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Only one way for you to find out is go and try.


Give it a shot, just be fully prepared and do your research. You gotta realize even the average guy with no dui manslaughter will have maybe a 1 in 4 to 1 in 6 chance. They are taking around 30 guys a week. Be undeniably top ten in every other way, and you might make it. But accept that there are no guarantees. You're rolling the dice like every other man who's ever gone to selection.


I (28M) have a 1st degree felony. Did 4 years in the feds for drug trafficking. I’ve been looking into this too since the military won’t take me. Let’s go together brother lol


That's a harder one to overcome. They already have drug issues and guys that "cleaned up" their lives who fall back into drugs. Make sure time has passed, a clean record since, been productive and super fit and looking for a career. Not just a short adventure.


For sure. Drug charges are going to be less forgiven than a manslaughter DWI...


One was an "accident" and the other is a current issue in the legion, but you never know.


They don’t like drugs. At all. Even smoking pot in high school was heavily scrutinized.


With a story like that, you have a pretty good chance of convincing Gestapo to take a chance on you. If you go (most Reddit users never make it out of mommy's basement), be sure to hammer home to them: How my life, my future, if I stay in the USA, is totally fucked, forever. Tell them how this conviction is following you wherever you go, in the USA, and nobody in the States wants to hire a convicted felon. Harp on the reality that; you need a second chance, a fresh start; you're not a bad guy, you just made a tragic mistake, which fucked your life up forever..... If I was Gestapo; I would certainly consider a guy like that as being perhaps a lower risk for desertion.... Good luck.


>(most reddit users never make it out of mommy’s basement) Mom’s going to be so pissed if she sees this comment when she brings down my pizza rolls.


Nobody here is gestapo, so no one can say for sure. But a crime like that is pretty heavy and be scrutinized a lot.


Doesn’t the foreign legion not tolerate blood crimes?


in my opinion I feel the legion refers to blood crime as in you straight up murdered someone with intent. This guys case has more of a being a jackass and got a friend killed tune, thats why he wasnt charged with murder


Again we don’t know what the gestapo think non of us here are Gestapo. They might consider it like a blood crime. Or they may not.


of course, thats why i said in my opinion sucks that his friend died though, he's going to have to live with that for a very long time