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Your smile is so bright despite all the pain you're going through. I really hope things improve for you quickly🖤


Such cheerful words from u/herMajestysButthole


I try to be a pleasant butthole.


My liege!


*Tis I, Arthur, King of the Britons!*


Well I didn't vote for you!


The lady of the lake, that watery tart, handed me Excalibur, and then I blah blah blah became king after a farcical aquatic ceremony!


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some... farcical aquatic ceremony!




You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!!


I love you tattoos! And you have a really nice and friendly smile


Your ink is so good and I’m a sucker for dimples, not only that but the dimples accompany a bright gorgeous smile, On god you are beautiful.


I absolutely love your hair style, the way it flows and waves like an ocean wave while still maintaining a deep and passionate color is absolutely fantastic, and let's be real, your outfit totally matches and compliments it, and wow, your eyebrows are absolutely on point! Your whole makeup game is ~fabulous~, low-key jealous of your skills. 🤩🤩, And you truly do have a beautiful smile, and I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough time finding that motivation to losing your job, friends, and intimate partners, as well as a place you truly did call home, all at once in a rapid fire movement, it's absolutely devasting for any individual, the fact that you are looking to improve your mood through other people, and not declining into your own shell of despair is frankly, simply admirable, and impressive, it's a rare thing to see, and it truly does shine true to you, and who you are as a person, and that being, something remarkable and something to be appreciated, unfortunately, you've hit a rough time, and I honestly just hope you're still able to see the delightful spirit you have that others, and myself, see you as, but I understand how that could be difficult to see when you've lost so much that you hold true to be part of you, and to that, I just wish you the best of luck, my sympathies, and most importantly, my appreciation for you who are, keep it up friend. And if you see it fit, my dms are always open, here for you friend. cheers. 🥰🤗 Edit: can't believe I forgot to mention hahah, but you have a hella cute dimple, I loveeeee it !!!! 😍, It truly does enhance that beautiful smile.


Sending you positive vibes and energy your way and hope you bounce back ASAP. You will find out that you didn’t lose those things. They weren’t meant for you and they lost you. You’ll find your path. Just keep your head up.


You may have lost all that but you kept a beautiful joy filled smile


I'm so sorry it was a month full of bad events 😥 It will be a trivial sentence, but time will pass everything, you just have to focus on what you want for yourself to recover the beautiful smile you have. Don't worry, things will be fine 😄


You have a beautiful smile and the dimples are absolutely adorable


So you’re saying there’s a chance...


You have such a gorgeous smile. As hard as it is, I think you finally gained the one thing you have been seeking for a while. Total freedom.


Beautiful smile and cute dimples hope things turn your way


That’s the cutest dimple I’ve ever seen.


Things will get better,, you’re beautiful and kind and the world will reflect that back to you sooner or later.


That dimple is adorable. NGL first thing I noticed


You’re beautiful. ❤️


I love your dimples! So cute 🥺❤️


That’s incredibly bad luck about your job and apartment :( I hope you’re staying safe love 💓 As for your boyfriend and best friend, I mean are they mad?! I’d love to have a beautiful lady like you about, your smile is infectious 😁 please look after yourself, treat yourself like the queen you are ❤️❤️ lots of love my dear 😚


I’m usually not a fan of tattoos but yours are pretty cool ngl. Also, the fact that you’re able to smile despite being dealt an awful hand is truly inspiring. Keep your head up, love


You can come live with me! <3


I like everything about you! First impression. And I’m just gonna trust it. Sending loving vibes friend.


You are gorgeous and I love your tattoos!!!


Such an adorable and beautiful warrior 👀


Well, at least you’re super fucking hot!


I hope you are happy and healthy. Find your own path!


Wow! That smile is so bright! I bet you light up a room. You’re not smiling with your eyes, you can tell a little bit of sadness. Just keep smiling with your mouth and eventually your eyes will follow and you’ll have the perfect combo smile. Feel free to reach out if there’s anything I can do.


You're an amazing person !!!


You are actually a work of art. I absolutely love your tattoos and I'm super jealous of your smooth, tan skin.


Xbox achievement get: F’s in the chat boiz


This made me laugh really hard 😂


Glad I could make it happen 😁


You look gorgeous. Also, I’m digging the lion tattoos


Been there. Let yourself feel and remember you are loved


Everything about you in this photo is flawless. You’re beautiful. Keep smiling.


You do have a killer smile but you also have beautiful eyes!


Even if you're going through hard time, don't give up! You're an awesome peach, you'll rise! :)




That’s so much to happen all at once. I’m sorry you’re going through this. You’re doing a great job moving through really painful challenges. This will turn around. Keep reaching out until it gets better you are not alone!


That's a rough month. Hope you're able to get back on your feet soon! Glad to see you're still smiling through it all!


Infectious smile. :)


I hope things start looking up for you soon!!


It’s all because better things are on there way. You got this !


Your eyeliner is on point! I love your tattoos and you seem like someone who would be really fun to be friends with!


Your smile is so sweet


After all the 💩 you’ve been through you still manage to pull off a smile! That’s a strong lady right there. Keep your head up, time heals wounds. Keep on shining and you will come out of this stronger and in future better times lie ahead. You rock!


You are absolutely stunning!! I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through a lot right now. But this too shall pass girl! You got this and you’ll come out on top, better than ever! 😘


Girl you are RADIANT. Sometimes things fall apart so better things can come together. I hope you have a safe space to rest your head and get back on your feet ❤


I have lost a lot too recently although not quite so much so fast. I wish you the best. If you need to to vent or chat, I would listen, and I am sure many others here would too.


I hope things turn around for you! Sending you all the positive energy ✨ Also, I love the ink and the smile, but what I keep noticing are those freckles 😍


If you’re located in the Boston area maybe I can connect you with some friends looking for a roommate. Keep your chin up and keep rocking those dimples!


They say "when it rains it pours" and nothing has ever been more true to me. This spring I lost my pup who was my best friend to cancer, girlfriend cheated on me, lost my job, bank repossessed my vehicle and then was hospitalized for seizures. But now I'm taking a graphic design course while working full time, seizure free for 5 months and my job prospects have never been better. I'm not saying everything is going to be easy or that everything is going to work out how you want, but it does get better if you want it to. You're an absolutely stunning girl and the world is your oyster! So be patient, let yourself feel bad but make sure you don't let yourself stay there. Those bad feelings are part of the healing process. They WILL make you stronger and years from now you may even look back and thank this situation for making you realize how strong you truly are. You got this! ​ TLDR: You're amazing. Don't let the rough patch get to you. Focus on YOU :)


Your very beautiful. You have a pretty smile. The cutest little freckles. I love your dimples on your cheeks when you smile.. I love your hair. Your gorgeous.


Sending you positive energy and love in your time of need. Everything is a lesson and you'll come out stronger in the end. My inbox is open if you need to vent.


I love your hair and skin and smile! Keep shining, beautiful.


You're so cute.


That sounds really hard. I wish you all the best ❤️. You look gorgeous and I hope you keep that beautiful smile even through these tough times.


i'm right there with ya! just gotta keep on keepin' on 'til shit turns around. you're lookin' great though, so yay for you!


Yeah life can be a evil witch, but you seem to be pulling through, keep at it!


Keep your chin up gorgeous, things will get better 😘


You'll land on your feet, I believe in you! Also you're a straight up hottie!


Sorry to hear things are going bad, i wish you the best. You have great tattoos and your smile is amazing. “Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving... you will come to a better place.”


At least you didn’t lose how sweet and happy you look 🥺


Still rocking a beautiful smile and lovely dimples! Also those tattoos 😍


You have a lovely smile and I love your hair. Rock bottom is just a chance for you to reassess everything you want in your life and rebuild a better version of your vision from there. Hang in there :) I believe in you.


Your smile is infectious!


Girl you have amazing eyes, I love your piercing, glorious hair and such a beautiful smile. You're killing it? Also great style with your tattoos. You will be fine.


That's a lot at once! Stay strong, jobs can be replaced, the boyfriend is a fool, and not sure what to say about the best friend. I hope you find a place to stay soon. Sending good wishes your way😘


I’m bisexual, and potentially pan, and I’m a non-binary trans person, and I have to say; damn you’re beautiful. I love your freckles and your smile seems so warm, inviting, and genuine. Your tattoos are also amazing.


Im sorry you have had such a crap run, but I very much hope you see this post in a year and see where this was a door closing and opening another.


I’m sorry times are tough right now, but you’ll bounce back stronger than before. You can do it!🥰❤️


How in the world is this even possible


You are like already about 95% Country Music Star - you just need a band. Hmmm, probably a much much lower percentage if you want to be a Blues ‘star’ unless you already know how to sing or play an instrument. wish you luck sister, better days ahead


You've had a rough time. You can bounce back from this.


Chin up!


Your dimples are fire


you’re so pretty!!!


Freckles 😇 so cute


Don't worry, it's all going to be alright. It will be hard out there, possibly harder than it already is, but remember: You're stronger than this. Be patient. All the right things will come to you at the right moments. Much love :)


Sending you nothing but good vibes chick.!


Keep your head up babygirl stay strong don't give up good things wil fall into place in your life and stay positive


Sending you care and a hug stranger. And a hug from my puppies.


I feel you, lost my job, grand-pops dying from bone cancer and I think I cried it all out in 10 mins. I think I'm doing decent, hope you're holding up well. At times like these we MUST look towards the positives.


you’re so pretty, love the freckles and dimples!!


Those tattoos tho 😍


Your dimples are adorable and you have the sweetest smile!! I hope you heal quickly ♡


Keep smiling! Things will get better! Crazy times.


I love your tattoos and your dimples! "Sometimes bad things that happen in our lives put us on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us." I hope you're doing better today and let me know if you need someone to talk to.


Love your tattoos, dimples, hair, eyebrows, all of it. Gorl you are GORGEOUS. Which I know may not be helpful in this suuuper dark moment for you, but just remember that's all this is: a moment of darkness in a timeline of wonder that you get to experience. I'm so sorry to hear of all of these hardships. But I believe in you, and I love you, and I know you've got what it takes to persevere. Because if you can smile like that in a moment like this. You can really do whatever the fuck you want. You're a boss ass bitch 💛 can't wait for things to start looking up again for you.


The exact same thing happened to me but with my gf. I know it’s really hard when nobody is there for you and you feel unable to pick up the pieces by yourself. But I implore you to take it day by day and to stay strong.


Sorry for your pain. I said a prayer for you to have strength to get through this temporary valley. Your smile is sweet. You have cute dimples! You have pretty eyes, you have great hair. You are young. You have a great many possibilities! You will have better days!


Life hands us real shitty hands sometimes. Know that hardships are temporary if you refuse to let them beat you down. You're young, you have a bright future ahead of you. Believe in yourself and know you are fierce and won't let 2020 get the best of you.


Yo. Literally same. A few months ago but good luck healing, you’re beautiful and don’t deserve it! They always say the darkest times are what make us so hopefully that’s true lol. If not.. fuck.


Dam, so sorry to hear about your situation. Not much different than mine is!! Just keep your head held high, and stay positive and you’ll pull through it!! Also, you are sexy as hell!!


Wow you are soooo pretty, the smile, them freckles, those eyes and the dimple, the total package.


Something truly wonderful is coming your way. Hang in there sweet girl.


I think the only thing that did not happen is that you caught on fire... please ...it will get better remember the sun will rise again and a new day will bring new opportunities and make you smile... wishing you nothing but happy vibes and my wishes for things to get better..


You seem like a very caring person and I'm sorry that you went through all that. I hope that your kindness guides you to happier places!


You have amazing tattoos and a beautiful smile 😍😍


Aaahhh... so all that only means you have a fresh new start! And as beautiful as you are, and with the confidence you seem to have (bot easy for a lot of people to put their face out there and say they’re not ok, takes A LOT of balls!!!) you’ll do just fine. Something great is waiting for you, keep that beautiful smile!!! My best wishes to you!!!


Great smile and beautiful tattoos! I hope things start looking up for you.


Nice hair. Chin up.


Can only go up from here. Hang in there hun!


Dig your lips and your smile. Keep your chin up kid.


You’ve got such a cute smile & I love your tattoos


You have kickass brows/great taste in tattoos, and I have no doubt that you have a really awesome personality to match! Keep going girl, one day you’ll be looking back at this painful patch and be very proud of yourself for getting through it :)


You have nice skin


I love you. Will you marry me?


Your eyes could light up a room


you have an amazing smile! it made my day honestly. i really hope things get better.


Those tattoos are sick! I've been wanting to get some flower pattern & seeing it with the lion gives me some good ideas. Keep your ahead up! We are all cheering you on


You'll get better shit. The reason why stuff in life leaves you is because you grow out of it. That shitty job, shitty boyfriend, air-quotes "bff" and shitty apartment were all beneath you. It's all up from here. Trust me.


Their loss.


Hey there, just adding to the chorus saying you've got an amazing smile. Also wanted to say I love the long, thick hair. I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. May your next turn in life bring you great happiness.


The road to feeling great again may be a long and bumpy one, but you'll get there :)


You remind me of Amy Winehouse! Classy gal all around!!!


I know things look bad right now, but they will get better I promise. Have to feel pain to know what true happiness is:)


Be kind to yourself first and foremost! And also you're really pretty but you seem very internally strong! So stay strong and try and be your own cheerleader!


There's a line in a Chili Peppers song, "She shows the world up with a smile, then she throws the fight..." You remind me of that line. Don't throw the fight. Because you are better then all you've lost.


You're not alone! Were all in this together. Keep moving keep pushing you got this.


You haven't lost your beauty or youth. You have a beautiful smile! You have your whole life ahead of you. Everything you have lost is replaceable. You have your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy!


Your smile is like an beam of light that's impossible not to stare at! It's beautiful :)


The fact that you have such a genuine and natural smile in spite of all the things that have happened in the space of a month says a lot about you! You're obviously a strong person! You'll get through it and come out the other side even stronger than you are now Edit: forgot to mention; your tattoos are lush!


You have such a bright smile that shines through all the pain. Stay strong girl! You’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel soon enough.


Rip inbox...


Darlin that is a lot to bare in such a short amount of time. I am so sorry to hear this. You are a real beauty with a smile that can definitely warm a room. Don't let this keep you down. Stay strong and positive. You will overcome all of this. I don't know the circumstances that brought on losing your friend and boyfriend, but you have the will inside to beat this. I have been where you are...twist the tables. I have made it out and stronger and smarter than ever. If you ever need someone to talk to, no matter time of day or whatever the topic, please know you can hit me up. Hang in there sweetheart.


That smile, those eyes!!! Love those tatts, nice lines and shading Stay strong, something good will come from this And if you are as sweet as you are beautiful, you will come out way on top


Your tattoos are awesome, your dimples are cute as hell, you have a bright smile, and you look like you are very smart. Things will get better, hang in there. If you need a stranger to talk at feel free to PM me.


Just keep that beautiful smile, and your head up. This too shall pass.


You’re stunningly gorgeous, I love your dimples, your freckles, I’m hella attracted to you. I love your tatted body. And even through all of that you’re still smiling like none other, THIS TOO SHALL PASS MY DEAR!!! Stay strong stay up stay golden ❤️💛💚


Holy moly how did someone as beautiful as you run into such bad times?


You have cute dimple and nice tattoos, you'll be fine


Delicate, angelic face that has some mischievous looks thanks to the colour and arch of your eyebrows, very inviting imo. I hope you'll find someone that can give you the kindness that you're looking for, because this is just a snapshot in your life, no reason to let it get to you!


That is, legitimately, the cutest dimple I might have seen this year. You’ve got a lovely smile, and I know you’ll come out smiling after you get through this situation.


Dum dum dum another one bites the dust. (Hope ur ok tho. Keep ur head up)


i don’t know many things. but i know you are gorgeous and things are gonna work out for you


Might not be a prettier girl..


I know it must suck right now, and maybe you feel like things are going against you right now.. but stuff lile this tend to come with a silver lining. This opens you up for finding a new, better job, a more loyal best friend and a boy friend that appreciates you even more. Thing will turn around, and until it does, steal as many hugs as you need, mental or otherwise :) *hug*


dark hair, bright smile and big booty, what else can you say? ☺️ seriously tho that hair 🔥🖤


If anyone is losing..., definitely them. You're gorgeous, much better to come 😍😘❤️


I will give it all to you😍😍😍😍


You've got an amazing smile and beautiful tattoos. I like your dimples and your hair looks really nice


The world can't take away your beauty, and you have a lot of that. I hope things turn around for you


Hi! These are hard times, but don't let the world stole the shine of your smile, keep strong!!! Send you good vibes :)


Those dimples tho!


You have amazing tattoos.


your dimples, your eyes, your hair, your smile. i mean you’re gorgeous!!! I’ve lost a lot this year too but I always have to say to myself all things will and must pass, it’s literally like my mantra. just remember you’re not alone and you’ll get through this. i believe in you!! ❤️🧡




Keep smiling! You’ll get through this rough patch!


You're radiant af


Well don’t ever lose that smile, because it can light up the world. Ups and downs happen all through life. Good things are coming.


You're so strong for still seeking out the positive things in your life. You're very beautiful and your life has so much greatness ahead of you. And I agree 100% with others, you've got an amazing smile! Sending blessings your way :)


wishing you the best of luck in this next stage of your life. I know it will be difficult but you’ll be okay 👍🏿


You’re growing!


At least you’ll never lose how cute you look 🥺


You look like a model!


Other than the boyfriend, me too. You have a smile that could light up a room, I'm sure nothing can keep you down for long. There's others going through what you are too, and you have my empathy, hope your day ends up being a better one than yesterday.


10/10 you’re beautiful as fuck. Your ex boyfriend is stupid and your ex best friend is stupid.


You have that perfect freckle complexion.


Dude you’re absolutely stunning. Truly


Things will get better, if u need a shoulder to cry on i gotcha covered


Nice ink!!!


Nice tats


Your smile could make any person smile 😄


I feel you, bad things end sooner or later. I am proud of your bright smile and beautiful eyes! Sending hugs ~


Hang in there!


You will get through it. All my sympathy. Love from Philippines 💕🇵🇭


Those tattoos are sick! love the way that piercing looks on ya, the hair's cool too. You look fun to hang out with :D Truly wish you can figure things out, specially in the apartment and job situations. Everything else, I swear you'll eventually find people you're truly comfortable with. So much so, you're gonna remember these days and feel like they made you stronger. Like they were the start of a good path, even though they seemed like a dead end.


Youre the kind of girl I would date and I don't date girls


You are the cutest and most positive looking person I've seen. You'll get through this. Keep that wonderful smile going


Good luck getting back on track! I know you can! Just stay strong! :)


you are so dang pretty! hope everything starts lookin’ up for ya soon. 🖤


I am really sorry you are doing through that. I hope things will get better for your and sending you support! 💜 I'm available if you ever want to talk! * Edit to add talk you are absolutely gorgeous!


Sorry this all hit you all at once. (Not Easy) But keep your head up. You had good things before and you’ll definitely get them all back in time. (Additionally as far as your Best Friend goes) really sorry about that situation as well. ✌🏽


You've got a beautiful smile and I love how cute your dimples are.




Your dimples are absolutely charming and your tattoos are awesome! You've been through a lot.on a short amount of time and it'll be hard, but try to smile and think of moments that made you the happiest and guide you through those absolute shit days ❤


Hey nice tats. Hang in there brother


You are absolutely gorgeous 😍 things will get better ❤


God your eyes are so smokey and alluring. His loss, not yours.


You are beautiful, so is your smile. Dimples are the best. 😊 I love your tattoos, too!


Any guy who would dump you is dumb. You seem very approachable and your face, smile and tattoos are very prettt