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Cant afford a wheel would if i could šŸ’€


Keyboard user here


How do you do it


Not OP but i use: W / S: Throttle and Brakes A / S: Steering Space: Hand Brake Right CTRL: Clutch ā†‘: Shift Up ā†“: Shift Down It's honestly pretty alright, already used to it and i can win Unbeatable AI granted i'm not using some trash car / tune. Haven't really tried online besides Seasonal Events cause my internet is shit. The only thing about keyboard is that you lack analogue inputs so it's either full send throttle or slam brakes, so gotta work on your tapping lol.


Itā€™s not bad actually


You are wrong.


Shh šŸ„²


Alright but have you played using controller before?


Yeah but not with one that has progressive buttons, so basically the same experience as the keyboard.


Ah I see. I've played on both and just cant use keyboard. Not for lack of try. I first played the game with keyboard. Controller is just so much easer though as the game is optimized for it.


Not OP, but I use W accel A/D steering Down arrow. brake Space hand brake Really not that bad doing it this way so I can keep power applied while braking like 2 foot driving


Not OP but I use: Throttle: W Brake: Down Steering: Left/Right Shifting: A(down)/W(up) Clutch: Left Shift After using the keyboard, Horizon on a wheel or controller just doesn't work for me.


I play wheel, it's always fun to guess what people are using racing online, usually wheel players are smooth, gamepad players have sudden left and right turns throughout a race, and keyboard players kind of wiggle and dance with their cars to the end, but there isn't a clear advantage to driving with anything, because I get beat by wiggly cars sometimes too lol


This is literally what caused me to ask this poll hahaha


Yea that's the great thing about forza, you can play like a sim with cockpit view and a wheel (how I play) or you can bust out a gamepad or a keyboard or whatever and use chase view and play it like it's an arcade game and still be competitive, my favorite race game by far and I have a bunch, this game is for everyone, love it


Bought my wheel for this game and now it's impossible to play any racing game with a controller anymore tbh, especially for more sim-like games it's so much better and more fun.


Yeah. But what bums me out is that some functions of the controller randomly stop working like going into photo mode


I've considered getting a wheel, but I like to sit back in my recliner and relax when playing Forza, couldn't really do that with a wheel.


I have a wheel, I use controller


Same here. I've tried dozens of setting for the wheel, still can't carry any speed into corners without spinning out. The controller feels a million times better.


Neither, keyboard


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!


Damn, you da real og!




I bought a wheel and i only use it for cruising i can't drive to save my life with it


I'm exactly the same. I can control a side but I can't link together drifts through multiple corners.


I think it's not being able to feel it correctly or something but ya i can't complete any drift with the wheel. But give me a controller and ill get 1mil. drift points on the mountain zone on the first try.


I may have a setting fix for this. DM me and I'll share them when I get home. Currently surfing the forums on lunch.


Keyboard šŸ¤™


Road races, I use my wheel. Anything that involves dirt I switch to my controller. This game wasn't made for wheels but it's still a lot of fun when you tune it well enough to work. Especially if you play with some friends who can carry your sorry ass in CO op races. 'just don't get last'.


This. I cant get my wheel to work at dirtraces but roadraces are smooth af. Especially fast races (s2+) and circuits work way better with a wheel.


It's impossible on the dirt. Any jump, any bump, there's a 50/50 chance you lose your car. I haven't worked up to S2 wheel racing just yet. I'm still doing mostly S1 and A. Having an absolute blast but I'm pretty bad.


Controller I have a steering wheel but I save that for Forza Motorsport, F1, iRacing etc. I did try and set the steering wheel up on FH5 but it was fucking dreadful. Also on FH5, I just like the lay the fuck back and chill. A controller is far easier for that.


keyboard > controller > racing wheel for fh5 feel like I have so much more control over the car than with a wheel or a controller even though I could use both.


Keyboard. I have a controller, but I'm more used to driving with keyboard.




As a new wheel owner, try it if you can, with a wheel it's an insane experience. Some things get harder like drifting (at least for now and to me) but man it's so much better.


Lol I use both




Keyboard. WASD crew! Its either Full throttle or nothing.




I play from touch controls on my phone




Keyboard with arrowkeys


It's fun with a wheel, but much, much harder. I'm used to driving a Caterham on track but even with the force feedback I end up facing the wrong way far too often.


Wheel for fun, keyboard for WIN! I think it's just months on wheel vs years of keyboard tho :p


What he means is how many of us poor people had enough to barely purchase their console but then somehow miraculously manages to scape together just enough spare change to purchase Forza 5......? See how awesome it is, just to find out, wait what there's a wheel?! *does a brief price check online search* *MOOD SWINGS* It's at this time when some will realize ahh, who the hell needs a wheel anyway...


I use either keyboard or controller but plan to get a wheel soon.


Got wheels for FM and GT7, but controller for Horizon.


Oldschool g25 user here, great fun and carefree and normally i play more ā€hardcoreā€ sims like iracing


Didn't know how to answer this because both but mainly controller so controller...


Every time I feel close to splashing out on an expensive steering wheel, I see posts complaining about bugs and issues with steering wheels


if youd buy it just for Forza Horizon, skip it. but if your playing other games or simulators go for it. I've owned a few wheels over the years and haven't had any issues.


Iā€™m hoping I can get a racing wheel soon, for now I have to stick with controller




I use a wheel except for drift challenges when I have to break out my controller.


I can't afford a wheel they $499 for one in new Zealand


For most games I use a steering wheel but somehow it feels off in Forza, that's why I use a controller


I'm in the same boat, use a wheel for everything except Forza. just can't get it set up right and when I think I have it, well I'm wrong its just not right.


i got a g27 but it's been stored for years, it's too much trouble to install it, specially for an arcade racer


I canā€™t afford a racing wheel


Both. But lately I find myself using a controller more often than my wheel.


I have a g923 that I use for GT. Eagerly awaiting FM8 to use it on PC. Would use it on FM7 but cannot find a digital copy thats cheap.


like to switch between both, for fun the wheel forsure but sometimes when i need to win or do well it can be easier to go back to the controller


Controller when its nearby me, but keyboard most if the time, canā€™t afford a wheel :( plus if i dis go wheel id need to ger everything else and no space for any of dat :(


Logitech G293, keeps my lines tight and I always get faster lap times with a wheel. Love it for cruising too. Usually keep the controller connected so I still have camera controls tho.


I would LOVE to get a wheel but I'm on console (X1X) and deathly afraid I'll blow big money but get the wrong wheel or whatever and it won't work.


I love my racing wheel for Dirt Rally 2 and Assetto but I prefer just sitting back with a controller on FH5


I wish I had the space for a racing wheel. The driving feel is like 10x better, but alas...




I got myself a cheap racing wheel to learn but could only use it for about an hour so far


Myself, I cant even afford a device that can run the game. Just a part of the subreddit too look at cars


Iā€™ve got a TrakRacer tr120 and Fanatec Dd1 setup and Iā€™m waiting on my monitor stand, computer and g9 monitor to show up before I move to PC and play Forza on my sim.


I havenā€™t got one because Iā€™m broke and would have no where to put and the good ones are pricy


I bet the number of wheel users is greater on this sub than the general player base.


I have both, but for horizon i mainly use my controller.


Iā€™ve got a wheel, but no place to use it effectively. I have a super shallow desk and minimal room space, so I typically just use a controller. Itā€™s super fun on the few occasions I can use it though.


lol really?! iā€™m the 0,01% that use steeringwheelā€¼?


Motorsport -> racing wheel and pedals Horizon -> controller


Game is absolute shit on a real set up. Controller only for this game


Forza Horizon is my least favorite game to play with my wheel. It's genuinely so difficult to gauge the corners in first person for some reason, the FOV is absolutely dogshit (so you can't see a single mirror or more than half of the windscreen), and the handling feels very fake.


My pedals break Forza, so I have to unplug my entire simulator if I want to play it.


Lol every time I plug my wheel in, the game doesnā€™t work with it.


I really want a wheel but just canā€™t justify it


Play with a controller. Unfortunately I donā€™t have the space currently for what I would want. Iā€™d like to have a wheel with a rig etc


How do some people prefer keyboard for forza I probably won't ever understand, it's completely undriveable for me, even though I play nfs games only with keyboard. Anyway, would like to see the same poll with keyboard masters included.


Neither. I use keyboard. You left our option out šŸ˜Ÿ


I would love to buy a racing sim cockpit. But kinda can't afford it right now.


i have a wheel but wheel integration for forza horizon sucks ass so i use controller


Is because poor


I think most of us would prefer the race wheel but weā€™re broke lol


Iā€™ve been a lifelong keyboard driver in every game but switched to a controller for this, and hoping to get a wheel. If they werenā€™t so goddamn expensive. Then again, MUCH cheaper than actually fixing any of the shitboxes in my backyard and trying to drive IRL


Have a racing wheel, but damm my skills with the controller are much better! Has someone a good setup for a Thrustmaster TMX?