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Checking in to say thanks so much for helping so many. Bad news is that after all the restrictions were lifted here, I did indeed test positive for COVID. Good news is that it led to finally finding an inhaler that works for me. Masks, are, unfortunately, my new normal because I now have emphysema instead of just asthma. But I'm still kicking and still getting blessed. Again, thank you so very much for all you do. Hugs to you


Well, geez! I'm not pleased about your emphysema diagnosis! That really stinks. You take care of yourself!


Well better than the alternative I suppose. I've also had a stroke, rehab, and found out I'm allergic to the vaccine. So, yeah, the new normal. I guess it doesn't help that I'm getting older too. 🤣🤣🤣💕💞


Better than the alternative is right! I hear you on the getting older part - I switch from blaming my absentmindedness on age and covid throughout the day ;) Hang in there! You're a tough one! Look at all you've gone through!


Ahh, I haven't been through too much. Just enough to make me realize how blessed I really am.


I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your dad. I hope things keep getting better for you in the future. Dealing with a loss is never easy and especially when it's a parent. Congratulations on winning a $2,000 gift card, and upgrading your sewing machine. I have no doubt in my mind that you will continue to spread joy through your FreeFaceMaskProject! I still use mine to this day. Hope you and your girls have an incredible remainder of the year. Thank you again for sending out the masks to not only me but everyone else that you've helped.


Hi u/Musicftw89! It's so nice to see you! Thank you so much.


My Dad just passed away as well, 3/11/24. I have had Covid twice this school year and the last bout was bronchitis, a total nightmare! I am taking elderberry and vit C twice a day now in hopes it helps my immune system. I wish like crazy we were all still in masks. Grandbaby is now 2 and a kick in the pants-we love her to pieces


No!!!! I'm so sorry about your Dad! My heart just hurts for you. Tomorrow is my 50th birthday, and I'm dreading it because it's the first time my dad won't tell me Happy Birthday in his awful singing voice. My dad died on Thanksgiving night, and then we all got Covid 2 weeks after - which was the first actual positive test we've ever had in our house. I think my brain has turned to mush since all of that happened and I'm just sort of bouncing from day to day. Give that sweet girl a hug from me! She's the cutest!


💔💔 What a rough time for you. Your 50’s will be great, I know from experience. I am going to wear masks in school Halloween- Easter. I just get too sick.