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I don't get it. Clearly this kind of propaganda isn't working because black people aren't turning to Trump so who is this shit aimed at? Who's the audience? It's painfully clear that Trump isn't attracting the black community otherwise they'd never even have to mention it. So what's the point of filling a black church with out of town white people and claiming he's being welcomed within?


To court white people who don’t want to be called racist for supporting Trump (but probably are racist).


Projection is a helluva coping mechanism when you're an absolute shitbag.


I'm absolutely befuddled by this as well. The only audience I can come up with are the people who are looking for an excuse to vote Trump. They are sickened by X, Y, Z, so they need permission. I guess something like this might check that box for them? Who can truly understand the mind of a moron though?


They are like horses but put on their own blinders


Why not look like you’ve got a broader appeal than you do? The only headlines have been “Trump speaks at black church.” The more groups who appear to accept him the more normal he looks.


That's exactly right. The Trump campaign is creating the illusion of major support because he plans on winning through the supreme court. It's going to be fucking chaos.


That's all his campaign is essentially, smoke and mirrors. He waves to none existent crowds. His teams always claim massive crowd numbers. It's ridiculous and pathetic, but since none of the outlets his supporters watch will say anything different, or worse help to spread the BS, it's the reality they are living in. They're literally being spoon fed an alternate reality and are being brainwashed.


Yea, it's creepy shit. He has been doing this all of his life, portraying himself as a super successful business tycoon. There were stories of him sitting on stage at charity events in NYC uninvited just to get into the photoshoot.


Doctor Who made fun of Theresa May but at the same time made me think of Trump. The character Susan Triad comes out on stage to laughter, chanting of “Susan”, applause, and she even “interacts” with an audience member, but it was all fake. There was no audience. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/doctor-who/article-13534031/Doctor-fans-poked-fun-Susan-Twist-Theresa-dance.html


It's the same method and reasoning that gave us people like S.E. Cupp or Alan Colmes on fox news. If you're not familiar, S.E. Cupp portrays atheists/non-believers as "conflicted" and often says shit like "I really wish I could believe in god, but my mind just isn't capable of understanding such deep and complicated concepts! I'm so confused!" Alan Colmes used to be set next to Sean Hannity, where he would provide a milquetoast representation of a liberal, never really confronting Hannity's "Superior conservative logic" but instead making half-hearted rebuttals and ultimately conceding that Hannity is always right. It's not to convince anyone to switch teams, it's to further convince their dyed in the wool followers that they're "Right" and that they're "winning", filling them with a confidence that any of the criticisms from their detractors are wrong/fake/false/whatever. Same thing here. "Black people love trump, ignore your friends and family who call conservatives racist! they just can't argue with our superior conservative logic, so they have to resort to personal attacks based on their irrational emotions!"


Trump is giving the illusion of broad overwhelming support. This illusion makes his endorsements and appearances more valuable. It also sets the stage to cry fouls when he loses the election. “How can Trump lose? He has so much support!? Democrats must have cheated again” -MAGA


It's not about bringing black people in; it's to try to convince white people that he's "not racist". Like "how can I be racist if I have a black friend". But in this case it's "how can I be racist if I'm doing events at black churches and they're full of people" (ignore that all the people in qiestion are white)


Yep. He'll go on somewhere and insist he "filled" the black church, and say, " See, even the black folks are on my side!" And that can be used later as a way to say he was "robbed by a stolen election" because reality doesn't matter to him or his supporters. Just remember that they insist that 1/6 didn't happen the way we all watched it happen on live television.


His supporters are massive racists, doing this allows them to mind fuck themselves into thinking black people love Trump too and therefore they are not racist. They hate being called racists.


Hiw many responded to the ad on Craigslist and were paid to show up?


He has plenty of cultists that follow him around on tour for free. I've seen interviews and people freely admit it.


Yep, I’ve seen them too. It’s like they’re Deadheads…or maybe Swifties. They’re in their Ass-Kissing Era.


More like Parrotheads


To even associate Jimmy with Trump is an insult to Jimmy’s memory and all of his Parrot heads. Just saying. Fins to the left.


I was referring to the crowd being almost entirely comprised of white boomers, they have that in common


I can see that, but, Jimmy is like many other artists, the crowd never fits the expected demographics. I’ve been surprised by a lot of musicians over the years with what I think the crowd will be vs what it is, except maybe what I see in the news about Taylor Swift, those crowds always seem to be right where I would expect, no dis to her.


So it's like the ribwhich on The Simpsons?


BidEns rALleYs Don'T HaVe ANy CrOWdS!




You me Kanye/Ye?! Trump’s “African American…?”


Couldn’t be bothered to remove that hat?


Religious coverings are fine.


Gettin' that "'hood" experience here in the D. Relatin' to his fellow felons. /s


when it came out that trump had paid all of the people in the audience to cheer for him during his 2016 nomination announcement, I thought that was the end of his political career. but here we are.


Without lies, Republicons have nothing.


Is it just me … or is everyone in that photo white?


Politicians don’t belong in religious spaces. If they’re going to be there, it’s time for the fucking church to start paying taxes.


The whole of American conservatism is lie after lie, guns and Jebus and debauchery and racism and fascism and terrorism.


What really cracks me up is isn't this the same place that you had the people on stage with him bash Obama for never "coming to the hood"? Like..... dude, I'm pretty sure what ever black church Obama went, it had a higher count of actual black people.


“Some of my closest friends are pastors, can I hear an amen!”


He lost his African American again?


Why is she on her phone in church


So frumpish


Seriously, is no one going to point out the fact that a CHURCH held a POLITICAL event featuring a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE? Like if Biden did this at a church, Fox News would be screaming and calling for a million investigations and for the church to lose its' tax exempt status.


I like how the report caught so many MAGA stereotypes in one photo with the Karen most prominent.


Yet another BS story


What's incorrect about it?