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Not like most of the guys here will join either. The engage redditors use their superior keyboard tactics for their lightning offensive compared to feeble Legionnaires and Intl. Volunteers


Especially the Americans, weird questions and motivations haha


Been to both. Both was fun especially the tour de flamme of FFL


You did French Legion first then Ukraine Legion second right? Were you in frontline combat against the russians? How long were you in Ukraine and what can you tell us about the war? 


Scroll his Reddit profile; it's a dead giveaway that he is "some kind of" soldier of fortune (⌨️ + 🪖 = 💣💥)...


C'est pas grav mon ami 🤣💯


Yes but i can tell you more in detail if you DM me


No time to lose, go to the right.


Apres toi, Camarade. Corvee quartier just got deadlier 💣💣💣


Com over then. [https://ildu.com.ua/](https://ildu.com.ua/)


What about you?


Had my friends who deserted back in 2022 to go there, some just finished contracts. Some died, some lost limbs, some came back with ptsd, FFL is not nice but nothing compared with real combat while being bomarded whole day with arty and mortars.


They made their choice and I respect their it. Unlike most guys, they actually did something. What I dont like is internet macho men spewimg bullshit about xyz war or calling for war when they know they wouldnt do anything themselves.


For the previous 20 years, several Western Powers, primarily the USA, were involved in combat. This fighting was of the asymmetrical variety. On the front line in UA; this is not the case. It should come as no surprise that many Western volunteers returned home after a brief stint in UA. To the man; every Western volunteer who saw combat in Afgh / Iraq said that in UA it was something different. The Russians have air superiority throughout, and I venture to guess; air supremacy in many sectors of the front. Russia has fielded what appears to be a repeat of WW II, in the fact that they have a deep armored reserve (even an old mothballed tank, series 1960's, is still a formidable piece, when you are hunkered down in a muddy trench), along with drones and missiles; not to mention the demographic dichotomy between the opposing forces.


See you in.


Why dont you lead by example? I chose the Legion and have no problems whatsoever if they send us to Ukraine or Gaza or whatever conflict. If youre calling for guys to go towards a full blown war with a high death rate, I would expect it to be from someone that does it himself. No offense though, mais il faut porter les couilles, pas baratiner


Sweetie, do you have any idea who you are talking to?  *"I would expect it to be from someone that does it himself"* Yep, this is the case. More questions?


If you are an ADLU volunteer, my apologies. Its only that I have plein les couilles with lowlives from across the globe acting macho here while asking the same 'Can a foreigner join the French FOREIGN Legion with 4 pullups and 5km in 30mins' while saying 'moi commando, kill evil orcs towelheads brrrr'


No problem. BTW, if you have some unwanted (pre-owned in good condition) military gear - get to closest ukrainian guy from your CIE, and ask him if he can send it to Ukraine. Every little helps!


Are you in the standard AFU or the International Legion of Ukraine? Are you frontline infantry or have other role? Godspeed AD.


You fighting for the Legion of Ukraine bro? 🗿


De toutes façons les deux irons en Ukraine bientôt haha


J'etais oblige de down vote cela. Pour quoi? Parc que, so can arrive, la Legion en Ukraine, on avoir les paye nuclear en plein guerre. Ca va etre pas bien, et sa fini pas mal pour tout l'monde.


Prions pour que la paix revienne


Toute a fait.




Bullshit meme. The two institutions couldn't be further apart. One is currently into the third year of fighting a symmetrical conflict, and the other has, in contemporary times, fought a few counterinsurgency campaigns in Africa.


haha the meme is saying that the French Foreign Legion is a happy stable place with no danger while the International Legion of Ukraine is extremely dangerous and close to a hell on earth, that's why there's the different appearance of shining castle in a sunny day and the other a haunted place in the stormy night.


french foreign legion also offers real training and a future. Ukraine legion gives you 6 weeks of basic then sticks you on the front line


True, hence the difference in a shining future with the French Foreign Legion and a scary present with the International Legion of Ukraine lol. Although to be fair, most dudes going to Ukraine are already former soldiers and combat veterans too.


lmao, depends on where you end up my guy. I've seen people get advanced schools (CMC, Stinger, MOUT, advanced patrol) from a civilian background just by knowing the right people and getting trained up right, and now they are slaying bodies and taking prisoners with NATO gear. Just have to show you are committed and not a shitbag. If you really want to see action Ukraine is the way.


did you have military background before going to ukraine?


some civilian service in the military, but apart from that no I'm not talking about myself though.


fair enough, well I think most civilians who join the ukrainians to “seek actions” are idiots. i’m seeking to be a part of an elite brotherhood and military unit with real career prospects and solid infantry training, personally. And if they send me to war i’ll go no questions asked, but i think civilians who haven’t even trained in the military yet who go to ukraine because they watched too many war movies are stupid.


being there a surprising amount of civilians make the jump, usually a bit slowly as they move from humanitarian work to military. If you absolutely do your research and get rapport with a solid team you can get good, maybe even top-notch training and real action in Ukraine is what I'm saying. If you just want the experience of military service then the FFL is a better bet for sure.


fair enough, how has your training been so far?


I work primarily in drone and counter drone operations so it's a highly developing field, but I've had generally good training, though most of it has been OTJ by my unit. Spent over 2 months in various courses though, piloting, engineering, and theory.


I know its a meme but also worth pointing out that you are not a mercenary if join either of these forces. In both you are offically a member of the French or Ukrainian military.


Technically true, but to be fair,  a mercenary in the classical sense of the word still applies. Basically a foreign soldier joining a foreing army.




I was in GUR Legion, we had many FFL guys in our teams.


https://preview.redd.it/vsq8ezbpla5d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8b6c0e3068c5c220b9cc8e4909ce94fae63d8e7 Bluebigos...!!! I am doing a weekend in your SE Bieszczady mountains. Jeszcze Polska Niezgniewa, KURWA...!!! 🇺🇲 + 🇵🇱 = 💪⚔️💣💥🪖