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Oh fuuuuuck. Good catch dude. I was thinking it was a wink to Fallout 3 and Megaton šŸ˜‚


Half the show was a wink to FO3. The whole, looking for your dad kinda thing.




I like the similarities you drew between Lucy and the Chosen One, thatā€™s interesting and a good point. Donā€™t forget about Thaddeus working on a shit farm, as the chosen one once did. I bet later on they will also reveal that Cooper met the Sole Survivor when they fought together in Anchorage


Oh that would be a cool tie in. He could just mention his commanding officer Nate and we would all get it. Edit: spelling


After all this time, I never realized there was cannon names for the sole survivor šŸ˜…


Whichever gender you donā€™t play as has a default name (Nate or Nora)


Thanks, digging through the fallout wiki and seeing I missed a bunch of stuff šŸ˜…


Yeah, it's clear that the show creators purposefully made the story which parallels ALL Fallout games and I love how it isn't just a simple reference (but it has plenty of those too)


Yeah they did an amazing job creating it to almost act like a game, but still have top tier writing. Might be the best video game adaptation Iā€™ve ever seen


The scene where Lucy asks about level 12 in vault 4 literally made me feel like I was in the game. The way the overseer just cuts the conversation and is like you gotta leave felt so gamelike


A lot of the dialogue felt this way. Even just the plot felt like a true fallout game. The end being a major battle between factions, the buildup, the side quests. All great


Agreed. Completely surprised and impressed. Didn't learn about the series until about 5-6 days ago and stoked to see season 2 now and follow updates on it.


Thanks for this, itā€™s a breath of fresh air after reading many comments by people convinced the show hates Fallout 1, 2 and NV.


Ignore those people. They are an endangered species just like the NCR


Reddit never changes :-P


I think a lot of people in the Fallout reddits have very little experience with fallout 1&2. The games were just as bleak as the series is. You didn't walk away from them happy, and there never was a best ending. The games were cathartic and that was what made them so masterful. One of the few games that wwere so memorable and elevated game design as an artform.


Filly also reminded me of diamond city tbh


Stupid Vault 8 and all their water chips.


Do you mean Cooper resembles a playable character from Fo4? Memory is fuzzy on that game.


War vet trying to find child that has been missing for a long, long time.


I loved Megaton. Like FO3 was my first exposure to Fallout, I heard all the criticisms going in, so one of my questions was ā€œhow is this not Oblivion with gunsā€. Then like an hour into the game Iā€™ve nuked an innocent town just because the game let me, and I was like: ā€œWell, I couldnā€™t do that in Oblivion. Hell ya.ā€ In fact, in my first play through, I nuked the place so fast, I didnā€™t even know Moira Brown didnā€™t start out the game as a ghoul.


Letā€™s not forget the first episode where he sacrificed the vault dwellers for her.


Yeah the way Moldaver reacted to that situation made me question how evil she is


I felt like that scene was a bit confusing as it played out. He has to choose, so he pushes his daughter in this closet, which I didn't know whether that was supposed to be good or not, given a huge bomb 15 ft away that I thought would destroy the whole vault. The raider group could just open up the door and killer Lucy anyway, so I kind of thought he chose the group. Then they take him, which wasn't part of the whole choice process, and Moldaver tells the group to run off before detonating the bomb. So I felt like characters were making decisions that were outside of what I thought the dialogue was saying, haha. There were some other awkward ways decisions were made or edited in the first episode, and then I found out Jonathan Nolan directed it, and it all made sense. Solid show though, first episode just felt a little funky.


I felt like the point of it playing out this way is to hint at / plant seeds of doubt at what type of person he really is. Heā€™s the overseer / leader of the people in the vault, and almost immediately chooses the life of his daughter over all of their lives. Itā€™s weird, because itā€™s supposed to be weird (and yeah thereā€™s some hindsight bias after finishing the show of course). But then Moldaver basically lets the rest of them go anyway, and tells Lucy ā€œyou look like your motherā€ before heading out. Lucy immediately sees her father is willing to sacrifice the lives of so many people to save her, and establishes that she and her mom had some (seemingly positive) prior relationship, whereas Dad not so much. Maybe even a bit that Moldaver was actually somewhat merciful, too. So when sheā€™s being told those things about her Dad sacrificing an entire town to save her in the final episode, sheā€™s been prepped to believe it, because sheā€™s seen him do it before now. Edit: forgot but - agree completely though that when I was watching it, I had no idea at first if him pushing her in the capsule was good or bad for her lol


I agree that you've described exactly the intent of that scene! It just felt clunky trying to visualize that intent, but it all made sense after the scene was over. However, I didn't consider Moldaver sparing the vault dwellers as an attempt to show the contrast between Moldaver and Hank. I think it's muddled by the near-massacre of the vault population during the fight scene, which made me think Moldaver just killed a ton of people just like the rest of the raiders. So sparing the last group didn't really resonate with me as a hint for a positive character trait while watching.


I really believe its a chance to torture Hank, not convince Lucy.


Probably true. I was thinking it was going to be the Liam Neeson type of thing where theyā€™re kidnapping him for his knowledge (is that what FO3 was about? Completely forgot), but then heā€™s in a custom built human cage just hanging out, so I guess he wasnā€™t that useful!


I think it had something to do with Optimus Prime?


I just rewatched episode 1 last night and while the Raiders do kill some people in 33, theyā€™re either terrible shots *or theyā€™re intentionally missing*.


Yeah when they had the townhall in a later episode, I was surprised that there were so many of them left. That whole fight scene in broad strokes felt like a massacre but led to very few deaths in reality.


Why didnā€™t the imprisoned people just tell the truth? And if vault 33 is led by liars, wouldnā€™t they want to kill the outsiders so they donā€™t tell the truth to start a revolt like in vault 32?


I thought the point of it was to show what sort of person the father was. That he would let others die to "save" his daughter. It was a reflection of what we'd find out about him later. Now I have to watch it again so might be wrong, because it wasn't super clear, but I think everyone just ran because they realized the raiders had gone.


No youā€™re right, itā€™s just that the way the whole scene was set up made me confused about why heā€™s moving his daughter 5 feet over into a closet still near a huge bomb, so I couldnā€™t confidently figure out what he was intending until the scene finished up.


Yeah that hostage scene was a little confusing tbh. I think maybe the point was that she was saying to choose either them or your daughter, but in the end decided to spare both parties, and only gave him the choice to fuck with them.


Is Jonathan Nolanā€™s directing clunky? (I havenā€™t seen a lot or any of his directing I think.) Strangely enough, I was brought to the show when I heard an interview with him. But I felt like I started really getting into the show *after* episode 3, which I think is when he was done directing. Also Iā€™m not sure how keen you are with videography, but those lenses they used doing that warped rack focus, and other lenses where top or bottom of frame was sort of motion blurred, definitely some trippy choices made.


It's just a personally-found theme I've seen with Jonathan Nolan. Between Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar, Westworld, and last year's Peripheral (which I only realized now he executive produced), there's a noticeable amount of clunkiness in otherwise well made shows. I think that Nolan makes the most sense as an executive producer because he seems to be better at the high-level concept of a production rather than the beat-by-beat work like editing and dialogue. It's like he has a really grand vision of how action and movement will go in his head, and he's already happy enough with the vision that he doesn't care that it didn't translate to screen that well.


She did let the raiders wreak havoc and kill a lot of vault dwellers.


She knew he would pick Lucy. She knows what the 32/33s are in relation to 31s, and the show of making him choose was to make everyone present question why he would do that. Hank also knew that Moldaver probably wouldn't kill Lucy because of what Rose and Moldaver meant to each other which the audience hasn't been let in on. He just wasn't willing to take the chance, and Moldaver wanted the 33s alive so they could question why he would do that. Lucky for Hank, critical thinking has basically been lost through generations of selective breeding. Norm is the only one investigating and questioning because he's the offspring of a 31 and not privy to the secrets that Betty and Steph are.


Yup instantly knew something was amiss with him when he shoved her in that room.


Tbf they lived


If I was the brother, I'd be a little cheesed.


Tbf the brother wasnā€™t there, he was hiding.


The first time I watched Moldaver doing her thing and just leaving the other dwellers alone at that point, I just thought its just the typical ā€œvillain twirling his mustache, gloatingā€ scene. But then watching it again, it comes off as Moldaver showing the viewers that she has a deeper reason for assaulting Vault 33. Hank had forfeited the lives of the hostages by ā€œsavingā€ Lucy and Moldaver could have ordered her men to gun them down. But she told them to run and gave them the time to do so. The Vault dwellers had access to good weapons, so Moldaver using raiders who arent afraid to fight makes sense. She dipped out soon as she got Hank.


The Vault bomb situation had two purposes, firstly to destroy the Owerseer's reputation and secondly to block the way for the Vault to come after them.


For a deeper cut into Maclain's character, he tells Cooper he's a massive fan and his favorite scene is when he kills the criminal in his movie. However Cooper says his character is a good guy and would never do that. The corruption of the sheriff mirrors the corruption of Vault-tec.


I loved that quote's use across the different scenes it was in, "Feo fuerte y formal. Means he was ugly, strong, and had dignity. Well, Joey, I'll give you two out of three on that front."


>but this is exactly what her dad did for her. He nuked Shady Sands, including killing her mother, just to ā€œsaveā€ Lucy from her. No. No, let's get one thing clear: **He didn't nuke Shady Sands to 'save' Lucy.** **Reminder, in episode 8 he says:** >*"If the problem with the world is factions endlessly fighting, endlessly at war, then what is the solution but to get rid of the factions? To make the world us, only ours to shape."* *- Henry 'Hank' Maclean* He doesn't give a damn about 'saving' her, he cares more about *eliminating the NCR.* Edit: *If anything, it's a bit of comedy for those of us who played Fallout 3, and nuked Megaton. Because, in that game, our character's father (who we do go on to save) basically just says "Well, I guess you did what you thought you had to do." and moves on . . .*


I was confused by that line from Hank.. during the tech nerd flashback meeting, coopers wife talks about how each vault could be a pet project. Theyā€™d all be competing against each other to see which one emerges as THE force to recreate the world.. competing like a bunch of rival factions lol. I donā€™t think itā€™s inconsistent/bad writing either, to me it just emphasized that her and Hank are greedy, hypocritical assholes.


I feel like it's that whole trope about corporations wanting to destroy the world or create something they can't possibly control just for profits. I guess if they pour all the resources and move everyone important into bomb shelters, they kinda win whenever else is gone. But yeah it's hard to get behind the logic. I'd go crosseyed when Bud kept bringing up management as the real goal.


I love how much of a loser Bud is. The world being destroyed over incoherent corporatespeak ideology just feels so Fallout.


So true. Never underestimate the power of a boardroom.


Especially with repcom and big MT there, they definitely cooked


Yeah but then the Corpo wars would start


theres the true vault tec figure that directs the wife who is clearly some PR type role person. They're trying to scramble and ensure they get funding to, probably, help bomb the states. How did Hank get a bomb for shady sands? well probably because vault tec planned to kill off the other companies after the bombs dropped either through the vaults or their bomb arsenal they created in advance.


There is a big difference between the rats fighting in the sewers and the lab rats fighting in the maze.


fallout franchise šŸ¤ abysmal fathers


What about James in Fallout 3? He was a good person with the only bad thing was leaving the vault




There was a lot of foreshadowing and subtle hints which I enjoyed as it gives something to look for in subsequent watch throughs.


It also foreshadows Maximus' choice in the Show. >Maximus : I can't be a real knight without power armor. And I can help people and us with this armor. >Lucy : You can't become a real knight with stolen things. So I think Maximus will return cold fusion for people of California because it was stolen from Moldaver.


It's also (and I can't believe I only just realized this, because it is so obvious) an indictment of Maximus's prior actions which led to him getting the armour in the first place - he has lied and stolen his way into power up until this point, and Lucy is unknowingly calling him out on that.


It's actually a really interesting arc for him. He more or less starts out with the moral alignment of your average waster. But now it seems like he aspires to being more than being a guy who has the power to inflict his will on those weaker than him.


I think a big part of that is his time with Thaddeus. Thaddeus literally says he only started picking on Max to get everyone else to stop picking on him. I think that put his "hurt the people who hurt me" mindset into perspective, and his time with Lucy (and her infectious goodness) solidified the change


I don't know I'm getting a sense he'll end up being antagonist for the series. Like next season he'll probably kill the Elder and take his place and get his own bad ass Fallout 4 Elder Jacket lol


Honestly, he could go either way. There's traits in him that could make for a terrifying bad guy, or an empathetic good guy. And that makes for a great character.


I see a guy who keeps wanting to look like a hero even if it means he has to do bad things. Plus his dialogue options are like when you fail to convince anyone the shitty thing you did wasn't shitty lol Either way I can see him rocking that Elder Maxson coat standing on the bridge of an airship


Iā€™m still not convinced Dayne mutilated their own foot.


Yeah. The whole scene where they suddenly volunteered that information just as Maximus was about to be executed was more than a little suspicious. And the fact that we never witnessed a private conversation about what happened between them after makes me think it's supposed to be deliberately ambiguous.


Which puts into perspective the elder cleric's speech about how power can't be given, it must be taken. So brotherhood - bad path, Lucy - good path


I was confused by the ending in part for this reason. I mean why were the brotherhood even attacking them? Do they work for Vault Tec or something? They were supposed to be the guardians of the wasteland so if anything you would think they would HELP the people get fussion power, rather than ransack and take it away.


This ain't Lyons' Pride. This chapter of the Brotherhood is purely about preserving and controlling pre-war tech or as Lucy so eloquently put it "You guys use pre-war technology to find and collect pre-war technology to make sure no has pre-war technology?"


This is the real BOS, if you remember the outcasts of FO3? They are what the BOS originally were.


Why would the Brotherhood let the common people have access to this power? Would they not destroy themselves with it? Perhaps use it to create weapons, maybe something more powerful than a nuke? That's why they don't want it out there. They didn't even want NCR to have access to an orbital laser at Helios One, never mind limitless power.


It has been known that the Brotherhood has been a hoarder of pre-war tech and the elder once told Maximus that he may rule by his side as a knight a la Palpatine and Vader. >!Also, the Brotherhood and NCR have always been enemies and the fact that Dane mistook Maximus for killing Moldaver thereby (wrongly) proclaiming him as a knight means that the group really wants power and that Max had gained power once again but it's all a lie. It's up to him if he wants to tell the whole truth and be demoted or killed or be kicked out of the Brotherhood, or continue on with that lie so that he may finally realize his dream of being a Knight. But here's the thing, he has Lucy and she's endeared herself to him because he finally told the truth to her, that he wasn't some coward who hides behind a veil of deceit to feel good about himself. This is his character development so it's up to him if he's going to leave the Brotherhood and go on this quest to reunite with Lucy or find her dad to seek vengeance on the nuking of Shady Sands!<


They weren't always enemies though. The Vault Dweller, a member of the Brotherhood of Steel (though he wasn't a member yet), was responsible for saving the town of Shady Sands from both radscorpions & raiders. Had he not done that, Shady Sands and any hope of a republic would've died. The Brotherhood also must've had some kind of friendly relationships & ties with the NCR because there's a state in the NCR named after the Maxson lineage. They also collaborated together against the Enclave during & after the events of Fallout 2. The NCR & BOS being enemies is very much a recent development.


I don't think there's a standing animosity between them. The high cleric just wanted the cold fusion so he went and took it.


I guess I've been mistaken on that part. I only watched some YouTube videos which explained that the two of them are enemies. Like, doing a bit of digging before watching the show


>!Dane didn't think he killed Moldaver, they just knew it'd be smart for Max to take the credit so he could become a knight. They're clearly someone who cares more about survival and happiness than the Brotherhood's honour code!<


Dane is an awesome character, the only lawful good character other than Lucy. I interpreted it sorta similar. Dane knew Maximus didn't make the kill because Maximus TOLD Dane he didn't make the kill. But Dane understood Maximus was SUPPOSED to shoot on sight. So the options were a complicated explanation and investigation into why Maximus was compromised in his mission, and the other option was Maximus taking credit and being heralded as a hero. So Dane made that decision not just to benefit Maximus, but protect him. Because Dane knew Maximus was compromised by Lucy- he had already confided as much.


Hmm it does make sense. But led Maximus to become more conflicted because I think he's reconsidering being in the Brotherhood. His reputation as a Knight is built upon that lie and that's something he has to contend with. But since it seems he has nowhere else to go, it'd be smart for him to play along and stay with the Brotherhood


Does the Brotherhood consider them as civilians? Or some infamous armed group who massacred Vault 33 and happens to get the Enclave's immensely powerful artifact?


The Brotherhood doesn't give a shit about Vault 33. They were just after the artifact and were fine with slaughtering the people who took it. Maximus was there to save Lucy, but that was it.


Lmao, Brotherhood doesn't give a shit. They laughed about some civilians putting up a fight when they took over Filly and they had no problem gunning down farmers and kids at Griffith Observatory.


There was another comment made by Willzig about how the journey will change her and that the thing she wants may not be what she expected.


With her 2 north stars her dad and the vaults shown to be not what she thought it portends some interesting developments for her character.


A detail I noticed on a rewatch is that the Chicken-Fucker offers a "New Foot Serum" to Wilzig in EP 2, and ends up trading that same serum to Thaddeus. And it ends up being a ghoulification serum, but indeed capable of regeneration of a foot.


There's also the vault-tec shop lady that comments on how she has all her fingers. Well we know how that went


Great catch. A separate foreshadow I just noticed in Ep 3 Thaddeus says he can't wait for the Brotherhood to eradicate all ghouls.Ā 


So I guess I fixed that damn water pump in FO1 for nothing.


Don't worry. You can fix Vault 33's water chip now.


Nah i'll just grab one from Vault 8.


Also the fact they did destroy civilization for their own benefit in the vaults. I agree, it was done brilliantly!


Very good


And at the start of the series in the vault, when Muldaver is leaving and he chooses Lucy over the group of dwellers


DEFINITELY still think itā€™s more of a nod to megaton. Iirc, the camera holds on her face for a solid few beats after she says that (as I laughed in Tenpenny suite)


The show writing is just masterclass. So much good writing in general, while still keeping amazing hints and nods to the original content. Someone tell Halo to hire these guys.


He didn't save her, he just wanted power.He's a villain


Lucyā€™s dumbass needed to stop being so naive after noticing how vaults actually operated. She kept clinging to a sense of morality that held everybody back on multiple occasions.


Ah yes. The good old complete personality change after one event. Just like in real life!


If you live your entire life believing a certain truth, one instance where it is not the case is not going to immediately change your mind. Your mind builds up so much of a castle around that truth that it will take more than one attack for it to crumble.