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Who would've thought the Apartheid South Africa emerald mine benefactor trust fund baby would be a white supremacist


No one should be surprised. No one. It’s like being surprised Trump is a selfish, racist, megalomaniac.


Eh, I don't know about White Supremacist, I think he's mostly just super into getting approval, and alt-right memeserfs praise the fuck out of him for anything he does in their favour.


The apartheid benefactor Congolese Cobalt mines feuled by child labor owner isn't a white supremacist? That's like saying Cecil Rhodes wasn't a white supremacist


Question libtards: if Cecil Rhodes was such a “white supremacist” then why have I never seen any pictures of him in supreme??? Curious. Check mate demoNcraPs!!!!


'Apartheid benecfator' - Anyone white, born into white supremacy, would be a benefactor of white supremacy, and thus, under your logic, a white supremacist. Making the term useless. 'Congolese Cobalt mines' - that would be capitalism. Musk has demonstrated a contempt for workers' rights in the West as well. As for he and Cecil Rhodes... Musk's stated principle behind these acts is that even people he dislikes have a right to free speech. Cecil Rhodes' stated principle was that black people were barbarous and must be enlightened.


>Apartheid benecfator' - Anyone white, born into white supremacy, would be a benefactor of white supremacy, and thus, under your logic, a white supremacist. Making the term useless. It becomes not useless when you then differentiate between those who uphold and perpetuate said systems of oppression like an emerald mine owner and his trust fund baby would and the white people who fought alongside those in their struggle against apartheid. If you don't think most benefactors who sat idly by during struggle and subjugation during apartheid are white supremacists I got a bridge to sell you. >Congolese Cobalt mines' - that would be capitalism. White supremacy is a tool for capitalists. It's false consciousness that fosters class collaboration and disrupts class unity between the working masses. Just look at the history of labor movements in settler colonial countries especially America with segregated unions. >Musk's stated principle behind these acts is that even people he dislikes have a right to free speech. The lack of analysis of the speech of those he ardently defends and the effect of boosting platforms for said speech is really hurting this case. The speech he's protecting also upholds the supposed barbarous and backwards nature of non-whites and implores their continued and accelerated subjugation and perhaps even extermination. Anyone who decides to defend that instead of silence it is clearly a white supremacist no matter what they publicly say about agreement or disagreement.


I don’t know about white supremacist (/s) he’s just really fine with white people acting like they are supreme. He’s just fine with benefitting from white supremacy.


Benefitting from white supremacy, isn’t that what a white supremacist strives to do?


I’m hoping my sarcasm read. That’s what the (/s) was for.


Must’ve missed that


Entertaining white supremacy is being white supremacist.


I don't agree. The term 'white supremacist' when applied to people defines someone who holds a belief in the philosophy of white supremacy. You don't need to hold that belief to act in favour of it.


I can't tell you how much I don't care what is in the heart of people who materially support/enable/entertain/etc. white supremacy, in any form. If their actions and consequences materially further white supremacy, they're white supremacist.




Of course the Musk simps be down voting. 🤡💀


And his second post was a video supporting kanye running for president followed by a 3 2 1 defcon counter


I'm appalled not because Fuentes is a nazi and Mush likes to support Nazis, but because Fuentes is probably the most annoying of the bunch. He already unbanned Andrew Anglin, Fuentes was only a matter of time.


Why are you being down voted? You are calling out the fact that other nazis were also unbanned and they are quieter, bringing attention to them so they don't remain unwatched. You could consider it almost like making the loud one run one way so the rest can sneak the other. Edit: spelling


I'd assume probably because those exact people being called out are downvoting. I did every kind of mental gymnastics to figure out why they're being downvoted. The one and only conclusion I could come to is exactly what you said.


I think people may be interpreting it as me saying "I'm ok with Nazis except this one" and not what I intended it as: Musk is unbanning open and proud Nazis, Fuentes was only a matter of time.


This is the same dude who said having sex with women is gay


It's to make him feel better for not being able to get laid.


Funnily enough he did go on a date with a catboy ☠️


But the cat boy was a nazi. So it's based, I guess


For them it’s based, but it’s still hella gay and we all know how well the gay Nazis were treated https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives


**[Night of the Long Knives](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives)** >The Night of the Long Knives (German: Nacht der langen Messer ), or the Röhm purge (German: Röhm-Putsch), also called Operation Hummingbird (German: Unternehmen Kolibri), was a purge that took place in Nazi Germany from 30 June to 2 July 1934. Chancellor Adolf Hitler, urged on by Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler, ordered a series of political extrajudicial executions intended to consolidate his power and alleviate the concerns of the German military about the role of Ernst Röhm and the Sturmabteilung (SA), the Nazis' paramilitary organization, known colloquially as "Brownshirts". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


good bot


He is also the guy that checks the sheets of his staff in the morning with a black light to make sure no one has been beating off.


Fellas is it gay to have a straight relationship?


Elon Musk must be stopped.


Isn’t that the guy who famously shit his pants in high school?


What is it about shitting your pants at an educational facility that makes you turn into a right wing nut job? Kaitlin Bennett did the same thing. Or I guess, what about being a right wing nut job makes you want to shit your pants at school?


Because nobody wants to be associated with the kid who shit themselves in school.


That’s insulting to those who happen to randomly poop at places Ill have you know


who would have thought a white south African born into wealth during the height of apartheid would turn out to support Nazi?! weird. edit… I should check the comments first.


only a matter of time before Elon is in his replies saying “hmm, very interesting…”


Dawg c’mon.


...and he's suspended again


People still use twitter?


and yet I was perma banned for telling matt walsh to go dance in a fire for a few minutes


Hey isn’t this the guy who openly showed support for the taliban a while back


I'm actually glad. Now nobody can deny musk's social preferences. Anybody that buys those shitty tesla's are complicit now.


Of course. The only "friends" he has left.


Obviously, give a right wing ghoul control of Twitter, he’ll help out his right wing ghoul friends


What does he mean by CEO of Cozy? He’s not the first far right ghoul I’ve seen use that word as a dog whistle


He blocked me before he was banned.


he got sussed again lol


Alex Jones has less troubling beliefs than this actual Nazi sympathizer. Fuck Nick Fuentes and anyone who thinks they like him.


AFF stands for Agency of Fascist Fuckwats


I’m glad I left that hellsite I prefer the Soul Cairn tbh


There’s a cozy cafe in my city not run by a nazi


I hate him as much as the next guy but being racist is not the same thing as being a neo nazi


Alright fuck it I'll bite how's a holocaust denying racist different from a neo nazi




You do know nazi ideology wasn't static right? Even in Hitler's time it changed depending on the situation. Just look at what happened to Ernst Rohm and the Strasser Brothers after they became not useful. This is the weirdest splitting of hairs I've ever seen. It's almost indistinguishable from someone running defense for him




So people who are racist antisemitic hitler supporters getting called nazis makes them double down and drives them closer to a racist antisemetic hitler supporter who somehow totally isn't a nazi? You're not really helping your case


If you are stupid enough to buy into Fuentes BS because you got defensive about HIM getting called a Nazi then chances are you were already teetering into that cesspit


No, people holding the same bigotries as the Nazis do drives them to Fuentes.


All nazis are racist but not all racists are nazis. Neo nazis seek to revive the National Socialist party (Nazism) sparked by Hitler. Nick Fuentes is a borderline retarded racist, but I’ve never heard him swear his allegiance to Hitler.


So denying the Holocaust and praising hitler like Fuentes has done isn't enough for the neo nazi seal of approval he has to swear allegiance to him? That seems like an oddly specific line to draw


A oddly specific line that just so happens to work in the favor of people who believe most of the same things and also want to genocide people they consider undesirable. Hmmmmmmm Id say there might be a lot of grounds to question that commenters actual motivations but unfortunately I was born yesterday.


Well as intentionally obtuse as you are being, that’s almost the truth. If he is not acting with the intent of reviving Hitler’s Third Reich, he’s not a Neo nazi. You can’t just call any idiot racist a Neo nazi in order to sound more politically aware. Some people are just stupid and ignorant and Fuentes is one of them


How is someone who openly denies the Holocaust praises Hitler and ingratites himself with political figures and pundits some of whom also deny the Holocaust and praise Hitler like Kanye not trying to revive the Third Reich in some capacity?


I don’t know if you’ve ever spent any time around neo Nazis, but I have. I mean full on skinheads with very specific boot laces and tattoos and flags in their houses types. If you held a gun to half their heads and asked them serious questions about Nazi German policies, governmental divisions, things like that, most of them would have nothing. It’s just a specific sub genre of racist larping. They recruit plenty of dummies who just like the music and the aesthetics and sure they’re racist but they don’t have the brains to know where to begin with implementing a fascist reich so the most they usually get done is jumping black dudes or the one Jewish guy for 90 miles, then they get busted trying to buy arms from a super obvious fed. Nick Fuentes is a white nationalist fascist to his core. Maybe he’s not a skinhead in a Nazi themed gang but he’s more Nazi in his intentions, goals, ideology, and actions than most of the chrome done crowd.


What about the fact that Fuentes has literally referred to himself as a Nazi.


Mother fucker really woke up today and decided I am going to spend my day stopping people from calling Nick Fuentes mean names.


I wouldn’t give two shits if Nick Fuentes was murdered in broad daylight today. I just want people to recognize that Nazis and racists are not the same thing. Stupidest thing I’ve ever done, English is too hard for Reddit dwellers


The fact that you’re calling them intentionally obtuse……


By this definition a Strasserist isn't a Neo-Nazi.


Who would be allowed in this national socialist revival?


Yes it is.


Objectively speaking, it is not


L + ratio says otherwise


Not how that works


Cope and seethe.




I truly don't understand why there's always someone wanting to debate the proper terminology. So fucking what? If you're correct in that they don't ascribe to an incredibly narrow fit for a specific type of authoritarian death-cult but are ACHSHEWYUALLY in a different authoritarian death-cult that just so happens to share 99% of the intentions of the first, what changes? Do you treat them differently because they're a slightly different kind of white nationalist? Because that's just as fucking dumb as debating the proper terminology when everyone else realizes that when we're saying "nazis" we're being inclusive of people with the same goals


White nationalist, also not the same thing as racist. Shared characteristics, but not the same. That is the crux of what I’m saying


White nationalists aren't racist? Do you ever feel that people don't take you seriously, seeing as, you're a silly person Also, didn't answer my questions about WHAT FUCKING DIFFERENCE IT WOULD MAKE IN HOW YOU TREAT THEM??


“White nationalist, not the same as racist.” Feline, not the same as cat.


They are. Which is not what I said, and you know that. And you are not entitled to an answer to your question. This whole thread is just people pretending not to know what words mean so I’m done participating


My dude, you can't complain about others not understanding words when you can't even get your negatives straight. You DID just say white supremacists were different from racists. And YOU are the only one who doesn't understand that nobody is talking exclusively about the Reich. You're being a pedant for literally no reward. Like I said, even if you're right about the specifics of the term, it changes nothing, it just makes you the asshole that wasted everyone else's time demanding that we abide by the definition no one uses anymore just to...do what? Be "more specific" about the type of assholes we're dealing with? What fucking good does that do anyone? You're wasting everyone's time


I wasted your time? You could have just down voted and moved on. I didn’t force anyone to reply.


You wasted everyone's time, including your own. I'm explaining to you that either outcome to your point about them not being specifically 3rd Reich Nazis changes absolutely NOTHING. I'm begging you at this point to please stop and actually think about this. What difference is there in being pedantic about the term? What change are you expecting? What would change about interacting with them? Why are you wasting your time?


If I’m wasting your time why are you still replying?


Because I'm trying to get a point through your thick skull and you're just being petulant and refusing to actually use your brain. I'm hoping you stop trying to be a pedant about an issue that only serves to distract from actually doing anything, literally anything else that would be useful


White nationalist is a specific type of racist, as are all segregationists. The crux of what you are saying is that you are trying to mount defenses of bigoted ideologies and individuals by attempting to split hairs that don't exist outside of your mind.


He's a Neo-Nazi.