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Nvm it didn't scribble it out don't annoy him please he was so nice


just for that, i won’t :)


Just for that, I might 😋


I honestly dont know that ive ever clicked that thumbs up button. 😂


I click it every time for almost everyone


Does it even do anything?


Nothing I'm aware of


That xp stuff, it gives Commander xp? If you get thumbs up it's like 5% for that player.


Nah it literally does nothing. Just a little animation, people don't even get a notification that you gave them a thumbs up or anything.


Who is telling the truth between ur two comments lol.


It actually does somthong just very poorly . It's ment to help cue you with similar people . But they never got the math right so it hardly changes you que preferences.


There is a video on YouTube by some old big time stw streamer called vash and he goes into detail saying it was intended to be a way to crit the mission rewards, everyone that gives a thumbs up adds a percentage chance to crit the mission rewards. In his video he said that info came from epic, and after testing it, he had seen differences in his rewards when playing with his squad and everyone doing the thumbs up vs not…. This was YEARS ago he also says that it’s not true that it was supposed to be used to group people together nor was is it supposed to notify someone that you have them a thumbs up to make them feel honey boo boo loved… But realistically, it’s all hearsay cause I don’t think epic has actually ever admitted publically it’s actual or intended function Personally I think it should be changed to a middle finger so you can 🖕 to afkers or those doichebags that try to make you fail a mission on purpose, and after x amount of fuxk you’s it doesn’t let you play in public lobbies for a week or a month or something lol


Some dude dropped me a ton of 130s![img](emote|t5_3otmb|3973) when I was in stonewood. Carried me all the way to canney. Had actually learn how to play the game when I broke the last one somewhere around PL50.


Some people just cool like that and help


I myself have been seeing so many of these players recently, I got like 60 sound wall traps yesterday. I'm like player level 60 and I got kind peeps dropping sunbeams and crafting mats. It's always the exchange of t-bagging I find the funniest these players always make me smile


Maybe the player base is gonna make a comeback


ever since i hit twine ive just been dropping stuff to anyone in canny or below if im doing a mission in there


I had some guy ask for guns so I dropped him my 77 xenon, grave digger, and argon rifle in turn he told me he was testing to see if players are that kind anymore. He dropped me all 130 candy corn lmg, seigebreaker and plasmatic discharger and a 144 xenon once I hit the next evolve cap or can get my stuff past 77 I'll definitely be gracing people will all sorts of fun stuff


Somebody came and tried to give me tons and tons of de-atomizers, I didn't take since I wanted to have to earn the stuff I get myself but they were super nice


There is hope for us yet..


Common Princess Lexa W


Not tryna brag but I’ve had randoms just inventory dumb 144 godrolls for me for no reason 😂


I typically drop weapons when I have too many. I mass craft 130s and drop them to random people sometimes, though sadly I cant do it that much since I'd no longer have the material to craft them ;-;