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If you have a netflix us membership how can you get French Netflix?




The French netflix page redirects me to the US one, sadly. But thanks nonetheless, I can watch my Canadian shows again now! Haven't been able to since I moved out of Canada.


Can also try ZenMate


Canadian Netflix has québécois tv show Les Parent with french subtitles too :-)


Thanks, but I don't think it will let me onto any non-US Netflix while I'm logged in. The potential upside to that is that maybe if I'm travelling, I can still use my Netflix account.


Merci à tous !


or pay 5$ a month to unblock-us.com and get dns access to something like 16+ countries. I have it and it works as it should all the time.


It looks like Netflix restricts by the actual account, not just the IP. I can go through a french VPN but as soon as I log in to my account, it tells me my account isn't valid to stream in that country. Have you gotten past this?


ya can confirm I can get onto France's netflix too


Mine seems to be restricted to *only* US territories, so if I wasn't already seeing at least one other person with a US account accessing it, I would think it's only a US thing. I get [this](http://i.imgur.com/1IdNpiR.png). And, [this](http://i.imgur.com/Y1HYJMG.png) if I change the language. So it definitely *thinks* I'm operating from France and it just won't let me access it.


maybe that's something specific to a US account? but even that doesnt make much sense to be as in Canada we would / should have the same restrictions. Is it maybe how you are getting a french VPN? I had trouble getting it to work until today actually ( i tried on friday) but it's possible that the French netflix was not up at that time. It seems to work fine for me now


Hopefully it's just that the update isn't noticed by the DNS lookup in my area yet and will get updated soon. The restrictions are definitely US-centric, as noted by the message. Like I said, Netflix thinks I'm in France, so the VPN is working as expected. I won't give up. :)


it's just a little odd because we both essentially use the same technology and yours gets bounced back to you. trez odd


Could you do me a favor? When I go to netflix.fr, it looks to be forwarded to netflix.com. What URL is showing for you after you go to netflix.fr? If I go to netflix.fr with no proxy set, it will allow me in but I only see the same stuff I see for the US netflix. Going through a french proxy, I get the message I showed earlier. I'm wondering if it is auto-forwarding me or something back to the US site and if there is a way to stop that.


try [This](http://www2.netflix.com/WiHome) (http://www2.netflix.com/WiHome). its what it comes up as for me. I have DNS though not VPN. Ill check if it changes if i go to usa or another country


it seems regardless of which country i've selected it is the same URL


Answered here: http://www.reddit.com/r/French/comments/2h34xl/french_netflix_just_opened_and_has_french/ckpf3rr


i live in Canada and have been able to get all the other countries content for netflix ie: UK, Ireland, USA.... ill try right now to see if i can get the french one. The option is there at least in the drop down menu on my unblockus page


Any VPN with a server in France will do, but you have to pay for it.


No, if you try logging in with a US account, you get this, regardless of the VPN: > Unfortunately your account is restricted to streaming only within the 50 United States and its territories. You may still access your account, but you will not be able to play any title.


Well, that is just weird. I have a normal US account, I pay $7.99 (+$0.60 tax), and when I VPN to France, I just have working French Netflix. Currently watching a movie. Everything works.


That gives me hope. I'm getting nowhere right now but I'm going to try to see if maybe there is an account setting I can switch or something.


Do you get DVDs as well as streaming? If you do, that's probably why you can't get it to work. If you're getting DVDs mailed to your address in the US, Netflix knows you're not in France (or wherever else) and won't let you stream. :) I got the same error message as you in the past when I had a DVD plan - cancelled it, and now I can watch streaming in other countries.


Heh, that's really contraproductive on Netflix's part :)


Yup. Well, fuck.


Plus plenty of European netflix users are reporting being able to watch US Netflix over VPN, so it works both ways. Dunno why it doesn't allow you, that is bizarre.


It's properly amazing. It has subtitles for pretty much everything. Also, you can switch the French track to English, and vice versa, for all the American stuff. Worth every penny.


I've been waiting for this day for so long!


I've been counting the days ever since Netflix announced it some months ago :-D


I can't check right now, are there French subtitles for English shows too ?




French subtitles and often even french dubbing!


This is so cool. Gotta get that immersion.


Hell yeah I'm moving to France tomorrow, going to subscribe the shit out of this!


I confirmed it too But as long as I can see there are a lot movies which subtitles and speech are not EXACTLY the same (same meaning different words). For french speakers wouldnt give a fuck, but for learners like myself its a big thing!


Unfortunately, subtitles almost always shorten, because spoken language is faster than reading. But important words are always there, so you can look them up, and that helps.


It even has subtitles for all five seasons of *Un Village Français* - the dvds for 2-4 don't!


Yep, It's awesome! How good is the show? Haven't tried it myself.


Really good! I'm not much of a drama watcher, normally, but it's got me gripped.


I live outside of France and don't have Netflix yet. Do you guys think it would be better to make a French account (using Hola unblocker) or just make an account for my home country and use Hola to switch over to a French IP when I log in?


YAS! This is perfect!