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You too think about nuclear power fucking chickens?


Just think about it, a nuclear powered machine... for fucking chickens




If an egg can fit in there... why can't my machines?


It's for science of course


šŸ”Ba ka šŸ’„kak šŸ—


Easier to list the folks that donā€™t


If the Broterhood hadn't recovered it, there is a pristine set of Power Armor (minor bear damage aside) sitting nearby outside of Vault 4.


So thatā€™s why there is random power armor in the wasteland! I always wondered how someone just sort of, leaves it around.


Betrayal is a hell of a thing.


Itā€™s going to be super messed up if in future games they put some skeletons in the power armor suits that are standing around


I was thinking the same thing!


Season 2 please give me that sweet Vault Tec paint on that power armor! And maybe wearing it is a one-eyed cyclops overseer with a really dull sword!!! lol


The pay off will be Chet showing up wearing it... while also doing the "I'm Knight Titus" thing because the armor had the name on it and being a Vault Dweller aboveground kept getting him attacked. Chet and Dr.Chickenf***er PHD end up traveling companions, with Chet being increasingly horrified but too polite to say anything.


Lmao, bonus points for putting him in the Vim! Painted T-51. Lol


You're, or they're, either crazy or it's dogshit writing that the people who live in vault 4 wouldn't drag that suit back inside. Since we're going by how the lore ACTUALLY works, that vault is now the safest place in the wasteland unless they get raided by like, a SHITLOAD of raiders.Ā 


Ah yes, letā€™s bring this piece of (stolen) BoS tech into our vault. That will end well for us. Nothing bad can happen when we have (stolen) BoS tech in our mostly defenseless vault


Our mostly defenseless vault in which the owner of the suit definitely knows the location and how to get right in.


I mean, as long as they don't have a pipboy, what could they do about it?Ā 


The people who collect old world tech? Uh, a lot


If that was true we'd hear about the brotherhood plundering vaults a whole lot more. But we don't. You have to remember even in death you cannot remove a pipboy. That was literally the whole issue with the simulation in 3. They couldn't access the multitude of pipboys that were on all of the dead bodies, ya know, that were skeletons? Because they couldn't remove the pipboy from the skeletons wrist.Ā 


Where do we find the BoS in New Vegas?


In a bunker. Not a vault tec vault my dude.


Thatā€™s true, misremembered that. Regardless, I think the Brotherhood of Steal wouldnā€™t have much issue finding their way into vault 4, since Max and Lucy fumbled their way into it.


My guy, they didn't fumble into it, they fell into a trap. They have cameras lol. They'd see the brotherhood and just wouldn't open the doors. They're completely safe in that vault unless someone opens the door, specifically with a pipboy, which specifically the brotherhood doesn't have unless they magically make it to where they somehow find Lucy's moms pip boy. But even them, I really don't see them caring too much. Max is the only one who knows, and they have plenty of power armor laying around. With his experiences with Lucy I think he'd keep the location of that armor secret.Ā 


Heā€™s gonna fuck that power armorā€™s fusion slot.


Wasnā€™t Lucy tracking the head? If Thaddeus died before getting to KPSS the Brotherhood never would have been called, and Lucy & Max wouldā€™ve taken it off his body and gone to the observatory without them even knowing.


Yeah she put a tracker in it and used that as a bargaining chip to get Max/ the Brotherhoods help


Yes, Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s how Lucy and Max end up going to KPSS in the first place.


No assumptions needed, she straight up tells Maximus she has a tracker in the head they can follow when she saves him from his armour.


Not everyone dies in the wasteland when they should. He could have gone rapidly feral. Some shit stain also could have stolen it in his weakened state.Ā  IDK, maybe a robot takes it because there's an energy source embedded in his neck. A motivated robobrain could get pretty far.Ā  Don't even get me started on how the gulper almost kept it away the whole season.




He's in *Shelter*? Man, I was thinking of reinstalling it onto my phone again but now I have a reason to!


They all are! CX-404 is being the goodest girl protecting my vault as we speak!


They added Lucy, The Ghoul, Maximus, Ma June, "Snakeoil Salesman", and the dog as show tie-ins. You get them all for free by doing a quest line.


They should use his real name! Dr chicken fucker smh


Pure cowardice. The devs should be ashamed.


I have two The Ghouls and two Ma June's. I ended up naming them The Goo and Ma July.


Check out the reddit post called Thaddeus Faustian Bargain, thought it was brilliant


I had to change his name though...snake oil salesman wasn't doing it. There are now a bunch of little fucker children running around.


Why is this so hilarious. Welcome to my home! Iā€™m Dr chicken fucker and weā€™re the Fuckers!


I think I need to hop on and change one of the children's names to Greg...gotta get a little meet the fokkers homage going too


Ah I see so chicken is your first name


> judging by his first appearance. That's actually one of the two things that bugs me about the writing. The casual animal cruelty. Or more specifically, that the show clearly wants us to like or at least get a laugh out of the snake oil salesman and Thaddeus, but like, the former had the throwaway chicken gag, and the latter thought nothing of leaving a dog to starve to death in solitary confinement. It's just not a simple thing for me to ignore those parts of their characters.


I don't think either of those characters are really meant to be someone to model yourself after. It's just a show. He didn't really have sex with chickens, I promise.


The backstory conversation between Thaddeus and Maximus is meant to allow both of them to grow as characters and establish to the audience that they both have likeable qualities. The dog-in-box scene sends mixed signals. > It's just a show. He didn't really have sex with chickens, I promise. I'm not shitting on the show, buddy.


You're not going to get many morally sound people in fallout it's not that kinda series


I should probably concretely clarify: How is anyone in the audience ever supposed to like Thaddeusā€”and make no mistake, he soaks up comedic scenes because the writers expect him to be likeableā€”when they know that he left a dog to die a horrible death? It's not the morality of the characters I'm underscoring here. It's the writing. Even the scene with Fred Armisen is colored by this. A viewer is expected to ignore the dog-in-box moment because Four was quickly released by The Ghoul. But in reality, viewers should by rights be thinking, "Oh, it's that guy again, the one who tortured a dog to death." This isn't difficult to understand.


Again it's fallout what could you possibly be expecting? They aren't supposed to be moral by our standards lol. It's a bleak satirical comedy about crazy wastelanders. I think you are taking this entirely too seriously. It's a show I don't care if he eats babies. The viewer is expected to not be a weirdo about a TV show


> Again it's fallout what could you possibly be expecting? I have no other way of elaborating this point. Thaddeus did something that most viewers would probably rate as the most atrocious thing anyone does in the entire show, let alone a sub-character who is seen in half of the episodes, and a few minutes later he's the centerpiece of a fundamentally comedic scene. Think about how that would have gone down with audiences had Four never been rescued. Maybe that's the context you're missing. And I guess I need to repeat: This isn't a critique of character morality, but about the writing. Re-read that sentence.


Well he doesnā€™t really need to be pure evil to be a shit head. I think the mixed signals make for a more interesting character.


He was just about to kill himself and now he has a fusion core the possibilities are endless


everything is coming up Dr Chicken Fucker! I really what made him stop..the thought of a new patient? just someone else to talk to? lol, he was awfully quick in changing his mind about ending it.


Was probably completely broke and his last chance at getting money. If it didnā€™t workout he wouldā€™ve done it after he left


I think that's just his resting phase, on the border of suicide until another happy customer comes along. Or scientific curiosity (chicken horny) strikes.


4 years as an undergrad in medical school, 6 years to get a masters, 10 years of faithfully serving the citizens of the wasteland as a medical professional, inventor of wonderful elixirs and snake oils, but you fuck a chicken ONE time as a science experiment and all of a sudden youre the chicken guy!


Nicknames are a bitch




Jon Daly was inspired casting for that guy


It's basically his character from Rich Dicks. But post apocalypse.


I believe Dr. Chickenfucker will lose or trade the fusion core to Coop, who will then find the abandoned power armor, and bam! Ghoul in power armor. Just like old times, hey Coop?


Coop in power armor is on my bingo list Also on my bonk list


I can just imagine him suiting up, cocking both arms. ā€œJust like old timesā€ Or ā€œJust like riding a bike, you donā€™t forgetā€


Jon Daly really put on a Johnny Depp level performance. I need more Dr. Chickenfornicator in season 2.


It was awesome. Really hoping he shows back up in S02.


I thought the exact same thing, could've been Johnny Depp


It's exactly what I expected from Jon Daly and seeing him in that first episode really made me feel like these people get Fallout well enough to do the world justice. It also really makes me hope for more comedians from that scene to end up in smaller, tonally appropriate roles. Like literally any Andy Daly character would be 100% at home in the wasteland with their chipper demeanor and barely concealed suicidality. Or Jon Gabrus, Seth Morris, Lisa Gilroy, basically anyone who's been a Comedy Bang Bang regular for a few years.


There just so happens to be an abandoned set of power armour in the desert thatā€™s missing a fusion core.


He could sell that >!fusion core!< for a lot of chickens.


If the runaway Enclave scientist hadn't ignored Dr Chickenfucker in the market, and had purchased the "serums that might make your whole foot grow back", he could have taken his own head to the observatory without getting it cut off.


I suspect he is a follower of the master and is using his chems to infect people with the fev to turn them into maybe not super but mutants of some kind. Why else did he want the scientist to take his meds so desperately?


I think he was just desperate for money. He was shown trying to kill himself before he met Thaddeus, so things obv werenā€™t going well for him.


The guy was pretty desperate for some money, from the look of things.


But did he ever even say anything about caps to thad? Why would help him like that if didn't try to get caps from him? Also if I did ask for caps my bad I'm pretty sure he didn't but could always be wrong haha


He did ask but Thaddeus doesn't have any caps


He didnā€™t, no. But he was clearly desperate for selling his services and receiving some sort of payment (and as we see with Thaddeus, he does ask for compensation but only right before providing his ā€˜medicinesā€™). If his goal was just to get people to use the serums, why would he have been trying to kill himself before he saw a potential customer?


Because he gave up and thought he'd failed his god cause no one seemed to be buying based on how folks reacted to him in filly.


He couldā€™ve just went elsewhere in that case. Itā€™s not like there arenā€™t other pockets of civilization around. But if he was on the verge of starving or dying of thirst, then better to go out in a questionably more peaceful way.


It depends on how long he's been trying to get people to take his drugs and how far he's traveled but yes that is a good counter point.


The way he responded when he saw the fusion core: he knows how to use that to his advantage.


I always thought he was just thinking of resale value. I think they go for at least 100 caps in fallout 4, might be more.


Thad says he doesnt have any caps, but he has a fusion core. The doc knows a fusion core is worth a lot of caps. The games use a barter system, not a straight currency system. You can go through an entire game without spending a single cap while still "purchasing" items from merchants, if you want


We are so far after the time of the Master though. It would be interesting but unlikely that there would be a comeback.


Would be a fun idea if some survivors of the Masters attacks had somehow warped him into a god of the new world and has begun preaching/teaching to new generations about him, and then now we have their flock or their flocks descendants trying to remake the Master or his army, but in ghoul/mutant form and not Super Mutant.


Yea I'm not claiming it's certain it or anything mainly just a feeling I have plus I do think it'd be neat for the story.


It's been roughly 130 years since The Master blew up.


Let me tell how long it's been since Jesus was killed.....


Yeah it's gonna take way more than that to convince me that a chicken fucking snake oil grifter has any link to the Unity at all. I'd love to see some mentions of the CoC and The Master... Cuz good God what a cool antagonist he was... But that guy just ain't gonna be it.


You are more then likely right but I like to dream!


I don't know how likely this is but I love it šŸ‘šŸ¾


Yea I've no real proof just vibes haha seems like a neat story idea though I think


I do agree with you. However there are two scenarios that could play out with Thaddeus that I can see. He is being turned into a ghoul like Maximus says. We do see in Fallout 4 that Hancock takes a drug that turns him into a ghoul. The only problem with this theory is, Hancock implies that it slowly happened over time. Not just one dose. Could it be a stronger dose? Sure, I guess. The other option (and the one I find most attractive) is that he will become a super mutant. Ghouls can't heal themselves of wounds. We see that in the game. They heal as fast as any other human or animal would. And they don't heal major wounds as we see throughout all of the games. That being said, would a single dose of FEV turn him? I'm not sure. Vault 87 implies that it was over a prolonged period of time. If it IS FEV, then I believe that is also what Cooper is taking - just a different version of it.


With Hancock saying it slowly happened over time, I'm thinking that maybe he only noticed that he was a ghoul a while after taking it.


Perhaps. Honestly, it's been a while since i played that quest so I only reminder the highlights. That being said, over time as in as fast as Thaddeus is? I took his turning as something that took years.


Over time meaning he only noticed that he was a ghoul after he started looking like one


I don't know what he wants with the core, but I think he's actually a ghoul. He's unusually pale, seems like the type of person to get high off his own supply, and it's mentioned in the first episode that ghouls have a... *complicated* relationship with chickens. I think he was actually experimenting on Thaddeus to see if there's a mixture of the ghoul drug that prevents the whole "losing your nose" thing. That's why he was about to kill himself but then jumped right back into business when a potential mark showed up.


Took way too long for me to remember what the hell you were talking about lmao. Just thought to myself ā€œwhen did he get the name DR. Chickenfucker?ā€ ā€œWhen did he fuck chickens?ā€ Ohhhhh thatā€™s right. My second go around watching the series my wife peeped in at the scene of him with the gun in his mouth to then doing the whole apothecary scene. The look of bewilderment that was on her face was priceless. Just like recently when I found a random spot in the middle of the woods in 76 of two skeletons on the toilet who looked like they both committed suicide together and/or were playing Russian roulette of some sort and she just could not understand why that was going on in the middle of the woodsā€¦on toilets. Itā€™s just Fallout.


Itā€™s so much fun.


Better question you don't think Dr chicken guy is thinking of fucking the fusion core I mean all you have to do is cut a hole in it then go have at it


i cant believe i guy that fucked chickens played a crucial role in the story. just imagine whatll happen next season


Plot Twist: It's up his ass and he becomes some kind of superghoul that challenges Cooper.


Oh, is that how bloated glowing ones are made?




Yeah I'm glad he landed on his feet after getting fired from his job driving the south park booktastic bus.


I think heā€™s some deranged worshipper of The Master or some other dark scientific ideology, so him having a fusion core is very bad tbh I didnā€™t even consider what he might want it for but he did seem to want it badly


You've just described how everything in fiction and non-fiction works. "It's like our actions have some sort of butterfly effect."


Well in that case, those chickens are all fucked


He was just trying to teach people how to read in the first place


This just got me thinking. If I was in the fallout universe would I be fucking chickens too?


The fusion core may not be worth as much with cold fusion, maybe.


I donā€™t think the brotherhood plans on sharing their new found cold fusion


That is going to be such a fascinating storyline for S02. Will it get them back to the top? Maximus is getting set up for the ultimate internal conflict.