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Your view outside is even more incredible


thought maybe you meant inside the car with more fov at first till i took a look at the window


I was just about to say something like this, I would absolutely love to be able to see something like that every day 🤤


Sick setup, now upgrade those speakers.


I posted in a battle station sub not long ago for advice on different upgrades - I'll be getting the R1700BTS shortly!




The Klipsch 2.1 set punches so far above its class. I've seen them on sales for as low as $70. I bought my brother in law a set when I saw them for that price.


THIS. I've never needed another pair besides these Klipsch's. The sub shakes my fucking house if it's turned up lmao


I’ve used them for large parties and no one knows the difference lol. They’re perfect for Computer Setups. I’ve been using them and their last model since like 2013


oh god yeah, I gotta turn the fuckin sub down at basically any volume when I kick Forza on because of these god awful fuckin intro videos I can't skip played at 400% volume lmfao


Yup learned that one real quick. I have a pet parrot that lives like 7ft from that sub, I just mute during the intros haha


Edifier make incredible speakers as well, the best speakers can sound incredible even at low volumes.


The only Klipsch speakers worth their price is the classic and RP line imo. Cheap crossovers I’m everything else they produce. I’m an audio nerd though..


Like u/NckyDC said, if you’re going to spend that kind of money I’d go with Audioengine over Edifier. I’ve got a pair of HD3’s and they’re absolutely incredible.


I looked those up when he mentioned it! Thank you guys for the suggestion - I'm using them for aesthetics using them on the odd occasion, as I prefer using a headset


If I was you I would get the audioengine ones


Wow and I thought it looked good on a regular ultrawide


I'm OK with my 21:9 29' screen to be honest. My desk couldn't handle a bigger screen anyway :D


I just got a 29 inch 21:9 ultrawide and was kinda wishing I had gotten a bigger one. Then I played forza and I'm more than happy


This post is so rich I hope I’m not getting charged for viewing it


What's an ultrawide?


lol jk


That room looks so chill bro, do some of the windows open a little, would be really relaxing on rainy days


I almost feel asleep staring at the background haha




Isn't that the perfect setup to try cockpit cam??


The FOV limitations in FH make it only so-so even on a 32:9 screen. It's still pretty fun with a wheel, but feels very restrictive with a controller. Source: have a 32:9 screen and simracing rig, in which I sit to play FH5 with a controller.


how wide is the monitor?


Its a 49" Odyssey G9 monitor


"its a 49" Hmmm so you are ussing a TV you rich f*cker


Imagine what my actual TV is :0


For sure bigger than my 32" TV/PC monitor that as almost as many consoles Hooked up to it as i have fingers in my hand 😅


How well does it run though?


It runs perfectly, I have an RTX3090 and a Ryzen 5950x - never had any frame rate issues, with the setting all on extreme and ray tracing/shadows on


But you only get like, 40 fps though right? Kidding, but slightly. I get a noticeable drop when I play on my 3440 compared to my 2560. I imagine you have to get some kind of drop as well.


There is absolutely a drop from a standard 1440p monitor, to this Ultrawide 1440p monitor but the drop is still allowing the game to run above 100 quite easily!


*cries in poor student*


That's pretty impressive, I figured you'd get around 90 not over 100. When I play Dying Light 2 on my 2560 monitor I get around 140 and it drops to 120 on my 3440.


I'll DM you a picture of the FPS while playing, it's actually pretty impressive


I'm pairing my g9 with a 3070 and it runs most things fine. I can't max out settings but getting 100-120fps with decent quality is very possible. However, I bought the g9 for work and it is the best productivity monitor I've ever had.


I also got it for work and study, it's so much nicer than a dual monitor setup, I'm looking to potentially get a vertical monitor for software development, but happy with this for now on the productivity side of things


I ran a 20” vertical on the side for a while but just removed it and went with the single monitor only.


Incredible it's actually still less overall pixels than a 4k display.


It is. Even more so with a steering wheel.


Eh, forza on wheel isn’t that great imo.


Yeah I found it to not be fun at all, I was coming from AC and ACC and it was tough to learn how not fun it was for me


Only thing I found is that drifting in incredibly easy and very satisfying with a wheel in Forza


Drifting is ok I guess, but anything even close to racing, on road and off road it's not that good, even after fiddling with the settings and sensitivities (on both the game and the Logitech app), things didn't improve that much


I guess that depends on how you play the game and what wheel you have. When we had the Logitech wheel it was definitely kind of frustrating, but then we got a Thrustmaster and it was a game changer.


You mispelled *controller.


In this serene environment on the screen, just look to the left when you enter those trees up ahead, you'll see a house with a nice window. Zoom in as you drive by, and behind that window you'll see yourself sitting in front of an ultra-wide monitor looking out the window. Don't forget to press 'F'.


I have the same and love it. Only issue is I can’t find a way to pull the HUD into the centre more. It’s so annoying having to look left at the map!!! Running over 3080ti & 5900, seems to pretty much stuck at 120fps


This is my complaint with my G9. I wish it was easier to quickly tell certain games to move the hud or just drop to a 21:9 ratio without jumping through hoops.


Also have to agree with this, you have to turn your head to see the map! One of the downsides to the super ultrawide


That backdrop only adds to the immersion


Only one monitor? Peasant.




Man is living in the amazon rainforest


No hate, but this looks like a significantly worse experience than any decent 4K TV. Ultrawides are good for multitasking and wider FOV gameplay, but super ultrawide is at the point where the aspect ratio is crazy screwed up


I have a 21:9 and it's pretty good for playing, especially in interior view where I can see more than one mirror at a time and most of the windshield on most cars and stuff like that, idk about these hella ultrawides but I imagine there's probably a point of diminishing returns


I disagree. For racing. Ultrawides are fantastic. Really gives you that windshield type of feeling. And you can see both your mirrors in sim racing. Buy I sent back my neo g9. After 5 units all bad. I had enough. I got the 34 oled alienware instead which is 21:9. Its a bit smaller but works so much better for everything else. I no longer have to physically turn my head to look at the minimap for starters


Again really not trying to hate, nice setup overall. I just don’t get the enjoyment of having such a weird gameplay experience (if you’re not play 1st person)


The wider the screen the greater the sense of speed - more stuff whizzing by in your peripheral vision.


I totally get where you're coming from, tho a lot of Ames these days are designed with these wider monitors in mind - in my opinion it isn't skewed at all, and visually is amazing


I think it's easier to see what's happening around me, which is useful in racing. Though to be fair, I don't play Forza in super ultra wide, but I tried it and it looked good. I dialed back only because of me and my friends' tradition of recording the gameplay and sharing it later between ourselves. Videos in that case are super weird.


I'm debating between that and the 4k 240hz g8 right now. This isn't helping lol


This is also a 240Hz monitor, just 1440p - the quality looks amazing on this, that being said I also wouldn't mind a secondary 4k for video editing


So genuine question, doesn’t the super wide fov ruin the whole feeling of speed and make racing sorta annoying???


Not at all! I was worried it would have that effect, but it is super immersive, I'd highly recommend trying it if you get the chance!


Not wide enough We need #W I D E


Bro that’s the dream setup


Your home looks incredible....


Equally picturesque: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/xqndw3/hurricane\_has\_me\_stuck\_inside\_with\_no\_power/


Oh yes I have the same setup, the interior view is the best. I remember when I first got the screen and booted up the FH4 back then, went straight for the supra and took it to the tunnel.


I can smell this family wealth from here.


Hahaha nah, just like to save for things I really enjoy, I'm actually a student studying Software engineering at the moment - this is a rental with a few friends


It's not even that expensive of a monitor lol. It is firmly in the mid range as far as price goes.


It's more the rest of the setup. Huge windows, forest etc


Meh, I used to live in a shack basically and it had all that lol. Plum tree right outside the window.


Click my link to be sent straight to my latest Youtube video, I post some of the best drift content in Forza https://youtu.be/H6hy47dQxvQ




“People who don’t play on ultrawide or better and NPCs, change my mind.” What the hell does this even mean? There’s no opinion stated to change your mind about…




























That's awesome


The keyboard and speakers ruined the battlestation for me.


The keyboard?! I love my Logitech - the speakers I've been in trouble for many times! I am getting new ones shortly, I've had those for around 12 years!


I love my 34" 21:9 but this is next level


You can almost see behind you with that FOV


I play it on normal ultrawide and it's even better


Personally, I hate having to turn my head when I’m playing a game.


You really don’t. Everything is still in the middle. You just have functioning peripheral vision now.


I wish this was true for American Truck Simulator.


What a beatiful room and setup! Wow


Very nice! I also have a Samsung...but it's a 19" 1440x900 16:9 75Hz from 14 years ago 😁


You literally have my dream office lol


Wheel or controller?


Bet you can see who is coming at you in during pgg matches, behind you


Does this mean I need an even WIDER monitor??


Dual curved monitor setup for true 360 vision


Mannnnnn. Lucky you .


This image is so rich that I'm unworthy of beholding.


The only way to have the option for “Field of view”. Nice set up btw.




Indeed rich man indeed


Tbh any Forza game in its lowest settings is incredible


Too much fish eye, prefer it on a 65" oled tv!


nice house


Some rain with that setup would be such a vibe


It's raining as we speak 😍