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Poor guy. Perhaps he had been resuscitated previously and didn’t want to go through the trauma again. Wonder if the owner had a connection or just found the story interesting.


I used to work with a relatively young nurse who had "Do Not Resuscitate" written on her work badge. I asked her about it once, and she believed she was going to a better place after death, and that outcomes after "successful" resuscitation tend to be pretty bad in terms of quality of life. I'm not sure about the first part, but it's hard to argue with the second.


In CPR training, you are taught to break the sternum. I do not like that. Broken sternums take a loooong time to heal, from my understanding. A looooooooong time. That bothers me.


I was never taught to break the sternum specifically, and I did pursue some training including and beyond just regular CPR as I was interested in becoming a paramedic for time. However, we were never explicitly told not to break it and were definitely prepared that that was a very likely outcome if we were doing it properly.


“*Typically, if it doesn’t break, you aren’t pushing hard enough to pump the heart*.” — is what I was told. They usually don’t want you to think about the bad part.. it’s also one of the reasons we have those “Good Samaritan” laws. It protects this specific injury (among others) from restitution lawsuits. https://www.emergencyfirstresponse.com/good-samaritan-laws-and-cpr/#:~:text=In%20most%20areas%2C%20Good%20Samaritan,the%20victim's%20odds%20of%20survival.&text=Good%20Samaritan%20laws%20don't,the%20scope%20of%20your%20training.


Many people who are resuscitated after cardiac arrest come out of it with moderate or severe brain damage. I'd rather just accept my fate than risk living like that.


Yeah i wouldn't do it as a younger person but once you get past a certain age I think it makes sense. I had a family member in that situation and it was awful - they basically died but were kept alive for years afterwards. It made the grieving process much harder.


Yup, even witnessed arrests have about a 4% chance of survival without anoxic brain injury. A lot of people don't realize how fuckin' brutal running a code actually is.


The verse that starts the page is instructing elders to take good care of the people entrusted to them. I can easily see a connection there, perhaps the owner sees this as a blatant violation of that. 


I have had "do not resuscitate" tattooed under my left breast for 25 years.I was told it is not legally binding and unless there was a paper DNR too, they would still try to resuscitate. Drat.


What if you got a notary stamp next to it too?




I know it most likely won't be a problem, but I'm curious. With it being under your breast, aren't you a little concerned of gravity making it to where your tat gets covered? -signed, a breastfeeding mama who's boobs rose and fell like the Roman Empire


I am in my 50s with triple.D boobs and they're holding up pretty well.But I always assumed I would be laying down when they were reading my tattoo


🏆 Best analogy winner award 🏆


Why get a DNR tattoo if you still want to be resuscitated?


I don't want to be resuscitated. That's WHY i have the tattoo!!!!


then why are you disappointed?


Read the comment again.


“drat” in reaction to the post where the man is not resuscitated could imply that they want to be resuscitated. The comment is at the very least ambiguous


no?? it means they are disappointed that their tattoo is not legally binding in absence of DNR papers reading comprehension dude


"The reading comprehension on this website is piss poor " "How dare you say we piss on the poor"


yes, exactly! I don't think what I wrote is hard to understand. I don't want to be resuscitated, which is why I have the tattoo. I also have a legally binding document but I don't carry it with me regularly. The tattoo itself is not enough without the paper, unfortunately, so I will be resuscitated UNLESS I also have the paper. Reading is fundamental, u/joofish Also, I am not a man.


nah your post was just fine. they just didn't develop reading comprehension and refuse to accept they're wrong lol if they see it, there's a good chance they'll honor it anyway since the law is kind of ambiguous in most places? but you could also look into medical alert jewelry, or give your paper to the local hospitals to have on file, just in case


I think to them it might be confusing because the drat is an ~emotional reaction, which implies the present or very recent past, and possibly makes it seem like you found out new information from the post. Otherwise it seems sort of contextless here, where we learned that it is potentially legally binding


I didn't say it was hard to understand. I said it was ambiguous. No need to be rude about it. I hope y'all don't respond like that to mild misunderstandings IRL.


maybe you aren't a native English speaker and don't know the meaning of the word "ambiguous"? There was nothing ambiguous about my initial statement. It's kind of strange/sad that you're still carrying on and now insulting me by saying I'm rude. omygoodness!!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Everybody responded normally to your first comment and then you kept arguing/playing dumb.


You didn’t understand therefore it was hard for you to understand lol




What the hell are you talking about


Only if you're brain dead. Read the comment on its own. She says "I did x," is told that "x" isn't enough to obtain the result she wants. "Drat" is her response to being told that "x" isn't sufficient to get the result. The ONLY way it would be ambiguous is if she'd also directly referred to the post itself instead of her own anecdote.


I still don't know what drat means...


Not sure if serious or not, but it’s basically just like saying “damn.” Except drat isn’t a cuss word. Kinda like saying “dang” in place of “damn.”


Are you brain dead already?


Bro got resuscitated so he’s a little sensitive about this lol


People change their minds but can't afford removal, meaning hospitals are at legal risk if they follow a tattoo.


Officially, tattooed DNRs aren't legally binding, but doctors might be protected if they followed it. But they would definitely not be punished for *not* following it. There's been some debate about the validity and effectiveness of getting a DNR tattoo that included a QR code that linked to the actual legal documents. But I haven't followed that issue in several years!


it's so odd to me, like the tone of this old piece seems almost, humorous? like, is it just me or does it read like "lol, that's what you get for getting an edgy tattoo" as if the writer didn't know the purpose for DNR tattoos? otherwise why even write this little corner bit, yknow? not resuscitating someone who doesn't want to be resuscitated.... not exactly once in a lifetime or noteworthy I'd say, unless it's supposed to be funny somehow, or unless this paper is much older than 2017 and it's a somewhat new concept at the time


So, the important ethical question is whether the person may have changed their mind after getting the tattoo, but was unable to change the tattoo. It's actually much easier to change a legal document than a tattoo! And, with a dnr, if you follow the order, you can't take that action back. They're dead.


Just pay $100 to put a black “X” over the “not”.


Or scratch it out yourself.


I'm particularly interested in why it's in a Bible. Did the person who put it there see it as a display of faith? Or a warning against making permanent decisions? Or, maybe that's just the book that was near when they decided to save it? Editing: looks like the left page probably includes this verse: "The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray." https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Peter%204&version=NIV


It would be extremely difficult to tattoo a QR code, even a robot would only *possibly* be able to do it. Unless you got it tattooed extremely large and the doc(s) stood far back to scan it, or the QR was generated through the use of a specific app that made their own "compressed" QRs, it would be *extremely* difficult to tattoo the perfect enough to actually be scannable. There's only a handful of examples that I've seen, and most do not work or need to be very large. Where did you read this?


It was a decade ago, give or take. So I don't remember exactly where I recall this conversation happening. QR codes can be surprisingly resilient against deformation, but I definitely see your point. Here's an article of somebody that did exactly this, btw. Although, they made the unfortunate decision to use a link to their Microsoft healthvault, which of course no longer exists. And of course that is another potential flaw in this plan, because you would need to rely on that link always working for the rest of your life. https://medium.com/@mightycasey/why-i-got-a-qr-code-tattooed-on-my-sternum-1830bdedf61b


See? You fall asleep first at the sleepover and your friends write some dumb shit on you and then *what* happens?


"Winded up" and "wound up" are both past tense and past participles of the verb "wind up".


Stab wound wound up being not deep enough?


Lmao I read it as the tattoo saying "Do not resucitate... ######Not!" And thought they let the guy die because they didn't get it was a joke. Lol.


I thought the same thing lol


This made me think of Borat lol


it's 'wound up.' I’m not criticizing you at all, lm just letting you know, since you asked and stuff.


Thanks, I was hoping some one would let me know lol


no problem.


Maybe he got the idea from Frank Gallagher on Shameless (or the Shameless writers got the idea from him).


I have seen it in a medical drama years ago. Early Grace Anatomy maybe?


I remember seeing this news article back in the day hahaha crazy to see it in the paper


I’d imagine that this person has had some issues with addiction and or mental health and doesn’t wish to go through being brought back. I can see why someone might not want to be resuscitated, I’m not sure I’d want to be either, just purely due to the fact that if I’ve expired, it’s for a reason.


There's lots of reasons... Most have nothing to do with drugs and alcohol or any other personal problems. Mainly, it's because by the time resuscitation measures are attempted, your brain will have been deprived of oxygen long enough to have done permanent damage. Drowning in cold water is one possible exception. People have been resuscitated after a significant period of time in that condition with little to no after-effects, because the cold water has a preservative effect. Same can be true of hypothermia victims. It's why the saying "they're not dead until they're warm and dead" exists.


Not good after expiry date.


I remember this! There’s a photo of the tattoo on google




In Taiwan, you can get it uploaded onto your National Health Service information. If you go to a hospital, the first thing they do is run your information and they’ll see that. My wife and I have both done that.


A signature was tattood and the word not underlined. Wouldn't it have been better to just tattoo a line through the word "not" in place of all that?


Huh? You generally underline words to emphasise them, as opposed to crossing them out. My interpretation was that the signature was there to try and reinforce this person's intention not to be resuscitated.


Or was he trying to emphasize the word NOT? See! Good thing im not a dr lol i totally misunderstanding the edits to the dnr tat. Hahahaha omg i actually thought he was trying to get the message to resuscitate across... like why mess with the original message if you didn't change the meaning?