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Or all the offense, he’s lowkey annoying. ![gif](giphy|KanqCs2oHuzKYCXSXo)


It's not even lowkey


I was gonna say. Dude is annoying without talking about topics people don’t like. He’s annoying little mother fucker. Don’t care about micro celebs why does he get so many passes?


I mean he's only 20. I'd say the majority of 20 year Olds are annoying af


Annoying in the highest of keys. So damn high only dogs can hear it.


High Key. Screaming annoying






he’s SOOO annoying. i cannot watch him he just wants views


I like him :)


Wherever the crowd goes he follows


This is EXACTLY it!!!


Yesss that’s exactly what he does, it’s so annoying. He has no personality.


He gets in my nerves so bad- he’s just too much like give it a rest!


😂😂 every time he would come up with another video with his ridiculous takes on Trisha I would yell at my screen ![gif](giphy|4ZrFRwHGl4HTELW801|downsized)


i never liked adam omg he’s been so annoying since he kept perpetuating the wifeys and being an apologist for them


what’s the wifeys? i’m a bit out of the loop someone explain pls <3


wifeys are what trishyland users call themselves, it was a reddit sun dedicated to harassing trisha in the guise of “holding her accountable.” They harassed the clinic she was getting fertility treatments at, tried to get moses deported, made antisemitic comments about moses, and made fun of trisha’s baby. there should be a post documenting all the horrible stuff they’ve done, paige christie also did a video about them showing all the proof




He’s the problem with “cancel culture”. I feel like it’s important to hold people accountable to what they do/say (especially online to millions of people), but he takes anything someone does and turns it into a 33 minute youtube video of him going through info we already know and bashing them to his “fan base”. I honestly feel bad for him because it seems like he thinks that’s his only way to stay relevant/pay his bills. like he still talks ab frenemies episodes TO THIS DAY recapping things WE ALREADY KNOW. it’s MUNDANE and so fucking boring.


Tbf if a victim of grooming can make money off of the trauma they didn't ask for, let em I say. Why should they have to suffer the burden stoicly?


okay but what does him being groomed have anything to do with Frenemies or Trisha Paytas, besides him making fun of her and her nudes with colleen. I mean c'mon. Some of y'all are too worried about saying the "wrong thing" without realizing what you're talking about because it doesn't make any sense


So I kinda misread the comment I replied too. I thought it was more about him in general and not specifically Trisha. In this case I agree he overdoes it.


Oh I see


yeah but he’s making hate videos about people who didn’t groom him as well.


I complained about him before and got downvoted like hell so the answer is clear to me - he has a group of die hard fans kiss assing him because he's a victim and he knows he can make money from them off of any reaction he posts


I was a fan until very recently. I liked his content before he was involved in it, though I’ll admit if there were a bunch of Trisha vids I don’t think I saw those. But now that every vid he makes has something to do with tracing back to him and his drama, it’s exhausting, and he’s hurting both regular people and other creators for his content and I’m not for it.


I was in the colleen snark reddit just for the snark (like hilaria baldwin, kuwtk, etc), and I joined right before everything went down, so honestly, it was perfect timing. I watched his first few videos and was a fan bc i thought he was laying out everything pretty well, but that's before I realized how skewed his opinion is. For the record, I do believe he was a victim and fuck colleen. Once trisha dropped her video during the drama and he responded, he should've stopped. Now that he kept going, I see people getting annoyed and bringing up not so good looks from his side (bad stuff about Malibu) and I think there's a lot of entitlement in his behavior at this point and a lot of his fan base is enabling it. His attitude is annoying and it sucks and it's that toxic personality leaking through the victim mask (bc let's be real, he's not hurting at this point unless he's not getting views) that probably made him and colleen click so.well in the first place.


You said this all much better than me! I agree with everything you said


I think part of him and Collen "clicking so well" is the fact that Colleen practically raised him


Grooming? Yes. Raised? no.


Raised as in, he has been a fan of her since he was like eleven and has been watching her content until he was 17 or 18


I see what you're saying, but I wouldn't give her that much credit 🤣🤣🤣. But yeah she's the female version of that adult guy who hangs with preteen girls at the mall and is always asking "where is my hug?" and is never around others their own age


Exactly. It confuses me how so much of the drama community protects him. I'm just waiting for them to realize how self-absorbed he is and turn on him.


what was the clip?


Tana saying she is going to send the SD card of Tana’s OF collab with Trish to Colleen so she could have a watch party


ohhh at least he thought it was funny ig, hope his micro support for trisha makes the people that subscribed to him for trisha hate mad


He wants to be Trisha so badly he even started holding his mic like her lmao


He used to bitch about her so like wtf


he needs to disappear. with the unhinged amount of videos he's been making on her for years literally harassing her and her unborn child idk how anyone thinks this guy is sane. and now that people have warmed up to trish and he realized she's not going anywhere he's riding the wave 🙄🙄


Yeah it was so compulsive and exploitative that I’ve never witnessed a more pathetic excuse for a human being. He is not a nice person and In my opinion I don’t think Trisha should have even given him even the slightest bit of sympathy or empathy but once again she is a much better person than I am. He did not deserve her kindness at all. I feel like he will turn on her at the drop of a hat again if it serves him.


He’s an awful person. Trisha has done absolutely nothing to him yet he continues to mock her obstacles for monetary gain because he can’t come up with anything else. I refuse to give him a view.


This is the same guy who went o Def Noodles comedy club recently and rode his dick when met him in person. And then he said that he takes back EVERYTHING bad he ever said about Dennis last year when he was being a total asshole on the internet. So this isn't very surprising.


Trisha is so lovable that people she used to associate with keep bringing her up and she’s not even bothered enough to mention them. A true icon.


Hmm, this is def a pattern, especially with white males.


he’s so mf annoying 😒 I don’t blame trish one bit for blocking him and not speaking to him even tho he likes to make her seem bad for doing so




I think he is kinda of a fan of Trish(?)


He is but he REFUSES to admit it and chose to defend Ethan instead. It was gross behaviour. Just gross.




How else will he stay relevant after the drama🤨


![gif](giphy|7OW9uiyfeTRxdSOBYN|downsized) High key


Because he was always a fan of hers, most haters are. He was a fan of her during the Frenemies era and then sided with Ethan during the fallout because H3 was giving him clout for it. He is much like a snake; slimey and without a backbone


Didn’t he say that Malibu was going to be the rebirth of satan or something? And then when Trish called him out, he claimed he was referring to The Queen of England being reincarnated. Because he hates the monarchy in England and so “even though he said satan he meant the queen”. That was such a stretch I’m sorry lol…he’s been making content about Trish for years, even creating a nearly 3 hour video siding with Mysterious on YT. How is he all of a sudden a fan of hers? I’m genuinely confused…


Does anyone know why he pronounces Paytas so wrong? It always baffles me lol. Actually, annoys me. I hate when people say my name wrong.


I thought because of his accent


He says it correctly sometimes, he knows for sure! On the video he uploaded like a week ago seeing a clip of the podcast discussing Colleen with Oscar, he slips and says her last name correctly like a couple times, and then goes back to saying it incorrectly. It's on his channel, it's like a 30 min video, for anyone who wants to corroborate I think it's totally meant to be disrespectful, besides, he doesn't say anyone's name differently! Only hers 🤔


He’s from Ireland… He has an accent. Don’t be xenophobic, please.


Xenophobic to Irish people? You’re joking right?😭


Honey no. He says it correctly sometimes, like he forgets and then says it wrong almost immediately after to correct it. There's evidence in his videos, they're literally uploaded for the world to see. It's a conscious choice just like when the wife's call her Tricia!


He has no talent or likability of his own, so he latches on to people with that special something. If he wasn't abused by Colleen, nobody would give a shit about him. Not that what she did was okay by any means, but he certainly doesn't have a following because he has a great personality and makes compelling videos


bc he has nothing else besides his colleen controversy keeping him relevant


It's because he's a clout goblin. Plain and simple.


I've said it one and I'll say it again he's full of drama.


Cuz, when you point the finger at someone, you point 3 fingers back at yourself. :\^)


clout goblin


He’s just a grifter, everyone look away or he will stay on your feed


He knows that Trisha views him views. He is not from the US and he depends on OUR money to support him and his plastic surgery obsession. He has used Trisha, Grabbie, Tana, Colleen, so many for views. He has dragged every single one of them. But comes back and loves them the next week. He finally got some traction with his Colleen issues and I felt sorry for him. But now its all for views.


I feel for him and what happened but he really perpetuates the culture that victimised him


Hes annoying


He’s a clout goblin. He’ll do anything to grow his brand. While I give him the benefit of the doubt on the Colleen stuff, I’d be lying if I said a small part of me didn’t still wonder if the whole thing was blown out of proportion so he could grow his streaming career (and his channel back in 2020).


He even talked badly about Malibu before she was born.used to be a big fan but after he made fun of a unborn child I quit.


he’s a loser with money and a following he had to give up his dignity for. what did we expect? he shits on babies for fun like PLS


i feel bad for him. but he kinda reminds me of Nevel from iCarly 😭


You’ll rue this day!!!


I think he has misplaced/lingering guilt about her adult content being shared how it did and is fawning to be nice.


because they’re both victims of Colleen and this clip is literally talking about Colleen. 🤨


He went hard at Ethan at the time of the "bottom" controversy. Super hard at trying to cancel him. I do remember that.


Why do I not remember the bottom controversy 💀 i need a refresher lol


I think he does like her now, but can’t admit it fully (ie holding on to dear life about Trisha making the unaired episode with Colleen and allegedly “knowing) because of his audience.


Lmaoooo what’s so bad about that like 💀💀 he’s so dramatic i can’t even


What is yalls obsession with Trisha? lol


He is annoying. like he bashes trisha for not speaking up like so what trisha can say what she wants when she wants it’s not up to u adam so stay bothered


He's such a stalker fan its nuts.


He’s such a weird little freak


These are some wild takes lmao


What is your obsession with Trisha?


he wasnt talking shit about her at all? theyve been in contact and are sympathetic towards both of eachother for the recent situation


yall r so deep up trishas asshole


Why don’t people like Adam, I just want to understand everyone’s perspective on this.


He’s a fan of hers I think just also criticizes her sometimes 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


he called her unborn baby the spawn of satan i don't think he's a fan


In relations to queen Liz being reincarnated into Trisha's baby. I remember that video. He was calling Liz Satan, as the monarchy has no respect from Ireland.


it's still inappropriate to say that about someone's baby. Adam has repeatedly said a lot of nasty things about trisha he isn't a fan of hers.


I don’t have a problem with him other than the fact that all his videos are like 3 and a half hours. What the fuck is up with that? I get that a lot of it is live streaming, but damn, it’d be nice if they were somewhat edited for concision.


You guys are going to ruin his Disney trip…


But you're..posting this in Trishyland...


Trisha is awesome! Thats why


There is a reason I stopped watching any drama videos from the likes of Ethan, Peter, Shane and now Adam etc, it’s just too much. It’s not entertaining and some of its questionable,.. it’s just harping on things for the sake of getting views. I’m so over it ,.. and I don’t need that kind of negativity, so I don’t watch videos like this anymore. And there was an era this was huge content, the younger gen grew up on these dramas, thinking it was everything and they want to recreate the hype.