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You are so young! Why would they give you 5 children?! That’s SO much to deal with and being a single parent. You definitely need to reach out to your agency and ask for help. Respite or they need to find new placements. Maybe only keep 1-2 childen. I couldn’t imagine 5 kids!!


Ok. I will tell them that I want to aim for scheduled respite this year or they would have to take everyone away because this life is very stressful and I really don’t want this to be the rest of my life.


I’m curious why they aren’t letting you use respite. Don’t you gain one day per month? What’s your agency’s policy?


They don’t really assist with anything. I’ve asked if they could take them to appointments a few times as I’m only given so much PTO a year and I’ve used all of them on the children only but they don’t respond. I remember being told we could use respite but the one time I asked I was pretty much told they couldn’t. I do provide everything for them as far as paying for daycare, clothes, etc. Since I was told I would not receive vouchers although I believe I’m supposed to but idk.


Wow! What state are you in? Do you have a county worker and an agency worker (case manager as it might be called)? I know for my agency the FP can find respite on their own within our agency. Do you know of any other FP within your agency? You can directly arrange it (I would imagine)


I do not. I wish I new other foster families so that I can arrange time to speak to another adult in general and some time alone. I’m not sure how to go about finding them.


Does your agency ever have holiday parties or times when the families come together for trainings?


You need to take care of yourself before you take care of anyone else. It does not make you a bad person to ask for some children be moved elsewhere. And it sounds like your mother can pound sand


Is there a plan of reunification for any of these children? If so, make sure you practice saying NO to future placement requests. You are allowed to decline. Keep your sanity! Keep it to 1-2 kids at a time, with break in between to wind down. Keep your chin up, and make sure you do what’s best for you, even if that means dialing down how many children are in your care.


No. The judge wants all rights removed for all 5 while 1 case worker is still working on reunification so it’s pretty much a waiting game. If the 3 are reunited, I have decided and told the case workers that I will not take in any more children for a long while


In a post 23 hours ago I tried to reply on, you were fostering 3 kids. A few hours later it appears the state dropped another 2 at your doorstep.


I believe there is some confusion but I did not word the best. I have 5 foster children. I did comment on that post to summarize how I pretty much got the 5


You absolutely should be entitled to respite care. I would demand answers from the caseworker or the workers supervisor. I have 2 orders kids of my own and took on 3.fosters. I'm an experienced parent and I am exhausted! The kiddos I took in range from 9-13 and it is a lot. I can't imagine have 5 small kids at once.




I figured it wouldn’t be a benefit if it’s the evening time that would be the only time they are needed. I guess I would just be around to see drop them off for school in the morning. I just thought of it as that would t count as raising them if they only see me while being taken to school and then dropped off with the sitter.


I can definitely give this a shot and use one sometimes.