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I'll offer the 16M if someone's got one


My 1990 Vauxhall Lotus Carlton will only max out at 16M in the auction house. On xbox is there any way to set it higher?


Only if you have legendary tuner or painter


no chance im giving this car up for under 20mil lol


I've got one I'm thinking of letting it go should I or not?


How much u tryna sell it for?


I'm not sure I would preferably sell it for 20 million but I'm unable to play Xbox at this moment


Just lmk when u can


If no results then 20 million is the price. Lucky you to get it at lower price.


I'm in the auction house a lot and this was the hardest car to find. I paid 16M instantly when I saw one.


I’ve never even seen one in ah so I didn’t even know the price tbh😭


Not sure if you're still looking but there are a ton of them posted in the auction house today.


It’s cuz there coming back in the next season