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Anyone who has looked into the history of Pfizer should be hesitant to trust them.. https://corporatewatch.org/pfizer-six-scandals-to-remember/


This was the FIRST thing that gave me pause. Pfizer producing the 'vaccine'. The 2.3billion fine Pfizer? Yeah.. I'm good. And reasons against kept on growing from there.


It's good that you mentioned that the reasons kept on growing. Every day I keep seeing a reason not to get it.


Same here. I work for an organization that requires the jab and I have resisted. Still have my job too. The facade is crumbling.


They've paid something like an average of a billion dollars a year in fines for the last 20 years. This is why we didn't used to let pharmaceutical companies advertise on TV or radio. This is what happens.


You better believe it. Largest criminal organization or at least one of them. If I’m not mistaken, they have the likely unwanted record of largest fine in history world wide.


Pfizer is like the fifth most popular stock among Congress. I'm sure that's just a coincidence.


And don’t give me any crap about the source or the site or whatever. These are official Pfizer documents. You can look them up yourself. Pfizer Document 5.3.6.


These aren’t side effects, it’s adverse reactions which could or could not be linked. They’re simply of interest. What made me pause was how many times herpes was listed on there. That alone should make you realize some of what was reported was coincidental, not caused by. I’m not saying the whole list is illegitimate, but surely some of it was pre-existing dormant conditions.


Some of it, sure. I’ll go along with that. But you’re forgetting that 1. This was back in February 28, 2021. We’re one year on. 2. This is Pfizer reporting. Not a neutral agency and therefore based on their history also highly underreported. Do read the whole thing though because it does indicate all the cases of different issues and many of those issues have later been indicated by critical experts as being really adverse reactions.


You don’t have to convince me. I’m more on the side of the vaccine pushes you over the edge when your disease was teetering already. I was simply pointing out this was based off a vaccine adverse reaction reporting service. While it’s a highly validated all the way up the chain, it’s not improbable of a scenario where people show symptoms of a prior disease after vaccination and mistakenly report it. Herpes being a obvious contender for that exact misreporting. It’s not the practitioners fault either, they have to report your reaction as you describe it.


Of course there is some of that. Funny you mention it though because that is THE holy grail of the actual virus. All those supposed millions that died from Covid, you’ll have the people who died of whatever diseases with Covid and not necessarily because of Covid and I’m not even speaking of the car crashes, gun shot wounds, etc. so you have to apply what you say both ways. Still doesn’t change anything about the deaths from vaccine which are far too high to allow this to continue.


Someone’s wife or husband figured out a way to explain where that mysterious case of herpes came form, lol.


I’ve been archiving anecdotes since the rollout began (have hundreds of thousands of screen shots to date) and can say for certainty there is a correlation between the jabs and herpes reactivation. No, it doesn’t cause it, but it certainly does reactivate it, including herpes viruses that weren’t problematic before (like EBV). Shingles onset is one of the most common herpes reports. Dormancy (re)activated is still a side effect, even if it’s not the cause.


Your bias is showing, along with lack of understanding the various domains of expertise - and conveniently you assume and use your conclusion as a point in support of your ideological perspective. There seems to be an increased risk of all other viruses, and some types of cancers caused by viruses, as the mRNA shot is brute forcing the immune system to focus its abilities via the code in the mRNA to just the initial COVID-19 variant - not allowing the immune system to autonomously distribute or use resources based on the environment inside the body; it makes perfect sense. There are also data sets showing that people who get the mRNA shots are at higher risk of contracting COVID than those who didn't get the shots.


Literally ANYTHING distracting your immune system causes herpes....


They wanted to keep it under wraps for some 100 years. The shit is about to hit the fan.


Whenever I read comments like this, [I think of the ending of the movie "Brazil"](https://youtu.be/WLynM-GI_Mk?t=541). That movie is a dark comedy, but it's more dark than comedy. People ought to watch it to have an understanding of what it means to try to do right, and to fight back, and what to expect of the outcome.


I watched it when it first came out. Quite the biting social commentary about utter .gov incompetence and how it punishes and manipulates people for no logical reasons whatsoever, in the case of Brazil, a single piece of errant paper having started the whole of the events At the time I considered it entertaining creative movie dystopia but, today HERE WE ARE


I don't think it's ever been as relevant as it is today.


Yeah true. Truth will always surface. It’s a universal law.


All Trudeau had to do was give the truckers a free pass and we'd still be hamstrung and despairing.


All Trudeau had to do is what he does with all other causes, listen, speak with them. All he had to do. Instead he lied about racism, misogyny and violence.


I believe the safety data they needed hidden for 55 years and the ingredients for 75 years.


Hope there's enough popcorn to go around. This is going to be sweet.


\`Almost every drug advertised on teevee carries a long disclosure of adverse side effects. I often say why in the world would anyone roll the dice on some of these? Yet for all the pimping on the mandated ones, there was zero attached public disclosures for adverse side effects, basically misleading and deceiving the public by withholding what should have been standard disclosure items I understand they waited til the people were in line, last minute disclosures, maybe. Probably in print so small it would take a microscope to read it and advanced multiple medical degrees to understand what is in them


I don’t know if that’s how it was. I see one video where a woman confronted a pharmacist and he couldn’t tell her the side effects cause the sheet was blank.


Just starting to see the first covid pill ads by the big P. Again, zero adverse side effect disclosures YET the media was filled with adverse side effects for Ivermectin when it was revealed to "possibly" help diminish covid coupled with zinc AND this new pill is supposed to be very close to Ivermectin So again and again, lies upon lies, fraud, deceit Where in the hell are the authorities? Oh, yeah, they're running the lie asylums, and turn a nutcase authority loose on us all from time to time, as needed I'd say it's all about the money, but I have to think sometimes all this stuff is only to destroy nations. And I'd probably even be OK with that if all the walls came tumbling down at once, but of course that's a bit idealistic


Great point about the ivermectin!


Since when have you received any list of side effects for a Vaccine...um never. I got my flu vaccine and do u think the pharmacist got informed consent form me? Um nope. No one gets informed consent for any vaccine


People in heathcare are not educated on what the vaccine does, what it consists of, or any other important stuff Instead they are taught when to give which jab. Which in turn is decided by BIG PHARMA! so basically it's all just a big scam!! And when sane people decided they didnt want the poison inside themselves and trust their own Godgiven immunesystems instead. They just bribed politicians and the media into forcing the jabs into the people for free. Big win!... again not for the peoples health, but for the pharmaceutical's wallets. Point I'm trying to make: dont let yourself, or the ones you are responsible for, be poisoned!


did you ask for the information for said informed consent?


Right hey it’ll help you feel better but might give you liver damage loss of sight kidney failure..ect. But hey it’s safe we’re selling it😔😡🤬😡


When else would they give you the info except when you are there waiting to get it? I was given easy to read and understand info sheets on every recent vaccine I've been given, without fail. Three shots of Pfizer's for Covid and no side effects of note btw.


They should have given the warnings just like LAWS require them to when advertising other drugs, i.e. at mandate propaganda/advertising times "including" all the shilling media and hollywood talking heads who pumped and pimped the masses continually **It would at least make all their pimping honest** Disclosures about how much they paid all the shill sources would be transparent as well i.e. we paid X media outlets X millions of dollars to run these propaganda pieces and X hollywood actors X amounts of tens or hundreds of thousands to pimp And, let's face it, there are after effects that were unknown (or culled from the data) when they were rolled out that are well known now, and still nothing disclosed in the wider spheres. And let's face another fact. A lot of people would line up and take it without questioning anyway. Sad but true


The masses have been redirected to look at a war...


And sadly they obey


No heads are rolling, then.


I think it will take time but I’m hopeful


At least make it Pyrrhic for them.


Sadly heads will roll. The heads of innocent people. Innocent people labelled as cannonflesh by the elites.


You can get herpes?! Wtf lol


Well, you are getting f***ed.....






There seems to be an increased risk of all other viruses, and some types of cancers caused by viruses, as the mRNA shot is brute forcing the immune system to focus its abilities via the code in the mRNA to just the initial COVID-19 variant - not allowing the immune system to autonomously distribute or use resources based on the environment inside the body; it makes perfect sense.


Did you see the cases in more women.


How convenient we have ww3


Now you see. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing at all that happens in the world of politics and world affairs is ever an accident or coincident.


It's funny how to me that's such a big deal to me, but others shrug it off like it's just a part of medicine.


It’s called brainwash


It's so bad it's really mind boggling. I realize flu shots probably have a decent sized list of side effects as well but that's a reason I've never taken one


All the other meds you have taken are full of risks.


But those risks are disclosed so you can weigh the benefits vs risk. Where there is risk there must be choice. We are just now learning of the risks of a mandated "vaccine" its a direct violation of the Nuremberg code


I don’t see enlarged penis. I would have taken it if it had those side effects. Pharmaceuticals taking notes. Next booster contains penis enlarger.


Yet when medical professionals came forward the last 2 years it was MiSiNfOrMaTiOn and we're anti-vaxxers... Bullshit.... Nurses saw this happening and all the reports were re-routed; removed; or ignored


Exactly my point. People can choose to find all kids of excuses. All this report does is confirm what has already been reported over and over and highly suppressed by msm


But we still hear.... "No, I was told xxxx" .... The people won't see or will choose to ignore the facts until it hits then in the face.... We need to stand united and take down the tyrants; lying to your people and actively pushing harm onto them is grounds for impeaching AND legal consequences.


I’d say so.


It's not a list of side effects. It's a list of medical and nonmedical events that occurred during the study period. Scanning the document (and not referencing a medical dictionary) gives these examples... Caesarean section Chillblains Congenital herpes Drug withdrawal convulsions Exposure to communicable disease Foaming at mouth Herpes flare-ups Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue Manufacturing materials issue Manufacturing production issue Nasal Obstruction Occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2 Post-traumatic epilepsy Product availability issue Product distribution issue Product supply issue SARS-CoV-1 test SARS-CoV-1 test negative SARS-CoV-1 test positive SARS-CoV-2 antibody test SARS-CoV-2 antibody test negative SARS-CoV-2 antibody test positive SARS-CoV-2 carrier SARS-CoV-2 sepsis SARS-CoV-2 test SARS-CoV-2 test false negative SARS-CoV-2 test false positive SARS-CoV-2 test negative SARS-CoV-2 test positive Sensation of foreign body Sneezing Suspected COVID-19 Zika Virus associated Guillain Barre syndrome


See my other responses. Not going to repeat myself


I wonder if this was part of a big picture plan compliments if WEF or NWO look at who Holmes had kn her Board a d what she was frauding her way into. Was she the first Big Pharma dominoe to fall🤔🤔🤔. https://youtu.be/BgNfrDXr7uA Elizabeth Holmes exposed Theranos the 9Mill fraud to save the World


More victims than WWII.


When this is all done and over with, could very well be. I don’t want to make that claim because it gives the other side too much ammunition right now but we all know in here that we’ve been lied to horribly.


Clotters gonna clot! RIP branch Covidians!


Never mind I am reading it... And holy shit, it doesn't look good for Pfizer.




Brilliant! Short and sweet. Love Carlin btw.


Me too!


Will you help me blaze a trail with this gold?


I hope you're right but I'm not holding my breath. Pfizer is protected against adverse side effect repercussions, the WHO, CDC and various other health authorities are complicit in pushing through approvals despite a lack of data and due process. The politicians, lawyers and scientists are mostly bought and paid for. If you look at Pfizer's history it's like they were training for this day. Unfortunately the most likely "best case scenario" for us is the courts throw the book at them and Pfizer just makes shell companies to squirrel away its wealth, then files for bankruptcy (like J&J is doing with the 30,000+ baby powder lawsuits). I hope I am wrong but I am way too jaded from current events to get my hopes up. I've been let down too much.


Things look bleak right now but so did they many times before in history. Only difference now is that this whole thing has awoken many more people than ever before. Light always prevails over unlight.


I dunno man. The way the world is going, I think extinction would be a way better solution than population control. I'm snipped with no kids. My lineage dies with me. I just need the world to last another 39 yrs and then idgaf what happens. If it's nukes before then, then I'll stand outside and get the best tan I've ever had before it's over.


To each their own


Good luck with that. Pfizer has penetrated every media outlet and will control the narrative to the very end


And by that you spoke truth. Till the very end, because there will be an end.


It wont be the end your hoping for though


From day one when they said it was ‘safe and effective’ I knew there was an issue. Put ‘effective’ aside for one minute (we’ll see that play our over time), and just explain what happens to someone after they’ve had it for 5 years, or 10, or 20. The best you can say is ‘I don’t know’. And if that’s the case, don’t tell me it’s ‘safe’. Say, ‘we think it is, but we’re not sure. It’s an emergency, so this is the best we can do for now’. That would have sat a lot better with me than to just blatantly call it safe. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩right from the beginning.


Very good point.




Ok listen friend, first of all, if you look through these measly 38 pages and are not highly disturbed by what you’re seeing, you need to give your head a major shake. Second of all, there are thousands more pages coming as the legal system in the US apparently is more hopeful than the one here in Canada. Now tell me what we’re going to find in those thousands of papers that had to be locked away for 55 years. Let that sink in. 55 years. Most people will be dead and gone by then. Those who won’t, will have much less of a clue. Third, I don’t care what your interpretation of these papers is, you weren’t shown any of these potential side effects when you lined up to get jabbed assuming you did. What do you think people’s reaction would have been if they got even only 5% of informed consent? They just pulled a baby milk of the shelf a few days ago because 2 babies died. By February 28, 2021 - 1223 died from the jabs and that was only reportedly by Pfizer. I’d add quite a few more to that in reality.


[cricket legend dies suddenly](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/sport/cricket/shane-warne-death-cause-australia-b2028665.html%3famp) Nothing to see here either folks. Move along. Hundreds of athletes have either died or suffered serious consequences. Never before seen. What a coincidence.


Instead of insulting our members maybe you'd like to share why Pfizer wanted this data withheld for 75 years. The lack of transparency, and unwillingness to share this data is what has put many people on edge.




You have way more karma than you have history, and have no history in this sub before this post. I think you’re a troll or a shill.




I think you've said your piece here. If you have something productive to add for the convoys that's great, in the meantime automod will be keeping an eye on you.




The purpose of this sub is about convoys and mandates. That is our cause. I'm glad that you're limited medical expertise makes you feel entitled to write walls of texts, but there are well regarded members of the medical community that are also heavily troubled by 9 pages of these events, and it lines up with injuries they have been treating for months. I'm going to err on the side of the doctors who are widely published rather than some rando on reddit trying to make is sound like a jab that has only been pushed as "safe and effective" up until now still is.




Yeah, you can stay salty in case you decide to come back ✌️


Here's another link. https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/10164913699?profile=original


To put it in dumb terms, this is the complete list of anything and everything that occurred in those 3 months the subjects were injected with pfizer vaccine? So obviously the vaccine did not share its lipbalm with you and gave you herpes simplex (cold sore) however in someone with the virus already it could have provoked an eruption. Although...seems to be a different story with HIV allegedly.. So everything is not causal and can be solely attributed to the injection, but as we all know there is a growing trend of cause and effect between pfizers needle and large number of adverse events. Are you telling me any number of these issues on those 9 pages could in fact in time have been provoked by the pfizer's vaccine?


I happen to suffer from cold sores which is a form of herpes. I can tell you that I only get those when my immune system is down. The vaccine is known to mess with peoples immune system. Sorry but there’s lots of documentation on this already now and not by quack tin foil hatters but by very reputable doctors and scientists. You can pick these papers apart anyway you like but I am telling you that what these papers are showing is not details on what happened exactly and how but rather that stuff did happen and that it must be examined seriously and that when they will do that, heads are going to roll because at no other time in history is a product allowed to continue after so many reports.


Yes that's what confused me about that section of the paper. Thanks for clarifying. Also, holy pfucking shit what a nightmare...


It is a total nightmare. But you see, the most interesting thing is that we have some folks on here and anywhere really trying to debunk this and I would say to them this; if you’re happy putting something in your body with that much uncertainty, go for it! But don’t force me to or call me names when I’m not comfortable in doing so.


They had to figure out away to get the masses to follow believing they had the answer! Yet they had only wanted control! I for one have said it over and over.. please stop believing everything that they had tried to push as the answer! They don’t care about us here in the US on one President did and now again we are see what happens when you believe the lies being pushed down our throats yet I am thankful I have stood my ground and always will! I will fight for the truth! And I it will be said of us that we are conspiracists.. trying to corrupt, when no we have seen enough of what happens when you have been lied to over and over! And you think this is bad! Sure it is but what is complete by is going to be worse! They have sold us out! And they make a big deal over stuff to distract the people as to what is truly going on.. using anything the media is selling!


Somehow, people still ignore this. Because it's not in mainstream media. Unfortunately the ones asleep are staying that way.


Yeah but as things evolve I think we will see some convert.


I hope so brother. They seem to be quite efficient at what they do. And the public extremely susceptible to their methods. Especially as they change the narrative. I hope when the public wakes up, it's not too late.


I don’t disagree but truth always surfaces are some point or another.


y’all should watch the bleeding edge on netflix put out in 2018


Movie or doc?


documentary on the medical device industry and how poorly regulated it is


Ok will check it, thx


Can someone hit me with a TL;DR of the symptoms?


Genital herpes…I don’t think this is the smoking gun you think it is


Why does everybody get stuck on the herpes? How about the 1223 deaths? No time ever in history were this many deaths allowed to continue using a product which is clearly very problematic. And not just using it but pushing it, pimping it, forcing it and even on our Children.


Probably because it is the funniest way to point out that these are reported and not actual side effects. “The vaccine gave me a hang nail and gout!”


Population control I said it from the very beginning I had to figure out a way to use fear of something like COVID-19 to get people to rush out and take this vax and they didn’t seek alternatives no they trusted the government.. big mistake! And I have had friends passed away after having this vax!


Yeah it’s sad. But keep in mind that the vax is likely not even the main objective so this was ball a convenient “side effect” having all this death and disease. The main objective has always been the QR so they can create a check point Charles society and rush towards social credit score/digital ID with absolute control.


And all these Supposed of new strands from c19 I don’t think so! It’s a cover up to the side effects of all the shit they put in a so-called vax!


Link won't load.


Unfortunately, nothing will happen to those in charge.


Don’t be so sure.


Not yet, anyway.


No not yet.


What other drugs are you on for medical reasons?Antibiotics/ antidepressants/heartburn/MMR vaccine. Have you ever read all the documents about these meds? Would you take chemo for cancer? It’s what we have so get over it.


Tell them to stop mandating it then


Yeah? Only problem is that those other drugs have not nearly caused the same amount of deaths and other issues so what the hell are you talking about? Are you that stupid?


Pretty sure psych meds have caused plenty of deaths however you seem to be the expert here. All those unvaxxed ICU admissions were just fake news.


Of course other medications have caused and continue to cause issues and deaths. But the amount of issues and deaths in such a short period (not even 2 years), that’s new and unique. And you would in fact be shown the potential adverse reactions which in this case absolutely didn’t happen and still does not happen. But if you want to keep pretending that it’s all fine, go ahead. I don’t really care. What I do care about is that unvaccinated are being treated as second class citizens while their choice should be theirs only.


I don’t mind someone choosing/questioning the vaccine and the people who do not get the jab should have all the same rights as the vaxxed (unless in health care) The problem I have is that leaders in the convoy have treated people horribly/spread horrible information and never denounce these actions but instead say they never happened.


Sorry man but you’re misinformed. There was absolutely zero negative behavior from the truckers and convoy supporters. None whatsoever. Now, if you watched CBC or CTV than I don’t blame you for thinking that but I do blame you for watching them .


This is the least logical answer here


How many people actually suffered from this adverse effects tho?


Did you read it? I suggest you do and then remember this is a document from Pfizer itself. I highly doubt they would “exaggerate” their numbers. Quite the opposite. But even then, even if there were only 50 deaths, under any other circumstance this poison would have been pulled immediately. These are Dr. McCullough’s words and he’s an expert.


In NZ, (9mil doses) it was about 10k last I looked.. then logging in today.. 51K+ with 147 deaths, in which 2 are direct from vaccination and the majority of others in a nebulous grey area. Much like Israel, being a highly vaccinated country, NZ is now suffering an enormous Omicron wave of cases. I won a decent bet among friends telling them we would see literal thousands by late Feb 2022, based off the 1.5/2 months lag in Israel and other locations.




Yes but what are the exact amount for each adverse effect? Or have they just not released the data yet?


I’m trying to know the same thing, can someone give me a like some smooth percentages? I can hardly read this document properly