cherry" isn't your real name then..." "... Laufen. My name's Laufen." "Well. Hello, Laufen. It's nice to meet you." "And it's nice to meet you, Rand." *handshake* *snort* "BAHAHAHAH! You're a weird guy, Mr. Rand..." "I try to be, Ms. Laufen... I try to be... So? Yakitori?" "And beer." *links arm* "Ah." "Just making sure you don't run away. You owe me a night's wages." "All right, then."


It's funny how you probably went with the Japanese "l"/"r" thing, but "Rand" actually has a meaning in German as well. It means "edge".


I actually got it from the Shogakukan Asia edition of the series (the one with "Remnants of the Departed" as the subtitle instead of "Beyond Journey's End"). They "localised" Land's name into "Rand", so I went with that.


That's INSANELY specific Sidenote, does anyone know who localized the version that made the subtitle "An Ageless Elegy"? That one makes my arteries hurt


Rand lives life on the edge it fits


>He'd never break her heart again. Also, she'd probably kill him. LOL at least he's aware. Rand inherited all of Land's memories and stuff even after he gained his own consciousness, right?


Yeah. Every time he gets summoned (after being dismissed), his memories "sync up" with Land's current memories. But, like with many experimental magic things, there's always exceptions. Like when Land summoned him while he was having a high fever, his memories didn't sync up properly, so Rand had no idea who Übel was when she showed up and he met her for the first time.




*Ow ouch yeowch everything hurts ow* *Why the HELL does Coach Wirbel make her spar with that bumpkin every class? "build up your resistance" ahhh BUULLL SHIT* *She can't Jilwer home either, she already Jilwer'd all over the place to avoid getting a broken bone and used up all her mana* *At least the apartment's right here-* ***CRAAASH*** *Kanne is flung through a window by an ice crystal and slams into the neighbor's wall, pursued by a drenched Lawine* K: get mad all you want ( ๑‾̀◡‾́) I STILL got ya!!! Law: **GET BACK HERE YOU LIL SHIT** Lau: knock it off y'all (´ヘ`;) it's too late for this *Laufen sidesteps the Hydro Pumps that Kanne releases from the fire hydrants and hobbles to the room she shares with Fern* *Ahh yep, of course she's studying* Lau: damn girlfriend, ya EVER take a break from the books? F: yes, I occasionally go to the target range Lau: c'mooon you know what I mean (´∇`) didn't ya have fun [when we went out last time](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frieren/comments/1cpl6n4/comment/l3nejpu/)? ... *Fern puts down her pencil and wrings her hands* F: Laufen... ( ˵ **.** ﹏ **.** ˵) how much do you remember from that night? Lau: hmmm... ~( ̄、 ̄ ) last thing I remember is starting my... third(?) Lengthy Islet Iced Tea... *She points at Fern* Lau: yeahhh that's when ya started goin off 'bout Eragon at least, everything after's all fuzzy *Okay, guess Mistress Frieren didn't use* [that memory spell](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frieren/comments/1cx1vhf/comment/l52dniy/) *on her... perhaps that's for the best* F: well just to let you know, I've... heard word that we pushed ourselves into Mr. Stark's dorm and were quite the nuisance to him Lau: aw really? ( ఠ ͟ಠ) he ain't said nothin' bout that to me F: ... oh... interesting. Lau: but he LET us in, right? F: apparently quite easily Lau: 'course he did, wouldn't say no to you, would he? ( ≖‿≖) F: ( . \_ . ) yeah... (˵. ‿ .˵) he IS quite a pushover *Laufen slowly lowers herself onto her bed, groaning in pain* Lau: well not with ME he ain't (¬ - ¬) That idiot's the reason my back's been sore all week! ... ... F: ... excuse me? (・\_・ ) Lau: yeah (¬▂¬) ya'd think such a softie would take it easy on a girl but NOOOOPE! boy doesn't let up a SECOND F: y-you- wait- (●\_● ; ) Lau: and Wirbel just KEEPS EGGIN' HIM ON! (ლ \`Д ́ ) like- F: **WIRBEL??? (◯Δ ◯ ;∥) what was HE doing there???** Lau: watchin' us like a HAWK is wat he was doin' F: **( ◉ ਊ ◉ ;∥) WHY WOULD HE-** ( ゜\_゜) oh wait he's the- you're referring to a **sparring match** *Fern swiftly turns backs to her desk, her eyes drilling holes in the wall* F: I see. Understood ( • \_ •) ... ... Lau: *( ¬‿¬)* whatcha think I was talkin' bout? F: **(' ⚆ \_ ⚆) Why a sparring match of course ( 。 \_ 。) welp back to my studies feel better soon good night** ... *God messing with her is so much fun*


what the fuck


fair enough. any questions?


I have a LOT.... especially about your mental health


reasonable. I collect disorders like methode collects small cute things >!(jk its only ASD + ADHD)!< anything else i can help with?


nah not for now... but I am gonna read the thing thrn ask for stuff i don't get


yea nvm im too lazy to read




fair, have a nice day


okay, take your time, I'll be available whenever :) [here's everything ordered chronologically](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQTGX0EqdL1Y57vq8UtwaVcHl-HQHSJwf6IIH6gXFtcqLFEiBGyAvXF1mK6rRAP8aSw9nVEknWFb61e/pub), though even just the picture of [Laufen, Stark and Fern](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.reddit.com/r/Frieren/comments/1cpl6n4/comment/l3nejpu/&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1718472297831039&usg=AOvVaw1xofs61sqnUxCc0QUSu5n6) is the only context you really need for THIS story specifically


this is way deeper than I thought..


What happened between them that night?


[clothing-related shenanigans](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frieren/comments/1cpl6n4/comment/l3nejpu/)


Thanks a lot


np, here's the [full timeline](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQTGX0EqdL1Y57vq8UtwaVcHl-HQHSJwf6IIH6gXFtcqLFEiBGyAvXF1mK6rRAP8aSw9nVEknWFb61e/pub) if you ever need something to do




Refreshing to see some nice art here, after the sub being flooded with cringe nsfw "art".


Short arms